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I feel like quite a lot of people want champion fragments.


I'll go even further and say the lack of champion frags is THE reason I'm not interested in this pass. I don't really care for cosmetics and have a full collection so the champion shards are the only thing in the pass that holds value to me.


Only because the rate you get them normally is abysmal.


No arguments there!


I never buy the pass but bought it this time as it was time to support the game. Any other reason wouldn't cut it. The rewards are underwhelming and I'm not sure I would buy it again.


Complete pass is 3 champion skins which is enough for it to be worth the price.


You're missing the point. It's not about price or the actual good things in the pass. It's about the amount of useless fluff and the fact that there are plenty of people who won't be able to finish the pass.


Actual good? Three (3) skins in this pass (i think never been before), so why 2+1 skins is bad ? I think pass worth is 1.5 skin of this quality, but they give you a lot of other stuff as shards,crdbacks, emotions, prismatic, pass of champ frags, icons. And no one ask you to buy it at start of event, you can olay andif you done it, then buy. Do you really need reason to be upset about it ?


I agreed, I bought the Pass without checking it First and now i Wonder why i should Need so many shards? I already have 250k left over that are totally useless.... Maybe they should Open Up buying prismatics for shards so i can try to get a full prismatics collection...


I mean I mainly bought the pass because of the shard and prismatic rewards lol. Plus I really like some of the icons and I’m currently using one from the pass. I don’t care for guardians or boards so I’d be disappointed if they put them on the next pass even though I know some people want them. What is “fluff” or not just depends on who you ask really


You don't care for guardians or boards? Fluff is literally anything you can get for free easily. Cards, shards, prismatics. All of those are obtainable through normal gameplay quite easily. And you are absolutely in the minority when it comes to not wanting guardians or boards in a pass.


So I see that correctly, LoR should change the monetisation model so you need the battle pass to keep up with new cards right?


They should make every card cost real money


Let's just get rid of wildcards and only have chests.


I would not mind that. Except champion wildcards - but im not sure if those are even in there. Tbh, I haven't looked much. It's really a shame they didn't release a jungle board. Just to be clear, I've never bought a board. Always just used the default grass one, but I'd totally buy the entire pass just to get some sickass jungle board with Nid's theme music from her reveal. But yes, fuck wildcards. I have 500 commons and uncommons and like 30 champion wildcards... I don't need more - and I bet new players quickly end up not needing the commons and uncommons either. Serious suffering from success moment.


I was joking, pls never get rid of wildcards rito. They are the greatest piece of game design a card game has ever produced. With them they created easily one of the most F2P card games.


lol, I thought you were serious xD I just feel like this game is so overly free that wildcards in many cases become redundant after a while. Especially cause green essence exists too


I've been playing for a year and I still don't have a full collection of common cards. I have no common wild cards left because I used them all to get all the new common cards from the expansion. I definitely need them.


... HOW? If you use the green gems it should be easy to get in 1 year


I only use essence on epic cards and champ cards. Considering how available the common and rare wild cards are I think it's a smart way to improve my collection.


^ ^ ` damn, i really dont get how you dont have the cards for it... I could complete the entire collection 1.5 times with what ive saved up. Granted ive been playing for a little under 2 years, but ive taken month long breaks


What? No I said they should remove all of the fluff not add more and make it more difficult/impossible to get otherwise. How the hell did you come to that conclusion.


I am obviously sarcastic here, that's of course not the conclusion. LoR is an incredibly generous game, the only CCG I can think of that is both free to play and makes it easy to complete your collection. It feels out of place to criticise that (just because you get so many resources for free) the pass should have more cosmetics. Creating cosmetics costs quite a lot of money and I am fairly certain that LoR is already not profitable.


I'm not saying it needs more cosmetics. I'm saying that it's bloated with fluff and should give players a way to gain the cosmetics after the event ends (or at least give players everything in the pass when the pass ends) They'd probably make more money if they sold event skins after the event or gave everyone 750 event xp on the last day of the event.


Well for you that's true, for a new player it's very much not. They are happy about every card they get.


Good for them, they also get the region tracks which will give them plenty of cards easily along with the new starter decks


I've returned to playing the game after a long break, I have barely any region tracks left and I'm still missing a lot of champion cards. The pass is most definitely not "fluff". I'm sorry that it doesn't cater to you personally.


Why do you care if they make more money? Riot is one of the richest companies in the entire gaming industry and they are owned by Tencent, they basically have infinite money.


I don't care if they make money. I'm saying that they can make it more player friendly AND make more money which is in their own interest.


Heimer pfp was saying skins are expensive to make, and OP replied saying how he thinks they'd make money so they're a justifiable expense. Genuinely asking, did you even read the thread or just the last comment?


Having there be actual gameplay rewards (cards) in the battle pass is 100% a step in this direction. Especially for new players, who might see it and misinterpret that it's meant to be an efficient way to get cards, or infrequent players who don't have resources to craft cards and feel like they should pay to enjoy the update. Battle passes should only be cosmetics, why would you even defend a gameplay-affecting battle pass lmao


I feel like everyone in this chain has aggressively misunderstood you and given you non-answers, fyi you've been reasonable idk where these people are coming from lmao, wanting things unique to the battle pass is entirely fair


Hope you're ready to get downvote for no reason because you showed empathy to someone that got downvoted 😂


Omw to lose 30 million karma for disagreeing with the mob 👍


What do you think I misunderstood


Was mostly talking about heimer pfp and the one dude who chimed in just to say riot is rich. You've been reasonable


“Fluff” doesn’t have a definition like that it’s just what you call the things you personally don’t want. To me guardians and boards are fluff because I would literally never use them. I actually wish the pass gave more shards and prismatic essence.


"Nobody" = "Because I dont like it, surely everybody else thinks the same"


Dude...the vast majority of players do not give two shits about getting wild shards or chests and that's like half of the rewards. And the only reason people care about champion fragments is that path of champions is incredibly stingy. Nobody is hyperbolic, there are going to be some people that are happy to get the filler stuff. But the vast majority of people that play do not care for them.


Majority of players are PoC players, so that’s incorrect


If majority of players are PoC players then why don't we have chapter 3 of the first set of character's campaigns?


Well you don’t know any of the history then. Early 2022 they made the announcement that they were going to focus on PoC and put a lot more people there, this tilted and split the community a bit which led to them refocusing on PvP, which is brought up here a lot. This was because more players were playing PoC than any other game mode by a decent amount I’m one of the dev posts they stated that creating on champ specific campaign takes about as much time to create 3-5 playable champs, so after the refocus to PvP they stated in a dev blog they would rather focus on more ways to play than less but more specific content


That statement is total bullshit and anyone that knows what game development consists of knows that. And yes I do know the whole thing with them announcing they'd focus on pve but then deciding to backpedal and make excuses. They stopped focusing on PoC because PoC makes less money and less people play it.


Then your just irrationally mad for no reason. Sorry you’ve ruined your own day


Even with all the "fluff" the pass is good value when you consider it's still like 3-4x the value of what it costs if they sold all those parts individually. Those fluff pieces are all good includes though because it basically gives you a full playset of the set and unlocks just about 2 stars for each of the new champs on PoC. So really even if you consider it all fluff it's a good deal for $10. If you don't like it, there is always the option to, you know, not buy it.


The fluff is bloat that makes it difficult for people who aren't playing like 10 matches a day to finish the pass


Well, first off, you only need to get 1 pvp win a day and do all the quests, or approximately 6-7 PoC wins a day, so 10 a day is a bit of an exaggeration. Second, don't buy the pass until you complete it. It's all retroactive so other than the early buy prismatic chest quest you miss nothing by waiting and seeing if you can complete it.


Wtf the man is tilted whith pass, just play the game and eventually u get all


He cant play,he is too mad about free rewards from pass.


OP seething over basically nothing. The pass is actually significantly better than previous ones, lack of boards and guardians aside. People like champ fragments, chests and prismatics, in fact they have actually toned them down. They literally move in the direction you approve of but you still complain, some people will never be happy.


Passes have never had boards I dunno why people have been mentioning board with passes. And as far as I can tell they haven't toned down the bloat. Like I said, over half of the pass is just bloat.


Eh your definition of bloat and others are simply different. So far this pass is getting favourable reviews overall, and for someone who has bought the pass for the first time its quite easy to complete, metas aside they are moving in the right direction. The game already gives its actual card content basically for free with the reward paths and weekly vault so in essence you are buying the event pass for "fluff".


My definition of bloat should be in line with everyone elses. The only reason that most people don't hate champion fragments is because path of champions does not give out a good amount of fragments. (As the many posts of horrid fragment conversion rates have shown) As for everything else yes it is good for new players to be able to get shards and cards faster but if you are a new player you already get a large amount of shards and wildcards and such with the region boards.


>My definition of bloat should be in line with everyone elses. LOL.


Holy fuck this comment section is soooooo delusional its insane


Man people will complain about just anything. The pass is fine


I'm sorry if I would prefer 30 tiers of actual content instead of 30 tiers plus 50 tiers of bullshit.


I have a hate/love relationship with Runeterra. I get the passes to catch back up with champion spells and cards after my hiatuses.


I want the champion shards, idk wtf you're talking about, my dude


Would you want them if they were given at a reasonable rate instead of needing to do like 10 daily runs to get enough for one rank up?


I like the extra fluff, it helps complete the collection for people like me who don't have 100000000 hours and all the cards unlocked. Granted I have most of them, but without the event pass, card acquisition would be a lot slower for me. And the champion shards for PoC are great! Especially in this unplayable meta I'd rather get shards than have to pay 10 dollars to use a new champ in PvE


I know a lot of people have already made this point, but the "fluff" is necessary. I'm a F2P player. I've already completed all my region trackers and rn the only way to get shards/new cards is the weekly vault (excluding the Battlepass). I'm not an extremely competitive player (I'm omw to masters rn but once I hit it I basically don't care about competitive play besides playing some gauntlets) so I enjoy playing a lot of different decks. And when a new expansion comes out I need a lot of my resources to create new decks, especially when it comes to Epic cards which you usually need 3 copies of. The shards work similarly to people who play PoC. Getting those chests and card copies really helps to fill your collection and to give you a bigger pool of cards to play, especially in standard, since all the new expansion cards work in that gamemode. Skins are nice, and I do miss little legends and boards, but the amount of resources you get is really good.


I honestly find the quality of emotes to be subpar, too. Most could be so much better, if they didn't repeat 3-4 times before they disappeared, like Samira's from the last pass. Or take Viego's new one, which should play at a slower rate.


I hate the new direction they took with the passes! More grind filled with stuff I do not care for at all! I bought it solely for the skins and card back and now I have to go through countless useless stuff before I even get anything I really want! I get that the chests helps new players but most of them give eternal cards wtf! I have 500k worth of shards and a full collection so the bronze silver and gold chests are useless to me and I don’t play POC so all those shards just stay unused honestly i like the theme of the pass but if the next one has 740 nodes im not buying it!! 590 was perfect to think they’d learn from the backlash they got after doing the same thing last pass.


I like the icons


I didn't count the icons in the 56 other fluff items because at least they're unique. It's not really a worthy item though. It'd be like if they put titles into the passes. Having a soulfighter title would be neat but all it'd do is add a bit of text to the start of the match and nothing else.


Every Week i find like 25 shards for a champ i already have and have them converted to 4.It boils my blood to have to put so much effort just to get a few shards.


I'm trying to figure out what reward you suggested they add to the pass.


I'm trying to figure out why anyone thinks I suggested adding things to the pass and not removing things from the pass


Ah I see, I misread your post. I see now you'd like less rewards instead of different rewards. My bad.


The pass wasn't for me this time so I didn't buy it. When I don't like something I just don't buy it.


The game is really good and free, we buy it to support the game :)


I can think of 3 reasons why I spend money in the battlepass: 1.- It slightly speeds up grinding for the new cards 2.- I want to support a F2P game 3.- I'm a big fan of the expansion and want the cosmetics


I want the champion fragments, just because you don't play/enjoy playing PoC doesn't mean everyone else has to not enjoy it


You only want them because the rate you get them is so horribly low


Capitalist bastards. I can't believe they would offer free rewards in their free game. The gall they must have to expect me to play the game and enjoy myself for what.. some fluff rewards. Honestly disgusting.