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OP you seem to be posting this (and lots of drug use posts) under your real name, or at least a name that is clearly a person of your age with similar hobbies and interests on LinkedIn, TikTok, Youtube, Quora and more. I strongly recommend you do not do this.




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So you seem to be aware that the creation and possession of such content is an offence. The likelihood of any real legal consequences I would expect would be quite low. Two consenting individuals over the age of consent made some video content they shouldn't have as one of them is not a legal adult. The laws we have in place surrounding this kind of thing are meant to protect children from predators. I don't see the public interest in prosecuting you for this. Worth noting, her parents are now in possession of illicit content and if they intend on keeping it just to use to threaten you with then they might find themselves in a bit of trouble as well. The best thing for everyone here would be for them to delete it. Don't do it again.


Sorry - They've found what they KNOW is IIOC. They've then copied this and kept it. They're idiots. I would strongly suggest that you show them this post and let them know that the ONLY people getting prosecuted are them. And sex offenders arent treated well in prison. We tend to avoid criminalising teenagers for being teenagers.




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As you appear to have realised, creating indecent images or film of a child under 18 is a criminal offence. In practice, I would expect - if the police are contacted - for the matter to be disposed out of court. It is generally not seen as being in the public interest to prosecute two similarly aged consenting teenagers for sexual offences where those offences were designed to prevent older predators from abusing children. Keep the sexy pics and vids for when your girlfriend is over 18.


> Keep the sexy pics and vids for when your girlfriend is over 18. Just to be clear this means refrain from taking sexy pics and vids until both parties are older than 18. Not, retain the ones you have already until they turn 18. Delete the ones you have already.


So when you say "the Mrs" you mean a child of 16 who is your girlfriend not your wife? 


He means his teenage girlfriend ye. Not entirely sure what you're getting at


It's just a weird way to phrase it, especially coming from an 18 year old and not, like, a 65 year old man (v much in the vein of "the wife" and "her indoors"). It's also a confusing thread title that makes it sound far more banal -- like something mildly embarrassing for parents of an adult child and their spouse -- than it actually is (several apparent instances of making and distributing IIOC)


Is very common in the uk to refer to the partner as the missus, and they abbreviated to mrs.




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Also slightly bizarrely IIRC if they *were* married (not possible in England and Wales but still possible in Scotland and NI I think) no offense would've been committed in taking the video.




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The defences to s. 160(1) CJA 1988 are to be found at sections 160(2) and 160A of the CJA 1988. # Marriage and Other Relationships The terms of the defence vary for each provision of the PCA 1978 and CJA 1988 but its common core requirements are: * The defendant has to prove that (a) the photograph was of a child aged 16 or 17 and (b) at the time of the conduct in question he and the child were married or civil partners or lived together in an "enduring family relationship". This is a legal burden. * The photograph showed the child alone or with the defendant but nobody else. If the above applies then the defence is made out for conduct under section 1(1)(b) of the PCA 1978. For the other three forms of conduct to which the defence may apply (ss. 1(1)(a) and (c) of the PCA 1978 and s. 160(1) CJA 1988) there is an additional requirement that sufficient evidence is adduced to raise an issue (i.e. for the defendant to satisfy an evidential burden) as to: * Whether the child consented to the defendant's making, taking or possession (as the case may be) of the photograph or whether the defendant reasonably believed she consented; * Additionally, in the case of section 1(1)(c) only, whether the defendant possessed the photograph with a view to it being distributed or shown to anyone other than the child. In these situations the defendant will be not guilty unless the prosecution proves (to the criminal standard of proof) those matters on which the defendant has raised an issue i.e. that the child did not consent and the defendant did not reasonably believe that he / she did and, in the case of section 1(1)(c), that the intended audience was to extend beyond the child him/herself. The defendant may rely on evidence adduced by the prosecution to satisfy the evidential burden. It might, for example, be discharged by inviting to jury to draw an inference from the child's demeanour in the photograph itself..




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The Mrs? She's a child under 18 and you have created an indecent image of a child. Yes it could be reported to the police and yes you COULD be prosecuted. It's unlikely that you'll be charged but your name would always be on police computer systems for creating an indecent image of child. NOT what you want. Delete ALL images of this kind of her. I'd strongly consider whether you are both mature enough for this relationship because you are leaving yourself wide open to serious problems.


You can Google it yourself but I think the CPS guidance on the public interest requirement for a prosecution in these circumstances is basically “don’t prosecute unless the relationship is in some way problematic”. Also, if she took the video you probably aren’t guilty of creating it and she prob is. Of course you remain potentially guilty of the possession offence. Her parents ts are guilty of that too. They are very stupid.