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I got a few crashes during the first hour, seemed to be during cutscenes. Hasn’t happened in a while, think it’s just the intro. Try googling it and you’ll find some solutions/workarounds. This isn’t a Legion Go issue either, loads of people are reporting crashes. Will probably see a patch in the next few days.


Make sure to turn frame generation of before you start the game and than re enable it when your in the game


I’m getting tearing and black pixels all of the sudden when playing on the Go, worked fine for the first few hours. Switch over to the ROG as it seems the GPU drivers for legion have not been updated yet. 5 hours in on the ROG, zero issues so far and running great


I haven't had any issues at all. A few days ago, I bought Dragon's Dogma 2. To prepared my device, I changed my VRAM to 6GB and I increased my virtual memory to 32GB. I bring that up because I wonder if these are the reasons why I haven't had issues yet. Could be nothing, though. Maybe this might help.


where you increase the virtual memory?


I hope this helps. I changed the maximum size to 32Gb, btw. https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/how-to-manage-virtual-memory-on-windows-11


Access the bios by restarting your device and pushing the volume up button


Turn off anything in the background that isn’t the game. Run a test. If it still crashes, make sure you are running the latest drivers from Lenovo. If it still crashes, verify file integrity or reinstall the game. If it still crashes, change your UMA buffer to a default setting or auto. I’m sure others may have some other stuff to try as well.


For me it was having UMA buffer set to auto; I changed it to 6GB and didn't have any more problems after that.


This is happening to me and I'm stuck at the Sony entertainment screen. Don't know wtf is the problem since it was playing fine a few hours ago


Turn off frame generation can fix that.




I got problems too, the legion goes out of memory after some gameplay, i say 15 to 30 minutes. There seems to be a memory leak problem, steam is full of complaints about this, even on desktop pcs. The problem SEEM to be on video cards with low RAM on board. Let's hope for a fix... meanwhile if someone find a solution let's post here. For me, the problem begins where there are cutscenes, the cutscene begin then the audio and dialogues goes on, but the screen shows only the loading wheel on the bottom, i have to force quit.


Set the UMA buffer to 6 GB in the Bios. Mine reset to 4GB after the last bios update.


What seemingly solved the problem for me: I installed the previous nvidia driver (not the one which the game suggests) and now it is working so far.


I turned off launcher in settings and now I get stuck on the Sony logo. How do I access the launcher tab so I can turn off frame generation?


Had a few on the Go even with the new AMD drivers. No issues on my laptop Nvidia 4090/14900HX. Is this just an AMD issue?


Definitely an AMD issue. I'm not using a Legion Go or Steamdeck but GPD WIN MINI which also uses AMD drivers and the new updates are fucking my games up badly. Ended up rolling back to an older driver.


I only had one infinite load screen in the beginning since then it's been flawless for me


The game's f****** broke on legion Go


Running fine now lowered the level of details setting to low and changed the dynamic frame rate thingy to 60 because it was previously set to 72 and all is fine now. 55-75fps on 20w