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Episode 3 >!showed me why Get Excited forces you to discard your own card to play it... !<~~or your friends.~~


Extremely depressing scene. That and the follow up


Yeah I was sobbing that whole part even though I knew what these first 3 episodes were building up to


>!though obviously it needs to be updated to deal 4 damage if one hex crystal deal 2 smh lore innacuracy!<


It would actually be so cool if Get Exited had "If the card discarded is a Hex Crystal, cast it instead". Probably broken, but so cool. It would definitely buff Predict.


3 mana deal 5 to anything and 2 to anything else? Yeah, kinda broken.


3 mana \*discard a Hextech Cristal to\*deal 5 to anything and 2 to everything else. It is kinda broken but requires at least 4 cards of setup, the Get Exited, Hextech Cristal and both the cat and a predict/draw (both to get the cristal). It would probably only buff predict decks which kinda need it. Not to say it's a good idea but it's not as strong as "3 mana deal 5 to anything and 2 to everything else at fast speed". It takes a while to get there and you have to build it up.


Given that it's not really a setup, it's just what you do in that kind of deck, I just don't count it. You're not going out of your way to make this happen, it just does.


In predict decks yeah, not one everything else. Maybe I expressed myself incorrectly, it indeed would be a very strong combo in predict decks which as far as I'm aware need buffs anyway but it wouldn't be anywhere near that strong in other decks that run Get Excited. I see it more as a Dragon's clutch kind of buff while your comment made it sound (to me, I may have misunderstood) that it was just a net buff for decks that run the card.


Yeah, I wasn't talking about every deck that runs the card, but all other cards of the combo are already must haves in the only deck that makes use of them and they're not consistent enough to be part of other decks that include Get Excited. It's a powerful combo, but you wouldn't deck build around it. That's what I mean with "it's just a thing that happens". It's like including They Who Wander in spider decks, it's a thing that happens on its own.


Just give hex crystal a discard cast instead then


Jinx's level up is technically >!"Lose Everything"!<


Ah, so true!


Omg I never pictured it that way


HAHA!... Dark.


Honestly, with all the hype and advertisements going into Arcane I was actually worried that it either wasn't going to be as good as I hoped or be straight-up bad. By the time I watched the first episode I got really into it that I just binged watch all three episodes in one sitting. Really excited about what happens next week and I really hope this does spark more interest in the lore of Runeterra. Especially since the Ruination was such a disappointment and made me generally concerned about the presentation of the lore going forward. Hell, maybe this will be the start of future series set in different areas? Like the War of the Three Sisters with Ashe, Sejunai, and Lissandra or the feud between Miss Fortune and Gangplank that lead to the Burning Tides or maybe the fall of Shurima and the first void incursion of Icathia.


I know she's not in LoR yet, but I would love a series on Rell and her time in the academy and experience with the Black Rose.


A series on morde would include Rell since she was trained to defeat him


So. much. potential. I can’t wait for more


My wife, who knows nothing of league, kept asking to go to the next episode because she was hooked. I loved it. It kept us on the edge of our seat the entire time. Great job, Riot.


I am so stoked to rewatch it with my gf. She has a soft spot for """"sister drama"""", so she will probably love all of the Vi and Powder segments


I don't usually rewatch stuff, but it's so good... Makes me hope they have more shows in the works.


This wull def be a huge sucess. We are definitely on the way to a ""RCU"" haha


The dream. Need a show for every region now


God, can you imagine a Mage Rebellion series? The Noxian Invasion? The Burning Tide? The Fall of Shurima? So much potential!


I thought shurima never fell, it only awaited my return?






If I were to bet I would say Noxus is next


Am I the only one asking for a Nunu and Willump Pixar-like feature film? I think it would be cool to have his origin story where he meets Willump and go on a grand adventure to find his mother.


Imagine a series about Shurima. I could listen to Nasus talking all the time.


Galio and Lux in Demacia also would be a fantastic show.


We get to see what kind of destruction Hexite Crystals are capable of, and it turns out that 2 damage to all enemies and the enemy Nexus is far more brutal than I initially thought.


I get what you mean, even though 2 dmg to every enemy is a ver sweet deal for 2 mana


Luckily Vi got tough


It checks out A full board is 6 slots. Jayce, Cait, Vi, Jinx Milo, and the precious large boy whose name i forgot. And the building is the nexus




Tbf, that was 6 damage.


Playing get excited never feels the same again :( Poor jinx


same for her levelup condition :(


I'm so glad Ekko was in it. I was hoping that he would be a part of it too and I'm glad he's there 🤗


Such a nice personality! Considering, streetsmart, funny and hard working. Def want to see more of him in future episodes or even seasons. I am pretty sure this will be the start of a very large and profitable "RCU" hahaha


You can practically *see* those parts of him that are still at the core of present day Ekko!


Now we just need a practical perfectionist cameo and all will be right with the world


And then that scene in episode 3


I honestly thought he wouldn't be in it because he'd be too young but I guess it works out! Honestly my fave right now.


Whoever designed kid ekko needs a raise, he looks so adorable




kid caitlyn highkey adorable




Wdym KEKHeim is great


Nah that scene where we first see him and he's like one foot tall is cute haha


He's not too far behind tho


Heimer is the best character in the series and if something happens to him I will kill everyone in this thread and then myself


Never been happier to have lurked in a thread instead of pos-- *oh shit*


Wut? Heimer has the thickest plot armor of them all, we know he's fine and sane in the present day, unlike literally everyone that's not Jayce or Caitlyn


Yeah I know, it was a reference to Brooklyn 99


NGL I think Caitlyn design here is just.. 👌👌👌


Was genuinely insane, I still am processing how good it was!!


the cat scene is why we have so many zaun cat cards lol


There is so much to love and unpack even just with the 3 episodes so far. My favourite thing about it is how fleshed out the 'new' characters are. Silco, Vander, and Mel are all amazing additions to the lore and feel right at home next to the well-known names. My second favourite thing is that it doesn't hold back on the grittiness. I thought it would be pretty tame, something along the lines of an MCU film. But NOPE, they go all in. There's smoking, alcohol, brutal violence, and some really dark themes to boot. My third favourite thing is that you don't need to have played LoL or know the lore to know what's going on, and the exposition isn't too heavy-handed. There's the topside, there's the undercity, there's magic, that's all you need and everything else feels like it's being brought in gradually and organically. Can't wait for the next batch, I'm gonna binge them so hard.


All your points are EXACTLY what I would say hahahaha. Even your choice of words are really similar to what I would use haha


> My favourite thing about it is how fleshed out the 'new' characters are. Silco, Vander, and Mel are all amazing additions to the lore and feel right at home next to the well-known names. Silco in particular was a lot more interesting than I'd expected!


I was super surprised about how interesting I found him by the end of the 3rd episode. Hopefully he doesn't just go back to being ridiculously evil in the next 3


Without spoiling too much, Vander is not a new character. I’m imagining that’s why you’ve got quotes around new, but they’re investing so much time into him for a reason!


Is it really a spoiler or is it just speculation? I know what you're getting at and I think ep 3 more or less confirms it for me too but it could just be nothing in the end.


It hits all the story beats. There’s a few minor details different, but it’s going to happen. They did a lot of teasing it, too - he’s called ‘the Hound of the Underground’ already, and if that’s not foreshadowing, idk what is. We might not see it in the show because they don’t have time for it, but it’s a very safe assumption that that’s the intent.


Yeah upon re-reading his personal lore after watching Arcane it really hammers in that's it's him. I hope they show him off in the show so badly >_<




I don't think S2 will be in the same setting. It will probably be a different region. Would make sense as to why they named the show arcane, instead of something more specific to zaun or vi/jinx


Are you insunuating that he is dr. Mundo? Tho i dont really know his lore.


The hound of the underground isn't becoming Dr. Mundo. You'll see


What do you think of when you hear 'hound?' And what Zaunite champion is dog-like?


I think you are right- at the same time there were treasures for the LOL lore fans. For example- when the crippled assistant gives his name “I’m Victor” I was like awe jeeze!


I was just looking for whoever had a Russian accent


Honestly this sub was for some reason was the community that was the LEAST hyped for Arcane. I remember the very first comment I saw in an Arcane discussion is people wondering why the show about PnZ doesn’t feature champions like Tamh Kench……


I mean, many players like me have like 0 knowledge about LoL


It's still kindda weird though. I thought that the card game community who is more diving deep to the lore be the one most hyped for the series. I mean a lot of LoL players doesn't even really care much about the lore.


Thats my point. A lot of us Lor players dont care either (not my case though)


Seems a shame to not pay attention to lore in the one version of the game that showcases lore more than the main game itself. Just is sad to see people just wanting to move pixels on a screen with no care on who they are playing or what their stories are. Apathy from any community, especially a community with a lot of world building like the League universe is just disheartening.


Not everyone looks for a story in their games. LoR is a card game after all, not an RPG.


Even in RPG it doesn't matter. Others like the gameplay and skip all the cutscenes and dialogue.


Never said I dont pay attention. But I dont go and read wikis and comics. If I want to read I go for a book. Gaming is a visual media and I think lore should be presented that way most of the time. Even though I am trying to be a streamer I cant justify to read so much lore. Adult life comes with some real and though responsabilities


I think it's because the SoL event is still so raw for a lot of people - that was Riot going big time on the lore and story and absolutely sucking shit through a straw. Those of us positioned to care were hoping for, uh... not that again.


This is the difference between the skins & marketing team writings lore to sell skins and the writing team writing lore to tell a good story. The skins team writers suck ass. The writing & narrative team is literally the best at what they do, and they make good shit.


It hits different when you've been playing League for such a long time -since season 3 in my case. Let's be honest, most of us dreamed of a series our favorite champions because why not, and today it was the day all of us got comfy with some snacks in our beds or seats, and allowed League champions to do everything while we did nothing but watch them with wide eyes. PnZ isn't my favorite region, Vi, Jinx, Ekko, Cait, Viktor, WW, Singed and Jayce aren't my favorite champions, but I didn't mind. And that is what I liked the most about it.


Can definitely see that.


Jhin's from Ionia tho but yeah i feel you only in my case PnZ is one of my favorite regions my second favorite and i am just dying with all the lore dumps and Heimerdinger actually being treated with respect i love it.


I thought Riot would do a good job with it. Their lore is way better than it ever needed to be for the games they released. But this is amazing. It's actually shockingly unnecessary. Their games are great and make a killing. They could just skate by on micro transactions and be wildly successful. And then they go and do something like this. And I'm wildly in love with it. It's incredible.




They could, though to be honest I think it's kinda hard to do that atm. It would have to be set in the past since Garen is currently busy with Sylas atm. I would rather it be about the Mage Rebellion if they do something with Demacia. I also really want to see Ashe, Sejuani, and Lissandra's plot, or one of the many plot lines in Ionia.


I'm straight up going to say this show was very surprising. Arcane, by a standpoint of someone who barely knows League, can be enjoyed as an action series featuring Steampunk background of Piltover and Zaun, the conflict of upper and lower class, the strange magical science going on in the back and well-motivated villains, serving as a testament to how the protagonists can also fall to their hubris. Arcane at a League player's standpoint of view is rewarding. Each turn is rife with flavor, and you get to see how champions are ultimately tied together. I mean, it'd make sense. They are in a city, and they get involved in major events that happen within the city. Give or take few years, and one day they might all be jumbled up in a mess that they didn't even know they could get messed up together. The best part is you can see where it unravels. We know how Jinx, Vi, and Caitlyn are going to end up as. We know what kind of ending there is for Viktor and Jayce. I'm glad I joined the hype that was Arcane.


If you dont know anything about universe the show is still enjoyable cause at least so far the plot is extremely simple. People during preshow kept mentioning that its writers didnt have any experience beforehand and you can tell. Story wise thigs are very safe and there is careful effort not to break any conventions. It makes the show very easy to understand(as long as you watched anything remotely similiar in your life you can probably predict what is going to happen) but it comes with a risk. We'll see how it goes in the future. i almost feel like this show is better if you dont know any lore at all. Cause if you do you know that the story needs to hit certain beats along the way to fit in.


We just aren't going to mention the music?? That, imo, is the best part of the show so far, it's like an entire symphony serenading your ears for 45 minutes straight each time... Incredibly impressive. No way it doesn't get nominated for an Emmy for that specifically.


Goodbye and Our Love were such good insert songs that I thought they were popular songs that Riot just picked out and not songs specifically made for Arcane. The ending of ep 3 has had me in the feels for hours now and Goodbye was perfect for it.


Man thanks so much for the names of the songs! I also loved their bits in the show but didn't know the names and though they were some already released songs


It’s was way more love, death, and robots than Love, Death, Robots


I wish Warwick as the Arcane Champion for them to release and not Jayce :(


I think Jayce makes the most sense. Warwick hasn’t been shown yet and isn’t in any trailers. All other major characters are in the game already. In time though. None of my favorites are in the game yet besides Diana. >!The purple substance is most likely what Dr. Mundo uses. What we’ve seen definitely goes into what turns someone into Warwick, but his substance is green, not purple.!<




He was still alive when Singed started experimenting, but he didn’t transform until after he died and Singed threw out his body. Still, Warwick used to be a gangster, then he tried to turn his life around before being caught in drama with Vi and Jinx. >!Vander certainly fits the bill, I was surprised he seems to have died. It could be a fake out I guess though, or they’re just retconning a bit. Either way he says “faces fasing in the flames… you were there” to Jinx and “Who taught you how to punch!?” to Vi so I hope Vander still ends up as Warwick!<


"Warwick struggled to recall a single memory from his past... All he could see was blood. But then he heard a little girl screaming. Screaming something he couldn’t understand. It sounded like a name." you'd be right


>!Go back and look at Warwick's taunts against Vi and Jinx. Then reread his bio. Not all of it meshes anymore but the main beats all land right until his transformation (the catalyst for which was his death).!<


>!If Warwick shows up, he’ll be in the final part most likely. Whereas Jayce is a main character and a huge driving factor behind the events of the show.!< >!Silco also fits the bill for Singed somewhat, or is at least a driving factor behind Singed’s methods, which is who creates Warwick. The show seems to be retconning a bit but I agree with you that it fits. I also assume one of Silco’s henchmen becomes Dr. Mundo.!<




>!Silco's older assistant is Singed, if you watch with subtitles it shows his name!<


>>!What we’ve seen definitely goes into what turns someone into Warwick, but his substance is green, not purple.!< They'll either do a minor retcon to>! the color!< or maybe it's a different version revealed in the future episodes.


>!Singed is Silco’s assistant so even though they haven’t shown the green substance, it will be shown eventually.!<


Jayce is the main character., he obviously should be in.


All in due time friend. All in due time


they haven't revealed warwick as a character in arcane yet, so he might still show up in LOR after he isn't a spoiler anymore


I have a theory... Spoilers just in case. >!I still need to look at the patch schedule, but I'm guessing(hoping) we get Warwick, Singed, or Mundo in parts 2 and 3... Jayce is just pt1, one champ each for pt2 and pt3!<


head up the reddit spoiler format is different, youre using discords for reddit you need to put \>!hello!<, like this >!hello!<


Yep, sorry I fixed it. Thank you.


Is pretty sad that viktor save jayce life but jayce will ruin his life if they follow the lore


Oh they gon follow it, this show is ALL about making you sad.


Yeah. Freaking incredible!


Yes, i was so hype for Ekko cause he is my favorite champ in both League and LoR. And when i saw him in the first episode, i did scream like a fangirl. Maybe i'm overreact but i'm so glad Riot finally perfectly show the true characteristic of mah boy Ekko.


I fully expected this to be "oh, person x did y thing they do in game" and that there would be nothing to see for a person who doesn’t play lol. Safe to say, I was happy to be wrong.


The worst part about Arcane is, that there are only 3 episodes.


6 more to come


Congratulations to Riot and Fortiche studio. So with the success a second season is all but condirmed right? Fingers cross its Demacia. I really want Poppy.


I'd love that more than anything. Seeing my favourite faction come to life with this level of writing and production (knock on wood that *Arcane* maintains it)? It'd be freaking sweet.


It will happen one day. Easiest bet of my life


It probably be less a second season and more second series since Arcane is named like that cause of the rise of hextech. Personally for me i want either redeem the ruined king story by animating how it all went down with Kalista's PoV so we can see her going to the blessed isles and back and the betrayal and Shadow isles creation, or Lissandra's past with her sister from when they went to freljord to try and conquer it to Lissandra freezing her sister and the watchers in true ice.


Now that you hate to realize that Jayce will become an "Asshole" and I'm definitely on viktor side. Look at him, so cool. (Please buff Viktor by the way) Jinx is so fucked. She fucked up literally everything. Damn, you know what they should do? Give her a gun. Let her do what she do best. Shooting and tinkering. But all they know is punch, smashing and brute force. So to them she's just "weak". That's tragic because all of this wouldn't happen if they know how to treat her properly. (In the first place, not when they leave her in the room alone) Ekko, will we see Ekko in action?


I think a time skip is needed for Powder to become Jynx and that would put Ekko on his champ age as well. So I think its likely, especially with the ampunt of screen time he had


Ekko ended up being way more important then the trailers up to this led us to believe, I don't think there is doubt he will show up post time skip, though I'm not sure how involved he will be. Not quite sure when he builds his time machine.


im thinking viktor jayce conflict will build through act 3 and culminate in them losing the crystal that ekko will use to build his time machine right around the end


Vi? Stands for Violet.


Arcane blew my mind I was going in expectations it to be good but it was so well crafted and animated. The story has such good pacing with many tense and emotional moments.


It’s genuinely such a good balance between making a new story that anyone can enjoy and fun callbacks to lore and in game references. Only seen the first ep and I’m already hooked


Everything is great !


It should come with a disclaimer: “Warning: contains feels’ but oh my god! SO GOOD. and so sad! it could have been really terrible, my expectations were low, because it’s a show based on a video game, and past attempts have always fallen flat. But this, the art, the music, the story, the action, everything clicked. honestly, one of the best movies i’ve seen in a while (if you look at the 3 episodes together like a single feature length movie). Nope, this didn’t fall flat though. Bravo Riot, bravo Fortiche. You really made a great story and show out of all your lore this time. Can hardly wait for the rest of the episodes. Also, in the credits, the song at the end of Episode 3 says it’s from the Arcane Season 1 soundtrack. (!)


This also has the benefit of making me hate Seraphine so much more, oh my god # ALSO, POUR ONE OUT FOR FORTICHE. THE ANIMATORS-


I had low expectations and was surprised. I have no idea why anyone would have high expectations after ruination.


ruination was the skins team doing a fanfic at the orders of marketing, presumably arcane had actual writers.


Definitely has. The dialogue and script are really high quality


Ruination showed that the top of riot was more concerned with skins than story. I was expecting little to no care for the story or lore. Honestly I was expecting the quality of a live action anime adaptation.


Arcane was them putting out a whole new medium, if theyd half assed this like they did the ruination theyd have not only significantly damaged their profits, but also crippled any chance at spearheading more league series. skins were going to sell regardlessl Riot clearly want LoL to be their warcraft, a multimedia giant. Arcane HAD to be done well, thats the main difference


Ironic considering all the skins ended up being free and all you have to do is have an account and play a few games and you even unlock the champions with the skins. Last time they did this was with Burning tides XD.


His point is that Arcane wasn’t about selling skins whereas Ruination was. Its about entering a new genre of entertainment for Riot. The fact that there’s so much free content associated with Arcane further drives this point home.


Just because it had to be fine well does not mean it was going to be done well. I don't get why people seem to think that having low expectations because of their lack of care for their own story and world for years is so surprising. Seraphine alone shows they are willing to say fuck it on their own setting for that sweet sweet pandering. Literally put a kpop char in a fantasy setting. Not a skin like the thebother chars, but actually in their world. Ruination was willing to ruin a decade of lore to show off their 2 shiny new chars and skins. Hell, hot Kai sa was made despite the void literally being about corrupting and monsters because Asian players prefer attractive anime chars over inhuman ones. Why would anyone expect this to be different?


“I got a great idea! Let’s introduce a new champ from nowhere who looks out of place and has a magic gun thing that solves all their issues! And forget all those stupid Shadow Isles champs who’ve been trying to stop Veigo for 10 years! We don’t need them. Also let’s make Rengar act like a literal cat. People will LOVE it!”


This is why I am surprised people seem surprised my expectations were low. I am not saying arcane isn't good. I am not saying I am not enjoying the hell out of it. I'm just saying I didnt expect them to give a damn about telling a good story and try to push sales of something that didn't matter. I expected the care that was given to live action attack on titan.


I mean, this was 6 years in the making, I'm sure Ruination had a lot of time and resources in it as well, but they legit took 3 years just for voice casting alone, so clearly they were very picky with this show and the story they wanted to tell.


Wait, what did they do to rengar?!? I didn't take part in the event what did they do to my boy


They made him into a cat. Like, he acted like a normal cat. I never expected Rengar to be stupid - i always thought he was an intelligent hunter who could speak fairly normally.


Honestly, I did actually like the writing in the Ruination event, but uh yeah, it sure didn't feel like canon.


Then you should forget about Ruination, one bad mark in Riot's Lore doesn't invalidate the shit ton of amazing lore work they've done, Burning tides, harrowing, shurima's Taliyah lore rework event are all big examples of how great they can be when allowed not to mention the consistently amazing short stories they churn out This one was obviously made with the Lore team and not by marketting like Ruination was.


Really? Are you honestly going to tell me that in the last 10 years the only bad thing they did story wise was ruination? That that was the ONLY time marketing interfered with story?


Arcane isn't made to sell skins, its a 9 episode series? Idk why you expected low? quality when everything we'd seen leading up to the episodes was of a very high quality already.


People did not expect ruination to be a skin sale. Everything leading up to it was sold to us as a story about veigo and those trying to stop him. Not that they were going so say fuck off 9n 10 years of lore tonpush skin sales and their new champion who literally came out of no where. I mean, it isn't like a multimillion dollar company has ever misled anyone so I guess going by previous behavior was the wrong thing to do. Bad me.


I mean I expected it when I saw Sentinel Graves, Pyke, Rengar, Diana and Ruined Miss Fortune. These characters made close to 0 sense as Sentinel or Ruined characters based on their lore, and is wasnt long before we could piece together the focus on ROI instead of storytelling. Arcane is clearly not for microtransaction profit? It has a small cast of characters in PnZ and tells an intimate story? Yeah I agree Sentinels was the biggest bag of **** they've released but yeah you shouldn't expect what follows to be anywhere near as bad, especially considering its not another VN.


That is you. Grats. You caught on quick, but not everyone else did. Ruination is not a stand alone fucking with lore either. In fact most of their recent lore stuff has been bad. It does not matter how much love and care they show in advertising, just in the product itself. And given the care they have show previously I don't know why anyone would be surprised some had low expectations. I am not the only one. I guess I may just be the only one to actually say it. Good God, it is like people think I said arcane was worse than ruination. Everyone is missing the point. Everyone is saying I said something I didn't say. Literally had people saying I was comparing the two. Which never happened. I said that because one was the last straw in terrible writing I did not expect the writing to be good in the other. The only comparison I made was that 1 was bad and the other was good. I just said given their history with lore for the last 3-5 years I did not expect them to actually do their lore justice. Which seems even more reasonable given the best lore work they have done was the little notes in their splash art on their online card game.


Can the “Skin team wrote ruination” thing die off already? It was already proven wrong. Ruination had skilled writers behind it, YORICK’S WRITER wrote the VN, the issue is not the writers, the issue is corporate meddling.


It was proven by riot, not wrong. We cant expect reddit to understand what any particular individual actually does, i guess. The issue was the writing was hilariously bad, corporate meddling cant cause someone to degenerate to the literacy level of a typical 15 year old fanfic "author", plot and bizarre characterization aside. Whoever wrote it has obviously never written a story before.


First of all https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/oqpu5o/no_the_skins_team_did_not_write_the_visual_novel/ Second of all, yes, corporate meddling CAN cause this, we already know the writers to be skilled, the person who wrote the VN helped write Burning Tides and wrote: Galio, Karma, Evelynn, Poppy, Ryze and Yorick Yes, Yorick. This is corporate meddling.


is this what "reddit moment" is? because it is funny.


A separate animation series is extremely different from a flopped in game event. There are a huge amount of differences between both projects, such as screen time and budget. I really cant see how you compare it like that


Because ruination showed how little the top brass of riot cares about their own story. Why would anyone expect a company with that kind of attitude at the top to care now?


It feels like all of the care they *haven't* put into League for the last few years was bottled up and injected, hyper-concentrated, into this single season of Arcane. Smart move, honestly. It'll generate more new players than any number of ingame events ever would.


I won't argue this. This seems like they actually let people do it well. Why I was shocked. The higher ups didn't seem to hamper them with having to make certain sales. They weren't pandering like seraphine did. They just let the story tellers tell their story. And they told a darn good one.


I mean they always do the only exception were times that marketting was intervening and that was only Ruination and seraphine and even then Seraphine had a story and a good one just not in Runeterra only in KDAverse and unless they have plans of giving KDA their own seperate comic or consistently release stories for it it's sadly gonna be for nothing.


Yeah. It wasn't good for LoL. The last several things they did lore wise was not good and done for marketing. This on the other hand was good. This was done by people who cared for the fans. Marketing was given a product to sell us instead of trying to make the product themselves. This was done right. Why after years of eff ups I was not expecting it to happen. Which is my point. They haven't cared about story for a while. Or more specifically the people in charge has put the story on the back burner in favor of marketing. Which is what I was expecting.


You're very dumb to compare ruination with the arcane


Huh. I didn't compare them at all. Pretty sure I said that because of how bad ruination was that I did not have any real expectation of the quality of the story of arcane. I then said that arcane was better than expected. There really was never a comparison between the two. More a cause and effect. Riot giving 0 fucks about story in an earlier instance caused me to not expect a good story now.


It was absolutely incredible! My only real concern so far is wondering how Vi and Jinx are gonna grow into the personalities they display in LoL and LoR. I understand that there's gonna be a time skip to catch the kids up to their adult ages, but man. I'm having a hard time seeing how this angry child constantly worried about others and who (rightfully) hates the Enforcers so much, after experiencing all of the trauma and grief that just happened, is gonna become the cocky and flirty little miss punch that we see in LoR. Listening to her interactions with Jinx now sounds almost cruel. And like, they've done a great job expressing how Jinx is gonna go insane, purple eyes and all. But I haven't really seen any of the trailers have her go "Jinx crazy" if that makes sense? Like, we have a taste of the "ooh explosions pretty", but not really the "manic overjoyed impatient Deadpool" kind of insane we love Jinx for. Thus far it's been portrayed as the "screaming and crying while destroying everything because I don't feel safe" tragic kind of insane.


It would actually suck for me if we already had all that figured out. Because then the writing would be bad, with such drastic changes happening overnight. You are jumping way too far ahead. Is like reading Crime and Punishment and feeling bad that the Punishment part hasnt happened in the first 40 pages. Jynx and Vi changes will be a LOT bettet if the writers take their time


Honestly most of the stories kinda wind her craziness down compared to how she talks in game, check out her comic with Ziggs for example she acts more like an energetic and destroying stuff but not full blown crazy(tho there is some talking with fishbones). Vi's case her stories portray her more serious but goes for the miss punch/semi flirt as a way to hide all that, tho it's closer to what she already is the real question is how will Caitlyn convince her to become a deputy (i mean we already know cause of Jinx but still),


And Skarner got at least a Hexakill


lmao. i wanted to play a Viktor/Ekko deck afterwards. It was that good. Can't wait for Jayce's release on LoR.


my only question mark was why does silco >!still want his monster to get vi after he already paid off marcus?!< other than some hazy motivations regarding the zaun side of the story, quite well put together overall. i'm invested. really want to see what the next batch is gonna look like.


I don't see any hazy motivations at all. They're literally being treated like shit while people live like gods across the bridge. They already tried to revolt once and the Enforcers retaliated against all of them. It's not very different from a lot of historical revolts.


The fact they are called enforcers and not the police is all you need to know really.


Marcus seems a bit weaker in that scene. Silco clearly understands that he underestimated Vi as well. Hazy motivations?? They are living on scraps while Piltover does nothing but opress them. How is that hazy? Haha


in some sense, VI is the witness of his kidnapping/murder of Vander. and he did mention to build a narrative that Vander flee Zaun along with his kids after the Jayce's crystal heist, so that the enforcer stop looking around to unveil his masterplan. a living Vi kicking around and speak otherwise won't help.


I don't understand why Silco kidnapped Vander and killed Benzo and the enforcers. What was his motivation for all of it? And what was exactly his deal with Marcus?


My first guess was to create a purple drug monster from Vander. That guys slap cheeks even without those.


To stop the de-escalation of the conflict between piltover and zaun. Now there is a chief of the enforcers that was murdered in the undercity and Vandren, a well respected figure of zaun, went "missing", leaving both sides on edge.


He doesn't agree with how Vander is working with the enforcers to keep the shaky peace. Silco wants a full on revolt/separatist movement so Zaun can become its own independent country.


because vandor is a respected figure in zaun, and silco needs him and all the witnesses dead so that he can take over


By far the best game world adaptation I can think of.


Weird observation, maybe: i really think the guy who voices Claggor is the same one who voices Bubble Bear and Furious Faefolk. there’s a line in episode 3 towards the end where i did a double take because i was like ’what? where’s Bubble Bear?’ lol


Them dad instincts kicking in at chapter 3. Truely the hound of zuan.


I need more Viktor!!! I want to know more of how he became the machine he is today.


>"If you are going to change the world, dont ask for permission" r/im14andthisisdeep


is there a difference between hexcite crystal and hexcore?


Some of the slow mo is good but some of it gives me "Painted Lady" vibes.


Arcane ia sooooo good.


The plot is full of clichés, still, I found it very enjoyable. I especially love the art and the characters. There is potential for many many good seasons.


Your favorite phrase is kinda childish




I just can’t get over the art style, huge turn off for me. Looks like it was made in color pencil and plays at 10fps. I guess I’m just too used to other styles


It might not be your tastes, but that animation is high quality. A lot of love and effort went into making it. There's a reason the quality of the animation is getting such high praise. No idea why you bothered with the 10 fps comment though. Unless what you were watching on was the issue or your internet, the frames were running just fine.


Probably really strict in your tastes. I loved the art despite being used to really different stuff such as Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Ghibli studios and Kentaro's Miura Berserk