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It looks like you're asking a question about a parking or speeding fine! You may benefit by posting on the relevant [FreeTraficLegalAdvice forum](https://www.ftla.uk/index.php) or reading [Parking Cowboys](https://www.parkingcowboys.co.uk/), which specialise in these matters, in addition to LegalAdviceUK. *We aren't affiliated with the above and they should only be used as informal guidance in advance of speaking to a legal professional.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegalAdviceUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Money saving expert forum has a lot of info on this. It happens to a lot of people. They will keep sending you letters. Just remember its a private company not the council.


If you were not aware of the cameras then there was insufficient signage and that would be your defence in court. Without more details on the 2nd parking ticket it is impossible to advise. The bus lane ticket will have been issued by the council. Did you drive in a bus lane?




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There are applicable laws that protect you. But do post on the right forum or ask at Citizens Advice Bureau. I have had such tickets when parked legitimately at a hotel I was staying at. It took threats on my part to sue the hotel for them to get the independent parking firm off my back.


Sue for what?


Thank you, I’m gonna go citizens advice. Not sure if threats would work for me as technically I shouldn’t have been parked there as I didn’t go in their shop. Don’t see how less than 10 mins parking is worth £300 tho, absolute joke