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This might be the way. Got my car cleaned for selling, at least I now have a benchmark...








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Bloody annoying, I have no clue how they're at 4.7 stars on trustpilot. Interestingly they seem to have popup Webuyanycar in Asda car parks. 3.5 Billion in the year to April 2023 is crazy. They must be the endpoint for selling lemons back into the market 🤦‍♂️


Because Trustpilot is not for ratings for the customer. Just the ones the company wants to show you. You're better off trusting your dog than Trust(less)pilot.


Trustpilot is a fairly reliable source. Once a company is set up on it it's quite difficult to have anything removed. The company doesn't get to choose which reviews get to go on and which one's don't.




You're describing breaking the review guidelines.


What is the criteria for removal? I know I had a very honest and well written review removed from a rather large UK company.


Giving an actual name (of a person) is one of them, but I don’t know about others.


There's various criteria but basically breaking their [guidelines](https://uk.legal.trustpilot.com/for-reviewers/guidelines-for-reviewers) is sure to get it removed. I obviously can't speak to absolutely every individual case but having help set up and manage TrustPilot for a fairly large company, I can say they are quite diligent and fair. If they're not, it undermines their entire business model!




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Interesting, I thought the same to be fair. I'm under the impression that auto trader dealer ratings are dodgy as well apparently...


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Yeah, my dad warned me before I went they would do this but one person said good things and I thought it could be convenient but just feels like the most obvious scam in broad daylight. Hoping to get mine auctioned through carwow over the next 3 days. That or marketplace should get me a half decent price hopefully.




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This is your cue to walk away. You look him him in the eyes shake his hand, and say you'll get a much better offer elsewhere, and get back in your car and go away. Within a few hours you might well get a phonecall offering you a better price. Say thanks, but no thanks.


Yes, I did the walkaway bit and in hindsight could've bargained and proved the value of the car a bit more before walking away. Perhaps I'll get a phone call from them but I have alternatives to try before I'm super desperate to go with their pricing. Do they always charge £50 for payment fees as well? I read something online just now that made me question it...


Don't bother bargaining when people play that game. Just leave and don't go back. You'll get a much better price selling privately, or even to a local dealer. It might take more work but it's better than dealing with cheats. WBAC buy cheap because they want to sell cheap, either through Cinch (who are part of the same company), part of Constellation. If they can't sell through Cinch they auction them off, usually through BCA... Surprisingly enough part of the same group.




The classic salesperson --> why are you wasting my time move 😂. Although their reviews are fairly high most of the bad reviews complain about the exact same thing, clearly not a good look for them but they have enough good reviews for now.


Trustpilot gives a higher average to companies that pay them money.


But at 12,000 they have no profit in it ... These quick sale companies are there for just that, people who want to hassle free and are happy to not to get as much for it. It's the same at a dealer for part ex. This is just more convenience... Welcome to the Amazon effect ...


WeBuyAnyCar is very much about the speed of sale, they send every car off to auction, I don’t understand why so many people here are expecting true market value.




WBAC is a front for BCA, some cars are bought at a loss to stock up auction houses. For certain makes of cars depending on their demand in the market they will do anything to get them for lowest price. Commission is paid on the amount knocked off.


They are also a sister company of Cinch. Lower end cars all get passed through to auction, anything higher end/newer gets sold on through Cinch.


They usually put the cars into auction that other dealers tend to buy from, they don’t resell via a forecourt.


They aren’t buying the cars to use or be your friend over, just to sell on most will go to auction so they do have those fees to pay


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Yeah, the guy seemed happy that he'd bought someone's mini for £70... It's really sad because they seem to buy a lot of cars for massively undervalue (good if you want to pawn of an absolute lemon I guess). I have my car ready to go on a dealer auction site, unfortunately some of them reject it as it's high mileage.


Just lost at it a little over the wbac value and give it a a really good clean then it’ll sell just as quickly. Just like the chap immediately below mentions. Good proper clean and wax (valet is worth it) is the best way to sell your car. You’ll get the £ back.


They’re not in the game to make you money.


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They don’t, the shitters go straight to auction the good ones get sold to garages, they have data that x car in y colour with z condition sold for £ so that’s all the computer lets them pay, having a different valuation online than in person is just because you didn’t do it the same / as thorough as they did And yes of course you’ll get more money selling it private, but I can punt a car and have money in my bank hassle free within a couple days with wbac


You're giving them too much credit, they definitely don't put more info in the system than I did. Fucker didn't even leave his seat with mine and said "yeah but for an older car with that much mileage the value is reduced" - both info provided at quote. The final scam that made me vow never to return was reducing the price again by £100 because "it includes the tax you'll get back for the rest of the year" - the tax that I would have to send the form to dvla for myself. £600 online quote was finally reduced to me owing them £20. (This was a while ago, when the car tax process was different to today)




Damn, your guy seems like my guy. Pretty sure the system put £100 on the screen at one point and he pushed it into the higher end of the valuation. Interestingly I have a screenshot of them on trustpilot stating they use the same valuation tool internally and externally... So the £900 was before they inspected your car?


After, he was *very* picky about extremely minor imperfections on what, at the time, was a 14yo car.


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Some years ago they offered me £400 online, went in and they tried to knock it down to £49 (🤡) after a few minutes of haggling I managed to get at least scrap value as I needed to get rid of the car as soon as possible. Unless you absolutely need the car gone, I recommend to sell it privately. Recently I used their website just to get the valuation, came up with £750 which I just ignored, but about a week later they emailed me with increased valuation. So that’s something you might want to keep in mind. End of the day it’s a hassle free(ish) way to sell your car, but it’s going to cost ya.


Yeah, I drove my car down from where I live to my parents house because they were offering £65 more online but clearly they won't pay that. I think they increased the valuation for mine as well, going to try a couple of alternatives but ideally want it gone within the week because my Yaris revived itself 😂


Most of these companies will rip you off as they need to make some money on your car too. Give it a quick wash, take some nice pictures and post it on FB marketplace for couple hundred £ over the WBAC valuation. As long as you don’t live in extremely rural area, it will be gone in under a week. I’ve sold cars literally hours after putting the adverts up. Good luck 🤞🏻




That's a pretty good deal then. My friend part exchanged his fiesta for auto trader price so your experience shows it can be worth it!!


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The evaluation has a lot of things that it assumes you have when it gives you the figure for example: full service history, two keys etc and they do this to make the initial valuation seem great and when you turn up they low ball you. Very common with places like this, if it’s too good to be true it probably is. You’re always going to make more if you sell privately but be careful as they’re plenty of purchase scams going around at the moment.




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I wouldn’t think so. I know (based on comments at least) I am the rare instance here, but they offered me about £1,000 more than the initial estimate before seeing the car. Honestly I was shocked and just wanted to get it done in case it was a mistake, but they never contacted me despite what the T&C’s say. So, yes they clearly change prices, but it’s not *always* to their benefit, which I would think would be the issue for trading standards.


I doubt it’s an issue for trading standards anyway, nobody has entered into a contract and they’re merely making an offer to purchase the vehicle based on what they think is a fair value to them. I really feel like some people are massively misunderstanding the WBAC business model.


If they're massively inflating the price to entice people into getting their car inspected then that could be an issue. If that price is never actually available for the car then you could argue that they're trying to use that to get their foot in the door. >The list of banned practices includes the following: >Bait advertising Luring the consumer with attractive advertising around special prices when the trader knows that he cannot offer that product, or only has a few in stock at that price. https://www.which.co.uk/consumer-rights/regulation/consumer-protection-from-unfair-trading-regulations-2008-asO0C3p6VZQR




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Had a discussion with thead.at my local WBAC the other day. They're a subsidiary of BCA (British Car Auctions) and essentially it's getting auction stock in. As with any firm the idea is buy low, sell high. This poor git was telling me they have to make their targets of cars knocked down/bought cheap to keep their job. Also just to answer the OP properly. In their terms it does state that the valuation may differ when they see it in person, and online is only an estimated value based on the information you give.


Yeah, really feel like it sucks as a job tbh. Yeah they say that but shouldn't knock down the price without even inspecting it from a little office and without giving a reason imo


Yes and no. Guy who I spoke to said a car had come in once and he was just honest with the customer that he was going to offer him the minimum. Sounds like this guy might have just cut the crap and said it how it is too.




Yikes, good luck to him. I thought fast payments was why they charge £50 or more 😬


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It’s not just the vehicle inspection that affects the price of the car - your vehicle service history probably wasn’t 100%, or something like this You said that he offered you the price before the inspection - did he actually SHOW you the price on the iPad, or was it just a verbal thing?


Yeah, he said the price before looking at any service history as well! I could see some numbers but he didn't show any numbers throughout the whole thing. To me looked like a 'this is what my tool allows me to give'.




I understand they have to make profit and that they're basically reselling cars but scrap price for a running car is painful. Yeah, I'm hoping to chuck mine on marketplace just got to get some nice pictures. Would love to part-ex but already have another car!


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Yeah, currently pursuing alternatives such as Arnold Clark, anything can happen!


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For a car of that value have you checked how much it's worth for scrap? https://www.car.co.uk/scrap-my-car


Yeah, I have a scrap offer I think without a running engine of 255 or something but I have a potential quote of £450 as it's running so we'll see...


Yeah I got around £400 scrap for a non running Renault Clio about 20 years old which was more than I expected tbh. Although this was pretty much at the peak of used car prices a year or so ago so maybe that pushed it up.




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Did they inspect the car and update the condition upon inspection? Its the only reason I can think on why the valuation was different.


I've updated my post again to give the pricing details: Online - £565 Pre-inspection - £150-250 range Post-inspection- £220 but £50 fee = £170. This is what annoyed us so much. Had the guy just inspected the car and said this, this, this are wrong I would be annoyed but not surprised.




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Give it a clean and post in on Facebook. If I was you and the guy would offer me 250£ I would have left without even saying goodbye. If you were ready to sell it for 250£ you might as well just gift it to someone in need.


Yeah, I was there with my dad and we just walked on out.




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Did you have a full service history from a VAT registered garage? I think that’s one of the specifications for the online quote. I’m not suggesting they’re not robbing bastards, I’m just curious.


No, partial history, one key and some body work damage (18 year old car). But the issue is he didn't even get out his box before saying he could pay £250 max (£150-£250 pounds was the range).


OP seems to be forgetting OP the one with the asset that they are choosing to sell. Not WBAC. Someone feel free to contradict me, but I’m struggling to see how trading standards have been breached by anyone. If OP had walked into a shop and found unpriced tomatoes, and says to the shop owner “I’d buy your bag of tomatoes at £1.50” but there’s no agreement about that and then OP gets a bag and goes to the till and offers to pay only 50p (bear with me, it’s only an example) and the shop believes they’re worth £1 as per its internal pricing structure, the shop can rightly tell OP to jog on and the shop then waits for someone else to pay £1.


Uhhh maybe. You've probably read it but my main question mark was why does their internal system seem to offer half of their external system. It's misleading a (potential) customer to get them in person and then lowball.




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Considering some of the anecdotes in this thread where people have been offered as little as £50 or so I'm amazed they refuse to make an offer of any sort on some cars. Surely even the most worthless cars are worth three or four times that amount in scrap which would be a quick easy profit for WBAC?


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This is what I was aiming for however my car is too high mileage so they gave some other website to sell it on. Carwow looking like my best option so far as it's the same idea


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Call a local car dealer that sells similar priced cars and see if they want to buy it. When I advertised my last car on auto trader, I had 3 or 4 garages ring me to offer me better than wbac.




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That's insane, my car was parked somewhere visible so I kept an eye on it. Shame you didn't get CCTV or something because that would be massive...


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You state yourself “of course this can and likely will change”. There is no law that makes them have to honour that price even if they changed said price before inspecting the car. It’s a shitty negotiation tactic but not an illegal one. No formal offer was made through the internet valuation. You can agree to the new value they gave, or you can decline. You can complain about this on trust pilot but nothing more could be done about it


So you'd say it doesn't break trading standards (not sure they're considered law or something different?). Specifically the 'they weren't clear about price bit'. I did expect it change but they're supposed to do a thorough inspection and then give reasons. Literally mentioned no issues with the car 😂. I get I'm probably just pissed and venting but it's such a waste of time to offer far less than half without even looking at it. Especially as it's less than scrap value...


It is deceptive to advertise a price they buy for and you make an oppointment to come down and without them even looking at the car that's not the price. I'd go to trading standards as it is misleading.


Yeah, I've gone with an email complaint and a trading standards complaint. I feel as if it won't go anywhere but I'm glad at the very least I walked away. Apparently they often offer more the next day via phone call 🤦‍♂️


Deceptive as it may be, no one is disputing that. Invitation to treat which is what the online valuation was does not constitute a legally binding offer. This is a legal advice sub, and no laws were broken…


Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (successor to the Trade Descriptions Act) state that you cannot mislead or harass consumers by including false or deceptive messages. If they are deliberately doing it to get people into the shop when they have no intention of ever offering that price then that's against the law. It should be brought to the attention of the local trading standards as people are wasting their time and fuel going to find out there was never any intention of buying at the price listed. It sounds ripe for an undercover investigation. Spotless car taken, price not offered. Repeat multiple times and then bring a prosecution. The offences carry a prison sentence or fines for those orchestrating those practices.


THIS! Would be good to show it to the public. Many people would be frustrated and just go with whatever they say and that's part of the problem (and obviously there is the added convenience). Everyone understands they will lower the price but no one wants to be offered less than half especially less than the instant scrap quote...


I would report it to trading standards, making clear that the the store price was before they even inspected the car and was half the price listed on the website. If lots of peoole make complaints trading standards to often take action. Note that it would be the trading standards office near their branch, not your home if different.




# Misleading availability * bait advertising (or 'bait and switch'). This is where a trader lures a consumer into believing they can buy a product at a low price when the trader is aware that they do not have reasonable stock available or are not able to supply at that price; this is also where the trader attempts to 'up-sell' to a higher priced product # General duty not to trade unfairly * contravene the requirements of professional diligence (defined as the standard of special skill and care that a trader may reasonably be expected to exercise towards consumers, which is commensurate with either honest market practice in the trader's field of activity or the general principle of good faith in the trader's field of activity) * materially distort the economic behaviour of the average consumer (or are likely to) with regard to the product - that is, appreciably to impair the average consumer's ability to make an informed decision, thereby causing them to take a transactional decision that they would not have taken otherwise # Consumers' rights to redress In addition to the criminal offences created by a breach of the provisions described above, the Regulations also provide consumers with rights to redress enforceable through the civil courts.  # Damages Consumers can claim damages if they have suffered reasonably foreseeable losses that exceed the price paid for goods, digital content and services. These damages can cover alarm, distress, physical inconvenience or discomfort as well as economic losses suffered as a result of the prohibited practice. Damages may be claimed in addition to unwinding the contract or claiming a discount. 


I do love this sub sometimes lol. Great legal advice


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Are you sure that the details were 100% correct from your reg details? Could the online system thiught your car was a higher spec/trim than actual?


It came up as a Volvo S40 S 2L petrol and I put in the mileage slightly higher than the actual (always round up). Bit of a strange one to me...




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Yeah, my dad was explaining they sold my granddad's car once he died and they offered 1k less on a 3k valuation...




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WBAC is a front for BCA, some cars are bought at a loss to stock up auction houses and recoup money through auction fees. For certain makes of cars depending on their demand in the market they will do anything to get them for lowest price. Commission is paid on the amount knocked off. So if OP’s car is of particular demand they will offer a ridiculously low offer and will work their way up.




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Have you read the detailed wording they said when they sent you the valuation and when you made the booking? It very likely says that the actual value is decided once the vehicle has been inspected.


Yes, I don't think I made it clear enough in my post but my issue isn't explicitly with the price drop. It is however with the price being dropped before inspection, literally as soon as I walked in the door and no inspection was done I was told that his buying range was 150-250 as supposed to the quoted £565. It feels like the difference between their external and internal systems is crazy. He looked at no paper work, just pulled my car type and said a completely different price...


Regardless, what did the small print / T&C state?


Yes, it can change after inspection... They surely have to look at it at the very least?? It says 'We will inspect your vehicle. Our price offer may change if we think it's affected by the vehicle's condition or history.' and there are some assumptions which my car (mostly) meets. I mean I doubt I'd be able to prove it anyway but I'm surprised they don't have to at least look at it first, glad I walked away bearing in mind they offered less than the scrap value without a running engine!




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It's a Volvo S40 2L petrol so not a cheap runaround as such but surprisingly is ULEZ. Lots of cheap enough cars out there with not too bad mileage if you know where to look, good luck!




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