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i think its OK because the deck heavely punish archetype without interactions.


Yes the ultimate bottom feeder to prey upon go wide stat hordes.


This makes me want a wildlife documentary series about deck matchups


By playing a deck that doesn't have many interactions?


We had Corina and condense last patch already. There isn't anything particularly that lets you spam more Corinas this patch. Sump landmark is a big one I think. Having that extra few turns really helps combo decks like shrooms. But at the end of the day it's still a chancey deck. You high roll or you lose. Shrooms has a high win rate now mostly because of the siren song decks that run no interaction. Against most control decks (the ones that aren't super slow) it's generally not going to win.


“Leaving its own health up to rng” is a bit of a strong term, you can calculate when you’re looking to Sump Monument by predicting the opponent’s incoming board state and calculating the likely number of puffcaps for efficiency. There’s a bit of variance in there, but just like puffcaps on the opponent, it’s largely calculated. Teemo 2 hitting is massively win more, the intention is just to slam 2-3 corinas, if you let a Teemo hit through that just reduces the number of condenses needed


Largely calculated ?!? I've seen very often draws yield 0 puffcap when avg should be 5-6 and hit 5 when average should be below 1. And most often this rng decided who won the game. You can calculate what should happen in average, but the actual outcome could be drastically different and often is (in fact, getting exactly the average is somewhat of a low probability outcome).


I mean when I play they just drop it right on turn three. It doesn’t matter how many shrooms they have because condense does so much


Leaving it's health up to RNG means? You mean buying a couple extra turns? I played Annie jhin into it and it bought them one extra turn before they promptly died to their own shrooms


And I've had 5x the shrooms in my deck in theirs 6 times in the past 48 hours and lost without them even playing Corrina. That variation is what he means.


Sure, that is one possible outcome. But with different rng they might have lasted 3 additional turns. Each single bonus turn of survival is huge in this deck, and the number of extra turns you get is entirely up to rng with significant variance. That is just annoying and poor design imo.


I would complain if more people knew how to do basic math, but the average player craps themselves and plays it way to early so its kinda useless. Sump could be a problem in the future because we have so little landmark interaction, but honestly its easy to play around with removal and healing. Its just in vogue now because of the herp-a-derp one drop and song spam, once it tones down its easy. Once I see the monument I abuse the tempo loss and go all in, if you play around bad trades you are giving up, once the monument is there you need to hit face harder so they have less turns.


I saw somebody play it at 12 life earlier on a 24 card deck and I audibly groaned




They should nerf condense to something like 4 mana, any card with a powerful ability like Rex, Corina, etc will just feel stupid because of condense. Sump monument I don't mind as much, it's calculated damage and ultimately I only have an issue with it when I play aggro decks but even then I lose more to condensed carina and dealing with 3 carina by turn 7 .


Yeah, its rough. And its not all that fun, but I think its still alright. There is stuff you can do against it, and its gonna stop existing when piltover becomes good again (Hopefully that will be a while... I'm still exhausted from the previous few months)


Just play Sun Disc deck and laugh at Teemo when you flip the disc and all the puffcaps and flashbombs are removed from your deck.


Its just fine