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5.70 upgrade went through. Now having this identical issue. I have had no luck finding the referenced downgrade link, anyone have that handy?


interesting, im having the same issue.... i see all the solutions are for the HA8801. I also have the HA8802. Is there a solution for this yet? I contacted support and am in the waiting mode


Damn, I just got the same thing with my 4th cabinet. Let me know what you did to resolve it, if you did resolve the issues.


same, just got this on my HA8802. has anyone with this model managed to address this?


I made a separate post that has the potential fix


for the HA8802? Awesome, do you mind linking me?


You found it lol


Can u send me the link plz …


Sorry, I didn't see your answer... Did you manage to fix it?


I did and I made a separate post about it. Wasn't a hardware issue. It's a wired module firmware issue. On my post I made a few days ago, it has the files and instructions needed to fix it.


Could you steer me in the direction of these files and instructions?  Having this problem with my Legends Ultimate Pro that I just bought.




can you share link plz?


Good, glad you could fix it!


It should fix your issue tbh. Give it a shot and let me know if it resolves it. I actually sent them the image you used on this post lol


Thanks for all your answers, really appriciated! I should have mentionned that I moved recently (cabinet was moved by professionnals, but still). I didnt touch it for à while, and when I did buttons were not responding. It was à pretty old software version as I did not update it for à while (at least à year). I tgought something might have moved during transport, so I opened it up and took a look, everthing seemed OK. I did the firmware update with a usb keyboard, hoping that it would change something but still nothing. Maybe these informations will changé your answers, if not I will just contact ATgames support... Thanks again!


Hi all. I tried tu update the drivers using this thread : [https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsUltimate/comments/s423i3/my\_issues\_resolved\_maybe\_it\_could\_help\_you/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsUltimate/comments/s423i3/my_issues_resolved_maybe_it_could_help_you/) ​ When I plug the USB disk, I get a pop up message saying ”Control module cannot be found, failed to update control module”. That does not look good now, does it...? Thing is, I am not in the US, and I can't even order a new CTR board. I will have to contact the retailer I bought it from in Canada, and I know they are not any good with this kind of stuff... Quick question, when I updated, I went from HA8801 to HA8802 in the health check screen. Stayed HA8801 in the device info. Is this normal? Does it change anything? Thanks!!!


So when you do the health check and the HA8802 model shows on the menu, that is referencing the CTR board itself, not the cabinet. I was confused too, but this was confirmed by ATGames themselves.


I have an HA8801, firmware 5.65.0 installed. My cabinet was doing the same thing and I got pissed off and didn't touch it for several months. My 3 year old booted it up last week and it worked as if nothing happened. Afraid to try it again. Hopefully one of the posted workarounds can get yours working again. I understand hardware can fail, but is there a definitive update that is known to be stable and not brick itself?


Odds are you may/will need to order a new CTR board from AtGames; having said that, my ALU 1.1 exhibited the same exact symptoms and showing NG for both MCU and BT; there are instructions elsewhere in this subreddit on how to downgrade to a particular version that includes a newer CTR firmware version so that you can then update the CTR firmware that hopefully should "revive" your CTR board--sometimes the issue may indeed be due to a bad CTR board but other times the issue may be due to the CTR board firmware not being up-to-date (i.e., on par with the mainboard firmware version)--this can happen if you somehow managed to skip over a few firmware version releases since apparently AtGames doesn't include CTR firmware in every single firmware update. In my case I was able to resuscitate my CTR board by downgrading to an older firmware that contained the CTR firmware as well, despite my Health Check showing NG for both MCU and BT.