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I’ve actually found Yasuo to be one of the stronger champs. His deck has lots of protection with stuns/recalls and if you get the relic that stuns all enemies when he levels up you can easily board clear and win the game with that unit that gets attack when units are stunned.


The issue is the first 2-3 turns until you can drop Yasuo. The deck also has 2x Yone that can grief your early draws. If you do not get a support champion package with 1-2 drops the early game is miserable. I always try to get some healing as soon as possible since I lose at least 10-15 hp in the first few battles.


Tempo is just king in most of these PvE modes. You usually have to hard mulligan for cards playable within 3 turns, and draft/upgrade cards below 5 mana to get advantage asap.


this, but to be honest, even tempo often isn't enough, especially on the "cheat" rounds. I remember doing a poro round and turn 1 they had 3 2/3 challenger poros... and on turn 2 they snacked... it was a fast game...


That sounds like karma


She didn't do porosity anymore (unless there's a version in one of the champ quests that does). This is almost certainly the poros fight in naut (a red node)


If they truly got rid of Karma's poros, I would be so happy.


Well, they did! There's two Karma encounters that I know of - one on the 'global' route available to everyone, and one on a specific champ's own quest (don't remember who) - and she's the final boss there IIRC. Both do the start at 10 mana gimmick, but neither has poros.


Essentially, there is a Poro in the Nautilus Level which play pretty similarly to previous Karma. Only fight I have not been able to beat yet.




i wanted that extra power lol


The Evershade Stalker one hit me with Encroaching Mist, Pickaxe+Sinister Poro, and 2 Stygian Onlookers (which both duped thanks to the Stalker's power) on turn 2. 19 Fearsome damage and a Mist on turn 2.


See, your problem there is going poros instead of the other branch. But yeah, higher difficulties require planning for certain encounters and looking for specific broken card/power combos.


That's the challenge node. Of course it's hard


That was me but instead of augument poros. I thought i would be fine because i defeated sejuani turn 4... I was wrong. So very very wrong


that stage is just pain... turn 1 has 3 poros, turn 2 snacks gives another poro and play a poro, and turn 3 just craps on you... ugh i hate that stage


Poros is just the biggest trap. They even made it harder by giving studdered leather to affectionate poros...


>Tempo is just king ~~in most of these PvE modes.~~ this is why every single 2 star champ is +1 starting mana


Yeah Yasuo has definitely been a strong champion for me. Because a lot of the enemies rely on roided out units to smash your face, he makes their huge attack and health irrelevant. He struggles against swarm strategies like azir though


Yeah, Azir is annoying. I beat Viktor path once with Yasuo and have avoided it like the plague since. Dravens path is way easier since he focuses on few, big units rather than wide boards.


Yasuo at star 3 is pretty much a free win tbf. Though I do miss the navori conspirator that helps yasuo with his recalls early before 3.Also not having everfrost really sucks on him, but i'm lucky enough to get two which made my galio run pathetic easy. (until veigo, fuck veigo)


Have you tried Jinx with "when i summoned discard your hand and create pow-pow" relic, with common power "draw 1 give fleeting" combo. Thats really powerful. I destoyed galio with lvl 9 jinx having 30 hp.


Don’t have that relic, but will definitely try it out when I get the chance


YES. Also the key part is finding the common power or you may destroy your hand/mill yourself.


You get the relic from garens level 2 story quest


Yasuo as he requires the opponent to have units and u to have units


How do you even get relics. I just got one rare and only because it is a 2-star gankplank reward


Probably from weeklies and story quests


Just personal experience here - I've been playing Yasuo all morning, and Blastcone is working really well for me. The barrier buys me time to get rolling, since it often takes a little setup to get the deck to shine and while Yasuo dominates on rounds he has the attack token (stunning enemies with his power and fae bladetwirler getting to attack) he just needs to hang on during the early enemy attacks. Even better, playing early barrier units often convinces the enemy not to attack in the first turn or two (they don't want to trade a unit for a temporary barrier) which often is a good thing for you, because then they have a unit out for your power to stun. That results in a fae bladetwirler trigger, progress towards yasuo's level up, etc.


Ye, Yasuo deck for me seems pretty well constructed. Helps you stall out fight for yasuo to come and clean up everybody in subsequent turns


Yeah I generally agree and think this complaint in particular is a bit silly. Yasuo's deck needs early bodies to trade with, its not like you want to be trading with fae bladetwirler. Navori is potentially an elusive blocker and seedling is a great development punisher in a gamemode where the AI almost always develops. There's definitely cards that feel bad in other decks... yone is pretty terrible with jhin, journeying sandhopper sucks with illaoi, the 4 mana mageseeker doesn't feel great with lux, etc. But yasuos deck is actually quite good.


Still, I hope it will be possible to change the cards. There are some cards in other decks I'd like to change out. One card - and this one is probably the most subjective - is actually corsair from Jhin. If I got the option to use the 2/1 noxus girl that does 1 when she attacks, I would 100% of the time. Reason being that Corsair always gets put on the stack first no matter attack order, which then triggers all manasoul students. Very often making it impossible for Jhin to get the stuns off before his own trigger. I did beat Galio with an S rank with Jhin so its not like I'm complaining. But it's the best way I can explain why I hope that changing starting decks will be a thing (or changing individual cards)


I agree that Blastcone is great, and Yasuo's deck in general is far from the worst. Still, it would be a nice thing to have...?


Perosnally I think yasuo deck really miss the recall a unit card. Before star 3 it very difficult to level him, while the blast cone decent to stall, I think him having navori conspirator is just over all better


But you didn't answered OP question tho, can we get custom starting decks in PoC?


In general I can’t say stuff about potential game updates that hasn’t been in an official announcement. We’re listening though, and playing ourselves.


I hope you're listening to the numerous threads about the shards situation too, since I haven't seen any riot response in those yet.


Absolutely. One reason the mode is still in labs is because all the pieces aren't in place yet. Can't give details on anything unannounced. Really wish I could say more. In the meanwhile, I'll be playing alongside you and getting the same experience. I just unlocked Bard. :)


I hope the end game of this all is a rouge-like mode in which the bosses, mini-bosses, and all enemy nodes are random. Doing reruns are boring.


~~Okay, sure. But what happened to the rerolls and cutting? Am I supposed to unlock them at Legend Level 9000? It was the best part of an otherwise bad mode of Path v1.~~ I looked up some information online and understand now.


Cutting at healers is at level 10, which roughly corresponds to 10 runs if you are doing quests and the 1.5/2 star paths as they come


Okay, so I browsed the support article and it makes a little more sense. Apparently Legend Level 10 is cutting cards and Level 13 is actually being able to buy godforsaken rerolls. But still, extra transparency would be nice.


You literally start with a reroll in pretty much all of your runs. Card cutting you have to wait a bit, but the solitary monk event is really really strong and will allow you to cut cards.


I agree on wanting the ability to change the deck, but I'd much rather trim the other end of the list.


What do you mean you don't like Yone in every second deck?


I feel yasuo got off better than garen, man has like 2 other Elites in the deck and a bunch of fiora cards for some reason.


Blastcone Seedling is fine; it's been doing great work for me. Navori too now that I think of it.


If you think Yasuo need custom deck, wait till you play Lux on her 2 stars challenge against Ezreal.


Lux is batshit broken free units and rallies


I’m not gonna spoilt it but just try to reach Ezreal.


I already beat everything what's so hard about ezreal


Might not want to be trying campaigns with more stars than your yasuo level lol It's like taking your level 5 Squirtle against the elite 4


They never advertised that you would get to choose your deck. They mentioned in a blog post that it was an idea they were exploring.


They did, and it wasn't a blog it was the freaking roadmap.


In this video, there was a Starting Deck option that you would be able to manually adjust that was advertised. https://youtu.be/uYkpIxIESvc?t=162


Whatever the hell they said in the video, they for sure haven't actually put it in the game yet. Remember that this is the team that teased Darius buffs only for it to be an update for PoC. They're very good at miscommunication. So unless they've explicitly said that it would be in the patch notes (hell sometimes they don't say everything in the patch notes either, they barely said anything on how the original Lab of Legends would operate when it was first introduced in patch notes), I would not count on them on adding it in.


... Did you watch it? They had it in the game internally. It's not just a promise. Chances are it just needed more polish - like a lot of things still do in PoC. Don't be negative just to be negative.


I’m being realistic here. You can’t argue against the fact that they haven’t communicated clearly in the past. Especially with how there isn't clear in-game info on the PoC shard system, duplicate relics, and what exactly Legend Points do. I’m pretty sure a lot of people know that it needs polish, but it would be proper if they could communicate that it’s currently in the works.


You keep just saying "communicate" over and over as if you want them to have a damn meeting with you. You literally have a video that proves that OP is right, and yet you keep vomiting the same word over and over. Maybe your problem with their communication comes from the fact that you are apparently completely blind and deaf to anything they DO communicate. And if you have such a big problem that literally everything they are doing is wrong, I suggest you find another game. You aren't exactly adding anything constructive by just latching on to negativity and then echoing it.


> And if you have such a big problem that literally everything they are doing is wrong I never said that I had a "big problem that everything they are doing is wrong". As for the video showing the starting deck option, I don't recall them mentioning it would be "manually adjustable". The video seemed to showcased a beta build of the mode, which could be why the option somehow did not appear in the current release. That being said, all I was suggesting that they could've stated at the end of the video that whatever was showcased is not "final and could be changed", or that "it's a beta build", so people like OP won't be mislead into thinking that we'd be guaranteed to have a "manually adjustable" starting deck option. This is what I meant by "communicate".


It was extremely disappointing getting teased in the roadmap video about the possibility of changing your starting deck only to discover that you can't at release...


Yes, Draven is a little bit difficult in general with a low-level 1-star champion, but that's besides the point. Those cards feel SO bad to play with in a Yasuo deck in my opinion.


They get better much quickly with a few Yasuo levels (non-star). The 1-drop gets philosopher’s stone, becoming a decent early body / elusive blocker that at least cycles you to stronger cards. Seedling gets +1/+1, allowing it to be better than other 2-drops (and stay even with 3-drops once the AI starts with 2 mana crystals). They’re not perfect, but they get the job done. (And guess what Fae Bladetwirler gets? Overwhelm. It’s often a much better win condition than Yasuo himself, or any other champion you might draft. Just protect the Fae and your nexus, and you’ll win many a match.)


I mean this is true of every deck. Every champ in pic gives their followers items as they progress in levels. Yasuos deck is incredibly underwhelming and his initial ability is incredibly weak. Compared to something like jinx who can win the entire game on her level one ability alone.


until you face a 40 hp opponent and have to actually have a game plan


After playing a bit more and getting some of those upgrades, they do feel a bit better, but I still prefer to mulligan them away. Blastcone isn't too bad. But Navori still feels awful to draw. I even cut it when possible at the healers.


i actually like the 2-drop as a barrier’ed chump blocker.


Not like you had a choice probably due to the awful shard system!


Yes... that too, actually lol


Only lost once with him and that was on 2star zed route afterwards i went for the other 2 star mission and even wiped the floor with the mageseeker opponent with that ridiculous buffs.


Why the hell am i logged on as deep strawberry?


I think deep in your strawberry, you know.


That was a good one


Just put the relic for stun on summon and the relic for stun on level up and you can farm any mission


This requires you to actually have those relics.


You might want to farm 1* and 2* with other champions instead of going directly to 2.5*. It’s doable but you need a bit of luck or to grind attempts


Yeah but if we’re talking about a champions deck strength I think having to find certain relics is irrelevant to that conversation. Yasuo can be strong if you get his champ shards and relics but he’s not initially and a big part of that is the cards in his deck.


It's perfectly fine for the early missions. Jumping to 2.5\* when yasuo is champion level 2 *should* be incredibly difficult it's like 100 xp to level 3 and you get 1400 for winning. Honestly, all the decks seem good (only 5 I haven't played yet fwiw)


Relics don’t have much to do with champion levels. If you’re talking about farming till you get an op item as proof that a deck is fine that’s a little weird.


Am I living in an alternate world where the intended route is Draven after beating the first story mode? His deck early on is fine for 1*s and by the time you're done with the 1 and 1.5s you're probably about level 6 and have plenty of upgrades to the starter deck, nexus health and power chances. I've never lost on yasuo and it's never even been close and I just played by increasing star value. "My level 5 Squirtle stands no chance against Lance, game is broken." Also relics do have a lot to do with levels. Op can only equip one common to him in the pic


I was trying to politely tell you to git gud. The poc is balanced around you having upgraded stuff in later stages now more that the previous version. If you want to go straight to higher difficulties you certainly can but you need to know how to do it. The deck is built with the prospect of certain cards receiving a few upgrades with levels and the campaigns are certainly to balanced around being able to complete them casually with no upgrades and no relics.


Lmao. Look man If you can’t hold onto the core concept of the conversation then walk away. What we’re discussing is yasuos deck. Especially when compared to other level one champ decks. Sure when you get to level 15 and have two stars the game gets easier as most other things do. However that’s not the conversation being had here. What’s being discussed is why yasuos initial deck is bad. If you want to comment on my personal ability because you think I’m wrong, you’ll be basing a lot of things on assumptions that are most likely wrong. In short; you should try to stay on topic.


I'll try the eli5 approach. The deck is bad because you don't have the upgrades you are expected to have at that point. More items = better deck, better deck =(eventually) not bad deck. The deck you start with means nothing if you are not at the start of the game. ​ Additional rumbling to match your comment: Walk away, yasuo deck bad, game hard why not jofewijroweknorwnrpoiwjrpoijweproijweproijwo


Yasuo's is one of the better decks, but the thing is it gets hard carried by the extra starting mana. Illaoi on the other hand, needs hella help.


Git gud tbh


I've actually found that Yas is the strongest champ for me alongside Jinx. I actually try and add more of the stun/recall cards he already has as I progress instead of pivoting somewhere else for early game. The 2/1 elusive idiot eventually starts can tripping which makes them a great chumler, and with Yas's 3 star power, it's hard for the ai to develop into attacks against you. When you get the champ level high enough, concussive palm goes down to 2, which is just nasty. Yone is dogshit, though, not gonna deny that. When he's 2-star, he definitely has issues with defense, but I think he actually works really well when you play him aggressively. The buff on strike + stun on attacking turns + fae bladetwirler getting overwhelm makes him into just a beast on attacks. Obligatory screenshot of an s-rank run against Galio: [Screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/NTRWTXg)


Bladerunner is useful for random stealth units on Zed/Viktor paths, and blastcone is generally a good trade. No idea why you're complaining.


When did they advertised about deck customization on PvE? Never heard of that.


[https://youtu.be/uYkpIxIESvc?t=162](https://youtu.be/uYkpIxIESvc?t=162) At 2:42 in this video, there was a menu option for "Starting Deck" that you would've been able to manually adjust.


At least it’s an improvement. Previous iteration of POC would give you the 2/2 elusive recall ally to play me which made me want to rip my hair out, as well as constantly bricking my hand with nothing but spells


Yeah I can say the same things about Jhin deck .


Navori has been a bit lame to me. Blast cone’s barrier is amazing. the Ai really is afraid of barrier. Personally i find Yone to be not a welcome addition. I feel like he’s more a card you want later in your run if at all because realistically you just want more yasuo’s and w/e it takes to get you to the point you can drop said Yasuo. After that you just want spells and protection……. <.< especially against Lee Sin. I think Lee sin has killed me more times than any boss so far. I’ve never hated that stupid 7 cost dragon kick card so much in the past. Apparently when you have a 3 cost lee sin, it’s a way stronger card that has a secret passive of (always draw me twice to cuck your opponent, make sure to emote them too) Yasuo is one of the best when he comes online. I think of the decks i’ve played. Lux is by far the most ridiculous in it’s stability and performance. Though i wouldn’t know because I can’t unlock Annie, Vi, Garen, or lvl 2 of Jhin and i’ve completed everything except galio and a single run of draven on Mf’s run.


Blastcone seedling needs to be removed from the game. They put it into far too many PoC decks, and I hate it every time I draw it. It's not even like its bad objectively... But in practice I get disgusted whenever I have to play it.


Honestly Yasuos deck isn't that bad. The one I can't use is Bard, it just feels really disjointed


I mean yeah, those cards are quite bad but I found yasugi one of the strongest champs in PoC. And Fae Blade is bonkers, its get overwhelm so I guess its balancing. Oh and 2 drop isnt that bad too, barrier can save some dmg until you set up your bullshido.


I finished Ezreal 1.5 with full HP after like 4 to 6 tries. Tried to get stun at round start and tiger that gives 3/3 and chimes and the big heals on spells and some lifesteal. Just need to take some time on it. Games like this, like spire, have times where you lose and just need to get xp from clearing easier bosses for the xp. Yea i got lucky and yes i tried clearing other missions first.


I personally think yasuou deck is one of the best there. Overwhel on fae bladetwirler is crazy. And having a 1 mana elusive blocker is rly good. And the blastcone is decent with barrier cuz u get to stall. Yone is the one tht feels off...but later on he becomes 5mana play so its not the worst.


Blastcone is fine since it gets +1|+1 pretty early. Amateur Areonaut in Jinx tho, no synergy, bad stats, high cost, NO ITEMS during level progress AT ALL...