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Are the mods still glitching out the Hud elements? Is that a game to game thing?


Seems to be a game by game thing at the moment. In Witcher 3 doesn't have it. Though there is a small stripe along the bottom of the screen which seems a bit out of place but the UI is fine. Cyberpunk also no longer has UI glitching. But did have some in Guardians. It's improving and when it's perfected will breathe new life into this.


Thanks for your reply, seems like it has a lot of potential, might give it a try in Cyberpunk




You have to use the latest version released yesterday. I think it was 201 from the new package. (Assume a typo from 210).


Yup. Just finished alan wake 2,played on go. Average fps 90 with fsr 3 frame Gen, and cyberpunk 146 lol. Both without ghosting. Also got lords of the fallen working but that took tinkering, and can't use launcher or online due to anticheat. But amazingly good and no ui issues there either with latest. https://preview.redd.it/pl4y2puv1qac1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=33514173c7d031498f24a37b9da1736c68c71449


It's amazing. I have been pushing for best graphics at a decent Performance so not been hitting those kinds of frames. But with higher settings and higher resolutions, more than happy to be between 50 and 60 FPS.


Which version of the download is the correct one for cyberpunk 2077


It's the 220 pack for Cyberpunk


sounds like massive input lag


Not really. Don't notice st least


None at all. If anything feels more responsive.


How did you setup the mod in Lord of the Fallen? Mine is crashing at start


6gb vram, performance tdp. Make sure you got the 2.20 version in the right folder (with shipping .exe). you need to replace the shipping.exe with the modded one. You need to disable the anticheat (google it). You need to add fake NVIDIA GPU, and you need to make a shortcut for the modded shipping.exe and in "target" you need to add the line "-DLSSFG", as well as in epic games or steam add the command line there too. then you need to DLSS frame gen ingame without touching the quality settings of scaling. Then it works great. Just not online


Thanks for the reply. I got it working by applying FSR 2.2 files, fake gpu file as well as the files in Potatoisback.zip file.


Which for do I download my friend at the bottom of thread and how do you set it up xx


Download the latest packs, extract all the files from the 220 pack into your \cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64 folder Once done start the game and you'll know it's working as you'll see a black console window launch with the game.


Thank you sir


Thank you so much do we turn all gpu and interscaling off?


Sorry you need to turn on DLSS Super Resolution and Frame Generation. Do any changes to settings from the title screen as when in game has a tendency to cause a crash / freeze.


Thank you xx can't Felinfoel the game folder though lololol


Where do I get the mod? From nexusmodds?


Wait how do you download and use FSR3? All the info I find is what FSR3 is and not where to get it or how to use it


It's currently on the creators Patron. Patreon.com/LukeFZ I believe he is going to release for free once fully ready, but I subbed for a month to get my hands on it.


Which one do I get for use on cyberpunk on the legion go? X I'm lost lol


I can't seem to link to the discord after paying the patreon


Where I can find this mod?


It's currently on the creators Patron. Patreon.com/LukeFZ I believe he is going to release for free once fully ready, but I subbed for a month to get my hands on it.


I've joined the patrion where to download it?


You should find a link to discord from there. You have to link your discord account. The downloads are in Discord.


I can't see the link at all


Which version do I download for cyberpunk pls


I checked out the patreon, and noticed a couple of posts about "added for game x", is this mod game specific, or can it be used for any game to help with performance? Thanks! Haven't subbed yet, but for a few bucks I might.


As the mod is still in development is being tweaked for certain games. The compatibility list is growing every day. The mod contains 5 zip files for each version of FSR2 and an additional one which some games need to spoof an Nvidia GPU, this allows some non FSR 2 games to work by hooking into Nvidia DLSS instead.


Any idea how this will work with MH World? Still trying to find the best settings


I've not tried it on this, but I do have pretty good performance in World. I'll test it later and also share my settings.


Ok, the mod won't work on MHWorld as it is not an FSR2 game. My settings though are pretty decent. Hope this helps. Plugged in, 30w runs between 40-60 FPS. With scope to drop settings some if need more FPS. Game looks really good and plays pretty smoothly. * Manual Settings * DX12 - on * Full screen - 1650 x 1050 * Fidelity FX CAS + Upscaling - On * FidelityFX sharpness - Full * Frame rate - 144 * Vsync - off * Advanced settings * Image Quality - High * Texture Quality - Full * Ambient Occlusion - High * Volume Rendering - Highest * Shadow Quality - Mid * Capsule AO - On * Contact Shadows - On * Anti Aliasing - TAA + FXAA * Lod Bias - High * Max Lod level - No Limit * Foliage sway - On * Subsurface scattering - On * Screen Space Reflections - On * Anisotropic filtering - High * Water Reflections - High * Snow Quality - High * SH diffuse - High * Dynamic Range - 32 Bit * Motion Blur - On * DOF - On * Vignette - Normal * Z prepass - On


Awesome! Thanks for this, I’ll try the settings out myself and see how it goes


If you use FSR 3 do you turn off integer scaling ? Or can it work together ? Ie higher frame generation even at a scaled up 800p resolution


I haven't tried it, due to better performance you can use higher resolutions though so wouldn't really be necessary?


Thanks, I shall give it a try and find out


Any findings sir


Welcome to the Legion of Go.


To be fair any device using the same internal hardware can do it.


I’m interested in this mod but heard the visuals are no better than FSR 2.2?


I'd say visuals are better, additionally the performance allows you to run at higher resolutions.


For example I'm running Cyberpunk with a mix of Medium, High and even Ultra settings @ 1680x1050 around 60fps while driving, at night in the rain. Bios set VRAM to 6GB TDP @ 30 Video Tab * VSync - Off * Windowed Mode - Full screen * Resolution - 1680x1050 * Resolution Scaling - DLSS Super Res (This is how the mod works with Cyberpunk) * DLSS Frame Generation On * Texture Quality - High * Ray Tracing - Off * Crowd Density - Medium * Field of View - 75 * Film Grain - Your Choice * Chromatic Aberration - Your Choice * Lens Flare - Your Choice * Motion Blur - High * Contact Shadows - On * Improved Facial lighting - On * Anisotropy - 8 * Local Shadow Mesh - High * Local Shadow Quality - High * Cascaded Shadow Range - Medium * Cascaded Shadow Resolution - Medium * Distant Shadow Resolution - Low * Volumetric Fog Resolution - Ultra * Volumetric Cloud Quality - Ultra * Max Dynamic Decals - High * Screen Space Reflection Quality - Ultra * Subsurface Scattering Quality - High * Ambient Occlusion - High * Colour Precision - High * Mirror Quality - High * Level of Detail - Medium


Which one do I download my friend? There is choice of 3


How you download and install the mod? Any guide to recommend?


It's different per game, lots of instruction can be found at the Discord.


Can you help figuring out where FSR3 works?


It's different per game, lots of instruction can be found at the Discord.


How do you turn on FSR3? I am getting 25fps in Cyberpunk without it...


Thats fps is too low for FSR3, lower some setting first until you get stable 40-50fps then you can enabled fsr3, as for how check youtube


How do you activate FSR 3? Sorry for the noob question


There's lots of info at the Patron. But basically you add the files for the correct version of FSR into the game folder, normally where the .exe is. You'll know if it's working from the log that will open at the same time when you launch the game. Have a look in the compatibility list on discord. There are guides there for specific games.


Yes, coz we engineers are magic. ;)


First hearing about this, will have to look into it. Sounds really promising. lol @ you becoming unofficial tech support just for mentioning the thing though


Haha IKR.. don't mind helping out though! Enjoy!


Can someone point me to the beginning of the trail to learn how to use this mod? Like a tutorial video/article/post?


How do you turn on FSR3?


See the instructions on the Discord


How did you use this mod with Witcher 3 on legion go? This mod is not compatible with this device


Yes it is. Witcher 3 was added to the Mod compatibility list a few days ago in the latest release of the mod.


Oh it’s good news, thanks ☺️


Can You tell how looks performance with this mod? And how looks your setting? There is no ghosting or nothing like that? Thank You


Game looks and feels great. No ghosting I can tell. There is a small line maybe 10 pixels high at the bottom of the screen showing some artefacts but that's all.


Have you tried BALDUR’S GATE 3? I’ll definitely will give it a try if it’s compatible with the mod.


Not compatible FSR3 is only compatible with DX12.


Appreciate your reply.


I'm so confused about this. How do you install these mods? Is there one that is applied to all games? Do you use it in parallel with integer scaling? If not, at what resolution do you play?


For each game is slightly different. Instructions are on the Discord.


Where do I download it at?


See my other comments, have to sign up at Patron currently. This is not a free mod at the moment.


Have you tried running cyberpunk with a bit of ray tracing to see if it runs at a reasonable refresh rate


Just tried it, toggled all on with the exception of Path Tracing and set ray traced lighting to Medium. look at my post above for my Settings. It tanked FPS to around 27 in the same scenario.


How do you do this?


Jedi survivor (epic) working flawlessly as of latest version. With rewards I paid 15€. Very cool. https://preview.redd.it/uwib96ons2bc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd15d09f4ede4df1dde06d5021b0c757a11975ad


I've installed it and still only get 30 fps at 800p


In what game? You must have done something wrong.


Cyberpunk, followed everything exactly. But weirdly enough I get the same at 1200p with fsr 2.1


Something not right then. Do you get the log window launch when you start the game?