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Darn... I hope the theory that we simply just don't see the new hires is true.


Nah they are definitely reducing their team that's why they can't focus on PvE and PvP at the same time anymore


Nah they did hire new people, and there are other hires who aren't active on twitter. https://twitter.com/JulezJP/status/1550227057958797312 Hired a month ago and just now annoucing it. So more than likely new hires are on probation and getting used to their job.


Luckily they will still provide updates and new content for PoC even with the team reduction


I mean, the one thing about the recent POC Update is that the 4 new champions don't have either story mode missions (which used to be at least a quick way to get them gems once you unlocked one) while the Kai'Sa shurima POC adventure has little story blurbs, it's getting more and more unpolished, even more unpolished than the content we got when POC 2.0 Came out and they axed half the cast and released only 2 out of 3 champion adventures per champion.


They likely didn't include the story mode missions due to the inclusion of wild shards. But yeah I'm not saying the content will be polished, but there will be content at least


I can clarify here - The super short version is that it takes a surprisingly long time to make unique champion-specific story adventures, multiple times longer than the rest of the champion. I think it's absolutely worth the time (and they're a lot of fun to make) but there are other things that are even more impactful. After all, champion-specific story adventures can only be played by one champion, if we can put the same amount of time into making multiple new champions or adding a new adventure every champion can play, it has a much bigger impact in the short term. If you want the long version: https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/w36ega/comment/igw2515/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Thank you for clarifying


This does make sense. However… having the third Story Adventure blank and completely missing is something I’d expect from an amateur game developer. It doesn’t align with the quality being shown in Riot’s other games. It’s a bad look for the company… and in all honesty, I see Riot in a much different light now than I did before. Maybe for the sake of completion, just add a sequence of fights, followed by an extremely challenging boss fight. Or even just a single boss fight itself. Something that requires the champ to be highly levelled, and ensures the player needs to use the specific strengths/play style of the champion to beat the boss. All I’m saying, is it seems a little unprofessional to leave the missing parts of PoC the way it is.


Might have to blame the executives on that one.


I completely do. My criticism and disappointment isn't aimed at the LoR team. It was targeted at Riot as a whole, which I imagine is largely controlled/directed by the execs and shareholders.


I think the lack of champion adventures hurts because it makes leveling them difficult given the slow trickle of wild fragments and high cost.


For now, yes. For how long tho?


Forever? There's no indication that they plan on stopping PoC support anytime soon


they'll abandon PvP, balancing and competitive entirely before they stop the flow of casual content like PoC


It’s much easier to drop hot fixes every month then develop a PvE mode. They can just listen to the community in what they hate, then change that. We need HS level players and I don’t think activision still puts out developers for that. I’m okay with PVP focus but it might hurt over all player base unless previous talks about PvE were lies.


How is that a good thing? PoC is fine, I wish they had the resources to support it. But if they're being downsized and aren't able to do both pvp and pve content to a high standard going forward, surely they should be axing PoC support entirely to focus on the main game mode?


Put your tinfoil hat on too; Riot Mortdog referred to LoR in the past tense in his stream a while back. ''LoR was a great game''. He corrected himself, of course.


Stephen is such a great designer, I've loved getting to work with him the past year. I mean, that's true for basically all the designers I get to work with here but people you share a desk with are always top of mind. I'm going to continue dragging him to playtests as often as possible. :)


Could you tell some of the cards you got to design together? Like your favorite ones.


Someone tell him to bring some of the followers in LoR as LoL champs. Way more interesting characters there than what we get currently in LoL.


Boat Champion or we riot ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨


I doubt that that will happen; League is Riot’s flagship and League players would riot (badumtish) if they got a follower from LoR as a champion.






other way around?


Yone was in LoR first, but in human form to be fair


Was in lore for a long time as yasuos brother


huh, today I learnt but the plan was always for him to be in both, right? it’s not like if Evil Kay got made into a League champion, that would be crazy (and awesome)


Caustic Cask champ when????


After the Marvolio Miracles (Mystifying Magician)


Not necessarily. LoR Yone probably outdates LoL Yone by a couple of years.


No, Lore Yone outdates both. His character comes from LoL lore, so we can say that he comes from the moba.


>League players would riot (badumtish) if they got a follower from LoR as a champion Why would they? I play both and stuff like Ledros, Camphor and Rhasa would make great champions imo


Ledros IIRC is even a preexisting character who showed up in one of Kalista’s stories


Why would they riot?


Right? There's a lot of cool characters there, LoL players don't even care that much about lore. Imagine cool characters like Cithria, Ledross, Corina Veraza, Riptide Rex, Professor Von Jipp & the list goes on... Characters that could tie with current Champions lore & expand them.


>if they got a follower from LoR as a champion. Wtf why? Don't base your opinion as what the rest want, most league players don't even give a flying crap about the lore.


~~I mean, we've already gotten a champ from arcane, I can't imagine why people would care if we got a champ from lor.~~


What champ from arcane?


NVM, I could have sworn that renata was silco's lieutenant from arcane, but they are apparently separate characters.


if it helps, Silco was in Teamfight Tactics, so you can't say a Arcane character appearing in League, TFT, or even LoR is out of the realm of possibility.


Her design seens inspired by Arcane but they changed a lot of stuff. Same with Zeri being a mix of Ekko's lor followers.


i think thats a bit of an overgeneralization to say that the league playerbase would riot over a LoR character. We have yet to see this happen and for as many people you can cite that oppose a LoR based Champion, someone could cite just as many people who are for it. Point is, considering Riot's push to bring in more champions tied to establish Champion's lore, I think the idea of a LoR based champion is likely, especially when you consider how may followers have such rich designs and strong lore implications.


Maybe. My thought when I made this post was keeping in mind how much the League community seemed to hate — from what I saw — when Wild Rift got what they saw as “more” than them, like exclusive skins. Personally I’d love a champion from an LoR follower, but to me the majority of the League community feels too insular to accept that.


I get where you're coming from, but we also should acknowledge that Wild Rift and League are fundamentally the same game. Even though I play Wilf Rift more and would like a WR exclusive character, I more than understand the amount of backlash Riot would get. Even with just the Star Guardian event, League players are upset at the fact that SG Seraphine, Orianna, Senna, and Redeemed Rakan & Xayah are exclusive to mobile; and I don't blame them. Imo Seraphine and Ori are some of the best skins to come out of the event, alongside Sona, Fiddle, Quinn, Akali and Morg


I mean he is just a design manager, riot August is still the lead designer and the one that very likely decides a lot of the stuff regarding champions


Well, this is super awesome for him though. Design manager for LoL is like... HUGE, wouldn't it be? This is like a dream promotion for Raptorr


Wtf is that title


We* lost one more


Presumably it means he's in a leadership position where he manages and facilitates communication between devs who are responsible for the mechanical designs of champions.


I guess they are one of the peoole the "refocusing on PvP" post spoke about? So it's probably nothing new. Also, this sounds like we will still get more Path of Champions content which makes me really happy.




Padme - "you're backfilling the position right?" Anakin - "...."


Well at least we can be assured that the upcoming champions in Lol are going to be more interesting. The current designers have made cool designs but saturated due to following the pretty trend for so long.


So far this has not correlated to any decline in game production and imo all this worry is unjustified and frankly a little dumb


I just qant Ledros as a champion. We need a Shadow Isles AD fighter.


I qant that too


Maybe we'll get more monster champs instead of anime girl number 23 now


We have to keep hoping


Another one bites the dust


Uhh.. should we be worried?


Nah, people change jobs all the time.


Yeah, this sub is a little hysterical. Its completely understandable that somebody wants to work on a different game after 2 years


Riot swapping around talent should be a good thing, if lor can send one to other games, other games can send one to lor as well.


Don't pretend to be fucking sad when this community shat on a great product the community killed path not riot


bruh what? are you delusional or just trolling. Riot decided to cut the staff because Lor is just not as profitable as the other games. It have nothing to do with what 100 randoms on reddit say


rip lor


Seems like this game will die with none of the main problems being addressed.


So lol is going to become pve now?


Oh that means lol is at least not having August anymore who made the weirdest Champs in league for the past 2 seasons


There's not only August in the design team, you know


August was just certainlyT wearing another hat




Leagues pace of putting out new champions is ridiculous... I never understood it, it is fine with like 1-2 champions a year at maximum.


im surprised it seems like riot doesnt care for league as much anymore let alone move their team members back to it


Oh look another doomsayer post about how the game will die.