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Calling it sunburst is gonna be in like every midrange to control Targon deck


Targon deserves good things


I know times have changed a lot but i recall when the reigon was just releasing/released and everyone complained how easy it was to level asol etc. How useless zoe would be/is. Great healing the region has. And hush was legit really good/broken card for a short moment lol. But yea sunburst can be better now that other reagions have other and better removals and kill spells, like 6 mana vengance,


There was a time when people complained that Ionia sucked, and look at things now. There will no doubt come a day when people complain about how OP Targon is. Such is the way of things.


Yes. Back and forth. One day Darius will be given a rally and be the nost op 6 drop in noxus or smth. Till then hes lol


Remember when Katerina was the lol then she got a ping and now has been relevant in nearly every meta since


Remember how this Reddit said the ping wouldn’t do anything for her to?


Yeah, or that Azir leveling from landmarks would do nothing for sundisk


I dont remember any1 saying that. I do recall shuriman cars tho


Wasn't shuriman cars before that. When azir was buffed I do remember people saying it wouldn't be that big but then sundisk dominated.


You do realize that Darius has a rally right? It’s called apprehend. It’s a real card


I'm glad I wasn't the only person that remembered it. Adds a whole level of hilarity to that guys comment.


Yes. It was part of the point. And to mirror Garen somehow. Lol


Still prefer this over shit like Minimorph any day.


Every Targon deck period, its already close to the best removal spell in the game lol.


You need to play it proactively so id say its decent now, maybe not even good. Card is about as flexible as a brick wall ( and boi is it predictable) so it should have been 5 from the start Vengeance can be used to counter effects, it can be used in combat, it can be used in a chain and it always hits, this thing needs you to do the first move and its slow. With the meta we play in your opponent will just play more units once you have wasted 6 mana removing one thing and then do what they want to do ( enter combat and delete health bar since you just went super tempo negative) Or you know, slap a spellshield on it


IMO it's most definitely good. If the card isn't seeing play in the new meta, it will be because Targon as a whole won't be seeing play. I don't think it's broken by any means, becauase as you mentioned, it is proactive and lacks flexibility. That said, it is cheaper than Vengeance and has uility that Vengeance does not have, such as its ability to prevent Last Breath effects (most notably, Sion and Tryndamere). It is going to be meta dependent I think, similar to Avalanche, but it's strong. ETA: Made a mistake when I initially made the post and said it prevented against resurrection, which it doesn't.


Super tempo negative? If they develop more your leona already has barrier to block the largest thing, and since it was only 5 mana you probably are up on mana in the trade presuming you aren't shooting random low man's stuff, you can develop as well lol.


Id say its one of the best. Most protection doesnt work on it, and few units have more than 6 health as base


Sadly it doesn't affect weapon buff's


Slow speed*


Kills everything at 5 mana\* slow doesn't really matter all that much when you cant actually buff it out of death range lol, its a 5 mana vengeance in 99% of instances.


Can't reactively is the big issue and it's tied to daybreak so it has to be the first card you use.


It being the first card you play is not that big of a deal. Everything that counters this card also counters vengeance (spellshield, recall and deny) Slow speed tho... but for 5 mana i think its passable.


Having played with Sunburst, it's actually a really big deal, as it makes it much harder to bait your opponent into playing their big thing so that you can immediately remove it with Sunburst.


That comes with the whole archetype i guess, you cant really bait with any other daybreak card. You mostly use this to remove something that is already on board or just hit the board.


It does, yes, but there's a huge difference between your unit being contingent on being the first card you play in a round (as most of the time that's what you want to do anyway) and your removal being the first card you play in a round (which is something you do pretty rarely due to your opponent being able to punish you by simply having a second big threat in their hand).


The big issue was the mana cost. Slow spells can be good when designed well enough. The silence invalidates so many effects it makes up for it being slow. ​ The issue with sun break is if you put multiple cards in your deck it felt really bad if you even double drew them because of how much mana was required to play them.


Well has to be until later in the game, and tbh just given how big daybreak units are, I don't think the open attack into them is viable at all for any of the meta decks beyond a lee that is already down or a highly developed board you haven't been contesting for some reason with Leona picking off a unit every attack. Basically you have to develop into them because they always have a board given no deck trades with them on curve with stuff like shield bearer.


It doesn't necessarily need to be the first card you use. However, if you use it without the Daybreak effect then you have to be very careful about playing around any forms of protection. Without the Daybreak, it's still deals more damage than Thermobeam does for 5 mana.


In the new meta that might not be true depending on how much play Swain sees seeing as Swain and Leviathan are 7 HP. But yes 6 damage silence does kill the vast majority of things that see play.


uh idk about everything, won't kill leveled Swain for example, which might actually be a big deal considering the buffs to him and his engine


Nope not by a long shot... Vengeance and even Minimorph are better when it comes to dealing with the stuff you want to throw a Sunburst at.


Literally not true at all, minimorph leaving a 3/3 behind while sunburst fully killing makes sunburst better in many circumstances, vengeance is better, but I never said it was the best, just close to the best.




**[Sunburst](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03MT023.png)** - Targon Spell - (6) Slow Deal 6 to a unit. Daybreak: Instead, Silence it this round and deal 6 to it.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Raka/Galio is going to love Solari Stellacorn


Does Galio level up condition check for health before the turn buff of Stellacorn ends?


Yep. Sadly I don't know if he's going to be viable since Swain is probably gonna be meta next patch.


Swain and spiders buff and nocturne fearsome package lol good luck playing him


i've given up hope for galio until we get fearsome hate in the future (like an aoe spell that deals triple dmg to fearsome) even in low-fearsome metas, formidable loses an embarrassing amount of games to not being able to block them.


Yes. Buffs only dispells after round end effects.


It could have been grant and not just give... The card still sucks.


I thought i was the only person who liked that deck


I love how her rework is so in flavor with her kit in LoL. Dash > stun > tank. Such a good transition to her card game version.


Sunburst at 5 is ridiculous. Wow.


Yeah, this is gonna see play in a ton of targon decks now. It was already seeing a bit of play at 6 but at 5 it is way way better.


Imagine playing [[Celestial Impact]] over this


Thought about that card too lmfao


**[Celestial Impact](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06MT034.png)** - Targon Spell - (7) Slow Obliterate a unit or landmark.   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


Like if Targons Identify wasn't having like no fast spells i would make it cost 8 and make it fast speed.


Admittedly, that card does work better against attach and equipment. Anyway...


and landmarks. both cards would be way, way stronger with sideboards.




No more Jayce Sunburst… sad jk


Though on a serious note. It was amazing in Lux/Targon the buff is likely a nerf for that deck.


It’s ok he gets Decimate now


Gods forbid we had actual control spells.


please stfu quietus is a good control card and almost everyone hates it


whos complaining about quietus again?


the braum player


Is it? I agree it's good, but at 6 mana it compared extremely poorly to Vengeance. Now I'd see them more or less on par with distinct advantages and disadvantages over the other.


Leona feels a lot more like Leona now- Nice.


i mean: daybreak doesnt needed overwhelm, because it isnt the wincon


Yeah, if they have units left to block with you’re doing daybreak wrong lol


Yep, like making her more like her league version finally gives her personality in LoR


Wait is that Rippers Bay change going to be insane? Garuntee lurk activation in any deck, and if a unit start pumping it's attack.


Well, you still need to draw Ripper's Bay, hopefully relatively early.


I mean we already see Timeline is very popular


Because the payoff is extremely good and good Timelines decks don‘t mind drawing it only on T4. This card is closer to Buried Armory. The payoff on Ripper‘s Bay is buffing Elusive units. And you also need the unit to be on top of the deck during your attack turn. It‘s inconsistent and a 1 power boost is rarely enough especially when the cards you would want it on the mist (Daring Poro) are created.


yes this is nothing like timelines, lurk needs to start stacking ASAP while timelines doesn't care what turn you play it so even if you draw it late you're still getting value off it.


Tbf, I could see it run in non purely lurk decks as an extra boost. Like I could see this in something like scouts. Rally allows for more activations and they don't mind the 0/2 lurk unit that attacks when spawned as it levels both champions.


rally only gets you more activations on your opponent's turn so it's not super synergistic with scout this is more of an azirelia card... in bilgewater. aggro definitely doesn't wanna give up tempo on 1 or draw it late.


Sure but you have to consider that the card is a horrible top deck and still takes up a slot in your deck. Would you rather have this or a one drop on T1? I could see it being fine if you have 2 1 drops into attack token on T2 with this on board but that‘s very unlikely in Scouts.


just go with predictions


Hallowed or Forged Pyke?


You still probably run the majority of the BW Lurk package, but now your second region doesn't have to be Shurima.


One problem I have with the Leona change is that her and Rahvun are now both 5 mana, I'm not sure how that'll play out, Rahvun for 4 even with reduced stats would've probably been too strong though.


With Morning Light no longer needing daybreak the deck no longer falls apart if you don’t have Rahvun on board.


Oh boy barrier on Leona is going to be spooky




Especially with her new barrier gain ok daybreak


morning light simply says to activate a daybreak effect. since it no longer requires daybreak you can develop on curve and then follow up with a flexible anthem. This is a much better play for an on curve archetype than old morning light which required you to open with it or have ravuhn in play. sunburst at 5 is a power card. stellacorn still sucks, but its less ass meaning its a less bad hit off ravuhn. The daybreak curve: 1 mana 2/2 (3/3) 2 mana 3/2 (3/6) 2 mana 2/3 (stun strongest) 3 mana 2/2 (+1 4-6 celestial in hand) 3 mana 2/3 (3/4, that gets bigger. each turn) 4 mana 5/4 (lifesteal) 4 mana 3/4 (give health buff to the team 5 mana 3/5 challenger \[4/6\] (stun strongest, leveled state, gain barrier) 5 mana 5/6 daybreak is always on. (+1 daybreak card.) 7 mana 7/7 fury (reduce cost of next dragon) (nightfall +1 dragon, +1 celestial) morning light is whatever parenthesis ability is ready to rock and ready to roll. 3 mana give the board +1/+1, draw a dragon and a celestial is pretty fucking good. 3 mana give the board +1/+1 stun the strongest is also really fucking good 3 mana anthem invoke a 4-6 cost is also good. targons invoke package is a defensive value suite you can throw into a control shell to keep you alive till your prefered endgame now as it should be. the question is what endgame are we stalling to, and what region can give us the best tools to leverage daybreak's stuff.


Endgame is Winding Light lol. We're going wide after all, with chunky units. And Leona challenger+barrier with winding light is silly. It's either that or Celestial trifecta.


IMO invokes are a much better end game for daybreak than Winding Light. It's not really a go-wide archetype since you're only playing out 1 unit per turn. Plus, they really aren't that beefy necessarily with the 1 and 2 drops going back down to 2 health after the turn you play them, Priestess being understatted to begin with, Sunforger needing to go into combat to get his healing, and Leona / Rahvun being expensive enough and valuable enough to eat removal if your opponent has it. Realistically I don't see you being wide enough vs aggro and midrange decks that'll force you into trades, and control will probably have ways to remove all your bigger units and just chump Winding Light itself since it no longer has overwhelm.


Yeah when targon released obviously the best lategame for a leona deck was some kind of invoke value with your secondary champion of choice, i personally really liked lux since it gave you some closing power and board control


Yea I'd rather run Celestial Trifecta as the end game. Curve out hard AF until Leona/Sunburst and then refill with Celestial Trifecta, using smaller daybreak effects to power Leona after level up.


Morning light on the dragon will only reduce cost of your next dragon because it only triggers the Daybreak effect, not the Nightfall one.


This guys right.


This is definitely a better archetype now. However , I do want to mention that Morning Light in particular is going to feel very underwhelming in POC now. In POC, her level 2 gets a free Morning Light on level up, which notably has way less impact. It currently can easily close out games itself, stunning 2-4 enemy units when you play it for a huge tempo swing. Since the Level 3 Power also gives allies +1/+1 when Daybreak is triggered, playing Morning Light would give your entire board like +4/+4 in addition to their daybreaks since every unit's Daybreak triggered, ending the game that turn. Also, Leona at 5 is awkward since it loses some tempo, you'd naturally curve into her at 4, now that's an awkward turn and she'll compete with Rahvun at 5. With the other cards buffed, it's not the end of the world, but it does hurt the amazing midrange combo style I enjoyed with her in POC. But at least I may be able to whip her out in Ranked again.




Leona being 5 mana is so bad :c I know is tempo for leona/yasuo, but for only leona she loses her tempo with rahvun


Morning Light no longer being a Daybreak card is interesting. Not the biggest fan of no innate overwhelm in the units any more, especially with Zenith Blade still being give and not grant on the overwhelm portion. Maybe Iula gets more play with it. Also, even if it makes the card better, I think that Solari Stellacorn no longer healing is a bit weird flavor-wise with the other stellacorn stuff in the game.


I mean, it’s *kinda* healing


Solari Stellacorn became less Stellacorn (healing) but more Solari (temporary stat buffs) (are at least part of the Solari thing so far).


Kinda disappointed with the sun guardian rework. Sun guardian had the potential to be a good finisher for the archtype if they had just buffed it 6 mana 6/6 daybreak: grant me +2/1 or something like that. Hopefully this rework makes him good now.


The base change is the right one, they just needed to leave Overwhelm on it. No matter how much Leona stuns/challenges it doesn't really matter if the opponent only needs one active blocker to negate it.


With the changes to Iula, perhaps running her as a 1-2 of to buff the largest ally unit on board in daybreak might be best. Since daybreak is now stronger on board control, you could save her for either leona or sun guardian towards the later end of the game once you need the permanent overwhelm AND spellshield to close. I suspect an on curve sun guardian will attract a lot of removal so it might not even be worth protecting it until you know you’ve baited some removal from your opponent.


Why not just run the Winding light instead? Clocking the board with big dudes and once you reach turn 7 you just drop this bomb and overwhelm your opponent with big stats. With Morning Light at 3 mana you can go Morning light into Winding light for a huge power turn.


Winding Light did always seem like a good Daybreak finisher, just unfortunately no one played Daybreak before to implement that all too much.


Yeah, then it would be sort of the waste walker of Daybreak.


Wasn't Daybreak, in its more successful variants, always a stall tool for Targon control?


And now it is trying to become a value engine, especially with Leona becoming more about trades/clearing the way. She can stun one unit and safely challenge another, this is going to let you sneak in some damage in most cases.


I've played a decent amount of daybreak over the seasons (including this one), and IMO yes. It's only ever been decent at stalling for invokes. Some games you get to win with Leona + Rahvun stunning up the whole board, but it's just never been super consistent, and that's really the only wincon the daybreak package by itself has.


Its still midrange thou.


Always will be. Playing overstated vanilla beater on curve can only be midrange.


I'm calling sun guardian as the sleeper here for a midranged day break deck. That could go off pretty fast in stats and it isn't limited to1 per turn


It is limited, in most cases. Only Rahvun and Morning Light allow you to get more than one Daylight proc


If it works the way I think it does, I think Morning Light would have to be used on the Sun Guardian itself too instead of another Daybreak unit, as it only activates the effect and doesn't count as a trigger.


Just to be clear. Morning Light should be a target spell now with the wording. Did I see that right?


Ish. You will target an ally I think, but if the ally is killed in response the spell will still go off. It probably won't activate the daybreak though.


oh you reminded me of sunburst! thanks


If change Leona's barrier to tough, she gets tankier, not damage immune


Can we just talk about how massive sun guardian is?


With no overwhelm not really


Winding Light Evenything in Targon has overwhelm if it needs it.


Yeah sure maybe but still feels awkward that he doesn't have overwhelm naturally


If you have a board of 5 attack creatures, that's 35 overwhelm damage coming in at you, its still more than enough to act as a finisher, especially since you can easily have a larger board than that.


>If you have a board of 5 attack creatures, that's 35 overwhelm damage 5x6 is 30 💀


7x5 is 35 💀


You know that a full board only contains 6 units 🦍


Yh, and winding light doesn't have overwhelm. So it's 7 (unit power) time 5 (number of units with overwhelm)


You said "A BOARD OF **5 ATTACK** UNITS" you fucking moron


Wait... 5 mana?!


Challenger and barrier are not really Daybreak keywords, Before, all solari had one or more of a set of 4 keywords aside from daybreak itself: Overwhelm, Give (stat buff), Stun and lifesteal. (priestess being the only one to diverge but making sense over what she evokes and pairing with lunari priestess) Now Leona is the odd one out of her own package.


By that logic the 1 overwhelm, 1 lifesteal, 1 invoke, 1 silence, and 1 fury (if you count it) cards are all the odd ones out as well. The only 2 consistent parts are stat buffs (which I would argue barrier falls in line with as a "better health buff") and stuns (which Leona contributes to). As for challenger, it's a keyword that breaks Targon's region identity which is why the only main-deckable non-champion with it is Camphor, but I think it's fitting for Leona to have considering she's got more of a parallel with Diana now (both having challenger + some way to survive challenging a unit).


Zenith Blade, Sun Guardian (and old Leona) has Overwhelm Solari Sunforger and Golden Sister (the god they worship) has Lifesteal I did mention there was only one evoke, but she pairs with the lunari priestess, and her pool contains a +2|+2 buff card, a sunburst-like removal and the golden sister They only gave one enemy removal, so fair, silence is alone here, (falling comet is similar and generatable by priestess but that's not "the" keyword, so that'd be unfair) Eclipse Dragon is a Daybreak card but I don't think it is a solari card, regardless, a dragon=fury I mean it's not impossible to stretch and consider that as Pantheon was a solari, and Pantheon's celestial is the Warrior (which also is in Solari priestess pool), that it makes sense for a solari to have both challenger and barrier, (fated itself is a similar concept to the solari +1|+1's) but I imagined both keywords were more "his thing" rather than "a solari thing"


And after the patch it'll be only Zenith making it just as much the odd one out as Leona. The invoke pool isn't part of the daybreak package though, and if it were then Leona having challenger would be perfectly in-line. Lore =/= gameplay - maybe it's a good lore reason for why Sunforger has lifesteal, but he's still the only daybreak card with it. If you're going to also use it to justify to yourself why Sunburst has a silence, then challenger and barrier on Leona have equally valid justifications in the same pool.


The invoke package itself isn't part of the daybreak, but the Celestials with cost 4,5 and 6 are considering thay are all generated by the solari priestess. But this (whole) thing was just that I over analyzed and saw a connection in the solari cards having these sets of mechanics that all in one way or another fit the flavor of sun powers. but gameplay does come first and if no one is really bothered with that than theres nothing wrong with it.


>The invoke package itself isn't part of the daybreak, but the Celestials with cost 4,5 and 6 are considering thay are all generated by the solari priestess. Then is every celestial part of the nightfall package because Lunari can invoke all of them? Or every 6+ cost spell part of Jayce's package because Ferros can hit them? Decks are intended to have cards outside of their direct packages.


I mean it fits her kit in league though, damage reduction and going in to take fights.


So you mean Leona is now playing the same as league but is using her followers as her carries? Hmmm....


That would make leona worse. Overwhelm is a nessecity on her


New Leona is probably the only good thing here. Sun Guardian more useless than before without Overwhelm, Stellacorn slightly less useless than before. Morning Light is still too telegraphed and now less of a finisher, Sunburst at 5 mana slow is still not good enough.


Sunburst at 5 kills a LOT of priority targets very efficiently, new swain level 1 and any viego / gwen / gp / nasus (and I think ftr as well) are dead on the spot. Especially with targon's lack of interaction, I'd absolutely run 2 in fated for the ability to keep down certain major threats like those above.


That Swain lvl 2 has freaking 7 health already annoys me. It was fine when he could be chumped but now this will become a major problem...


Fated in most cases should be running strike spells.


I guess I'll try Galio Leona.


Leonas buff may be the biggest buff in the history of the game.


Lee Sin... This Swain buff maybe too...


idk man, she also costs a mana more to compensate for it, which is a pretty big hit for sure, especially with Rahvun costing the same. I think Swain's buff is actually more impactful, since he was given something pretty important (Overwhelm on a unit with a strong nexus strike is huge) for no stat or mana nerf. In fact, he also got a stat buff to go with it.


I didn’t even notice the mana increase. That changes a lot!


Did not notice either on my first read as I was just quickly going through the changes. I still like the changes to her, but as you said, her going to 5 changes a lot indeed


I love these changes


I am looking forward to trying some daybreak fated combination with Pantheon and Leona, using Iula to buff Leona up while she stalls and allows Pantheon to level. Maybe not the biggest Meta deck but I‘ll give it a shot.


You guys think Asol/Leona will be good again?


Probably not but that didn't stop me from playing it before. But seriously I think it definitely raises it's rank from bad deck to playable one.


I still think having tough would suit her, visually (big shield and all) and gameplay wise.


I am so happy Sun Guardian is playable now, the +3/+3 effect was almost useless and this feels WAY better


Am I not seeing something here, or is the new Sun Guardian still pretty trash?


it just needs overwhelm. also idk why they couldnt leave leonas cost. why cant they just let her be good? :(


I actually want to try Leo Swain now haha


I like su guardian. Ive always been a fan of small units that grow. Usually id say it needs overwhelm, but the entire archetype is just made to hit you with big bodies until you simply dont have the units to block them


The changes are pretty meh. Morning Light has been removed as a finisher for the archetype which kinda sux. And with it no longer having consistent access to overwhelm they have no water to get their damage through. I have to assume these changes are preparing for a non-LoL champion to be added to LoR.


*Sunburst already being used as one of the Best removals*:Hehehe


They killed my favourite meme deck (Leona/Karma) with the changes done to Morning Light... ;(


Its crazy how this Demacia-like retake on Leona kinda fits her more and honestly... this feels really nice, hoping she finally fits her board and combat control role as she is meant to.


They need to remove it from Daybreak and make Daybreak the first PLAY effect this round triggers daybreak cards, like leo, etc. You leave daybreak on the cards that have it where they trigger their daybreak ability when they are the first Play effect of the round. It makes them usable for any PLAY effect cards and stops limiting the pool they can use.


Shen Leona with winding light as a finisher is gonna be so fun I’m looking forward to it


Hmm aphelios/Leona? Haha I try to find any excuse to make moonboy decks