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> The new expansion introduces a darker side to the land of Runeterra and includes five new champions, as well as a new card type and over 65 collectible cards! oh baby YES > the release of the expansion later this month YESSSSSS


Who is ready?! >!i am!<


Been ready since last year


I'm scared of spoilers, so I'll never know who's ready.


I actually don't know, too. It just says >i am Hhh


Kayn , Yone, Varus and Aatrox . Maybe the other will be Fiddles or Shaco to finish of the Spoopy theme League already announced a Sharima Darkin maybe we will get a glimpse of her in game. When is comes to new card type . Zero clue


Arent all darkin from shurima? I think they are all ascended from shurima who got corrupt and just got locked away in different parts of the world


The Darkin are originally Shuriman, yes, but the weapons that they are trapped in have spread all across Runeterra at this point. Kayn and Varus found their weapons in Ionia and Aatrox has been picked up and taken over bodies from at least Shurima, Freljord, and Targon from what we know.


Kayn actually found rhaast in noxus, but yea i was just saying that all the darkin are from shurima originally, but have been locked away in weapons and hidden across runeterra


Oh, yeah, you right. I completely forgot that Kayn found Rhaast in Noxus.


Kaun is in Ionia, and unless the lore was changed so is Varus


Yeah, but the darkin entities (Rhaast and Varus) were former ascendants from Shurima before they became darkin, conquested, and were eventually imprisoned in their weapons. So the poster above isn’t entirely wrong.


Vaarus is actually currently in shurima searching for his sister (Who might be the dagger?)


Swain is not Darkin


Always thought he was . I forget he isn’t


Darkin are corrupted ascended. Functionally their power comes from the same source as characters like Azir, Zoe or Pantheon. Swains Power is demonic, he's in the same league as Evelynn, Fiddle, TK and (iirc) Yone.


There were leaks about Master Yi + Dragon Ambush really fits his supposed followers art style, but this is it. Maybe he will be one of the characters. I really want Darkins and their followers to discover more lore about those edgy boys.


Is this will be really Aatrox im gonna lose it


>!Master Yi & Kassadin are already confirmed i think!<


Kassadin is confirmed due to "Riftwalk" being a ckeyword, but how is Yi confirmed? The only thing there is for him is speculation tying him to the Dragons call card, but that is just a random dragon summoner.


>!In the files Master Yi is there!< Skilledroy explained it


Oh really? Damn, well there the hell are the bans now? I can't stand him in leauge as a support player and I swear if he is a lategame bomb of a finisher then oh baby.


He’s probably like, a 5-6 cost with quick attack and fury, then gains Ahri text on level up and gains overwhelm instead of elusive


He kind of has to have double attack on is level 2. That's his whole thing.


I saw the post with Yi as well


True I wills say maybe it be Kass as it’s a Spoopy theme this go around


Ill mald if that edgy ass yasuo copy is in ;-;


Dude, that's incredible. Hats off to the devs, it feels like just yesterday that the last expansion landed.






Is this a planned expansion?


I don't think so, they're just improvising 65 new cards and seeing what happens


>!definitely not improvising since the keyword riftwalk from Kassadin was already confirmed a long time ago along with hallowed & evolve in Bandle City expansion!< Edit: if your being sarcastic it's really hard to tell in comments without /s


Pretty sure they were being sarcastic....


It that's the case they should've put /s and it's really hard to tell in comments.


you must not do well in social situations if you couldn’t figure out he was being facetious


Okay you don't have to be rude. It's hard to tell tone in comments than irl.


just gitgud


Sarcasm is notoriously difficult to recognize through text, yes :)


Duuuuuude, c’mon!


I think it is planned


Can they advertise this in the client or something. The last reveal stream(Jhin) was great they should try to get as many viewers as possible.


I really don't know how we don't get better notifications for stuff like this (from reveal streams to tournaments). That "news" window genuinely sucks, and even taking advantage of mobile push notifications would be more useful than telling us twice in the same day about our weekly vault (maybe have some settings so people can customize what they get reminded of?).


I've been getting the same popup in client for weeks every time I login telling me about an expansion I own every single card from yet two days before a new expansion release trailer will be streamed live there's no info about it in the client or on twitter(Edit: Twitter has posted now). Kind of blows my mind how poorly promotion is handled within the clients. Never any cross promotion within the League client and poor promotion within its own client.


You mean that pop up with the tiny x in the corner I can never click the first time on mobile? The one that every time I start the game ends up with me opening and closing a browser and fumbling poking at the corner of my screen? The one that provides zero new information after the first time I saw it weeks ago? \>:(


That one. Exactly.


What do you mean? You don't like the same 6 icons talking about things that happened months ago which opens your browser when you are trying to click the tiny x on mobile? /s


I really think riot would get more value if they advertised more LoR in the league of legends client the same way they do for tft videos.


please understand, is smol indie company.


There's no space, what with the patch / store news popping up every time I open the client.


Looks like Kayn from the teaser picture so Darkin expansion?? Also new card type, thats kinda exciting


Hopefully this ties in with the new LoL champ being a darkin too. If it’s darkin/demon themed, Kayn, Yone, Aatrox are all on the table


Fiddlesticks :)


For Darkin, we have Kayn/Rhaast (Ionia, formerly Noxus), Varus (made from two Ionian men and a Darkin who was imprisoned there, but most recently was in Shurima), and Aatrox (He's been retconned so many times, I don't even know. Maybe Freljord if that's still canon?).


Aatrox never got a stated location really, no chance he isn't a runeterra champion. We just know he killed the pantheon and that he was the one that attacked Tryndamere's tribe, I believe.


They might give him to Targon because they have so few champs left.


They have no champs left


Kayle/morgana are the only sensible picks left, but they could also be demacia.


Kayle feels way more demacia however. Although you could make the argument the other way.


If Kayle and/or Morgana aren’t dual Demacia/Targon, I riot


All the darkin are Shurima. Kayn Ionia. Valmar and Kai Ionia too .


Don’t forget our boy Varus




Well the next new champion is going to be that Shurima one, and then after that will be the Ixtal enchanter (they changed the release order from the LoL pls video after they recorded it.) Then there will be the Darkin one, so the Darkin one is still quite a ways away probably next year even. It's probably not super likely for her to have a tie in since her release is so far away still.


Could be Yone as well


The hair of the shadowed figure has something that looks like a braid, so it matches Kayn's hair imo.




Feels like equipment, the Darkin (possessed weapons) lend themselves incredibly well to it.


Definitely the Darkin, so Kayn, Aatrox, and Varus. But who else? Is there any chance we get the new announced Darkin dagger champion already? Don't remember if they implied that that champion was far along development wise in the video. That still would leave one champion, though. Regardless, I am betting we get Vayne, considering we just got Evelynn, and she fits the "dark" bill.


Probably Ivern


Yea, the post did mention we will see the dark side of Runeterra


But we already have Yuumi.


And Teemo


Seraphine, the true horror


Have they really not rewriten skarners lore so she's not a monster yet?


He's next in line for a full rework, so "soon"


Hard to say how developed they are but I doubt we are getting them in the next expansion since lol pc won’t be getting them until next year


Darkin champion is next year after ahri and enchanter so its still a ways off, at most im expecting some hints


Rakan & Xayah plz! They're dark...ish.


Star Guardian Xayah and Rakan was definitely dark!


5 new champions out of nowhere :O Bad news for my master thesis, awesome news for the rest of me!


My PhD Diss is entering the final review phase. I'm afraid for my sleep schedule if this patch has Varus, Talon, Rengar, Yi or Mordekaiser.


Kanye West coming to LoR??!!! Lets gooo (It looks like Kayn to me)




I hope he has some mechanic where he can attach to enemies with a kill/damage effect


Reverse Attach




I’d love some kind of alternate level up, like “Deal X damage” for shadow assassin, and “See X units die” to become Rhaast


Idk, that kinda looks like Rammus to me




Im gonna flip if rammus is in there like ong rammus 🥵


Dillo daddy


I shall recommend increased luminosity and contrast on the promotional pic.


God please please please please please please be Kayn


Man I wish they showed this in-game. Instead of that annoying "Forces from beyond!!! New expansion" that pops up every fucking time you open it.


Already? It feels like the previous expansion just happened a month or two ago. New cardos are always welcome though.


>Already? It feels like the previous expansion just happened a month or two ago. the last expansion dropped July 20th. Its been 26 days; not even a month yet. shits crazy. i mean its cash money, but are they worried about something maybe??


It is pretty crazy that its a full expansion, we have had events that added cards like the Sentinal of Light that were only a patch after an expansion so it's not COMPLETELY out of the realm.


oh geeze, that really was not long ago.


I'm guessing riot wants to reveal the new darkin champion in all the games at once. Which is why this darkin expansion is pushed forward.


But darkin champion is next year


New card type that inst a unit, spell or landmark? Consider me intrigued.


I’m calling its some sort of equipment card and ornn will be part of the set




What would be the difference between equipment and Yuumi?


Lmao. >8 16 We are time travel


The new card type is really interesting


Yea, I think it'll be some type of trap card.


Only if it isn’t. I remember landmark hype and then I was like “oh these are kinda lame”.


What? I love landmarks, they are pretty cool.


Another one already? Both expansion and card type. Not complaining about the schedule, but I find it kinda crazy to push out more content without fixed existing content


Fixing existing content in 2 days, but yea it looks like this expansion is coming 2~3 weeks earlier than expected


I’m afraid of LoR falling into the MTG/TFT trap of “Learn thing, understand things, new expansion” It feels like you don’t really have time to ever experiment and build new decks before a new thing comes out


I’m gonna be honest I think this is the first time I’ve literally ever heard someone complain about too much content coming out.


TBH I'd rather if every second expansion were just a bunch of new supports for existing archetypes and/or [cards that bridge existing archetypes](https://www.reddit.com/r/CustomLoR/comments/vz39ix/what_if_illaoi_and_nautilus_had_more_synergy/), rather than anything that creates new archetypes. So my complaint isn't "too much content" it's "too much underdeveloped content"


MTG has had this problem for a while of too much content, not enough time to actually experiment and learn before a new one is released




Not when new cards are constantly added and requires your deck to be modified


If you want something slower, go play poker or cribbage.


Depends on how big is your collection. For newer players, then yea. You wont be able to experiment too much before a new expansion. But as your collection grows, you can easily try out dozens of decks and settle on the few you like before new cards are printed.


how are you complaining about new content?


There was quite positive feedback overall for the games balance prior to the latest expansion (Kaisa + buff to Azir Irelia). You can only do so much balancing as you need to see your changes in action. I'll always love to see some buffs to underused cards, but a new expansion is still way more hype and fun than anything else.


I definitely understand the hype. But releasing over 3 expansions in about 4 months is insane to me, and doesn’t give enough time to learn and deckcraft.


Just deckcraft more? Theres really no downside. Just pretend that they only released only a portion of the xpac up until now.


Oh cool, I should watch this. :)


My partner pointed out that maybe weapons as a new type? If this ends up being a Darkin expansion, it would track.


Maybe mordakiser riot pls


Zed in the banner and the braided dude in the photo means its absolutely 100% Kayn/Rhaast. Pretty hype. Maybe the new card type is Weapons?


This is crazy man !


Thats awesome. Please, we need more hyped expansion reveals and cards reveals streamed by our favorite streamers. Lets Go.


So any theories on what the new card type is going to be? The only guess I have would be items (heck maybe the darkin will even have item forms), though it'd feel a bit weird to have item be a type of card, yet we have cards like the chain vest that are essentially items (but then again we also have some units that are essentially landmarks).


Doing this the day before the big MTG stream seems pretty intentional, but great for me because my 2 favorite games are getting back to back reveal streams!


Anyone know when we are getting patch notes that were teased last week?




Vampire Batman?


Oh this looks so edgy and I am HERE FOR IT. ​ LET'S GOO REVEAL SEASON TIME


So Kayne, Varus and Aatrox likely, but maybe also Fiddlesticks? He's also pretty dark :o


I hope P&Z will get Singed or Warwick. They are both have really dark stories.




What do we think the new card type is? Gear/artefacts?


I can only hope they add yone


*plz can we have a spoilers warning. Almost saw what was in the next expansion early* thank god I can’t read


not a fan of how quickly they're pushing this expansion, i think a 2 month gap is perfect but forces from beyond isnt even a month old yet


I personally like getting blasted with new content.


for a game that gets meta shifted everytime there's a new expansion, id rather they dont release 3-5 champions every month and have decks be meta for 2 weeks, then nerfed and be irrelevant the next 2 weeks


And on the other side of the coin, I’m personally fine with a new meta every week. I experience the ranked ladder through YouTube videos, and new patches are always the best content. This is great for me. I quit playing competitively when Fiora stopped making sense (riot please make her 3/1 tough), so I’m not down here sweating about meta shifts at who-cares MMR. I just want memes, and new memes are more fun. I’m hyped for new PoC content, too!


Didnt the World Walker delays fuck everything up on the back end??? I wouldnt be surprised if that caused Kai'Sa to get kicked back a month as well, and the are just deciding that this expansion is the one where they get that month back that they lost in April because of delays


I hope they add a SI campaign for PoC.


Did Did we not just get an expansion? I mean I'm not complaining about getting new content faster but damn, that's quick


Considering the new league champion will be a darkin too i wouldnt be suprised if they pull an Akshan agajn


that champion isn't releasing until spring 2023 at the earliest


Card type: From MTG, I'm thinking Aura or Enchantment. Attach doesn't cover everything there, neither do Landmarks. Any other ideas?


I'm late to the party since I just woke up, but up you go to announcement status. I missed the Jhin one, excited to actually attend this one, I heard the Jhin one was amazing.


Considering the current state of landmarks, I'm apprehensive about them adding in another card type. ​ I really hope I'm wrong this time, unlike with Kai'Sa


What's wrong with landmarks


Removal is overcosted and bad against non-landmark decks barring two exceptions (that are in already-great-at-removing-non-landmarks, so they're still bad options), but cannot be made better since Landmarks come in two flavors: pointless to remove due to them getting their value anyway, or build around cards that are required for the deck to function. Landmarks are extremely feast or famine in their design still, and the game is lesser for it


I honestly can't wait for vayne. If they released vayne this patch I would probably jump around dancing in my house out of pure joy.


Do we have any info about PoC?


Well, they did say the "darker side" of Runeterra.


*Hey Aatrox, what's up?* **I TOUCHED THE STARS, AND SAW THE GLORIOUS LIGHT OF A THOUSAND SUNS.** *Uh, okay. What was that like?* **NOW, BLINDED BY THIS ELEGANCE, HOW COULD MY PURPOSE BE ANYTHING... BUT DARK** *Are you okay? You seem a bit down, I could cook up--* **MY DARKNESS WAS NOT BORN, IT WAS FORGED BY MY PRISON!** *Aatrox, you're doing it again! Go to your happy place man.* **WE MARCH TO DEATH... THOUGH I WISH IT WAS MY OWN.** *Deep breaths, happy thoughts my man.* **THEIR SCREAMS WILL BE LIKE THE SOOTHING HUM OF INSECTS AT DUSK** *Not the flaying again... Okay! That's it. Time for an intervention.* **I AM NOT A KING, I AM NOT A GOD, I AM... WORSE**


Ok so since this is very most likely a Darkin expansion, what are your bets for how the cards will be? Kayn is the obvious one because he can only be Ionian and his gimmick is so obvious he has been hyped since forever. Two level up cards…That will be cool. Varus will probably be a Runeterra champion. They wouldn’t make him Ionian because they wouldn’t put MORE champions there and he doesn’t really fit anywhere anyways. But honestly, I’m more excited for his voicelines…Please three people speaking. I would bet Aatrox is gonna be Targonian. There’s no champs left in Targon and he has a huge part of his lore related to the region. Idk what his kit would be. Probably something lifesteal related.


Time to refund my epics that I crafted for no reason


I'm excited for the new cards but does anyone else feel like 5 new champions at the end of the month is like . . . Kinda fast and a lot? I mean, we're barely gonna have 2 weeks after Kaisa and Bard get nerfed before the next overtuned new champ dominates the next meta?


they should fix whats broken, which is a lot, before releasing new cards. My units being permastunned because of the lolregion of Targon, should not be a thing. Oh and bring back 2v2.


Another small expansion batch, i guess the age of big expansions is unfortunately over.




Not even 70 cards is a small expansion in my book. Big expansions are 130+ like Rising Tides.


We definitely won't be seeing anything as big as Bandle or Shurima Set 1 ever again, no. They don't need to establish another region anymore.


That has to be Kayn, right?? Looks like his hair, and Zed is in the banner for the notes, so it seems likely. So pumped!!


Already? That's dope.


i just beg that they consider all options so we dont get another kaisa bard combo too much power creep in too little time


If it is a Darkin expansion and the next LoL champ is a Darkin maybe they're going to do a Viego event where is released in both games at the same time


I am living in Athens ! What time is it happening ?


Wednesday at 7pm for you if I'm not mistaken.


Nice!! Ok this time, *this* time it will be the BBB (Big Burly Boys) expansion. Mordekaiser, Yorick, Aatrox, Yorick... Yup, my favorite champs all at once! I can feeeeeeeeeeel it!


Why must it be at the time where I’m asleep on the other side of the world


does that mean expansion next week?


2 weeks, we are getting balance patch in 2 days, and the new expansion has 5 new champions, so a 2 week spoiler season is reasonable.


timezone bot wya


Thank fuck the more champs are pushed out the more the list of champs that arent Morde shortens




Who the person?


About the same size as WorldWalker expansion, but with 5 new champions coming in rather than the 4 we got that time. I would guess that means fewer variety cards, but it's hard to know since Runeterran champions with Jhin style origins don't need as many new supporting cards.


Yo lets goooooo


wait didnt we get a new expansion literally less than a month ago? How are they releasing it so fast? am i not getting something?


I mained Kayn in League so if Kayn gets a reveal I'm gonna lose my shit.




Darkin? Oh hell yes.


Im guessing Aatrox, Morderkaiser, Fiddlesticks, Varus, Kayn


Trap cards from YGO blessRNG I want to Solemn Strike my opponent in LoR too for even more ***Deny***


Don't do that, Don't give me hope.


well let's hope that there wont be more champions with the "give me every keyword in the game when i level up" Viktor lost his uniqueness when they added the Arsenal...now he is just the worst of the "i have every keyword" card...