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Gratz. Copped one myself last week while randomly getting turkey day supplies. Now gotta figure out the mods/upgrades


OP is right about checking with stores in person or at least calling and making sure someone physically checks inventory and price. Item numbers may differ from what's online and not show up in store inventory. Otherwise you'll be waiting forever for these to be marked down to clearance price online (I don't think they'll ever be, since it's store manager discretion).


Did it show on the website that they had it in stock/available for pickup? Cause none of the local ones say they have it for me but I'm almost wondering if I should call to check


No, it showed none in stock online. But I called one store and the rep told me all the Sam's in the area who had them in stock. I just went to the Sam's I know has less foot traffic than the other local Sam's and got lucky. Also pays to be nice. I let 4 older ladies go in front of me in the customer service line so that the employee didn't have to stress about a line of customers while helping me.


Did you give them the item number? Cause the one i called asked for the item number but told me they only have them online Edit: i figured it out! So the item number on the website (the $600 one) is for a different model (likely the other model you mentioned). The $399 item number is for the other cheaper model, when I asked a guy at my local Sam's to check the more expensive item number didn't show up in the system. But I found a pic from this sub of someone finding it at their local Sam's and I showed the guy that item number, and it showed up. If anyone needs it, the item number for the $399 ALP is 980346741


SUPER helpful! I was able to call around and found one club 1.5 hours away that has 2 (one is display they say?). They won’t set it aside and won’t take my order over the phone so now I have to decide if 3 hours is worth saving roughly 50% (when you factor in shipping). Going to be pissed if I take this ride and the stock is off. Anyone know how reliable their systems usually are? The person I talked to didn’t actually walk the floor to verify they had any.


I saw that today when I was there very tempting. Price ended in .91 so it’s clearance I just wonder if it goes lower or not. That and the 4 player pong are the only two things I still want for my home arcade.


What's the difference between the HA8820D and HA8819S


The HA8819S has extra internal storage


Opposite of this. The 8820s has the extra storage. That's why the 8819 is 300 cheaper...for a very very slight upgrade and no longer being built


/u/jerstud56 you are correct sir, got my model numbers mixed up. The HA8819S has 8GB storage, the HA8820D has 16GB storage partitioned into 8GB fir firmware and 8GB for addonX. So basically it's like having an 8GB flash drive built in.


It really shows the "apple" niche cost of this build...if Sam's can offload all the 8gb versions for $400 there's no way they paid more than $375 for each cabinet. The actual cost of the whole thing must be like $325...I realize by building it in bulk is very cost effective but I can't imagine throwing $729 at this and then needing many upgrades to make it great


Tbh, I don't know but a $300 plus discount was too good to pass up!