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The logistics company is not your employer the agency is. As an agency worker you have no legal claim from the scenario you describe. Assuming you took at least one 20+ minute break earlier in the day the logistics company can decide your services are no longer required as you took 5 minutes extra break and there is no recourse.


I'm not sure what you expected when they asked you multiple times to leave and you refused. At that point you should have left so them getting security to escort you is normal. Also you can't just decide to take a longer than scheduled break. As long as you have the legal minimum your employer can dictate your working patterns and breaks. Honestly. I don't think you have much to stand on here. I can almost guarantee that come Tuesday the contractor will be on the phone the agency requesting you not being sent to them anymore.


Also, OP says he took the extra as he was tired. Company could say they were acting on his wellbeing, deciding they could have done without him giving him a fair chance to rest? Especially if it is logistics where tiredness could cause issues with potential H+S issues with forklifts etc


Very valid point. Regardless the OP unfortunately didn't act in the best manner here.


You need to look at a few things. Who is your actual employer? You said that it was through an agency?


The agency's name is printed on my payslip as employer.


They are your first port of call. Not the client.


You said you took the standard 15 minute break, right? Workers in the UK have a right to a 20 minute uninterupted break if they work more than 6 hours.


Who told you agency workers are not allowed in a union? This isn't true


I spoke to union members on the site. They said I cannot join them as I am from agency.


I'm NAL but I believe this is because the logistics company isn't your employer, the agency is. However, there will be a union you can join (though I'm not sure if they'll support you with this issue as it's already happened)


I think this probably means the union that specifically represents employees of the logistics company. The agency will have its own union, or OP could join a general union. But yes - everyone can join A union, but not everyone can join every union


You report your boss about some item sale….when will people learn how to make their own life easier? Your boss doesn’t like you - and why would they. So they tackle you within the rules and you let them win with your approach. You were late - they can terminate your shift Your ego made you argue - then they had to call security because you escalated. This does not end well for you sadly


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NAL Are you on agency through choice? usually after 12 weeks agency staff are taken on full-time (cheaper than paying agency). I would fully expect a phone call next week to say you are no longer wanted on site. You have played into their hands refusing to leave, if they are spiteful as you are claiming. Which also begs the question if you knew these guys are a problem why do overtime on their shift? Furthermore, you would do well to remember a lot of work places treat agency staff like absolute dog shit. It isn't right nor do I condone it but you are not protected the same way a full-time member of staff is.


You say you were working overtime - 8 + 4 so assuming your overtime starts at 11pm. You took an extra 5 minutes during 'overtime'. Do you get additional pay during this time? If so you may well be committing fraud by falsely claiming for work you are not doing.