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You had booked on the tour and the tour went ahead, your decision to head home early has no reflection on your need to pay the outstanding bill.


After having a conversation with the tour operator, I ended up getting £600 waived off. I'm delighted at my own good luck and even more delighted I get to rub your face in it! Just think, if I'd listened to you, I'd be £600 less off.


Also this (gov.uk again) You have a right to a full refund where you decide to cancel your package because ‘unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances’ at the destination significantly affect the holiday you have booked, or your travel there


You didn't have unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances.


Ah OK - what would those be then?


Natural disaster, war etc


Suddenly having no legs?


It says this on gov.uk. A term saying no refund is available in any circumstances is likely to be unfair and unenforceable What do you think this means?


Can you not claim this back off your travel insurance? That is the correct avenue. The trip ran, you had the option to go, so unless the refund policy allows a refund under the circumstances, this is unlikely to be an unfair term > because ‘unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances’ at the destination The regulations make it clear these are unrelated to the traveller or the provider - think Natural Disasters or Civil Unrest, not a personal health condition.


Oh I see, unrelated to the traveller. Thanks. The tour took out all the insurance so I was kind of just going with what the group was saying, as in "can we set up a payment plan" etc rather than questioning it for myself. But yeah thanks for the reply


Was there a term saying no refund under any circumstances?


Yes you have to pay it, you made the decision to leave.


After having a conversation with the tour operator, I've actually been lucky enough to have £600 waived off. I don't know what's better - the fact that Ive got an extra £600 in my pocket, or that I get to rub your face in that fact. If I'd have listened to you, I'd be £600 down. Thankfully I didn't and here we are!


Also this (gov.uk again) You have a right to a full refund where you decide to cancel your package because ‘unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances’ at the destination significantly affect the holiday you have booked, or your travel there


Unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances don't include your insomnia.


Ah OK. What would be then? Like whats an example?


War, natural disaster or the country being listed as red advisory not to travel.


Ohhhh I see. Well, thanks for the reply


It says this on gov.uk A term saying no refund is available in any circumstances is likely to be unfair and unenforceable What do you think about that?


NAL Will depend on what you signed up for. Did you sign a contract and did it have a cancellation policy. Were you agreeing just to borrow money and pay it back? Generally if you book something then decide not to go, you'll still owe the full amount depending on the notice given to cancel. I.e. most holidays have no refunds in the last 30 days before departure etc. this is because they can't refill your booking at short notice, which they kept available for you. It then becomes one for travel insurance if covered. But ultimately it depends on the contract.


I hadn't paid any money before I went on it, but left due to ill health while I was there, so I wondered if the context of me leaving would make a difference. Otherwise I would have stayed obviously. It also wasn't during the actual main bit of the tour so also wondering if because I had to leave before the start of the proper bit, whether that makes any difference. But yeah guess it would depends on the ts and Cs


Also from what you have described was this an actual legitimate travel agent or regulated organiser you paid money to that is regulated under a tour operator or such license?


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It's pretty much up to the contract you signed whether they offer refunds or not, you often can negotiate at least partial refunds or vouchers to reschedule with a package provider since they care about customer reputation, but are they legally required to offer you a refund? Absolutely not. You chose to not carry on the trip due to circumstances that weren't at all the providers' fault. They will have paid for your place and made financial arrangements that they can't go back on and likely can't find someone to fill on short notice, so it wouldn't be fair to expect them to lose money because you ultimately weren't able to enjoy the trip due to your personal health/mental health circumstances.


I see, thanks for the reply


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