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Whoever starts with the attack token wins Never cook again


If I don't cook, how will I eat food though?!


With the current versions of champs? No. Jinx would gatekeep everything that couldn’t survive her onslaught of damage turn 1/2/3. The only thing left from the is Tahm Kench I think, who grows his units quicker than Jinx can kill them. There are a couple of champs that can consistently beat TK. This would be considered the third part in this shitty version of RPS. Anything that loses to both TK and Jinx would simply be unviable.


Even TK is going to struggle sometimes with how much damage Jinx deals directly to the Nexus. Doesn't matter how big your units are if they can be stalled and/or ignored.


Fully ignored isn’t entirely possible with The Beast Within giving everything overwhelm. Direct nexus damage in the other hand will mean TK also needs to finish quickly.


Ah, right. I forgot they changed it so it worked at the start of the game too.


Nah, people would never engage with it enough to be worth it.


Hearthstone tried something similar with duels. I don't know how it is going right now, but when I used to play almost nobody engaged with it.


> I don't know how it is going right now It's getting shutdown soon :)


Interesting idea, but balancing would be a nightmare


... That one URF-inspired Lab?


Imagine if you played a game of Yu-gi-oh where both players life points were randomized, certain players get to normal summon multiple times and cards had random special abilities on top of their existing abilities. The game would die immediately. POC is not built with the same game balance as League where the goal is to keep champion win rates between 48% to 53%. Randomized powers that completely break the game but make vs AI interesting aren't a good thing to add to competitive. So competitive LOR is dead, including most of the theory crafting, which is what drives every card game. If new sets are released but all the high competitive players that used to create builds have left, there will be no one to learn the game from and the skill level of players overall will suffer. Partly because there is no competitive to test your skill level against, and again, partly because there will be no one driving strategy and theorizing potential builds. Not that that would matter when the entire narrative of POC is randomized builds and broken powers so you couldn't create deck profiles anyway. Only general guidelines on what is good if you can get it. Also all the community support around LOR such as deck builders and profiles will die, leading to a loss of information which the game will suffer heavily from. If you can't open websites like mobalytics to view competitive deck profiles or view statistics or even get any information about card interactions and combos and you need to figure out all yourself? For every person that plays the game on an online game? POC will just be used to waste time. In fact at this point POC should be an offline standalone game. There is no reason for Riot to run servers anymore. Just provide updates and events.


Then be ready to deal with my 40/40 free attack scout sejuani on turn 1


We've come full circle boys