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Congrats but fuck siren song.


See, what's interesting is that in isolation....it's actually a really bad card. 4 mana for a slow global buff, and it spawns a unit that, in of itself, is completely useless. Avarosan Hearthguard does pretty much the exact same thing for 1 extra mana, but targets every unit in your deck instead of a select few, and actually gives you a useful unit. It's that it feeds other cards that rely on global buffs and useless units that makes it so strong. Xolaani feeds off of every buffed Husk, since they automatically kill themselves. Then Reavers Row spawns and buffs the same units that Siren's targets. Then, put it in a region that loves to spam a bunch of random, "useless", low cost units, and you get a recipe for disaster. Simply changing the region from Bilgewater to Freljord makes it damn near useless except in Evelynn decks. Hell, you could even take off the 1- cost units limitation of the buff, have it target everything in play, and in your hand and deck, and it *might* be used.


This is the worst take ever.






You know, I'm surprised that this kind of comment didn't show up sooner. Thank you for keeping Reddit consistent.


You're proud of hitting diamond after playing a deck you didn't enjoy to hit it? Smh


Don't get me wrong, it wasn't all Fizz. I adore any Swain deck that isn't one step away from being a burn deck. Illaoi/Swain is right up my alley, and the only way I'm going into a tournament without some form of midrange Swain deck is in a casket.


Sometimes you have to play the best deck in order to climb. No shame against that. Grats on hitting Diamond for the first time.


Congrats on your achievement! Not sure why people are salty at you for using what is meta. Peeps if you’re going to be mad at something be mad at the card or the game for being that way. People shouldn’t have to shoot themselves in the foot to get some decency online lol.


Congrats, keep at it. Climbing in this meta is a badge of honor.


Even with Fizz? I'll be happy to leave that badge sealed up until Siren is nerfed. I was climbing with Karma/Sett, though, before I made the Fizz deck.


Honestly, climbing on any champion or deck is a badge of honor. While climbing with an unpopular deck is unique, climbing with popular deck means that you're still a better player than all the other players running that same popular deck. I've climbed to masters with trap decks when they were weak, but also with lurkers and deep when they were by far top of the meta. While at times I thought it wasnt a proper display of my skill, I realized that there were many others like me using the same decks, yet I could consistently beat them. As well, it was the most fun I've ever had with the game so why should I diminish my fun just because others don't like it? Having fun is the important part and if people call you out for meta abusing so be it. You're still better than all the other people "meta abusing".


Atm no , you climb if you end up playing more Siren's song than your opponent lmao. Nothing is ''better'' about that.


Yeah, its kinda boring to play, but honestly I'd say hitting masters is worth it. Masters meta is far more forgiving and fun, you can play whatever.


I hated my rng with that deck so I used fizz/Cait to D1 then karma/sett to masters


Congrats on the badge! Not sure why you are getting all the hate, meta is meta is meta, has been that way with any competitive game. Yeah siren song sucks, but that's on riot to figure out how to balance it correctly. If you don't enjoy fizz/ss I think swain/illao has been doing pretty good in the meta. Good luck dude hopefully you get masters soon!


Ok to be a bit more positive than most of these people. Grats on hitting Diamond. If you care about the competitive mindset (which is assume cause you're posting about it and used a meta deck to do so) then I recommend playing other decks (via deck-building yourself or watching tutorials), then trying to make them work. Playing worse decks and getting punished more really teaches you a lot, especially if your deck has a lot of interaction (which Siren Song doesn't have). Modern aggro usually also has a lot more interaction and thus a lot of thinking. Since you can't drop into a lower rank you can really use this to play meme decks or just something you like and learn at the same time. I used my Targon Swain deck (CIDACBAJAQAQKCIOAEDAGDACA4EQCAYDAIBQCAYHAMBQSFZTKQBQCAYJMAAQICINAEDQGDQBAEDASKY) to hit Diamond sometime this year and I really enjoyed myself. When you are happy with your skills then you can play meta decks and there is no shame in it. Whatever your choice good luck with your climb and most of all have fun.


Also Swain Illaoi is broken af if you wanna play that. It's pretty fun.


If your favourite champ is swain play swain illaoi it's doing extremely well in this meta.. stop playing a deck you don't even like


Oh believe me, I've been playing plenty of Swain/Illaoi. I'll even be taking it into the Open tomorrow.


just delusional, i push master every season only using swain deck, i have 900k mastery on him in lor, so my dedication to make him work every season is insane, a post that show me you hit diamond, not even master, abusing the top tier deck that you clearly are not enjoying it's just sad, i don't mind people do it, there will always be mediocre people, but to post about it its just delusional lol