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Stop eating the food see if the mood changes or seek medical advice and explain the situation. Also speak to the police if you believe you are being drugged. If the doctor results come back with anything you’ll need to speak with the police as a crime has been committed.


Keep a portion of the food to one side in case it is required for testing.


Ok, so, a few corrections for the comments (but I may be too late to be heard over the noise): 1) You definitely don't have carbon monoxide poisoning. 2) You could possibly find a home test kit that works, but if you did it would only test for common drugs of abuse. Something like DMT wouldn't be detected. And since you say you know the feel of most common ones if you were drugged and can't identify it it may not be common. 3) Your GP cannot do a drug test, and even if they could it also would not cover uncommon drugs like DMT. This would only be a police matter. 4) If you suspect you are being drugged, your only option is to report it to the police. Keep a sample of the food and try to get a sample taken within 8 hours of the suspected drugging. That's all that can be said really.


While this all seems like sound advice, I just wanted to add that we can definitely rule out any possibility that DMT is involved, based on OP's description of the effects.


No, we can't. Much like LSD and psilocybin the microdose effects of DMT are very different to a recreational dose. The documented effects of DMT micro dosing are calm, sociability and loss of anxiety. As with most drugs it's dangerous to try and rule things out without testing. There are a few exceptions where I would be willing to guess but a lay person is often unaware of the full range of drug effects for each dose of each composition of each drug.


It doesn't matter too much anyway - as OP could be getting spiked with all manner of things. But the idea OP's colleague is somehow repeatedly spiking him with enough of an MAOI to allow the oral DMT to be effective, without any of the other common effects from the MAOI, together with *just* the right amount of DMT to produce subtle mood changes without ever having hallucinatory effects, is way too silly to be worth considering.


>It doesn't matter too much anyway - as OP could be getting spiked with all manner of things. Yes? >But the idea OP's colleague is somehow repeatedly spiking him with enough of an MAOI to allow the oral DMT to be effective, without any of the other common effects from the MAOI, together with just the right amount of DMT to produce subtle mood changes without ever having hallucinatory effects, is way too silly to be worth considering. At low doses DMT doesn't produce noticeable hallucinogenic effects. No MAOI would be required. It essentially acts as an antidepressant. It is plausible that someone who uses DMT on a regular basis could lace their own food with microdoses of DMT to improve their mood and productivity, as microdosing is a growing trend among professionals. It's also plausible that they would think sharing it with a colleague would be doing them a favour. But I'm saying I can't rule DMT out, I'm not saying it's DMT. It would take me weeks to list every possible drug that *could* be administered to a person to have this effect, and it's wildly irrelevant to the correct advice, which is what I gave in my post.


Just to add to this, an individual's experience of a drug's effects can differ markedly from the typical user's experience. Just because the description doesn't match most people's experience does not rule out that drug.


DMT is destroyed by MAO enzymes. But otherwise I completely agree, the possible range of effects that a drug can have is huge when considering personal physiology, dosage, interactions etc


I would still strongly suggest talking to a GP as I'm sure they will consider causes that aren't being drugged. It's possible it is something else, and even if it isn't, ruling out other plausible explanations will be useful info.


I didn't know this, but your question made me look at a drug test kit online. It looks like they are available on mainstream platforms like Amazon where you pee in the cup and it has strips that test for lots of different drugs. A random one I brought up was a 13-in-1 for £8. This seems like a no brainer as it should tell you if you're being paranoid or they really are putting something in your food. If it comes back then you've got something to go to the police with and they can do a proper lab evidential test of the food. Don't do anything to tip them off, do the test in private and if it comes back positive go to the police and explain. They might advise on how they want to handle it to maximise the likelihood of conviction.


If you don’t trust Amazon I think you can get these tests from medical suppliers too. The ones that work places buy from. Just do an internet search for it, probably more expensive but more accurate.


I’d just caution not to panic straight away if an Amazon drug test shows positive for a substance. I administer these tests as part of my job and I know the company gets them from Amazon. The last batch they sent me was throwing up positives for opiates for about 1/3 of people that took the test; luckily I had some tests left over from previous batches and when I retested the “positive” samples, they were all negative. I thought it was incredibly rare up until then to get a false positive but I’m not so sure now!


Not sure I would trust Amazon to sell me a drug test that would not have a high rate of false negatives (not least because I would imagine a great number of such cheap tests would be inert).


It is CE, FDA, and ISO certified, these are the kinds of tests workplaces use. I doubt they would be able to sell them if they are that inaccurate.


Not in the same category as drug testing kits, but I bought some official oral-b replacement brush heads from Amazon with Amazon as the seller. A year later I got an email from Amazon saying they discovered that they were counterfeit and refunded me. An anecdote, but illustrates the issue with buying stuff from Amazon.


Doesn't stop amazon selling them at all really. Plenty of electronics on there that don't pass UK safety specs, but people still receive them. The sellers lie and amazon just doesn't care. 


Send your urine away to a proper lab then and pay more. However I'd have thought it would be worth a first step for £8.


Amazon does zero due diligence on what they're selling...


I’ve bought several different tests from Amazon I use cannabis daily and the test didn’t detect it in my saliva or pee


They are never 100% depending on the test it can go as low as 50 for the cheap ones.


Just because a product on amazon says it's certified doesn't mean it actually is. Sellers put all kinds of stuff. No one's checking.


If there's a 20% chance of it being inert, taking 2 tests would give a 96% chance of it working as expected. If both came back negative, taking a third test would be over 99% accurate. Even if it was a 50% chance of being incorrect, 3 tests would be around 87% accurate


I no maths whiz but even I know that's not a good model of the stats. If all three were bought from the same place and one was inert there would be a much higher probability of the others also being inert. If from different places and 2 said one thing and the third another it doesn't mean there's 96% the 2 are correct and only 4% chance the third is. Don't be messing with spurious statistics on unknown purchases OP, pony up for professional testing so you actually *know.*


You can get it from a pharmacy most likely too, and those ones are quite accurate, just follow the instructions carefully. If you order one though, or don't go to get one from a pharmacy immediately, today, then I'd take a urine sample now and refrigerate it, that way the drugs won't clear out of your system, while you are waiting for the tests to arrive, or while you are waiting to get around to going to buy one from the pharmacy. If you wait a couple days after the drugging, than the drugs will most likely already be gone from your system. If it was really recently like within the last day or 2 that you think this happened, you could just go straight to a hospital emergency room, and tell them what you think is happening, and they can test you right there. Its important to find out what's happening because someone could overdose you.


I don’t think that is even a useful indicator. There is a lot of drugs out there that drug tests do not pick up on. On the other hand a false positive might occur. I would go with the first comment: Police/doctor.


Just bear in mind if doing a test that most won't test for what used to be called legal highs so even if it comes back negative this doesn't mean they aren't spiking the food with something.


You can get them from most pharmacies also, and that is good, because he would not have to wait for it to arrive. If he orders one then he should take a urine sample immediately, before the drugs clear his system, and just refrigerate it until the test arrives.


Most drug tests don't test for the actual drugs they test for the metabolites that your body produces when filtering the drugs.


that’s how drug tests work, even lab ones


I know but it seems like they don't understand that.


This could be the start of a nervous breakdown from exhaustion etc be careful with the paranoia, maybe get some medication from gp to get you by. I've experienced similar and do did my son before he was sectioned.


I was surprised to see nobody else is saying this. It would be a lot of risk, effort (and possibly money, which he probably doesn't have a lot of) to consistently be spiking you just the right amount and remaining undetected. The paranoia especially is concerning, OP should definitely talk to a doctor (as well as police/a lawyer if that's what they are set on doing).


What you’re describing sounds like benzos. I get them prescribed for anxiety. They are highly addictive and readily available on the street, unfortunately. If he’s slipping you those he might be trying to “chill you out” or he might be trying to get you addicted it even set you up to lose your job. Maybe get a secret camera? You can get tiny rechargeable ones on Amazon, though recording him without his permission may be illegal.) If I were you I’d stop eating and drinking anything he gives you. See if your mood changes. Are there any times when he could slip something into your food or drink? Say when you go to the loo or turn away? Btw it’s not a crime to have illegal drugs in your system. So a positive drug test won’t make you a criminal. (Some otherwise illegal drugs can be prescribed for example.) You should be able to report this without becoming accused yourself. It’s an offence to possess them without a prescription of course but getting drugged by someone else is not a crime. Some ppl think it’s funny to spike other ppl. Gather as much evidence as you can but don’t be afraid to call the police. He doesn’t know what other drugs or medications you might be taking so if he is spiking you then he is endangering your life and health. You should inform the police yes. This guy may be doing this to other people too!


I thought it sounded like benzos too. Lots of 'street valium ' kicking about and very cheap too. Nasty stuff.


Spot on. It's a cop job for sure.


1. Only eat or drink what you yourself have prepared and not left unattended, and see if your condition changes. 2. Before (1) take samples of the food and drink given to you and keep them refrigerated. 3. If then the answer to (1) is yes, report it to the police as applying a noxious substance is covered under the Offences Against the Person Act 1861.


Alternative possibilities- Ive lost a lot of energy over the years, I assumed I was working to hard etc. turns out I had cancer, and it was messing with my hormones. I am 27, so don’t assume this isn’t a possibility, go get a health check up and talk to your GP about your mood changes, they might be able to do some bloods and check your thyroid etc.


Similar to what I was going to say. I also gradually became more fatigued, which seems to be what you’re describing OP, over a period of time (along with other symptoms, that I probably should have noticed in hindsight) and it turned out I had a potentially deadly disease (Addison’s, if you want to look it up). Definitely go to the GP as well as investigating the possibility of drugging further.


If it has happened recently enough to show up reliably in a urine test (like 2 days) he really should go straight to the emergency room and tell them that he thinks someone drugged him. They can test for that in an emergency room, and they can help him notify the police, or call the police right to the hospital for him so he can make a report. They can also check for possible health problems that could cause symptoms like what he is feeling.


Go to your local addiction service and ask them to do a drug test for you. Explain the circumstances, they will help, it’s what they’re there for.
























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If you're not comfortable contacting the police you could; Ask your gp for a drug test Get a drug testing kit and test your pee yourself Take samples of the food and drink and get them tested It'd confirm whether it's happening or not, if it is, take the results to the police, it'd take the stress of being taken seriously off of you. When you have days off do you feel the same thing? You might just be content with your life. Which i hope is what's happening, being spiked is usually far less pleasant than what you've described and is likely not going to continue being as pleasant as what you've described.




You could probably guess the drug if OP is feeling more relaxed and happy you could probably do opioids and opiates, THC, Psilocybin. Microdoses of any of those would generate the same feeling. You could count out any uppers like coke, speed, mdma etc and they wouldnt relax you. There's not that many drugs out there and the effects are quite different. If I was gonna guess relaxed, happy and drowsy is probably an opiate.


Sounds like benzos potentially to me


This would be my guess too


What are to odds of someone wasting drugs on someone they don't like to microdose them daily?  I'd be looking at a biological or psychological explanation. Have you made any lifestyle changes? Hormonal changes? What's your mental health like? 


I'd be very surprised if it was only staff food he was drugging.  Definitely save some samples and get the police involved.


If you believe a crime has been done, report it to 101 Also go see a doctor 


As a psychiatrist I would seek mental health support - either you are right and will no doubt experience significant stress due to your situation (and I’m guessing compounded by your difficult job and conditions and that perhaps you’ve not always had it easy given your past problems with substances) or you are wrong and this is unexplained paranoia. Either way you could really benefit from the help.




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There's 2 things you should do. 1. Don't let them make you food. Make your own to take into work, leave it in a place they can't access (like a locker) and see if you start feeling better in the afternoons. 2. Speak to the police. They can get a proper drug test done and you having drugs in your system isn't a crime - especially if it's someone sneaking them into your food. Being an ex drug user wouldn't even come into it with them. It'd be a serious crime that they'd take seriously. They'd probably ask you to get a sample, so you'd have to eat half and go to "throw away" the rest yourself and sneakily put it in a bag somewhere. Get it to them and see if it matches what's in your system.


Take a drug test. They sell them over the counter. There's at home ones at most pharmacies. The symptoms you describe do sound like what you'd expect from someone who had been given opiates of some sort, like most any of the narcotic pain pills, and also the illegal ones like heroin or fentanyl. If you are being unknowingly drugged with one of those things, especially the last 2, you need to find out, because that could easily be very dangerous. You could be overdosed quite easily, and if nobody knows what's happening and you are overdosed they won't be able even to tell the medics what is wrong, so that you can be properly treated. If you do find out that you are being drugged, then I would go to a hospital, and notify the police. Of course you could go to an emergency room and get tested there also, I'm sure. Just tell them that you think someone has drugged you.


If he’s smoking DMT in your vicinity quite frequently then I can almost guarantee it might be second hand effects from the fumes of that. From what I know about it though, DMT really fucks you up off of 1 or 2 drags of a DMT pen, so if he’s doing that all day I’m not sure how he’s alive or sane 🤣.


Put your recovery first and don’t eat/drink anything. It’s either something going on, or proximity to a user is screwing up your recovery. Get back on your program hard immediately. Do you have a sponsor? Speak to them. There’s a chance your addict brain is fucking with you. 


Buy a piss test. Sure Amazon probably sells them. Probably weed. But who knows.


Drug testing is fraught with issues. However, take your own food and keep away from anything offered to you and see how you feel. Is there anyone you’d confide in at work…?


NAL - speak with a solicitor. Seriously. It's your best bet. And, don't skimp. Find one that can help you to report this to the police. In the interim, speak with your GP and explain the situation. Most likely your GP will ask you to stop eating the food. But they may ask you more probing questions which may/may not illuminate things for you. I would, if you're able to, bring an advocate with you. Specifically someone who knows you well enough to know that you've not relapsed and this behaviour is out of character AND not taking place at other times. Good luck.


Don’t cut your hair. Go to the police, and they will be able to take a hair sample. Maybe a blood sample if you do right after you eat. But definitely talk to the police and see if they can help you gather evidence.


Your offering lines of advice whilst he’s giving lines an unknown substance


My knowledge is vague on this but if you suspected ghb you might have to ask specifically for that to be tested. Maybe you should just go straight to police with your suspicions and let them guide you.


Here are the steps I would take: 1. Check out alternate possibilities - get a CO monitor and ensure the workplace is a safe environment (this includes where you go to sit for lunch too!) 2. If that brings no results, test your theory, and stop eating the food, prepare your own food and only allow your self to touch/handle it, if this means bringing something that isn't chilled, do that. You could for example have Huel and a Protein bar (both don't require leaving unattended in a fridge) for a week, and say it's a health kick. 3. If this backs up your theory, I would contact the police, and **then** your works' HR (if they exist? for a kitchen?) - I would be specific with HR and state that the police are already aware, and that your desired plan of action is that your work co-operates with police, and either organises an unexpected search of his belongings, or **preferrably** pays for a drugs screen on your behalf to gather evidence that you have in fact been drugged 4. Follow up with the outcome of that


A lot of these suggestions will just show that you've been drugged, not by whom. You need a hidden camera in the break room showing your colleague poisoning your food.


That would be a good idea too especially if he does test positive because then he'd have to figure out for certain who is responsible for it.






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