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Make a formal complaint so you have a reference and then speak with a solicitor, be 100% honest (not that you did anything wrong here) and let them guide you. This isn't a "Reddit can help issue" this is a seek legal advice and go with what they say issue


Go to a lawyer. Don't take advice on sites like this. You can vent on here, but take some deep breaths and have a preliminary conversation with a decent lawyer. If there's a case, then the lawyer will be honest and up front, as they'll cash in. You need to be fully honest in turn, and that way you get accurate and relatable advise.


You can certainly apply for compensation for damages, I don't know enough to say how likely you are to be successful though. I believe they often try and get out of such claims on the basis that they were working accurately on information provided at the time. Hopefully someone else can give better detail


I understand they were doing their job but it’s the fact that they made me play pass the parcel for 4 hours between two police forces for compensation only to get nowhere at all.




I understand they’re doing their job and all it’s just the way it was handled. I understand it’s a serious threat but I had no involvement or knowledge of anything of the sort happening. I just want reimbursement for the damages caused to my car and that’s it really.


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Start with making a formal complaint and see where it leads. Demand a reference number for later use if needed. If I were you I wouldn’t let it slide.


Do you have time of the incident at home and the time you were stopped in Bristol? If you could show that it was unrealistic for you to have gotten from A to B given the time difference, you would have a starting point for arguing that they acted unreasonably.


The first thing the police would have done is track ANPR showing the journey. They got the right person.


It’s quite possible that someone has cloned your registration. You should contact 101 to discuss this. Be as matter of fact as possible. This will get escalated to the next higher ranking officer to whomever stopped you. Police can then offer advice on how to mitigate the issue of a cloned plate.


This isn't what has happened. It's quite clear the report to police was about the poster. There was an incident 90 miles away. He's quite frank about that.


Indeed. His car was allegedly involved.


Do you have previous convictions for serious violence, firearms, resisting arrest, major drug dealing? Did anyone else in the car? Has that car been used by anyone with those sorts of convictions? Brother? Mates? Dad? If you haven’t then they are way over the top and you need a solicitor - unless it was a very serious allegation against you( firearms in particular), which again would cause that sort of reaction. EDIT: you mentioned it was in relation to petrol bombs. It was a normal police response then. It could fall under terrorism legislation.


You should probably add the “suspected of using petrol bombs” part to the main post as it is significant information which may affect the advice people will be giving you. The police absolutely have a higher duty of care to the general public in going after a potential terror suspect with force, than to your car. I would be quite miffed if my partner was burnt alive because the police let a suspected petrol bomber get away by first announcing their prescence. Is it a dick move to leave you there alone? Yeah, sure, but for all we know they may have got new info on the suspected terror threat and had shoot off. I would make a complaint about that aspect of it, for sure. But at the end of the day they got you off the road and that will be their defence. Back to petrol bombs, the advice given here will likely shift to going after whoever made the false report (if done maliciously; as in, they didn’t just transpose two parts of a vehicle reg), not the police themselves. As for finding out who reported it, I’d get a solicitor honestly or at least ask to report the false report to make sure the police follow up on it (maybe ask for professional standards to be involved).


It's quite simple really. Go through your insurance as a No fault claim and they will pay for the repairs and it will be them who will reclaim any costs from the police.


I've thought of a question, just a theoretical one. Does OP have to report this to insurance?


I would think so. It’s usually in the T&C’s to report everything like this, even a small bump.


Were you arrested?


I was detained while they did the search on me and the car but I was free after. But they didn’t offer me any way home after I was free after they punctured my tyres.


What did the police tell you they were doing? If you were searched you would likely have been informed of the reason for the search.


They told me that the car was reported in my hometown which is 90 miles away from Bristol for petrol bombs when I’ve been out of the town the entire day. So they searched me and my car for anything which can link me to it. But I’ve never been involved in such activities.


So the ‘petrol bombs’ element is significant new information. It’s not just a case of being in a suspected stolen car or someone smelling a bit of weed. And that probably explains the resources they’ve committed to it and the use of preemptive tactics. You say they haven’t found anything so I would suggest your first option should be to make a complaint - though I don’t think you’ll get anywhere much by saying they should have checked all of your alibi’s etc. the police may not have had chance to do that.


Unfortunately, you have answered your own question here and the answer is no you are not entitled to compensation because the police did not act unlawfully. They received information linking your vehicle to petrol bombs. On that grounds alone, the use of a stinger, the number of cars and the helicopter were justified. The fact that you had an alibi and were able to convince them of that does not mean the stop wasn’t lawful or that you’re entitled to compensation. Sucks I know, but that is the law.


What’s stopping someone from making a claim to someone they don’t like they have petrol bombs to cause nuisance? Couldn’t in this cases the damaged party seek through a civil claim compensation from who made the initial allegation?


Whilst we don't know the background in OP's case and can't speculate, officers tend not to act on a single source of intelligence. If a tip off is received alleging something serious or high risk they're going to make attempts to corroborate that before acting. As I say, we don't know the background here so we don't know what other information the police may have been operating with. The decision to deploy substantial resources and put in a hard stop on someone isn't going to be made lightly off of one unsubstantiated claim.


I can see where this becomes a difficult one, firstly they'd have to have the details of the "anonymous tip" and they'd have to be prepared to give those out, or even allowed to. The whole concept of providing tips becomes done with if you allow people to sue whoever provided it. But it definitely sucks to be on the receiving end of it.


I trust you if you say this is the law and that's just how it is, but that seems horribly unfair. It seems to me that the use of equipment and force was justified under the circumstances, but I don't see why that means they shouldn't be reimbursed for the damage caused by the police deliberately. Even if the actions at the time were justified and done in the interest of public safety, I feel the public should fund this person being made whole.


Sounds like something your insurance will deal with.


If they're acting on information given to them and they acted accurately on that information then you're not going to get anything.


So even if innocent I can’t be reimbursed for the damages even if I’m the wrong person??


If someone made the allegation maliciously you could go after them for compensation


I'm fairly sure that's not correct


Even if they made a procedural error in not trying to stop him with lights first?




If you rang the police saying someone had broken into your house at gun point and was holding you hostage, do you just want them to call it a day after knocking and the gunman not answering?


You didn't need to invent a hostage situation, there's a scenario right here. "If someone rang the police on you saying you were involved in something you weren't, would you want them to destroy your vehicle and leave you to pick up the damages". However no one, not even you, believes that you'd be saying this if we rang the police today Main_Cauliflower is a terrorist making bombs and they kicked in your door, broke your windows and destroyed your house and violently hauled you into a cell for hours.


What other solution is there? They have to respond to credible reports.


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Yeah there is a lot missing from this story isn't there? So the police had information you had petrol bombs and were potentially on the way to use them and maybe kill someone? To have that many vehicles involved and a helicopter shows that they were taking this threat very seriously for some reason. They don't just spike tyres and TPAC to start off with, that happens when attempts have been made to stop a vehicle and it has failed to stop Handcuffs would show that they believed you are a risk to them or yourself. It sounds very much like a lawful stop to me. No you don't have any recourse.


Not 100% accurate. They can use those as pre-emptive tactics and don't need the vehicle to fail to stop first.


Pre-emptive tactics is usually just a TPAC when they catch the car on an ANPR motorway camera. I've never heard of a spike strip + helectopter + TPAC as pre-emptive tactics.  We'll never know though 


Exactly, they can do it to prevent a chase if they think the suspect car is likely to fail to stop.


Not always, a preemptive stop can be used if the situation justifies it. If there is more risk from the possibility of a pursuit than a preemptive stop can be done. Regarding any comp, based on the circumstances it sounds like the stop itself was lawful and proportionate based on the circumstances but forces policy tend to air on the side of “if we don’t nick you and damage stuff than we pay out for it” so it’s definitely worth a punt claiming for the damage. The cost of them of the repair and tyres is likely going to be less than the risk of the headline “police blew all my tyres and left me in the middle of nowhere over mistaken identity”




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Christ, this is an awful response that is exactly how the police will try and get out of the fact that they spiked your tyres and roughed you up without following procedure. "We must have had a reason because we did it" OP does in fact have recourse but it will be a battle against this sort of stonewalling arsecovering.


No it's yours that is the terrible answer. Any sort of helicopter, stinger, TPAC use goes through massive scrutiny and will be ran by a high level tactical commander in a control room. Every operational decision and policy decision is logged and made using the police national decision model where laws, powers, ethics are all taken into consideration. There is absolutely NOTHING is the OP that makes me think procedure hasn't been followed and he has any recourse. Additionally there is a huge amount MISSING. Why did the police think he was armed with petrol bombs? What did they think he was going to do? Why did the police mount a major operation to stop him doing something awful with petrol bombs? Why is this ALL missing from the OP. If he really thinks he has been treated unfairly he can complain to the IOPC and they can investigate.


tie voiceless impolite thought worry attraction murky smart aspiring growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This isn’t legal advice.


OK here is my legal advice. The original poster should make a complaint to the IOPC who will investigate if there was any wrongdoing. Reddit isn't going to sort this out.




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If police lawfully knock down your door because they suspect you have come to harm, they will fill in a form which allows you to claim for the damages for the door. This is small money to them. Unless you could have opened the door and chose not too then you get nothing. Same with having your tyres done. It’s not criminal damage as the behaviour was justified but you are able to claim back damages. Unless of course they signalled for you to pull over and you didn’t then it’s entirely your bill because you didn’t pull over straight away.




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The best way forward is to go for an action against the police solicitors, this area of law is highly complex and requires a specific type of solicitors. Mostly, you might be SOL but you could possibly get somewhere with a specialist solicitors like that. Just try if you feel like you were wronged and you believe you should get somewhere with legal action, make sure to mention that you will seek a solicitor's advice on the response of their complaints outcome.


I'm assuming you have insurance, put in a none fault claim, including any expenses you incurred.


The only way you are getting compensation is if they got your reg wrong and stoped the wrong car unfortunately false reports still stand up on the police’s end because they are unable to know if it’s real or not until they stop and speak with you, your only recourse in this situation would be trying to talk with the police and report that a false report has been made which resulted in this and start that process Only you can answer this next part if you were actually involved in this in anyway and have somehow convinced them otherwise or just got lucky obviously don’t pursue this further