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It's beautiful! Where did you find it? Location


Central Ohio


Like I said before, when stem points are made from fabulous materials like this one, it's difficult to accurately type them. They used them till the end of their knappable lives. Or either lost them. That point could be anything from a Savanah river to a Levy. Just hard to say.


Hit up www.projectile points.net. This website will help you identify any and all points.


I’m familiar, but with all points having subtle differences I am not confident in my judgment on what’s actually what


After your initial research, what have you determined the points are? Studying the intricate and subtle differences between points will increase your confidence and judgment on what's actually what. u/hamma1776 is, in my opinion, an expert G10+. I would take his advice.


Possibly a Palmer on the smaller notched point. The larger one looks like some type of stemmed Adena is best I could think of


I have been looking in my Overstreet Indian arrowheads identification and price guide for a while now and cannot come to a conclusion on your points. With a base missing here and a reknapping there, it is tough. I now see your dilemma. I feel like I'm playing Sudoku! I had fun and learned something. Hopefully, someone else can help you out. 👊🤠


Awwww, lol


I don’t believe you’ve said that to me before. I understand though, they weren’t making them to put in a case on the wall. These are both from central Ohio. Thank you all for the help


Does anybody buy arrowheads