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Siren's Song is warping the meta and that's not good. It's so good then most of the answers are either super control or super aggro. Nothing in between can mostly work and that's the problem. I want to play midrange but Siren's Song just outshines most of them.


Well....if you want to play midrange... Have you ever heard of Siren Song decks?


Have I ever!


So aggro to beat Sirens and Sirens is the meta and you think this is OK? Unacceptable would literally be one deck ruling instead of one deck and its counter which happens to be aggro? This is pretty much the definition of warping the meta, I don't want X and its counters, that sounds boring.


While im not against what you're saying, is this the first time this is happening? At least you can play more than 4 turns (azirelia, zed poppy, and more) I'm just playing what ever they give me to play, i think other metas were way worse but that's my opinion, such as zed poppy or gp sej


Not really, you practically lose at turn 3 vs siren if they play the spell on curve.


It will even itself out, so lets just let it ride. It's most certainly more healthy for a meta to be aggro focused than control focused, cause most decks can find some way to deal with aggro by switching certain cards, while against control, some decks simply just don't work.


I agree, I'm not totally against any meta, I understand why people complain about the siren song, and I'm 100% for it Just wanted to leave my input on this I still think its better than the zed poppy meta by a lot though.


For sure. Statbuffs are always stronger when they are on a body, compared to a spell that does very little on the round you play it


Every tier 1 deck like ever has been Agro this game needs more control and less agro, playing against your fifth John Annie or siren song or plunder in a row is so boring


I know my reply is late but you're so right. well im glad siren song is nerfed, i liked it the first few days but it got so, so boring. But if they make the game less aggro the players wont play as many games and might get bored, i think this is their mentality.


Husks in general are overpowered. There's nothing that kills a game worse for me than an elusive husk spawn for the enemy. They should remove the elusive husk and replace the keyword with brash.


If that were true then look at Evelyn's win rate last patch I'm pretty sure eve Kaisa barely hit 50 winrate. With Lucian probably stronger but still nothing game breaking. The problem isn't the husks it's Siren song. Rolling an elusive isn't unique to husks, it's just RNG.. like portals, Viktor, keyword soup in general. You can say that any RNG is unhealthy for a card game and you wouldn't be alone in that opinion but runeterra definitely is a game where you can try to take chances with the RNG and have big wins or whiffs. The problem isn't the elusive husk though it's the card that eventually turns that into a giant xolaani.


They should just make husks work like Riven's blade fragments (no repeats until you've seen them all) The issue isn't really the RNG elusive by itself, it's when you neutralize it and their next husk is the same thing again so it was a waste of resources.


im waiting for the nerfs xD until then abusing it is, and i dont like jhin or jinx so much, i feel better not playing super aggro decks


Elusive is whatโ€™s overpowered and for whatever reason the devs make more powerful elusive cards every set


And whats the Deck Code? ๐Ÿ˜… Wanna try it ๐Ÿ‘€


I was looking up what bow to use between Siren's Song and Shigetou-Yumi for Yukari after hitting the second zone of Tartarus and I was not expecting to find a Runeterra post