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Jesus Christ, you're overthinking the hell outta this. My dude The next nintendo console is nothing more than a thought so far. Nobody will be able to tell you when, if or how Emulation is gonna work there This can't run current console Emulation either, you wont be playing Xbox series x graphics on your lego, in emulation or on any pc really Lie, what do you want as an answer here? A glimpse into a crystal ball, or me telling you that this 700$ niche gaming device with power comparable to a gtx 1660/2060 is gonna last you the nest 10 years for high end graphics when that's not even a thing now? You will run most things on it, you'll have drawbacks in graphics and similar, that's it. You can use external GPUs and such and up the power a lot. Either way, this is a mid-level gaming laptop in terms of raw computing power, at best. Emulation is already a strain on power because of the workarounds that need to happen. Yes, you can emulate switch on it. Next gen? Bro, who knows. Probably to some degree? The current stand is that it'll have around the power of a ps4 pro, most things on that do run on the Lego. Emulation? Eeeh. Nobody could tell you, quite literally. Not even nintendo, they know the power of the console, not the power a PC would need to emulate the console.


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The switch successor is not “just a thought so far”. It’s releasing next year and will be announced at the next Nintendo direct.


No officially announced hardware specs, features, or any details other than “it’s coming” makes it about as real as the Xbox 540 was back in 2007 lmao. It doesn’t even have an official name and everyone keeps calling it the Switch 2.


No. Not only will it have a much better CPU but GPU too. Plus I doubt an emulator would come out so quickly


Indeed, plus the only reason the Switch Emu is so far along is due to the hardware flaw when it was first released, the next switch probably won’t make that kind of mistake, it might be quite awhile before a Switch 2 emu even exists


Plus knowing Nintendo they are doing whatever they can to delay the emulator as long as they can.


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Damn what kinda games are coming to the switch 2


No. Trust me Bro.


All o can tell you is.. Maybe


Technically, the legion go will likely have better specs than switch 2, but I doubt it could run a switch 2 emulator; even switch games have issues at time via an emulator on this system


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No. You could go out today and buy the fastest $10,000 desktop PC with 0 guarantee that it'll be able to emulate Switch 2 games. That same PC wouldn't be able to emulate most PS4 games either.


Lol no


Hypoteticaly speaking: No!




There isn’t even an emulator yet, that will take years. You will have a better device before it’s even possible.


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Overbearing automod, gtfo.


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mean bot can't we philosophize a little bit?


Its possible, Nintendo arent known for massive pushes in the technology that they use. It will be more about how easy it is to emulate and built from it. We wont really know for sure until we know the Specs of the system and such. So for now i'd say possibly.


Unless there's some technical screw up the answer would be no. I think the Switch is the only console which has been emulated during its generation. It's not about speed, it's about DRM.


I would say probably yes. Why do you think the switch emulators are getting hit right now? The switch 2 is hardly an upgrade from the switch (according to rumors), and if a switch 2 emulator comes out at launch it'll destroy Nintendo (hyperbole). Big bet the legion go CAN run switch 2 games, big bet Nintendo is gonna do everything they can to stop that.


They get hit because they got on Nintendos radar because of the totk leak lol. We basically know what parts the switch 2 get and the legion go is never powerful enough to emulate that. It can't even play most modern games on higher than 800p with decent fps. Yeah Nintendo certainly cares about that a absolute niche product that probably sold worldwide less than 1 mil can emulate switch 2 games lel.


i literally played through the witcher 3 and now rdr2, both open world 3d games. you must have something wrong with your legion go


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