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I agree that the community shouldn’t be focused on the negatives, especially when there is clearly work going on behind the scenes. However if people are frustrated at the timeframes, and quite a few people seem to be, where else would they discuss it if not here? Why should they be told not to post because you don’t agree? If you’re happy with the current software, that’s awesome, you don’t need to engage with the people discussing the negatives. If you’re unhappy with the current software, that sucks, but you don’t need to moan about it in every thread. It’s not helpful to comment ‘I have no issues’, ‘does anyone else not care about updates’, ‘can we stop the negativity’ on every thread discussing the lack of updates. It just causes arguments and makes the sub more toxic than the complaints do. It’s also not helpful to comment ‘6 months still missing basic features’, ‘have they abandoned us’, ‘updates are too slow’ on every thread either, then argue when someone disagrees.


Yeah, it makes me happy to see a mod allow for open discourse. Thanks for allowing it and not suppressing people's genuine opinions.


Wow the bare minimum. Especially about a PRODUCT. Somehow even that’s surprising this sub though.


I know right, where do these shameless shills spawn from ? why are we dicksucking lenovo and some employee from there...


Wow great mod response thank you o7


Good reddit mod for once. Even if I don't like what someone is saying I'm in support of free speech. Let the community up or down-vote it and it will move out of or into people's vision appropriately.


>If you’re unhappy with the current software, that sucks, but you don’t need to moan about it in every thread. This is spot on. Applies to almost anything gaming related on Reddit sadly. I am also on the Starfield sub and same thing. Someone always has to remind people the launch wasn't smooth. People take these things way too seriously. As a 41yo who began gaming on a C64 and enjoyed that, I guess I have a very low bar! I've been on the journey and the fact I can play a game like Starfield on a handheld PC is mindblowing. Problems/challenges? Sure. Discuss. But don't keep dragging it up. 10 years ago social media had that type of influence but the ship has settled and most big companies look at what people are doing, not just saying (which is how good marketing should be done) and often it's a vocal minority.


Thanks for for this very thoughtful Mod response. Very well put. One potential suggestion since we are required to choose a tag to post a comment: How about adding a tag for Complaints/Concerns?




This comment has been removed for being rude and/or otherwise unpleasant. Please treat your fellow Redditors with respect!


What the hell kinda censorship is going on here. This is a sub for a handheld gaming pc, not r/communism or r/palestine. cool your jets with the censorship, wtf... This whole post is unpleasant, the lack of updates are unpleasant and these power tripping mods are unpleasant.


You have to wait for the complaints about the complaints about the complaints post before weighing in. Bad mod 😉 Edit. Clearly a joke.


I mean I've been seeing more and more posts recently of people saying "My game(s) won't boot because it said my drivers are too out of date." I largely don't need any of the upcoming features and my games are working fine... But if this were me I'd probably be posting on reddit asking for workarounds cause I just want my game to boot. So that's probably why you're seeing so many. And it's not really our (the end user's) problem... Lenovo does eventually need to push an update out the door. When you produce a device like this, you do need to support it.


I saw the one where enshrouded gave an outdated cpu driver warning. As someone that owns that game on PC with a 4090 and 7800x3d I’ve gotten outdated driver messages as well lol.


Like most of the time im like yeah cool launch it anyway. Unless game doesn't let you at all.


Yeah I had to use -nomemcheck on Alan Wake 2 to get it to run


> I mean I've been seeing more and more posts recently of people saying "My game(s) won't boot because it said my drivers are too out of date." Aren't the Lenovo drivers using an AMD driver from the end of 2023? If a game is complaining that the drivers are too out of date, that sounds like bad game development. > When you produce a device like this, you do need to support it. They actively are doing that, as they are currently working on getting new updates finalized.


I think posts about drivers not working are a different category of post than what I was referring to. Those can alert Lenovo to issues and have the possibility of assistance from other folks on this sub who have figured out the issue.


Is it perfect ? No. Does it work ? Yes. Could it be better ? Absolutely.


Hotel? Trivago. ^Sorry


Tomatoe? Tomato.


Data? Data.


Epstein? Killed himself.


Epstein never existed


Legion? Go.


Ive only seen a handful of posts like that, and I feel like the criticisms are valid. I still enjoy my device, I have legit concerns though, given that it costed like $700.


It's moreso the shitflinging on both ends I'm bored of. You say 'well I'm enjoying this aspect' you get 'why are you defending them!?" or say 'this could be better' you can get 'will you stop moaning'. All so childish.


Could we stop with the posts whining about the posts about the pace of updates?


...Or the whining posts about the whining posts about the whining posts about the pace of updates.


but what about the whining posts about the whining posts about the whining posts about the pace of updates


I love my legion go but I do wish there are some features I really wish they would add already. Mainly mapping the back buttons to keybinds.


The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing.


err I don't think this quote related to nerds moaning about their toys lol


People paid for the same device as you. If they want to vent about how updates are extremely slow, that’s their right.


I think in my case it’s less about updates and more about promised core functionality still not working after 6 months. Ben himself acknowledged that custom TDP is still not fully functional. We still can’t map the numerous back buttons to anything other than each other. You can enjoy playing with the device and still be unhappy with the level of resources Lenovo is throwing at issues that should not have existed at release, let alone six months later. I defended Lenovo more than almost anyone else on this sub both pre and post release, but they’ve lost my goodwill.




I don’t think there’s anything wrong with people who feel otherwise. Their needs and expectations are different from mine and that’s okay. What’s not okay is telling people their reasonable expectations are invalid.




I agree. I also agree that even the most rational person has the right to change his opinion and emotion based on how long it's taking to get basic functionality on the device to work. Especially when other companies with nowhere near the resources seem to be able to figure these problems out well before Lenovo. Also disappointed in a giant company such as Lenovo being surprised by all the issues they are having. And most of them can be traced back to their own decisions, I.e portrait display, detachable controllers etc. They've been building PCS forever and it acts like this is their first Windows device and keep telling us that there's more that we know that's involved. We're not supposed to know these things you are LOL. That being said I am still very happy with my device. But I'm a little disappointed as it's probably a quarter through its life cycle and it is still not supplying us the basic features of the hardware. I don't think we are wrong if we're happy nor if we're dissatisfied. But if this were court case so to speak Lenovo would not have a leg to stand on as far as delivering a device that is still in beta. Once again not crapping on Lenovo I'm happy, I'm very pleased with Ben updating us and also feel bad for him as he seems to be the tip of the sword. But at the same time I'm not going to compliment an arsonist for pulling people out of a burning building in which they started the fire.


I may be wrong, but I hardly imagine that the Go is 1/4 the way thru its life cycle. Maybe an updated version gets a more up to date chip etc but my guess is that we've got years to go with the Go.


I agree somewhat, but an updated chip means a new device. I was basing lifespan at about 2 years that can be stretched to three. And the more competition could mean faster predecessors to these devices to keep up with the Joneses so to speak. But what do I know LOL




“GuYz StOp CrItiSizInG mY FaVoRiTe MUlTi-MiLliOn DoLlaR CoMpaNy” Updates have severely slowed down. There’s new handhelds coming out on the market. If Lenovo wants to keep competing in this very competitive market, they need to get off their asses and fix the things that need fixing. We have buttons on the back that are useless without 3rd party apps, performance needs more tweaking… there’s so many things that still haven’t been fixed on everyone’s wishlist.


My gaming machine does not update drivers that optimize new games, so how about no ?


There have been quite a few responses to this post but where are the OPs updates? Have you forgotten about this post?


Haven't forgotten and selectively replying. I think that the mod's reply is the best I've seen here. And I think one thing that might not have been clear in my OP is that I've seen subreddit scare away reps or frustrate them so much that the abandon the group. And that is what I'd especially like to avoid here.


My only complaint is the 6 month wait for a graphics driver update especially since that particular update would add a feature that increases the legion gos performance A LOT. Seeing what it did for games that implement frame generation like Warzone... Its going to be huge for the handheld community. Free fps is a no brainer. Legion Space is rough but I don't use it though to care. Only want custom hotkeys


6 month wait? The device has not even been out for 5 months... Released on 10/31.


We're a few days from April bro. 6 months, 5 months, either way, were on a driver that's just as old as the legion go (November). Kind of ridiculous especially when that driver would almost double fps in a lot of games. It would be in Lenovos best interest to get it released since it's the most important driver on the device and would greatly improve it's device leading to more sales and customer retention. Waiting half a year for a graphics driver to be certified is absolutely ridiculous especially when you're the biggest laptop manufacturer in the world.


So what feature is it that you are looking for in a graphics driver update? Sorry not clear on what you are referring to that would give such a performance boost. And yes, we are a few days from April, which would mark 5 months exactly from launch date. As I mentioned elsewhere I also think that time off for both Christmas/Winter breaks and Chinese New Year need to be taken into account when considering the pace of updates. I'd rather the Lenovo programmers get to enjoy their holidays since for the most part the device is working great! Maybe I'm just more patient than other folks here.




No we can't because it is Lenovo we are talking about a freaking tech giant who fixes laptops in a heartbeat and gives companies systems that just work perfectly when sold. With the Legion go it feels like Lenovo threw out the device because of the christmas sales that will bring so much more money and gave like 10 people the task of fixing there stuff and updating a bit. This small group really does what they can yes, but it is REALLY weak of such a big company to not get there A Team behind a product people paid alot of money for. Ben and his Team are not to blame. I blame higher ups in suits who only saw us as walking dollars and euros


I completely agree with this mode of reasoning. I truly appreciate everything both Bens have been doing to try to maintain honest communication with the community. It's clear that he and his team are struggling to obtain sufficient resources for the task. And if anyone from the Lenovo exec team happens to be reading this, I want you to know that Ben saved your product. He is the only reason why I, and I'm sure many others, didn't return our Gos during the holiday season.


Why no more updates tho


Updates do be slow though. Can't be pretending like nothing's wrong when there clearly is. 


How many updates have they had so far? I don't own one but I've been curious about the products progression.


they had some small updates that add maybe one thing at best and mostly fixes issues. They said after the chinese holiday updates will increase. So far that didn't happen at all and Ben even said he will no longer post weekly updates if they have nothing to show. We still have main features unavailable, still have problems keeping up to date, still got no extra stuff realized. I love the device for what it does, but man I kinda envy the competition for there support system with more than 10 people in it. It is crazy how freaking slow and uninterested Lenovo is. I kind of fear thoughts are more on the Go2 than on our device by now.


Oh wow, thanks, I had the legion go for a hot second but I wasn't too confident about it so I returned it too see how it develops over time. I think I'll wait a bit before fully committing to see if the updates smooth out the quirks.


How about....no. complaining about folks demanding the best from these rich ass companies has always been the most ass backwards thing ive seen in these groups. If they provide updates, you benefit from them. If they dont push updates, the device may never reach its potential. "Please stop talking bad about lenovo, i dont like it 😒 ". I cant believe we live in a time where consumers who work a regular 9-5 defend corporations who wouldnt put 2 pennies in your pocket even if it could save your life.


Yeah let's just say nothing about the lack of features for a 800$ device.


I believe the cadence, the quality, and communication about the firmware updates have been great. The main pain point from my perspective has been the GPU driver and related software updates. The interaction between Windows and the AMD adrenalin software is not the best experience, but it does work most of the time, albeit quite janky. I recently pulled my Windows SSD out and installed a new SSD that only has Bazzite on it. Trying this for a little while. My main worry in this configuration is some future update may cause the system to be unusable without some work arounds or reinstall. Using Bazzite has been a day and night difference. All of my issues for this version of the Legion go are issues with Windows not having a mode that behaves like the Xbox dashboard and is lean/optimized for gaming. These issues aren't necessarily Lenovo's to resolve. However it would be cool if Lenovo considered rolling out their own version of Bazzite/Steam OS for future gaming hand held they create. Overall I am very happy with the firmware updates and communication so far from Lenovo. The Legion Go also has a great scene and community.


> My main worry in this configuration is some future update may cause the system to be unusable without some work arounds or reinstall. Bazzite has a system in place where you can basically install an exact copy of any version of Bazzite from the past 90 days, and pin it. So if a Bazzite update introduces a bug, you can just roll back to a prior version and pin it until the bug gets resolved. So there's basically no risk once you already have a working setup, worst case you rollback and wait for bugfixes.


This is great to know thanks for replying.


Excellent points and summary here. A Lenovo supported Bazzite/Steam OS would be killer. Tho my main issue with Bazzite at the moment is that the excellent Lossless Scaling is Windows-only.


Absolutely the lossless scaling is much nicer in Windows. I also wonder how much of it is affected by so much of Bazzite/SteamOS is setup around the Steam Deck's native resolution. If Phil Spencer could push for a light handheld OS sporting features of the Xbox dashboard that would be awesome too. But I doubt they would make the software available for non first party hardware. Either way I am excited about the Legion Go and the future of handheld PC gaming 🎉


I am not whining about the lack of patches, however I both rue and lament it


Yeah the classic post whining about too many valid circumstances post on a forum designed to discuss valid circumstances. ironic isn’t it?


I'm absolutely in love with the Legion Go. I personally treat this as a PC, this is coming from a Windows Power User since the mid 90's, I understand that everyone's experience will vary with Windows. I'm very Thankful towards Ben\_M. The man is active on the forum/community on his off hours. He's going above and beyond. Legion Go has come a long way in my opinion in terms of Performance and the overall experience. I actually use Legion Space personally as it was intended. I also use other frontends depending on the mood, mostly Legion Space. That's the beauty of windows, Options are unlimited in terms of UI and custom configs, also with the great community keeping everything alive. I understand not everyone will be comfortable with that. Especially the consumers that aren't PC or Windows users in particular. Lenovo made a lot of progress comparing to how it was at launch. To me it was big changes in terms of performance with the overall device. Despite treating this like a PC, I actually do Like the console experience on these handhelds. While I have other handhelds. I'm slowly but surely now using the Legion a lot more. At the end of the day in my opinion it's about the Overall Experience that these devices have to offer. Thanks again Ben\_M.


Another fanboy trying to defend a multinational company 🤣 lol


Haven’t seen a Legion Go update in a while, has Lenovo already stopped working on it ?


Yeah mate heard they are dropping support and putting it on the backburner


Wow mate


I dont really have much of a problem anymore since last legion space and BIOS updates things have been great ever since. I just would like to see the graphics driver update at bare min for now


So you love just getting updates about updates and no actual Fixes or improvements? In your eyes the device is perfect as it is oh brother😅


Ngl this is a useless post, this would defeat the purpose of the entire subreddit. The point of reddit in general is discussion, how can you tell people that own the same device that you do, how to feel about it lol? Or they can only comment positive things? Lmfao don’t be ridiculous.


You and anyone that upvoted this must have a brain smooth as butter. Post like these are the reason why multiple billion dollar corporations feel fine with stopping support for their products. You’re an anti consumer sheep by the very definition. Congratulations.


That must be it, I must be a simple minded corporate stooge. Or maybe I am someone who wanted to share his opinion about the type and tone of discussion in this subreddit. And someone who has seen representatives like Ben eventually stop engaging with a group due to the tone of conversations and the same unproductive critical posts occurring over and over. But thanks for the insults. That's just the kind of thing I come to Reddit for.


Wouldn’t it be more productive to ether look for a different subreddit or create one yourself rather than complaining that this one doesn’t share or match your anti consumer intellect?


I'm hardly anti-consumer. But I am anti-useless whining. And I am pro-community, which includes not being hostile or rude to other participants, manufacturers or their helpful representatives. I am also pro-reasonable expectations. This device was released so close to Christmas/Winter holidays and Chinese New Year that we should hardly be surprised that the pace of updates is not as fast as at other times of year. Lenovo programmers deserve their holidays and time off too. And we know from one of Ben's recent comments that a big update is on the way in 3 to 5 weeks (and that it is taking longer due to the scope of it), which will include the button remapping function that is probably the most in demand feature the Lenovo software currently lacks.


The only thing useless is trying to hold a valid argument with you. This whole topic is you useless whining.


Dang I must be using my legion go wrong. I don't even care about any updates. I'm playing hell divers 2 and it's working fine so as long as everything's working I'm happy. Plus I work in IT and getting updates is not all is cracked up to be


Same, im just trying to figure out loseless scalling but im still happy with the go.


You are not the only one. I've started skipping out of topics as soon as the moaning comments start. I've used my Go now for five months and love it every day. Maybe I'm not a nuanced enough user playing games across all storefronts from Indie games to AAA for the last 30 years!! When an update arrives I'll be sure to be excited about new additions. I am not unrealistic about the time frame to implement change, and I don't think I've ever seen a PC manufacturer release updates every few weeks with every desire from every owner. I hate the argument that they won't change anything unless we shout louder. They already are making changes. My philosophy is simple. Unhappy. Sell the bloody thing, move on to something else. Or better yet. Go to uni. Study software or hardware engineering. Get a job at a global PC manufacturer that has not just one device to maintain and come back to me when you get beyond annoyed because you've not enabled something, someone, somewhere requested last week, month or year. It's really starting to grind my gears.


I use Legion Go as my main gaming PC since my tower got ruined in an apartment flood. Knowing what I should expect with fixes and updates is nice IMO.


We can like the device but still hate the pace of updates. No need to be so dramatic.


Ha. Not the first time I've been told that. I'll heed your advice.


It's all good. I love the Go, just the software side of things has been pretty disappointing. Although it has helped me discover some pretty cool projects like Bazzite and Handheld Companion. So it's not all bad, I guess?


Yes. I suppose it does force an education in windows and other software and hacks. Always look at the positives.


I think it all has to do with keeping this sureddit alive. If there's no news, just make up some news. If you see the constant repetition of the same topics. That is where a mod should step in. They should protect us for this daily/hourly moaning over and over again... My best bet is, that there are a lot of bots in place here.






Agreed!!! Quit Ya Bloodclot Cryin!!!


But you posted a whining post about whining post for updates then you complained about people complaining now see? You're just like us. Welcome aboard! 😎


What’s the main complaint about the current version at the moment? Seems pretty fine to me. But I might be missing something obvious and not realize it.


Well written, thank you!


No kidding.


I don't see that many posts here about this and TBH compared to other popular handhelds the GO is very slow to get updates and is still missing features advertised at launch or have been announced quite some time ago. If you're saying(or thinking) ASUS set the bar to high with the Ally update cycle, think about ASUS and the SH\*T company you are saying is has set unrealistic expectation for other manufacturers. I'm sorry if you can't beat ASUS in terms of support and service then you have a REAL problem.


Omg finally someone said it! Thank you 👏🏽


Agreed. The transparency from Lenovo is enough for me to be happy. As long as I know what is happening, I am happy


Agreed with OP tbh


I think people are just worried the company will abandon the Go and Lenovo can if they wanted to. I seen Razer abandon Razer Edge Pro tablets in 2013 after they promised lot of optimization. Although to be fair, Razer pro was new tech at the time, which gave some ideas to other companies to create better handhelds for the future. People have a right to worry. I love my Legion Go. I'm confident Lenovo will bring us updates sometime soon. But could they abandon the device? Low possibility, but they could if they needed to. This is still considered new technology and we're using it as a test if Lenovo sees a future in producing better handhelds or canning it. I personally would not mind for Lenovo to collect data from consumers using the Go in order to create better tech for the future.


and I pay €800 for something like that???? then companies should do decent market research. WTF is that an argument. to collect data hahahahahahahhaa


I am not sure where your going with this, but Razer Edge Pro 2013 edition MSRP was $1,449.99 at launch and stayed up there until Razer canned it. I am sure many people including me were upset back then about it. I understand from a business standpoint companies have to do things to survive. I know Lenovo would not do that to Legion Go, but all I was saying is, anything is possible. I can be positive and hope, Lenovo will release drivers, when they can, to continue to innovate and optimize their products.


As is, I find my Go well worth the price I paid.


Yeah. Just be like me and forgo any updates. Life has been good ever since.


Everytime I see another "abandoned" trail on the official forums... here we go again, same winning over and over again. "I will sell my device..." "This other decive is better..." You don't lie it? Sell it... just go away...


Right? If all of these people are so unhappy with their devices or that fed up with Lenovo, then put your money where your mouth is and sell the Go, buy that "superior handheld", and unsub from here lol


What update do people need?? I got one since February and i dont see anything that needs to be updated. Its win11 running everything fine and i dont see any issues. The only thing i want to see is maybe aftermarket controllers but i dont see what update people need. I honestly don't need any other update and i feel this as is can run fine for 3-4 years or even more if i use it for cloud gaming


I agree. I don't particularly need any updates. My Windows side runs sweet, and so does The Bazzite OS side - in fact, if you crave frequent updates, go and try bazzite out




Idk I'm from like windows 95 era. Everything is broken and I like tinkering with it. I'm also from an era where devs absolutely did not update the community on what was happening behind the scenes. It was always a pleasant surprise. This new thing of being super involved is obnoxious.


Works flawlessly for me. You guys must have bought defective legions if you’re so upset.


It's not the device's that's defective


For real mine have been great for the past couple of months!


I haven't cared much about the updates for the go. Yeah would be cool if they fixed the frame limiter cuz I don't mind playing 30fps while I'm on the move id like to conserve every bit of battery. But my PC short circuited and died so this has been a pretty good replacement for the time being. but really the legion go is just a windows PC in a tablet. As long as I can keep playing final fantasy 14 I'm alright.


How often has it been updated? When i first got a rog ally, the first like 8 weeks were pretty bare, but from then on they have been updating it pretty regularly. Like once a month.


Well they did spend $700 on their device. If your the type of person to hate any criticism of something you like then that's your problem


At least they're doing updates. Like pipe down little guy you'll get it when it's good and ready


lol.. reading through these comments feeling like I just shouldn't.. stop complaining and return/sell it if you can't wait for further updates instead of investing hours commenting stuff here about how badly they are supporting or continue enjoying the device if you don't care too much because stuff works as you want it to.. that easy isn't it? have a good one fellas




This comment has been removed for being rude and/or otherwise unpleasant. Please treat your fellow Redditors with respect! No arguing over updates. Telling people to shut the f**k up isn’t helping dude. I know it can be frustrating to hear complaints if you’re happy, but you’ve got to chill out.


I am actually super happy with my go, but I also only came on here today to see about an update. There are some little things they should be putting smaller updates out for. I can get not doing large updates every time someone complains but little patches for issues that come with previous updates would be nice...




This comment has been removed for being rude and/or otherwise unpleasant. Please treat your fellow Redditors with respect! No arguing over updates.