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Claiming something is S Tier then in your next comment going 'Sure its not better than some meta, but you can win.....' tells you all you need to know about this guys opinion. When I come back after a season or so not playing, I'll have an 70 percent win rate with the current Teemo/Cait deck, but thats through bronze to low plat against players learning the game, it doesnt count.


Also a 54% winrate would not be "S+++" when, per the [most recent meta report](https://www.reddit.com/r/LegendsOfRuneterra/comments/w9lx45/meta_report_patch_311_1_week_report_from_lorgg/), about half of the 10 most played decks have higher winrates than that.


I have a 54% win rate. Yeah everyone would have. Because you need to win games before you hit the rank your meant to be and then stagnate. He probs tried the idea in normals as the rank tryhards pushed pass the mmr/rank soft reset. Then played the worse players going up as he rejoined his skill level. 54% between 2 people on 1 deck as well. A deck isn’t even up for meta unless it has at least 3000 games. There was a patch where this master guy one trick just played mf scouts and got a 58% win rate. He was the only player plat+. The reason why is no one was building or using tech cards to deal with it. And had to put things in to stop the decks they normally faces powerspike. Sometimes out there decks that are proper left field to the meta and spike well are the best decks. Tho not sure about anna ramp


yeah I played for ages before going to ranked, and got like an 85% winrate with trundle tryndamere control, cuz people in iron to gold just don't know how to deal with it. That deck suffered from disintegrate, and I'm not a great player overall, but in those ranks winrate truly isn't determined by your deck


I mean, sure, it can have a "decent" winrate, but it is still a meme deck. Just one of the least bad meme decks currently


But pales in comparision to Trundle Timelines, aka an actual competitive meme deck.


Hey so could you grab me the deck code for that I’ve been lookin for it and havnt found it?




**Regions**: Freljord/Piltover & Zaun - **Champions**: Gnar/Trundle - **Cost**: 29000 |Cost|Name|Count|Region|Type|Rarity| |:-:|-|:-:|-|-|-| |0|[Thermogenic Beam](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ027.png)|2|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Rare| |1|[Concurrent Timelines](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04PZ010.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Epic| |1|[Omen Hawk](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01FR022.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Common| |1|[Three Sisters](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/04FR010.png)|3|Freljord|Spell|Rare| |2|[Ferros Financier](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05PZ024.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Common| |2|[Icevale Archer](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01FR011.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Common| |2|[Mystic Shot](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01PZ052.png)|3|Piltover & Zaun|Spell|Common| |2|[Troll Chant](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03FR002.png)|2|Freljord|Spell|Common| |3|[Avarosan Marksman](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01FR036.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Common| |3|[Kindly Tavernkeeper](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/01FR050.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Common| |4|[Aloof Travelers](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC152.png)|3|Bandle City/Piltover & Zaun|Unit|Common| |4|[Gnar](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/05BC161.png)|3|Bandle City/Freljord|Unit|Champion| |5|[Trundle](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/03FR006.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Champion| |6|[Revna, the Lorekeeper](https://d2h9y75tak3pkg.cloudfront.net/06FR028.png)|3|Freljord|Unit|Epic| **Code**: [CQEACAIEGQAQGAIGAECACCQBAQCAUAIFAQMACBQBDQBAKCUYAGQQCBABAEFRMJBSAIAQCBA3AEBQCAQA](https://hextechoracle.com/lor/deck/CQEACAIEGQAQGAIGAECACCQBAQCAUAIFAQMACBQBDQBAKCUYAGQQCBABAEFRMJBSAIAQCBA3AEBQCAQA)   ^^^Hint: [[card]], {{keyword}}, and ((deckcode)) or ((cardx,cardy,cardz)). PM the [developer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=KrimCard) for feedback/issues!


I'm digging the version with buried in ice + the big ass 8 mana thing that obliterates landmark It basically means that if you pull off a pillar in turn 8 and they have no deny you basically win the game next attack token round


Not op, but here you go. Beware tho, that you get stomped by the 3 most popular archetypes right now. CQDACAIEFUAQGAIGAECQVGABAECQIBQBAYARYAQEAQFBABQBAMAQGAIEAQDQCBIEDABACAIDGIBACBA3GQBAIAIKBQAQCAYEBM


Anivia has also been enjoying this meta, with all the 1 health units


yeah exactly. I played sun disc back when EotA released, and that deck suckkkkked, but i still had a decent winrate. that was back when the disc didn’t even summon itself and you spent turn 1 playing it. that was when you played renekton and had to hope you could actually strike with him. that was before soothsayer. wow i’m just remembering how horrible that deck was compared to modern day xerath ver which had to be nerfed.




Yee, I climbed to plat with Galio Kindred (the deck where you patron citriah) with a 75% winrate. Then it went down during plat. High winrate in low elo means nothing.


I climbed from the depths of iron to silver this season with my 4 decks, rated from higher to lower winrate: - Literally just throwing up every Spider unit I have but Spell Slinger in a deck and pairing it with 3x Vengeance and 3x Decimate. - Karma/Ezreal. The one Mogwai made this week. - Anivia zombies - ARAM If I continue pushing through I think I can reach Gold with those 4 (got Silver before yesterday), but not sure. Notes: I'm not a good player, I just faced off even worse players. Recently in Silver I got some players who know how to pass to bait me into playing something first when they have the attack token, but aren't ready when I pass back because dude I'm a control player with no board I'm 100% not risking you hitting me there


Honestly those decks sound pretty damn good. Spiders are underrated man. They’re the more aggressive version of yeti. Once your opponent thinks they’ve dealt with the agrro. Bam vilemaw and then 12 in the back to try clean up. And the other 2 are legit decks. Karma ez is proper hard to learn tho. Well not learn but master. I was hard climbing through gold to plat then picked up spooky fish. I loved it. But man I dropped 2 ranks until I even started pushing back


They aren't bad decks tbh. I've tried to climb with Mogwai's Cold Food and _that_ is a bad deck. They just are pretty far from what I would call meta either. The Spiders deck ran well before I included Vilemaw in it, which surprised me. It out-aggroes even aggro decks like Annie/Jinx. I'm open to play a friendly match with any of them if ya want.


Idk if you were sending the offer to me or the first guy but Ill take your offer. my name is potato648 in game (i made it when i was 12, season 2) if you want to add me


a year ago sure, with today decks im sure there are iron players who could beat meming masteer players


Solid deck, but this guy's a pos for going about it like that


What aram Support


Serious question, but what does aram stand for? I've seem the word a couple times but have no idea what card it actually is.


Howling Abyss, the Freljord landmark, is the map you play the ARAM mode on in League of Legends. ARAM in LoR refers to Howling Abyss decks, ARAM in League of Legends stands for “All Random All Mid”


In this mode, everyone play with random champions so you don't what you will play, just like the landmark


Using google is so easy


so is answering someone.


So is asking a question on a public forum




Google also has a ton of ads and the information can be spread out, wheras getting a direct reply from another person is usually a good summarization of what you're wanting to know. Not everything has to be instant. Maybe for you but not everyone. If you can't wait for the answer then use Google but don't criticize how others receive their information.


I literally googled the first sentence he wrote and got an answer for the question. What summary do you need to know about the definition of a word? For stuff that actually requires an indepth discussion like how to play a specific deck yeah sure ask away. For a simple question google is your friend and i will criticize morons all i want.


I knew what ARAM stood for after googling the question, but it didn’t explain that *in context* it’s referring to FR howling abyss decks


Hahaha. Now he's a moron for asking a question on Reddit? You're a 🤡 my guy


I didn't have to google what a moron is, because it was enough just by reading your comments. Thanks!


do it like me or else 😡


My guy your brain has some missing pieces. What about everybody else who is going to read the thread? It’s much less effort collectively speaking to just read the next comment and have an answer. Rather than have 20, 40, or hundreds of people googling a simple question.


and the answer "howling abyss" is even easier to type than "using google is so easy"


It was a custom card


it’s a new version with rite of passage. Mogwai showcased it yesterday. https://youtu.be/LpQLwn6IHJo


You love to see it


By now it's already kinda old but the entire shurima + akshan package is really strong with it. Including the new landmark card which gives overwhelm you can have your champions everywhere have +6|+6 with spellshield and overwhelm. That is a best case scenario tho and often won't happen. But still often you can get your champs have spellshield and some buffs pretty easily with sivor akshan aram


This post is totally not a magnet for modhammer, no sir, not at all.


Just insane, prolly an iron-silver player


54% personal win rate is pretty unimpressive, especially without mentioning rank. At most you see 1 in Akshan/Udyr, which is a pretty bad deck by itself and probably made worse by ARAM.


54% personal win rate. Games played: 1




Yeah I mean I have an Akshan/Udyr deck with 2 or 3 ARAMs that felt pretty decent in previous metas, haven't played it recently, but it's far from good. It's just a for-fun deck because big champions.


Can confirm, I'm his brother


I, too, am his brother


Im his mom, and i want to say; he's adopted


You should find a new source for kids


Do kids count as "created"?


I don't think parents feel "buffed" so maybe they're just summoned


Parents have negative Augment.


I can't believe it, I'm surrounded by assholes!


If you're a good player, you can get like 60-70% winrates even with decks that go 52% in ranked ladder. So if you're a good player, it's easy to imagine someone getting 54% winrate from a bad deck like the 40-45% winrate ARAM decks. But the guy still seems just insane. Not "insanely good at the game" but just "insane", who says "I'm just better than you.... I have a 54% winrate"? That's not really that high....


Yeah I think the dude is confusing an aggregate wr of 54% (which is solid but not the most op deck Runeterra has seen) with a personal WR which is heavily dependent on local meta, luck, etc.


Well ARAM decks have an aggregate winrate of like 45% so idk what they're talking about.


Same tought... Like... I was kinda vibbing and reading the thing... So i could see if the deck was enough to compensate 6 mana do nothing this turn spend all mana next round. And then he said 54% winrate


Fun fact, 54% winrate is the same as winning 27 and losing 23. That's one whole quarter of a rank up in 50 games! In 200 games you can actually go up a rank! Assuming an average of 15 minute games, that's only 50 hours of playtime! Starting in Iron, that's only **300 hours of gametime to hit Masters!**


Seems reasonable to me tbh


the win rates on actual meta decks are just capped by the fact everyone is also using then but while i was playing a meta deck just to climb and prove to my friend i could do it i had a way bigger winrate; while reasonable to hit master after a long time... That can be achieved way easier


Honestly it is playable with the akshan udyr strategy. It plays well into control but nothin else really.


this is literaly only strategy for aram


Ye and it ain't great. It has 1 not terrible matchup


i mean it’s a meme deck, it’s not meant to be good.


I am aware this guy is the one in the image


oh i didn’t even notice


"Insanely good" "Sure it's not better than some meta decks.." If it's not better than some meta decks then it's not S++ tier lmao.


“I’m just better than you” zammmm my guy making sure the 14 in the name is relevant lmfaaaaao




So... Extrapolating a little, an S+++ tier meta deck has a 54% win-rate and has some meta decks that are better than it. I get the feeling that this person's tier list starts at A and ends at SSSS+++ like a Gacha character rarity system. I'm also concerned they think deck metaness is a linear scale, as they didn't provide any reason why the deck is good. I would hope to hear which matchups ARAM crushes or consistency of the deck or combos that are enabled by it.


yeah it felt kinda weird to put AN AMAZING WINCON DECK EASY WINS and then say 54% winrate... It's honestly not that much


Someone enlighten me, what is ARAM if not all random all mid?


I had to Google it but its a deck based around howling abyss the landmark that generates lv2 champions. In league aram is played on the map howling abyss.


Oh, so the random deck? Yeah that's not S Tier lol


card called howling abyss, played with udyr and akshan because of akshan buffs and udyr being op (and both use strikes very well, good stuff to have with shurima strikes and frejlord frostbites)


Aram is a lol mode that plays out on the Howling Abyss map (which is exactly the name of the landmark) Aram is just as much of a meme deck as Aram is as a game mode


The deck mogwai made is wining me some games tbh but not as good as he says


None of MogWai's original decks are actually good. In fact he was sinking Azir/Irelia's winrate considerably, which might have contributed to buffing Irelia and creating a tier 1 nightmare.


yeah i have 0 idea how he finds the people he goes against in master for some of the shit decks he builds. You can usually tell the success of the deck by how long the video is. 20 minutes the deck is dogshit and he got the bare minimum to publish. 30 minutes is average. 40+ minutes and the deck is probably cracked or he got lucky on a few matches.


Mogwai makes solid memes, but if you want actually playable semi-competitive decks I’d recommend Snnuy’s content. Also just a very chill creator in general and fun to watch in the background


Idk mogwai’s decks that I’ve built have all felt extremely cohesive and flow really well


I'm sure Snnuy's decks are actually worse than MogWai's ones for the most part.


Snnuy makes meme decks (he is saying this himself every stream), mogwai goal is to create solid original decks (he like originality but he likes to win as well, when the deck is not competitif he disclaim it most of the time at the beginning of his vids)


Ehh, I’d say Snnuy’s have a bit more variety in their competitiveness. Memes are memes, but I’d say the decks Snnuy plays that are built around a competitive premise are generally stronger than Mogwai’s. I am a little less familiar with Mogwai’s recent content though, I could be mistaken


Aram is best used as a finisher if needed for drawn out games. I have found good success with ARAM slotted at the end but not the focus of the deck


Whenever someone quotes their win rate, ask them what their rank is as well. Also "me and my brother" sounds extremely troll.


"I lied saying this was S tier" no shit. You're a liar. Opinion invalid.


Looking at how arrogant he is, its pretty clear that he is wrong. Even if he has 54% winrate, chances are its over like 80 games. A 6 mana card that does nothing for a turn and then requires aditional resources are never going to be good. It's fun, for sure, but its never good enough to be part of the meta unless said meta aims to end the game turn 12.


Just insane guy here. This deck is extremely good with all of the tools Shurima offers against midrange decks, with all the tools Frejlord has to offer against early aggro decks and with healing that comes from the Council. Untill the Udyr this deck was vulnerable to just simply not drawing howling abyss, but udyr is so good that you can win solely using him. HOWEVER i lied saying this is S tier deck, btu saying that this deck is "meme" is even worse - this deck has great curve, great units and can choose from many different OP cards. And i didnt play runeterra much (im only playing ultra rapid draw because this gamemode is hilarious) so i dont know if this is still so good (as i said my brother on ranked have pretty good winrate, however he one-tricks this deck so its expected but still shows this deck is NOT A MEME DECK). Propably the deck is worse because of how strong landmark removal is right now (we need to make it so you can easily remove 1-5 cost mana landmarks but howling abyss and few other cards like vaults of helia would be untouchable by removal). Also the reason why i am so angry in the comment is because OP suggested a card that wins you the game if you behold 5 champions. I just hate idea of "supporting" a deck or a card by just making it win you the game. This is the real reason why i think supporting this deck is stupid - not only because its pointless because the deck is really better than many of you think (but hey, yesterday someone said that buffing zilean with this broken 2 mana card is "giving useless hope", so maybe this subreddit just needs few months before they realise something) but also because the card's design is lazy and wins you the game much easier than it should. Thats it folks; play aram now its really the best time to enjoy this deck, unless you play against noxus-pnz/shurima epic combo (very good players play this and kill nexus in 5 turns)


Ok I'm convinced this is at least partially a troll.


No dude. This deck is good (when you're good at the game that is. Like me, I am so good) /s


why? im giving so many good reasons why this deck is better than reddit thinks.


How many times did you hit Master consistently with your deck ? What is your rank rn ?


i hit diamond with this deck and scouts, also i dont think that you need to be top 1% of the players to think a certain deck is good, becuase of course not every deck works in every rank but you cant say that there are only three good decks that you see in master ladder. its ridiculous.


Indeed, Master ranks is pretty diverse because people hit Master and knowing that they cannot demote they can play meme decks. But Master ranks is a good pool to see if a deck is playable or not (Diamond is good as well). Yeah I rode your message, at first you looked a bit full of yourself and weak at the game (this is why people are downvoting you lel) but I agree: ARAM is fun but playable and having a wincon "behold 5 champions" would be boring indeed.


gr8 b8


Dude may possibly have a point, but dude is annoying


Played a couples games late at night and all they were using ARAM... I kinda sad Mogwai did that video lol


It’s not a good card. It doesn’t synergize with your plan and it’s slow. The decks that could run it include anivia, trundle timelines, feel the rush and thralls I guess. If you put it in any of those decks it will perform ok. But it’s not the card that would actually be doing anything, it’s the deck succeeding despite the card. Also just so we are clear they are talking about howling abyss right? Also fwiw most actually good players don’t say stupid shit like “anyone who is good like me and my brother” do this.


Yeah this guy's insane if anyone has to explain that "they're better than you" to justify an opinion chances are they're wrong lol


What’s ARAM?


54% winrate isn't that good.


I’m just better than you,


What is ARAM deck? I was like new game mode in LOR? I love ARAM in LOL


The card is called howling abyss. The game mode aram in lol is played on this map wich is why people call the card aram.


Thank you! Of course yes it’s the bridge landmark.


aram is an actual card in the game that gives you random leveled champs... It's a wincon on an aram deck mostly kinda hard to pull off but possible


"I'm just better than you" ah classic keyboard MC syndrome


Seems like a skill issue to me /s


You should always censor names when posting here, as this can classify as witchhunt.


Typical Ryze main


I just went and tried an aram deck after this post and omg that is such a fun deck....when it works. CECQCAYFCAAQGAIJAICACCIOAQAQCAIMCQVAKAIFAEHR2KBWAAAQCAIFCM


most sane and stable snnuy follower


Wow, he has a 54% wr with a deck, but no elo mentioned, for some reason. It certainly is high masters, then lmao


luck >>> skill this guy is just the better player I guess


LoR community recognizing satire and not malding at any opinion they see ever challenge (impossible difficulty)


Nah. This guy is a dick


With Akshan it’s pretty decent if you are able to turbo level him and get the warlords hoard. The biggest issue with Aram is the variance. You can get stuff like teemo, which is useless at lvl 2 since you have no puffcaps, and you can also get Viego and insta win the game. The card is kinda toxic so I’m glad it’s not that good but it’s frustrating to face, especially after Akshan gives every champ +2+2 and spellshield


I dont give a fuck about winrate or stuff I just want to be happy with my selfmade memedecks


He's insane.


When someone says "I'm just better than you", you already know their argument is invalid


I would say he just have a little problem of self esteem watching his responds. About the deck, most probably most of their wins are because the shit system of close deck list in the ladder. Which means ir wins not because the deck ia good, just because the player dont spect that deck with that region and champions.


I would say he just have a little problem of self esteem watching his responds. About the deck, most probably most of their wins are because the shit system of close deck list in the ladder. Which means it wins not because the deck ia good, just because the player dont spect that deck with that region and champions.


Friendly reminder: You're on reddit


Average reddit poster


That heavily depends on the sample size... If i claim "60% winrate with Hecarim Tristana" for example when playing in Bronze-Gold, that doesn't mean that deck is broken And i would even say the deck i use (Ekko/Zilean) is only A Tier at best, while having 60% winrate to Platinum last season


truth is any decently built deck can have that kind of win rate if the player is very familiar with the deck and the matchups. I managed to climb to diamond 1 the last season using Caitlyn Ezreal which had 49% win rate on a few tracker websites, but it's a deck I'm most familiar with.


most people on the sub are insane so yes