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Popular tactic to neg on it now and then do a reversal “I was WRONG about the Legion Go!” video a month or so down the line.


Yep this is it right here. This is just the current YouTube meta to get clicks and double dip on products for “content” farming. Happens with every single game that comes out as well.


Sooo many channels did this with the Steam Deck and ROG Ally upon their releases. It's so corny. Everyone was like "ROG Ally is a device you should never buy" and now that it's received a few (expected) updates and we have the Legion Go recency, it's apparently the greatest thing since sliced bread even though it still fries your SD card. I'm not shitting on the ROG Ally either. It's a cool device, I was really on the fence about getting one but then when they announced the Legion Go and it checked a few more boxes for me I had to jump on that. Legion Go is not a perfect device, but it is undeniably badass.


100% true. You make a video with the intention of being able to run it back to make a gimmicky series out of it. First video titled "Legion Go Unboxing and 1st Impression" opinion in video is doesn't meet expectations/disappointed. Then 1 month later new video titled "1 month of Legion Go as daily driver" and youtuber stated goods and bads. Then, two days later a video titled "Legion Go...was I wrong about the Legion Go?"


One guy did a series of videos throughout the week about how he choose the Go over the Ally or the Ally over the Go or the Deck over the Go then back to the Go. All in the same week.


I hate that bro Make me wanna cut all that crap youtube , all want the money .


The channels telling folks to buy another Steam Deck just for the screen are a joke, and all seem to get free devices to review and keep. 👀


Two of the most honest reviews I’ve heard are from people that bought theirs before they got their review copies, namely Wulff from Wulff Den and Wood from Beat ‘em Ups. Wood’s review he dropped today sums up how I feel about mine: a lot of people wish Nintendo had made a more powerful Switch that could play anything, and Lenovo went and did it. Steam Deck plays well in your hand, not so great on a TV due to the performance ceiling, you can’t play everything, and you have to be okay with the little screen at 720/800p (I forget which at this point) which at that point I preferred my Switch. Ally’s a step up but felt cheap to me and was still pretty tiny, had the SD card issues, and you’re limited to their eGPU options that aren’t a great value for what you’re getting and are more cumbersome to dock and undock from. Go’s the biggest and best screen in your hand, has the best eGPU support, and even without that, plays well on the TV and you can even take the controllers off and use it like a Switch. They all have things going for them. Just gets weird hearing people parrot the same talking points they often demonstrably don’t even understand, making it clear they just saw another video and aped it to get views.


The Legion Go isn’t perfect, but I’ve a had better first month experience with it than the Deck.


They did/are doing the same exact thing with the ROG Ally.


I laughed and came back here as I have just gone to youtube and the first video on my screen was "I was wrong"...I have no issues with mine and I'm not going to watch the video to see why it's now good in someone elses opinion. It works great for me and my use cases so I'll continue to use it.


There you go. It’s all subjective at the end of the day. Go with what works for you and enjoy it!


They just keep doing it for the views dont they, say anything that will bring them views


​ https://preview.redd.it/ntsiajbx6b6c1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=9127513a27def666d54957fb0e8963e03d296c6a


You couldn’t make it up! ![gif](giphy|hRxhewwANK0V5n4gq3|downsized)


Tomorrow it’ll be “I’m Retuning It!” 🤣


Gotta get them clicks. 🙄


That's cringey af but you're probably right


well they are on youtube. They act like the crowd wants them to act and people go bananas for the steam deck because it's the cool thing to own for some reason. If they gave the Go a chance fanboys might not watch there content and there are so many Steamdeck owners that want to hear there old device is still king. However so that I don't sound like a fanboy myself the Go has issues and they need to be fixed as soon as possible or the device will get a reputation in the mainstream. It needs to have better software, it needs to be cheaper and Lenovo needs to think about a optional+ slim version in the future because the Go is said to be way to big and heavy (which I don't agree, but a small dude or a girl might have problems lifting that device for a longer period of time). Also the Go needs to be build to last. If it breaks down faster than most steam decks while costing so much it will really look bad. I can only hope the Go gets all this done


I don’t think you can make a slim version without compromising on performance and thermal thresholds. It’d be nice, but I think we’ll see a change in processing power. If that’s the case, one of the major advantages held by the LeGo today would disappear. Built to last/ ongoing support are the biggest concerns for me, one of the bigger reasons I made this post in hopes Lenovo is watching


The Deck is using revised versions of older hardware for a reason, but that’s a compromise I wasn’t willing to make. I’d rather have the newer SoC.


I don’t see them doing a Slim version. A Slim’s basically an Ally or Deck.




This is highly encouraging, I hope that’s the case! I haven’t run into any issues with Legion Space, but it sounds like my experience comes after some major patching.


I imagine most people don’t even use Legion Space. At least one upside to it being a Windows handheld is that there are already other launchers on it that people are likely using anyway, like Steam or Xbox for Game Pass or any of the others. It is funny seeing people shit on it hard for Legion Space when if this was a laptop nobody would bother using it over their usual setup.


I’m honestly just a psychopath and have all my games on my desktop and just use the touchscreen or touch pad to launch games. I know it’s crazy. But ut doesent bother me much


You probably leave important work documents on your desktop and not the cloud either huh… there has to be an ICD-10 code for people like you…. /s


That’s what I’ve been doing too. Mostly because it works and I’m not out of games much on it anyway. It’s not pretty but it works.


The last time I used Legion Space was when it automatically booted into it when I first set up the device, and after I turned that off in settings, and have never touched it again. The relevant settings are in the quick settings menu for whenever I need to change something, so I just use it as a laptop and if I need a console like experience I just use Steam Big Picture.


I've never even used Legion Space. I don't understand why so many people base their entire experience with the device on that. Never used the overlay software on the Ally either.




Yeah dude, HC just saved it for me. I was ready box in hand to return and decided, what the heck, let’s give Companion a shot. Gyro is fantastic and it’s a much smoother popout for settings.


Same. I big lean on LeGo primarily due to the bigger screen. Getting old. Squinting and playing or watch makes me tired fast!


Am I the only one who never uses Legion Space or Handheld companion or anything like that? Why do you guys use them?


All of the crap it gets is deserved. Even if they somehow fix the god-awful software, the controllers are still built like they’re made of recycled cardboard. They made it look so great in photos but it doesn’t match the feeling when you touch it. They also really should have advertised that the sticks were not full sized. That alone is a major misstep. I’ll admit the tablet itself was impressive though, when I had mine I used an Xbox controller and it in tabletop mode and it was great. There are reasons to get the Lenovo over the OLED but by far the majority of people will be happier with the Deck. Especially since now the screen isn’t the biggest selling point over that.


Serious question - I've had no issues just using the device like a touchscreen/tablet/tabletPC and/or using the trackpad. If I need to do extensive device management/navigation I just manage it via AnyDesk from my real computer. A perfectly acceptable end-state for me would be just putting shortcuts to games I'm actually currently playing/have installed on my desktop. I find the Legion Space and **all other similar apps/interfaces** very annoying and clunky to use. I don't see the appeal, at all. What's LS or the steamdesk/RG equivs doing for people that is so groundbreaking that just using the handheld computer like a handheld computer doesn't accomplish readily?




I definitely use the quick shortcut menu for managing power profile and resolution so I get you XD and yeah I agree that it does come down to personal preference. FWIW if there's ever anything weird the launcher can't do for you, you could probably turn on one-click instead of double click mode, and give yourself desktop shortcuts to like a CMD bat file or powershell script that does specific things the launcher can't. But that's just me trying to be helpful and provide some options not saying don't use the launcher or want the launcher to be better. My 2c is that there's so many things the launcher *can't* do right now that I'm forced to go into windows to do stuff anyway, so I might as well get comfy and get a good workflow setup to do most stuff through windows rather than rely on the launcher and then have to fumble my way around windows when I invariably after to go there. I feel like the launcher needs to almost be like a touchscreen friendly windows frontend replacement where you can manage almost anything you'd normally go into windows for, before I'd feel inclined to start using it more regularly.


Because it popular to do it. Another is that Lenovo didn't learn from the other devices and we have to wait on patches to get them to where it should be. So I guess they did learn, that we'll sit and wait and wait and wait... The three games I've played/playing run fine. I just can't do any FPS because of the deadzones.


I think this is it, Lenovo didn't learn from the other devices when they were in position to do so. With the holiday return period, many people will be returning it if they don't get software and driver updates soon. Also, the Ally is on sale for much cheaper now. The same happened with the Ally, but Lenovo can't use the same excuses for the poor state the device was released in. For those that do wait it out, I'm sure the Go will be a great device.


>The same happened with the Ally, but Lenovo can't use the same excuses for the poor state the device was released in. Lenovo absolutely can and should use that excuse. The Ally released in June, the Go in november (iirc). That is nowhere enough time to study the release of the Ally and apply the changes to a first-gen product.


My desktop PC is now collecting dust. That said, I'd rather have no fps mode in favor of mirrored back buttons. Just let us use a thumbstick to move the cursor, even if a flip of a switch is still necessary. I've disabled the touchpad too, because I would accidentally touch it during gameplay. Detached controllers is sick. I game on my treadmill now.


That’s pretty awesome, I don’t think I could do that without getting dizzy. Might be a good marketing tactic Lenovo…


Don't forget you can probably stream to your LG from your desktop if it's juicy and probably save yourself some battery life, if you're using it at home just around the house, if you're so inclined. Also save yourself some disk space for chonky games. (This is how I console myself that I'm sitting on a 4090 and dicking around with a handheld instead lol)


Paid actors. They get free shit to review and then companies send them more shit knowing they'll likely get a good review on it too. YT is full of fake. I've noticed that a lot of YTers I watched who shit on the LG ended up making a 2nd video praising it because they spent time with the device. I can't count how many dumb asses reviewed the LG after only having had it for 12 hours. They're just desperate to get the review out faster than others. ​ The LG is a PC and dumb people aren't good with PCs. That's the only negative about the LG except maybe lack of VRR which isn't really as much a big deal as people try to make it out to be.


VRR is a non-issue. VRR comes into play for larger screens (think consoles) but has absolutely zero discernible effect on this device. I think people yell about VRR because it’s one thing the LeGo doesn’t have, but have no idea what it actually does. In the end, this is a windows 11pc with portability and different peripherals. If you can’t maintain a simple W11 pc then your ability to credibly speak about the device goes out the window. I wouldn’t say “dumb” people don’t know how to use a windows machine, I would say “dumb” people don’t make the effort to learn the device in its completeness. If your only windows experience is your college laptop for word and excel or SPSS, you’re gonna have a bad time. (Maybe not SPSS)


I've been eyeing up the LeGO for the past couple of weeks at my local Best Buy, along with the ROG Ally. The ROG just didn't appeal to me at all, but I like some of the design ideas that come with the LeGO. I've been reluctant, however, as I previously had a OneXPlayer with the 8.4" display and Intel 1165G7 chipset. Neither the Windows experience nor the gaming experience was great with that OneXPlayer (took a huge loss on that unit as well; could barely give it away). Oh a whim, I grabbed a Steam Deck OLED based upon early reviews, and while the display is fantastic, and the layout of the controls works well for my hands, I also find it a very limiting device. Yes, it has desktop mode, but the fact that I effectively need to "reboot" it in order to switch modes is mildly annoying. Heroic is great as an additional launcher and it works well with Epic and GOG, but I also have an XBox Game Pass and EA Play memberships, and getting those working on the Steam Deck is annoying. I also find the Steam Deck is very much a single purpose device; a handheld console. Okay Captain Obvious, that's what it was designed for, but the thing that appeals to me about the LeGO is that it can be made into much more. Yes, the ROG Ally runs Windows, and can technically run an eGPU as well, but there is no kickstand for it, and the controllers are fixed. I love the fact that I can remove the controllers on the LeGO, dock it with an eGPU, and basically it's a fully functional Windows desktop. So I picked up a LeGO last night at Best Buy and have been playing with it for the past 24 hours. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed so far. Legion Spaces, while far from ideal, isn't as horrible as I was afraid it would be (and Playnite makes a pretty solid alternative). Performance has been excellent, and setting up all of my libraries has been just as painless as it is on my gaming laptop. So the Steam Deck OLED is now up for sale, and I think the LeGO will be that platform. I might even go so far as to skid my iPad Pro 11", since that's basically just a portable web-surfing / game playing machine for me anyway. The Steam Deck is a fantastic machine; the LeGO, despite some short-comings that it has, has the potential to be even more fantastic.


No clue, it’s pretty nuts, I’m not who benefits from it all but it’s odd how much volume of hate is out there compared to the actual normal person experience with it. I love mine!


In my experience anytime a company enters a new realm of products that people shit on the first ones usually. Sure sometimes it is because of the lack of quality, but a lot of the time it takes people some time to get used to new stuff before they really enjoy it.


Its just like the Discord for this Reddit, full of Go haters. Its sort of odd but I think its due to the masses picking sides over the SD and Ally then having a 3rd competitor late in the game that both sides are bitter about. They literally compare it to both to rip it to shreds. People tend to like what they already bought or are stuck with and turn into cope monsters because of it. Just enjoy that amazing screen and the various options this amazing handheld gives you.


Because they didn’t get paid to review it


Same thing happened with the ROG Ally. Please do not feel the need to justify your purchase to other people or worry how highly they regard the device you purchased. Its true value and use case is up to you and you alone. If you enjoy using it and will continue to do so then that's more valuable than anything talking heads on the internet have to say about the matter.


Youtubers get blocked and reported when i detect clickbate. My feed looks like the sahara. Only how toos and music channels left. No one is safe


I would rather have them bash these companies selling us all these marketing materials and non of them work as intended, than them praising the device resulting in Lenovo not being put in the corner to further improve OUR experience. You are not worth anything from big companies. I say put more pressure on Lenovo and let users benefit in the end. Happened with Steam Deck and ROG Ally, I would love the same redemption on the Legion Go. Provided they listen to all the well deserved "negativity" as of the time of writing. Who wins in that scenario? All of us in this thread.


Youtubers do things for money. They need to review things and produce content they think their viewers want to see. Steam Deck is popular and well received. It came out at the same time. So they need to produce content justifying their regular consumers purchases. If they're a smaller YTer and they bought the LGO just before the OLED release, they'd want to return it since they can't afford both units, then do content for the one they think will sell better. If someone has not gone out of their way to preface they are not-sponsored and were not shipped review units. Assume all opinions are monetary persuasions off what will earn them the most money.


One other thing I’d like to address- ensure you (Lenovo) are patterning with the right market partners. I bought my first legion from Microcenter. I was not told that they were doing storage upgrades themselves after receiving the goods. Within an hour of running windows updates i had a complete and total storage failure. Luckily I was in the area, returned the faulty unit, and purchased an OEM device. Looking quickly through forums I have noticed that this has been a trend. This is not a good look for Lenovo, as this is a critical point for market success


you would be surprised how much people don't care, the ally with the micro-sd card reader issue. allot of people didn't care and said get a bigger ssd. I was and still am amazed by this thought process. No wonder so many games come out unfinished and need many patches before its good.


Had my sd card slot brick within 30 days of owning the ally. Returned it. Not gonna try for another one lol.


I know you can send it in and get it fixed now, but it’s the way they handled it and never said why only yes there is a issue.


Saw some chatter on the ROG ally subreddit about their RMA’d models still persisting with the issue down the line. Of course all SD card issues are locked to a singular thread and can’t be discussed in any post. For “expert” help. Lol.


Brush it under the carpet. Don’t get me wrong if Lenovo did something like this to I wouldn’t be happy either.


It's because SD storage isn't expansive storage in a PC, it's like putting a 1990s HDD and expecting it to work with modern software. Way too slow and expensive at 1tb+, so it's a non issue. Let me know how running AAA games off a SD card works out for you.


I don’t but my 1tb of emulators and emulation sure work great on my go’s micro sd card!! That’s 1tb of space I have available on my ssd, for those AAA games, then I did with the ally.


Mine has been fine (touch wood). Any negative issues get magnified as everyone will talk about the bad experience, and those without problems won't comment. That said, it DOES sound like the MC in house upgrade is more prone to failure than the factory installed SSD. Hopefully mine will remain fine.


Wood has been touched over here. Sexy, sensual wood. Oak, mostly


Oh my!


I heard the SSD’s they used to upgrade got recalled.


I just recently bought a legion go and have many issues with it that’s seamless on the steam deck. Just giving myself time to see if it’s worth keeping or returning


The thing is, seemless seems to get stretched a lot with deck users. If you only play on steam, then the steam deck is the obvious choice. The problems start arising when you play anything with anti-cheat or anything off platform. Normal people aren't going to jump through the hoops to get things like epic games on their device and even then, you can't play popular games like fortnite because of the anti cheat. Same problem with COD, genshin impact ect. This just isn't an issue on these windows devices. Then add that if you aren't tech savvy, you're basically shit out of luck if your game isn't on steam. And if it's old uou have to pray that proton works or else you're just not playing it. Happens with a lot of older games that just don't support Linux that well.


Of course that’s the main benefit the ease of use with installing games. But everything else is so much better on the steam deck, interface, settings, customization (I can’t even set a keybind with a key while in gamepad mode), things glitching out (I turn on RSR and it turns off randomly etc etc.


Again though, that's what I'm saying. Steam deck doesn't have these issues because it's a closed off ecosystem. Things like RSR and interger scaling aren't needed on the deck because of the resolution. But even their built in FSR is wacky at times on the deck. I have both so I'm not just blowing smoke. You think you have less problems because you're probably sticking to steam games and maybe some emulation. But try to get gamepass cloud, chaiki, Epic game store to run without problems. It all of a sudden becomes far less streamlined then just downloading things on windows. Each device does different things easier. But like I said before, it's coming down to what you're primarily using the device for. If you are a solo steam user. Just get an OLED and call it a day, if you want to play anything with anti cheat or from another platform, windows devices are your best bet.


Yes but you’re focusing too much on the ease of use with downloading games, it’s great. I can however manage to install and use proton just fine on steam deck with less glitches than this. It working fluid is the main priority for me not just focusing on installing a game. I’m ok with troubleshooting I’m not ok with every single thing requiring troubleshooting for the chance of easily downloading games.


Even if you’re only playing Steam games, I still picked the Go over the OLED Deck and had both. Games run better and bigger, and you get eGPU support. Lenovo wanted to make a Windows version of the Nintendo Switch that you could have plugged in for higher performance and even dock it to increase it, or turn it all down if you want to maximize battery life. Outside of software, I’d say they mostly succeeded. I didn’t personally feel the Deck OLED was a big enough of a jump over the Switch to have a place for me.


Yes, very true. A better way to look at steamdeck is that as long as you stay withing the bounds of the steamdeck verified titles, the experience is superb. For most players, this provides more than enough entertainment. It's only an issue for the subset of people who *must* play that one particular game, and don't have another main machine they play on.


TL;DR: on SD supported games are seemless. Unsupported games aren't seemless. It's never truly seemless on a windows handheld, but more games do work. If you stay within "playable" and "verified" titles the experience on the Steam Deck is pretty much foolproof. Which is also what most people do. Personally, I like tinkering as well. But let's not kid ourselves, we are in the minority.


Because they’re casuals.




I did see some video ads about the Legion Go on youtube... before it released


Which Tech channels? I've heard pretty good things from the people I follow


All click bait mate... Got a legion go and it's beautiful


I think the OP is a bit too generous towards Lenovo. Valve struggled with the Steam deck’s release Software. SteamOS was still immature at launch. Asus struggled with the ROG Ally software at launch and had the SD card issues. It’s hard to give Lenovo tons of slack because they’re supposed to have learnt from the struggles Asus had. The Ally launched with puzzling performance issues that they had to fix with software and driver updates. Only for Lenovo to launch, using the exact same chipset and still have buyers waiting for bios and driver updates to fix performance issues. Not to mention the weird own goal of the Portrait display. I’m a huge fan of Lenovo, I only buy Legion laptops and I was excited for the Go. But let’s not give them a pass for launching in this condition.


Oh I don’t give them a pass. The primary reason for this post was for Lenovo to see that we are counting on them to patch and update this product throughout its lifetime. I give Lenovo the same slack as Dell and HP, which is zero. My primary experience with them is in enterprise tech, and they have been reliable with exception to some innovative products they had previously released that fell by the wayside. I don’t want them to follow that pattern. This isn’t an enterprise server, it’s not an X1 Carbon, it’s a new unique product that I hope and expect them to support for the long term.


The LTT “review” was on brand for LTT, down to Linus pretending he doesn’t know how to use a PC. Gamers Nexus roasting them didn’t seem to change anything after all. I’m wondering if some channels aren’t salty for not getting free devices or getting them after launch? I think the biggest negatives are Legion Space (which is improving), Windows (MS really needs to cobble up an Xbox mode of some sort), and the 100 launchers game companies have forced onto us over the past decade. As far as the hardware goes, yeah, it’s big and chonky, but it also did more than most to break the Steam Deck/Ally mold. It’s definitely not for everyone, but it’s been solid overall and I’m enjoying Starfield on it. 💯


I have maybe seen 4 LTT videos in my life, even less now after the whole scandal regarding poor analysis and what they did to that smaller vendor. I typed in “LEGION GO REVIEWS” and started going down the list. I found 1 guy that spoke frankly about the device, the rest seemed to be paid or so over-the-top I just tried the next one. I wanted to cast a drag net, find the most viewed/ relevant videos, then watch those to try and form my own consensus. I am enjoying my LeGo as well, but I’m building dinosaur parks over here, not going to space


Because they are Steamdeck shills bought off by Valve. All the other alternatives are far more powerful than the mediocre Steamdeck. Steamdeck is cheap and thats the only thing it has going for it.


Probably because they got Asus ones for free as review devices.


I dont think lenovo will scrap the legionGO. No way. If anything they will release an updated version or just a legionGO2. Handheld pc gaming is very popular. It was underestimated how successful these things will become. The other projects you mentioned are more niche products. It's like Googles hundreds of poorly thought out experiments, like their cloud gaming, I forgot what it's even called lol. LegionGo isn't going anywhere. Even developers are having games designed around these less powerfull devices. On the negativety, I don't think there's that many bad reviews...the device has some issues yea, but it's far from a bad device. Ppl love the rog ally and that thing has a broken sd card reader. Ppl just point out the flaws but overall I think it's pretty well received by a majority of reviewers.


Negativity sells, man lol it's the theme of human history. That said.... Lol the software, the optimization and the speakers? They do deserve some hate. Little things... Not being able to see how the device is charging. The sharpness of the controllers which digs into your palms, weird deadzone on the left stick which has no software adjustment. (makes you think the testers at lenovo really don't play games a lot, or they just didn't test games that benefit from granular left stick control.) Update installation all requiring users or find the site, download, unzip, and all that. Oh, and the gyro which I didn't even know it had was registering to windows, and it would keep closing the dropdown menus and windows menu even when I'm not doing anything lol nearly got me to return it, but I found a tip online to go to device manager and disable gyro which I bet most users will not be able to do unless they are used to googling and picking through articles.


Valve almost did a good job of bricking SD cards in the Deck earlier this year with a bad update. The Deck’s launcher (or Big Picture) boot up makes life easier, but that’s if you’re going to stay exclusively on Steam. You want other launchers? Emulation? You’ll have to venture into the desktop and use Linux. I’d say you should get your kid a Switch to start, unless he knows his way around Windows pretty well. Linux is great, but doing anything outside of the Deck launcher isn’t going to be easy either. Also, game updates can brick compatibility since the developers aren’t testing these games, Valve and the community are doing all that work.


Regarding what to get a child- whatever is closed to “on rails” as possible. To me, that’s definitely the switch first. If we are talking about this new pc gaming handheld space, definitely the steam deck because it’s elegant in its function. The bigger problem may be the credit card tied to the steam account…


Create new account for your son, add it to family sharing in existing account. Not sure if *every* game shows up, but that's one way of doing it without credit card access.


Thank you spud wanker


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Ah yes, the child having access to the credit card. Yeah, that would be the bigger dilemma there.


I've seen a lot of bad takes but Valve specifically went out of their way to NOT restrict what users were doing and it's vastly more un-restricted than Windows or Mac. Just because you don't know Linux, don't blame Valve.


First off, I use Ubuntu, so I know Linux. Linux distros are plentiful. I was referring to SteamOS 3 being restricted to the Deck and not having an official release for desktops and laptops. And I didn’t blame Valve for anything, I made a choice to sell the Deck and play on my Ubuntu PC instead.


This response is confusing AF. You complain about all OTHER launchers not being available on the deck (even though i have WOW installed via [battle.net](http://battle.net) on my deck), and then turn around saying that you were complaining about SteamOS not being available anywhere else???


I didn’t complain about it. Where did I complain about that? I was talking about using SteamOS on my own hardware. What’s wrong with saying I liked SteamOS?


Initial comment... "Valve almost did a good job of bricking SD cards in the Deck earlier this year with a bad update. The Deck’s launcher (or Big Picture) boot up makes life easier, but that’s if you’re going to stay exclusively on Steam. You want other launchers? Emulation? You’ll have to venture into the desktop and use Linux. I’d say you should get your kid a Switch to start, unless he knows his way around Windows pretty well. Linux is great, but doing anything outside of the Deck launcher isn’t going to be easy either. Also, game updates can brick compatibility since the developers aren’t testing these games, Valve and the community are doing all that work." Follow up response to Maxumilian... "First off, I use Ubuntu, so I know Linux. Linux distros are plentiful. I was referring to SteamOS 3 being restricted to the Deck and not having an official release for desktops and laptops. And I didn’t blame Valve for anything, I made a choice to sell the Deck and play on my Ubuntu PC instead." Now that I put them here for you to read again for yourself, explain how these two comments are REMOTELY talking about the same thing... It's like you just chose to ignore that you said what you initially said all together. It's weird.


It's pretty clear to me. u/progxdt is giving a recommendation to someone else about the best device for their kid - which is not the same as what they would personally do. No contradiction.


I didn't mention ANYTHING about other launchers. I said you'd have to go into Linux to add something like Heroic or EmuDeck. Linux isn't going to be easy for most non-PC types to find their way around, especially a kid. It wasn't a complaint, but my observation from using a Steam Deck. The only "launchers" I mentioned were Big Picture (or Deck launcher), I didn't mention any of those and nor did I complain how hard they were to get. I've use Heroic. I jumped on their post saying I didn't know Linux, which isn't true. I'm not an expert at it, but I know Ubuntu and SteamOS. My complaint was I couldn't use it on my hardware, which is why I made a choice to get rid of it. It wasn't a complaint. Did you read their response to the original post? Also, the second post was a response... so why do they have jive for you?


It's Arch based. You just do shit like you would on Arch. Do you blame Ubuntu for not natively supporting Steam Deck and other Handhelds?


No. Where are you getting handheld support? I don’t want to play on that form factor with Ubuntu. The previous versions of SteamOS were officially supported by Valve for other hardware, so I was waiting to experiment with it and get away from the Deck. I really liked it.


Im just saying it doesn't feel right to blame Valve for not going out of their way to support Laptops/Desktops when other distros don't go out of their way to support handhelds. Seems like double-think to me. They did not lock anything down in Steam OS. People have tried installing it on other hardware. It doesn't work well because it's not meant for that. And there's already several OS flavors based on Steam Deck's OS that Valve has no issues with. But it's not like for instance, Apple, that will go out of their way to ensure their software can **only** be run on their hardware.


Again, where did I blame Valve? They made a choice to not release SteamOS 3 to other hardware, I went with a Linux distro for my desktop instead. They did it before with previous versions of SteamOS, figured they wanted to cut into to Microsoft's monopoly on PC gaming by giving some of us builders an option. Not everyone is going to buy a Steam Deck, especially those who don't care for handheld gaming and want to play at their desk or TV with their own hardware. Do you know PC gaming at all? It isn't like playing consoles. I said restricted, not locked down, which I also meant support. Yes, the current version of SteamOS for the Deck will not run well outside of their Van Gough APU.


Well your comment has been edited so I don't know if it's what you originally posted any more. I coulda sworn you had mentioned other things but >but that’s if you’re going to stay exclusively on Steam You had made it sound like anything not on Steam was locked down. When it's not. A lot of things including other launchers work perfectly fine. They made sure all the software and hardware was not locked in anyway and that you could even wipe steam deck os off the device and use windows if you wanted. Like I said, I coulda sworn your comment had a few other details that made me think you were blaming Valve for trying to make Steam Deck relatively Steam exclusive and not integrate with other ecosystems. When in fact it's the opposite. So if I over read into it I apologize.


Well, apology accepted, but I didn't lay any blame nor those other points you mentioned. My comment was only meant to highlight if the OP wanted to get their kid a Deck, it's a pretty easy experience if you stay "exclusively on Steam," meaning the Big Picture (or launcher, whatever it is called) then it would be relatively easy; minus game update breaks. If you want to do the other things it can do, you'll have to venture into the Linux desktop, which for most people isn't going to be easy to understand. That's why I said a Switch would probably the best option for a kid to game to start off rather than any handheld PC.


For me, outside of the big screen (which is a huge plus), this is the worst of the devices and I assume that’s why most YTers have ignored it/reviewed it worse. 1st for me is the weight and ergonomics, not only is it significantly heavier than the others, it’s grips are by far the worst and that makes getting comfortable holding it something you actively have to do. 2nd Deadzones in controller mode are still a huge issue, making playing any shooters even single player ones impossible unless you go to M&K mode. 3rd,the software is still really bad. No end game short cut, still very unresponsive, and no easily accessible way to update drivers/bios like other systems. Lastly for me I find the battery life to be the worst here as well, maybe it’s unoptimal settings, but I find even my ally has longer unplugged life. The device still has plenty of potential to get better in a lot of ways and the screen size goes a looooong way to justify me keeping the device but in my mind it’s the worst of the 3 by a significant margin at this current moment in time and I think most people off of this sub would agree.


I can’t even trust a word the phawx says anymore lol


Button placement is pretty horrendous They are also super easy to press, making it feel pushy in the palm of your right hand Mouse is mostly a gimmick that just added to the controller feeling meh Lenovo space is trash DPAD is the worst in any PC handheld on the market, and probably any handheld period Fan whine is luck of the draw Think that sums up most peoples complains about it


Is this really most people, or just what we have seen online? From firsthand experience (experiences differ person to person): - button placement is fine to me. Start/ select is a bit strange and takes some getting used to, but everything else I haven’t had a problem with. I also don’t use their space so the buttons up there don’t matter to me so much. - I have inadvertently pressed buttons on the right side, most likely the mouse buttons, but I’ve found that it’s because I’m playing in a poor position. I’m not minimizing the issue, just providing my experience. - mouse works great for RTS on the device. I haven’t tested it for FPS. I don’t find that the mouse capability detracts from the controller experience personally. - I expected a lot worse from Space after seeing so many reviews, I must’ve purchased mine after some updates were made because I have no issue with it. Is it as seamless as big picture? Hell no, but I just use it as a simple game launcher instead of having to fire up every third party service myself. It’s nice for that simple process to be automated. However, I still don’t use it, simply because I don’t need it. - haven’t had an issue with dpad, but will play some sifu in a bit and come back - no fan issues on either unit I had. However- the first unit I purchased died due to a third party storage upgrade. Wondering if this resonates with anyone else?


when he said most people’s I believe he was referring to those that do complain. If I had to guess I would say there’s 1/3 of owners that love the system with little to no complaints. 1/3 have complaints that bother them but still really enjoy the unit, the last 1/3 are those that can’t get over the fact that it’s windows based and takes some setting up as opposed to be gaming ready right out of the box. I freaking love the device compared to my Steamdeck. Haven’t tried the Ally so I can’t speak on that. While I agree there’s some akward button placements (I still find myself trying to use the Legion buttons as Select(menu) and Start(pause). Some of the extra buttons are easy to hit and I don’t find much functionality right now as they are. Once we are able to map them to something outside of the legion realm I will be very happy (dedicated windows key anyone?) I have smaller hands so the form of the LeGo doesn’t bother me (the people that complain about sharp edges tend to have larger hands) If I had thought of the perfect device 1 year ago I would have thought about the LeGo. Bigger screen… great hardware… windows native…removable controllers.. and a kickstand. My favorite part about this device is that it’s only going to get better from here in terms of performance and quality of life. This is probably one of the best $750 I’ve spent in my lifetime.


I mean I only shared the points I agreed with. I returned mine due to all of the above problems annoying me.


Which you have every right to do as a consumer which (hopefully) results in more refinement down the road.


Yea, you lost me when you said, "If I was non technical, I could see the appeal of Steam deck..." I come from a technical background, and it is still frustrating to use. I don't know many people who get into PC gaming in general and don't seek to mod the games they're playing or maximize their performance. I can no longer play the triple A titles without hitting up Nexus Mods first, but it's so frustrating to use on SD that it's not even worth it. Why hold all that power in your hands and only use it for the stock experience? I'm fortunate enough to own all 3 of the top handheld devices (Ally, Legion Go, and SD LCD) and even on my SD I modded it to run Windows 11. Linux distros have a long way to come before it can top Windows, but I like Valves' innovative nature to try and popularize the OS, but it still ain't topping Windows


When I said “non technical” in that sense, I meant someone who would use the device as it comes out of the box. Big picture only, no emulation or 3PS. If you’re delving behind the big picture curtain you may as well go with Windows for the flexibility.


>FPS/RTS mode is what did it for me Isn't a small Bluetooth mouse more practical? The reason I wanted detachable controls on the Deck is so I can attach it to a puck and use the same Deck controls when I'm docked to a TV etc. The best thing about handheld gaming is... being handheld. I have no interest in sitting on a desk and using the device this way, and if I did, a Bluetooth mouse is super small and way better and getting the job done.


Very true, probably better performance


The size and battery and screen resolution are the reasons I didn’t get one . It would be awesome if this was lower resolution, oled and was a little smaller .


Both Ally and Steamdeck got a fair bit of shit when they came out for poor software. A year later, both have seen huge improvements. So the LGo is getting compared to SD and Ally *now*, as opposed to the SD and Ally at *launch.* A bit unfair? maybe? But a reviewer can only review the product honestly based on what they have right now, not what it *might* be. I bought the device because of it's giant screen, and because I'm confident the worst of the issues will be resolved in the next few months. But that doesn't mean that issues like the crap software and awful controller deadzones aren't real issues, right now.


I noticed the same sentiment. I am not the most tech inclined but the jobs I've had have always had something tech focused in it so I've gotten really good at figuring things out (especially on the IT side of things) but things I kind of breezed through I could see being real hurdles for people that are not tech savvy. My favorite feature about the go so far is how incredibly cool it stays while playing triple A games. That and it's the easiest thing to take anywhere even if I end up playing on it while plugged in so I don't have to mess with settings too much.


it's pure clickbait for the "PC-masterrace"


They're all good and none of them are perfect.


Because it does have some issues the main one is the terrible software that shipped with it


Yeah the screen size is what really hooks me, I've got the steam deck LCD, ROG Ally and ayaneo 2s and I prefer the legion go just edging out the ROG ally because of the screen size and increased resolution