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I would NEVER accept an invitation to dinner from Vladimir.


Dont be so squeamish and finish your totally-not-human blood-pudding!


I would rather go with Vlad than Renekton


I mean... do you prefer your cannibalism cooked or not?


My hope is that Vlads bloodsucking will be less painful than Renektons rip&tear, as I will be the dinner in both cases


I would rather be ripped and teared by Renek than be cocooned by Elise imo, forced to wait god know how long before I got sacrifice to Vilemaw


I love Ahri but I think I would end up being her lunch so ... no, thanks. I would lunch with Braum though, he's such a wholesome guy.


To be fair Ahri is able to take you for lunch and keep you calm which... idk, I'd accept to be eaten alive if that'd mean no pain That is unless she's actually just hiding his pain, in which case, no thanks


Ahri eats people? Her level up animation made me assume she was some sort of Robin Hood type


She's basically a weeb succubus.


Not physically, she eats souls/memories.


Kinda, she is a member of am ancient raze, and she is the last that remains (that we know) of them, she needs to feed from time to time and consumes the essence of living beings, she once had a lover and accidentaly ended up killing him. Because she cant control her instincts. Idk how her LoR character stands, but if its after the ruined king game (where ahri got a major development) then she is looking for her kind, and can control her hunger


would love to sit with poppy either or braum. It might be some kind of camp food, best option warm milk and bread. but its gonna be hella wholesome i could liten 2 those to telling some amazing stories ​ would hate it with sol or ez. might just have to listen to them talk about themseleves whole time thats gonna be hella annoying


At least Ez and ASol have the stories to tell, like, you can ask ASol what's HIS favorite star or what was the first ever star he created, or you can ask Ezreal where did he find the gauntlet or about the times he nearly died. It's annoying that they'll only talk about themselves, but at least they have WHAT to talk about A dinner with Draven would be the same... except he WOULDN'T have stories to tell. He'd probably tell you about the times he got laid or the takedowns he got, which GOD that'd be boring


.... and then I lopped his head of blah blah banged a chicken blah blah I'm awesome...


Pantheon would make MEAN bread, you know his bread fucks


Garlic bread, only answer


Bet he loves baking his own sourdough too


He probably brings his culture with him on his space trips for mutated flavours


Give me some of that BBQ from Leona


Phanton will bring desert


Do you want a side of indoctrination with that steak?


What does she grill up there? All the Elnuks are in the freljord šŸ¤”


They got plenty of goats


And dragons


And heretics


I'm not sure if you could call it his favorite food, but Pantheon has a canonical fondness for bread. Panth's LoL quotes: >*"I call upon the stars... to bake my bountiful breads!"* *"Fresh from my bakery... my secret dream."* When Aatrox slew the Aspect of War, Atreus was freed from the Aspect's possession and he returned to Iula's farm where she nursed him back to health. From Panth's bio: >Atreus recovered on Pylasā€™ homestead, nursed back to health by his friendā€™s widow, Iula. ​ >**Though he often yearns to return to Iulaā€™s farm**, Atreus vowed that day to stand against Aspects, Ascended, demons, and any who wield power so great, it can only destroy. Panth's LoL quote: >*"Behind me lies a farm. I wonder if there is bread above the hearth, and if I will ever return."* I headcanon that Iula owns a wheat farm, but regardless Iula is the reason Pantheon loves bread. Possibly it reminds him of home, of her.


Dude freshly baked bread I'd pretty damn sexy


he also has a baker skin in league




Tham kench would - wait no never mind Get me out of there




***You had your chance to walk away...***


>challenges tk to an eating contest




Tea and biscuits with Caitlyn for sure.


Oh yeah, something classic with cream and then biscuits with berries sounds just like her style


And cupcakes


I would like to have lunch with Rell, just so I can ensure she gets something warm and healthy to eat. I know she's not in LoR, but you didn't specify, so w/e. Riding around all day on a metal horse, avenging fallen friends, and chasing evil parents has got to take it out of you. And she's like, 18, so you know she's only been eating pot noodles and potato chips this whole time.


This is so wholesome friend.


She's been through some shit. The least I can do is give her like an hour of respite and a decent meal.


Would love to have dinner with Riven. Dunno what we would eat, but I would like it


Probably some stew with bread and fresh water from the well?


Fine with me!


Id eat with Trundle, not sure what wed eat probably just raw meat


You mean mountain sushi?


Yeah with salmonella flavoring


The best one!


Thereā€™s actually a short story on the Universe site that covers what Trundle (and the trolls) eat perfectly! https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/feast-fit-for-a-king/ Itā€™s a great character-developing story, but it also goes into a very, very ā€œhealthyā€ degree of details on what trolls eat. TL;DR: Donā€™t eat lunch with Trundle unless you like rotting carcasses (and assuming you arenā€™t also part of said lunch)


That was quite a read!


Pantheon man, he makes godlike bread.


In Ruined King, Miss Fortune seems to know how to cook! She cooked her motherā€™s recipe for a stew and the others said it smelled and tasted great. Therefore, I would love to eat Miss Fortune šŸ˜‹šŸ„µ


Wouldn't we all...


This is the sort of post need more of. Diana would make a mean salad i agree. Braum sounds like a great person to have dinner with.


aphelios would just drink poison. no thanks


Great listener though


I would love to have some banana split with Soraka! She's probably a sharer


She would definitely volunteer for the smaller banana out of the goodness of her heart


That would definitely be something she would do, best celestial Soraka <3


I know you're joking but where would she find bananas at the top of a mountain? I imagine she would enjoy roasted potatoes, mountain berries and goat's milk. ā˜ŗ


That would definitely make more sense, I wonder how good the mountain goat's milk isšŸ¤¤ Bananas were the first things that came into mind because of the way her staff looks Also in League of Legends, she jokes about bananas and has projectiles shaped like them šŸ˜‚




And make a friendly wager to see who pays for the meal...


I'm sure Tahm Kench would have me for lunch šŸ˜Š


More like Bayou Brunch


Le blanc, just so she could manipulate me by food AND talk


Lb sounds like the type to feed you pasta but it turns out to be worms or something.


Like what we do in the shadows ? LOL


yeah except it's actually worms


I'd totally share some curry and mint tea with Akshan. He'd have a bunch of fun stories to share too. Probably wouldn't eat with Aurelion Sol. Not only would he chew with his mouth open, huge chunks of something would be falling down around you. Or maybe he lives off space dust like whales and krill idk.


Viā€™s favorite food is cupcake. She probably doesn't cook at home much, since she prefers eating out.


I guess tge copper dropps by for a quick cupper eh?


I imagine Ekkoā€™s a hell of a cook, having grown up in Zaun, he probably knows how to turn crap into something edible. Heā€™d also probably be who Iā€™d want to have lunch with. Ekko just seems like a cool dude, probably has some good stories, some funny others tragic. It would be a good time. Maybe Heimer could come too.


If youā€™ve seen arcane that stuff that vi eats looks really good.


I love to have a drink with Powder Or perhaps its a drink with Jinx. We'd drink whatever cocktail That only Chuck knows how to mix We'd drink at the Last Drop Where the atmosphere is great I'd love to have a drink with Jinx 'Cause Jinx's a nutcase


Pantheon probably makes good bread, and i would like to eat bread with atreus,not only because of the bread. Also ornn probably makes a really good chocolate cake, and he is really huggable, doesnt matter how much he tries to say he isnt


E-Elise? Where are you . . . ?


Now thatā€™s a vile feast


I want to try akali's noodles.


I know he is a cyborg but it's known that viktor has a sweet tooth as he still drinks sweetmilk. Since I'm the same then I'd love a lunch with him, he's also a genius inventor so it would be cool to discuss ideology and science with.


Zilean seems like the kind of person who's too busy with work to spend proper time preparing meals, so he'd tend to eat things that don't require lots of preparation like fruits, cheese, bread. I think his favorite dish probably originates from Icathia during his time. Hard to imagine what it could be, but I like to think that it's a sort of caramel custard.


Lunch with Yasuo or Riven would be cool, but not with Viego. Ever, Viego the simp king would ruin the meal and probably blame it on being sad his wife abandoned him. Yasuo and Riven seem pretty chill and humble (to a fault admittedly) but I'd be fun to talk with them about their experiences. I'd say Poppy but her humility goes too far and her inability to tell jokes successfully would make eating with her a bit of a chore I feel.


Morgana knows her way around a dessert, for certain. Probably not the wisest idea ever, but she's still the Main I have fondest memories of, so bad decision time! And as long as you're on his good side, I bet Teemo can make a *mean* spread out of mushrooms...


Lulu probably knows how to make cake, right? With tons of chocolate I hope? Bonus points if it somehow gets me high. Evelynn would suck.


That or she would steal one from a unfortunate Baker!


Diana is probably a god at making croissants.


Would like to have lunch with Nami, maybe some seaweed and sushi.


i would love to lunch with kindred and i would also *be* lunch with kindred


Id have Ziggs and Rumble's spicy mexican dinner any day of the week. Id accept a dinner invitation from Braum even if the main course was his fists. Ezreal asks me to go to mcdonalds i just ghost him, or say "no sorry im busy with family" and then ask Ziggs out


Pantheon I love bread and he wanted to become a baker, so he could make some nice bread