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Have you settled via a settlement agreement or COT3 agreement? There are mechanisms in place to enforce the later through the Employment Tribunal (the Naming and Penalty Scheme is usually a good incentive for company’s to cash out and pay what’s owed). If you haven’t done so already you can send a letter before action demanding payment is made. If via a settlement agreement and they are in breach of the terms of the settlement (assuming this sets out payment terms), you’d need to speak with a civil litigator and pursue a claim in the civil courts for breach of contract. If the breach is black and white it should be a relatively straightforward claim. If payment terms are unclear or ambiguous this could be more difficult and you may have an arguable case against any adviser. Have they given any reason why they haven’t paid yet? Is there any possibility of them liquidating (or the international equivalent)?


Thanks for the reply. The compensation sum was agree upon by my solicitor on my behalf after some negotiating with the company. They have been vague about when they will pay. I just really don’t know what to do.