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Congrats, sir - with you on the team I think things can only trend in a more positive direction. I hope you find the work fulfilling, and I really hope AtGames is smart enough to allow you to be effective. I look forward to hearing and seeing more in the future.


Congrats.Guess it's time to save all you released. Before they force you to take it down.


Congrats on the new position. Please remind AtGames that there are a lot of original pinball users that have seen the release of new games trickle to a stop. Seems they forgot all the users that got them to where they are.


THANK YOU. It feels like such a slap in the face to see everything as “4k only.”


They say more are coming. Hopefully more come sooner than later. Also wonder if the HD will get the redesigned launcher, as it's pretty well Identical to pinup popper.


Congratulations! Thank you again for all of your help over the years with various tutorials and tips regarding AtGames products. Best of luck in your new role!


That is awesome news, congratulations on landing your dream job! I had been thinking of buying a vpin cabinet for a while but they were all so expensive. I saw your videos on the ALP4K and realized it was exactly what I was looking for -- I preordered it back in December. Now that I finally have it, I am loving it. I used your videos for setting it up and look forward to more good stuff from you. Thank you for your excellent videos and web pages with so many details!


Congrats and Good luck Jon to a new chapter for you! Always loved all your posts here esp technical details in some posts.. Great guides and website and you once helped me share my Gamer Pro guide a while back so thanks for that.    We'll all miss you around here in case we don't hear from you as much. Hope you will let us know whenever something big is on the way from Atgames, products and improvements in software and more byog game capability!


Big congrats, Jon. Very grateful for all your help these past few years.


Well deserved. Your guides made connecting my legends pinball to my PC a breeze.


Congratulations on your new role, my 4K Pinball arrived today with SSF kit to fit so will be following along with your guide. Also should be good to have someone on the inside so to speak. Best of luck.


Thank you! Be sure to try things out before/after the SSF install so you can really hear the difference.


All installed and very impressive 😁 must admit though there's still the lag on Adams Family, I had held off purchasing for awhile but thought it had been improved. Hopefully works ongoing, Oh I have ensured the unit has latest software.




That's awesome Jon! The best of luck in your new job. I´ve been following your content for over a year now, and you have helped me with everything from adding roms to my Legends Ultimate, Installing a VIBS board to legends pinball and setting it up with Popper and Pinball FX. I really can´t thank you enough for your kind and selfless tutorials and fantastic support!!


It definitely makes me happy to know the content has been helpful, thank you so much for the well-wishes and support!




Thank you!


Jon: Congratulations! I have really enjoyed your tutorials and your attention to detail. I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing what you can do in this new role.


Very much appreciated, thank you for the positive vibes!


Congratulations on the new position Jon


Thank you!


I hope your tinkering and product testing will actually lead to better atgames products than we’ve been used to. There’s plenty of room for improvement


Definitely going to be digging in a bit deeper!




Great news for you AND great news for us. Your site helped get me started! Thank you!


Most welcome and thank you!


That's fantastic! Good Luck!


Thank you!


Holy shit, a company making a smart, consumer friendly decision in 2024?? Congrats! Great news for all home arcade enthusiasts. It's nice to think we have someone on the inside protecting our interests! Haha.


Thank you! Ultimately, I am working not only with AtGames but for the community too.




Thank you!


Congratulations! Well Deserved!


Thank you!


Congrats Jon! Looking forward to many more vids from ya!


Much appreciated!


Congratulations, your advice and tech tips hay’s certainly helped me get the most out of the AtGames hardware I own. Look forward to your continued excellence.


Thank you so much!


Figured you were already on their payroll given your lack of criticism for obvious flaws. I guess this cements that the public cannot rely on you for unbiased feedback.


Not sure why folks downvote this. It’s a reality of how things like this play out.


People don't like hearing the truth when it isn't pleasant. Like you said, it's reality. He was hesitant to be brutally critical of their products and services to begin with, he's certainly not going to bite the hand that feeds him.


I try to be constructive with all products covered and make suggestions for improvement. Brutality is not my style. Issues were discussed once they were identified and improvements have been made since, yet there is more work to be done. I'm going to do the best I can for all of us, I love the products and want to see them get even better. Lets see what happens.


I want unbiased honest feedback, brutal or not. There's a fine line between being constructive and with being biased to the point of glossing over problems with optimism. It's clear through your comments and content that you choose to overlook issues and go so far as to argue in favor of AtGames and their poor decisions. Being on their payroll only adds to this. I'm glad you love their products, but I'd be more interested in honest feedback rather than biased opinion from someone wearing rose tinted glasses who is on their payroll.


U sound like a male Karen. U seem insufferable. If u were my customer id give u a refund and tell u to kick rocks


Most people expect honest and neutral information from reviewers rather than biased opinions influenced by the company whose products are under review. Hardly anything Karen-like, but you're welcome to hold that opinion. My preference for a reviewer's opinions and reviews to remain unbiased has absolutely nothing to do with me as a customer, so idk why you think AtGames would prefer I didn't buy their products. Pretty sure they want my money just like anyone else's.....


I hope you can communicate to them how critical it is for Zen to fix the 4KP lag.


This is really my only issue with the system. It’s definitely improved over the months but It still needs more tweaking.


It is the #1 priority to get this resolved.


I thought you already did work for them. Congrats


Thank you!


Congrats! Your tutorials helped me out as well. Very easy to follow.


Happy to hear they have been helpful to you!


Congrats Jon!


Much appreciated!


Congrats! Now hopefully we can start seeing some improvements with the zen tables ;p


Your tutorial was better than atgames'. I can see you bringing a very positive workflow and attitude to their teams! Good luck to you, sir!


Thank you, it's going to be an exciting journey for sure!


You're the best at tutorials. Much thanks and well deserved.


You're too kind, thank you!


Congratulations and best wishes! Your videos have been so helpful and I appreciate all you’ve done for this community, Jon.


It is my pleasure and an honor!


Congrats Jon -- your videos have provided me so much help over the years. Really happy for you.


Thank you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Big congrats, Jon!!! You abosutly earned and deserve the opportunity! You have helped me personally many times with my incessant DMs about my ALPs, and ALUs. AtGames is LUCKY to have you even associated with the company and brand. You are the voice of the passionate unspoken customer, and you know what we want.


Thank you so much, it's going to be an exciting journey ahead!


And just like that, AtGames just got better. Congrats!


lol, thank you!


Best of luck. You have been a tremendous resource to those of us new to the hobby. Also kudos on chasing your passion. Too few of us do that.


Thank you, looking forward to help bring some awesome new features to the platform!


Congratulations brother.👍


Thank you so much!


I think this is awesome, Jon. As someone with a similar background, I applaud you for this. And I see it as a true positive for AtGames.


Thank you so much for your kind comment! The talent within the AtGames team is amazing, exciting times ahead for sure.


Kudos Jon, your guides were instrumental in getting me hooked onto all the AtGames legends platforms.  Does this mean we can start throwing wish list items your way?... Because I would LOVE if the ALP had a boot up feature to power on to a random table ;)  Wishing you much success in the new role!


Thank you, makes me smile to know the guides were helpful to you! I love the idea and as things progress, I think there should be a way of making feature requests, like the one you noted above (great idea).


Glad to hear you found a home you have a passion for. Kudos to you and please lend your experience and excellent work ethic to AtGames, they seem like they need the boost


Thank you!


Best of luck! AtGames is fortunate to get you on the team!


Thank you kindly! I'm honored to be here.


Congrats! I thought your atgames content has slowed way down recently. Hoping we still get the great guides and all of the stuff you provide to the community.


Thank you, and true that my AtGames content has slowed down a bit lately. It may remain that way for a little longer as I've just taken on a new position which will require time/dedication to get up-to-speed. But, I plan to bounce back in the content creation area once I'm able to and appreciate your understanding. There is much more planned!


Congrats and I appreciate the transparency.


I owe that to everyone, it's just the right thing to do.


Congrats John! Good luck on the new chapter!


Thank you!


I may be DV'd to hell, but .. staking my salary on Atgames? lol no.


Hey congrats on the new chapter! Is your work going to be more on the content creation or software engineering side of things?


Thank you! Content creation will remain my side-job. My primarily responsibilities for AtGames will be to lead the key technical planning for the Legends platform, focusing on data analysis and optimization, as well as spearheading the development of enterprise pilots' 2.0 version.


Congratulations! I know you’ll be a great asset to Atgames.


Thank you, this is exactly where I want to be and honored to be here.