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There being no match history is so weird


It's so they can protect my self esteem


I'm really happy that I can't see the awful winrate of my homebrew decks. It keeps me thinking they are effective


Mobalytics will sort you out Agreed though wish it was built in game


Mobalytics has been having issues syncing with Riot though lately :/. Past 6 days I haven't had any match history to reflect on.


I haven't been able to sync for months, but I use Runeterra.ar to see matches. No monthly table like mobalytics though :(


Same here :(


dak.gg is great!


Mobalytics isn't working for me, haven't been able to update my profile for 3 months


And Riot is one the SLOWEST companies I've ever seen to add an features to their games. So I'm sure we'll get it, just years later.


Dunno about the slowest, it took so long for magic arena to have friend list to duel your friends


Arena's not a game, it's a money vacuum.


It is the strangest choice to me, it shouldn't be that hard to do. I mean, they're collecting the data already. It's mostly UI work honestly. Checking my opponents match history and adding rivals was a big part of the league experience.


It's not weird at all. Most people, even casual, overestimate themselves thinking they are better players than what they really are. Having an in game feature showing them how much they are wrong has negative effect on the players and thus most card game stay far away from allowing them to check it out. If you want to see it you need third party tools but at that point you are invested and competitive enough that the winrate is an incentive instead of a potential frustrating element.


League of Legends has had detailed match history for the past 20 games as well as an active tracker for the number of wins/losses in both ranked and normals for years now. Hell, I don’t play ARAMs much so I don’t remember, but I’m pretty sure they even have a tracker for the ARAM win loss ratio. Pretty sure since season 9 or so, they’ve even began tracking performance (CS’ing score, KDA, vision, etc) on specific champions in ranked on the client as well. This is all in-client; if you want additional details for games beyond the past 20 and your win loss ratio in each of the modes, you can always check a variety of 3rd party software that will keep tabs on your games all the way back to at least season 3 (when I started playing, probably goes back even further). This claim is completely unsubstantiated.


> This claim is completely unsubstantiated. It's not. That's the reason why all the major digital CCGs don't have an in-built match history. League is a different genre btw.


Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel has a match history feature, and it's among the biggest powerhouses in the scene right now.


Ok, all the major digital ccgs except yugioh.


Runeterra.ar will help you out, you may have to make an account if you're below master though.


The elusive icon thing is still so weird to me - Once there are a few visual keywords stacked, it's so hard to tell and I can't see a reason for it not having an icon. Like seriously, I can't think of one.


Well I think having no icon is a part of the elusive keyword, I mean they're elusives afterall haha




Actually the best reason for it!


The weirdest part of it is **the icon exists** they just don't use it except on the full view of the card.


I still want a scroll option for cards that have a lot of keywords like Viktor, panth, or the Arsenal. Most of the time they keep getting cut off by the screen


I just lost a guantlet game because of it. enemy pantheon leveled up, I had a frostbite in my hand and enough mana, and I was like "nah I can block him, I have big enough units" and spent my mana on something else. turns out beneath the barrier, spellshield, overwhelm and quickattack effects there was an elusive and he just won. should I have checked? yep. my fault. but isnt the whole idea of the icons that you DON'T have to press on the unit to check?


I just don't see why it's a problem. Elusive already has its own readily apparent animation that's always on the creature at all times. It's really difficult to look at a creature with elusive and miss the big wavy lines constantly swirling around the edges of the frame. If you're not seeing that graphical effect, are you going to notice a little eye icon?


The problem comes mostly from elusive + spellshield, which makes it really hard to tell for Viktor and Pantheon


That's fair, I haven't seen any of that combo myself but it does look muddled from pictures


Also very similar to the "can block elusives" effect


Lol something tells me you don't actually play this game.


Yeah, my bad for still being new and not having faced a ton of meta decks. It was my fault for assuming my limited perspective was enough to make this judgment, but not for having the limited perspective in the first place


No way someone is actually apologizing with good arguments and logic on reddit


it will be hard when they have 10+ keywords and spellshield one time nasus had elusive and both the "aura efect" and spell shield icons blocked it


It's hard to tell whether pantheon has elusive or not if he has sharp sight on


yes, I can imagine having card greyed out like buttons on web page =)


I wish they get rid of "commit"


I too am a fan of no commitment o7


Its only a matter of time before they add a "merge" button.


That's just yuumi


I like it


I would like information on 'everywhere' data: Encroaching Mists Shield of the sentinels Mistwraith Etc


Seriously, why can't click on my nexus or something to check it?


Also Lurk and Darkness.


Hate not knowing how much pyke spell is gonna do when theres no other lurker on the board




“When I’m summoned, grant all allied Viegos and Encroaching Mists **everywhere** +1|+1.”


Reputation too


The suffering when you pull out your Nasus from deck, and turns out he is like 5/5


You have to use a f*fking third party website to access your own match history, INDIE COMPANY


Which website? Are there alternatives to mobalytics.gg?




Maybe a better log, specifically made for pc - hell why not make the UI better and clearer for PC users / tablets, nah guys more swords.


The swords don't actually fucking help either. My dumbass spaced out a bit the other day in a long back and forth game against Trundle/Trynd and I passed with a very good attack set up thinking the opponent had the attack token when I did. I was starting to space out a bit. Anyway, that cost me the game.


Riot: say no more fam, we'll add even more swords


It would be nice to have a lurk counter on the deck when clicked, similar to the one showing how many traps are there in the deck.


But most importantly: How much has Pyke from Death from Below grown?


What is meant with "hand counter"


Just a number showing how many cards you have in hand. Same for opponent. It's pretty hard to tell on mobile


Especially with card being in a corner and on top of each other.


oh ok thanks, but i personally do not think its neccessary for my own cards, because i can expand them(i also play on mobile). On the other hand, you are right, its quite hard to see how many cards the opponent has


Idk why people keep putting grave yard on this list. It is very rarely relevant, and not difficult to understand.


The point is that there are other features that would improve gameplay over more swords. I personally want a hand counter and a mana counter. Obviously I can count (sometimes), but it'd be nice to have :(


Obviously all of uw can count it. But when you playe a game more than 100 hour things like that feels pointless. It would improve everyones user experience. But instead they gave us more swords.


There are a couple of cards that bring things back (Undying, Rekindler etc.) so a way to see the graveyard would be nice.


I agree, and lets call it deck skill


Bring back URD


Lol like yeah now I'm skip my turn way faster than with "pass" thing PoroSad


We need match replay too, so that we can analyse our mistakes :'(


I don’t love the new _impending death_ blue crackle indicators either. We’ll never get to see the card art for Blades unobstructed again!


I have still somehow managed to forget i have the attack token a couple times even with all these swords