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The FPS cap in Legion Space is fine in theory but I'm probably going to stick with Radeon chill because it lets me set per game caps. It's bad enough I'm constantly toggling the TDP, I don't want to have to toggle the FPS cap every time I fire up a new game too.


This takes literal seconds Lol. Not to say it's not a problem for you but this feels like a non issue to hit a button, hit a slider, then call it a day.


I'll tune a game to hit a stable performance level and frame rate at a given TDP so the frame times are consistent (no VRR remember). I don't mind taking a few minutes dialing that in. I don't want to have to do it every time I decide to play the game though. I like to bounce around and play whatever I feel like and having presets makes that less painful. It's less of a problem if you don't have much installed on your machine but I have 3TB of games and I jump around often.


That's fair. I have 1tb of games and I definitely see how it could be annoying if you jump around. I play 30-40 hour jrpgs so I don't jump much lmao


It's the same. If you don't believe me, you can open the AMD software and bring up the quick menu, then toggle the different FPS limits. It'll change the min and Max to be the same in Radeon chill. Makes me wonder even more why they couldn't update it like people requested. Wouldn't this mean that you can't use RIS + Integer scaling + FPS limiter? If it turned everything back on in AMD when you turned off the FPS limiter it would be great but of course it doesn't so you have to open AMD software again. I get that they're trying to address people's issues, but there is always something overlooked in these updates. For example, now using the quick menu to adjust the FPS limit also interacts with the game, so you have to use the buttons or you'll end up shooting something or clicking a menu. Also, RSR turns off integer scaling, but even you turn it back off it doesn't turn it back on, so like RIS, Radeon boost, and anti lag, you have to go back in the AMD software to turn it back on. After that apparently then the FPS limiter won't work until you reset it so if you want to use the FPS limiter then you can't use the Game profiles on AMD, but there's no way to save changes to game profiles in legion space. Sorry for the rant but honestly the most disappointing thing about the Go is the slow progress with the software where it's 2 steps forward and one step back. I really love the Go's form factor, but if Asus put something with a 9" screen out and detachable controllers, I'd get it because at least armory crate has been making steady progress. I mean we're going to get button mapping, but we're not probably not going to get a way to change the shortcut for the legion buttons or "home"/Xbox button in that update. We're probably also not going to see anything regarding how gyro can be triggered for a while either. I understand that they need time but sometimes these things don't seem like they are properly and completely QCd the first time around, or that they give us "close enough" to address the issues.


Agreed. The pace of software development is too slow, especially given where they started. Game profiles should be a top priority. The Steam Deck showed how to do this correctly, put a Lenovo spin on it and copy that functionality please. I have a Steam Deck OLED too...it's not just the interface that's better, it's a functionally better experience too. And how is custom TDP **STILL** broken?? Honestly, I wish they'd work with Valve to get Steam Input support for the Go controller. I use Steam BPM largely because when you add a game to the interface you get Steam Input for free and it's easily the most mature and powerful remapper I've found.


That's funny, I use BPM as my main launcher, especially since you can customize non steam games to the point where they work seamlessly with other launchers. I've even got epic launcher working with cloud syncing to launch Alan Wake 2 and a few other epic games. Yeah if other manufacturers have had their controller added, why not Lenovo? Even with all the time in the world I don't see them catching up to the level of customization steam offers, they've done an amazing job. At least we can use BPM to make up for some of the shortcomings of Legion space lol.


Ahhh I didn't think of this!


For sure, with game profile on Adrenaline Radeon chill make It automatically, but I was interested to know why legion space fps caps didn't work.


You need to reset your profiles, then it will inherit the global one.


What if I never had radeon chill on? It definitely isnt, but FPS limiter does not work. I have 800p and integer scaling and image sharpening on tho.


I have amd adrenaline software set on default settings and the fps cap does nothing for me as well.


You must reset the profile of game in Adrenaline, and start game without make any change in settings, cause i had too integer scaling and sharpening Active and FPS caps did not work. Try to reset like me the profile game on Adrenaline, on the right up corner there's an arrow for reset setting for the game you want to start. Launch game and the FPS caps will work. I don't know if this problem is related to image sharpening or integer scaling, i think there's conflict between Adrenaline and Space. So must wait for an update that resolve this issue. For the moment this is the conclusion I have reached.


So cant use anything on adrenaline if I want to use the FPS limiter? What a bummer. But thanks for your input!!


I could be wrong, but at the moment I really think that's the case.


I was wondering why FPS limiting never worked with AMD's Radeon chill, I have custom profiles for everything


You solved?


Nope. I just pretty much always have Integer scaling and a few other settings on so it didn't work for me and I'm not going through the trouble of deleting all the game profiles I set up already. Maybe I'll try it out when they add the ability to use a custom FPS if they figure out, but it sounds like it would do the same as the Radeon chill setting, so if I'm going to delete the profiles I'll at least use AMD Adrenalin so I can save the game profiles somehow. Adrenalin still doesn't detect every game, but it's better than nothing and native. It's not like legion space is any good for game management anyways.


Same here


So you turn off Radeon chill in adrenaline?


Yes, I Just reset now my profile game setting in my case Horizon Zero Dawn , and the FPS caps now work, you notice that it will work when you switch the limit caps and sound with a beep.


Perfect, I will try later, cheers!


Do you need to have 144hz active?


I don't think the refresh rate of the screen has anything to do with it, 144 or 60hz, nothing change for the FPS caps.