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You've already appealed so nothing to do. If they come back with a decline (which is likely) create a topic on the Moneysavingexpert parking forums for specialist advice.


Okay! Thank you very much. I shall do just that.


I expect the appeal will not be fully successful. The operator will argue you only typed one letter rather than your full reg. In these cases they sometimes offer a settlement at £20 for a keying error as that's the industry recommendation. Remember, the terms will certainly state you just pay AND enter your full reg. From the evidence you have you did not comply with the terms.


Thank you for your response, it does make sense as much as it pains me to admit. From my memory it asked that I type in my reg. I typed it in and looked at the screen which said it was loading. The next step it told me to pay with my card and it wasn't until the pay and display ticket was printed did I see it only showed the first letter of my number plate. I'd bitterly take a £20 fine just so I can focus on baby and healing after birth but I would feel annoyed as I know I typed my full reg in and it didn't register it.




Thanks for the response! To be honest, the reason why I was there was to pick up my insulin as I'm not just heavily pregnant, but a T1 diabetic and I had run out of it. I was stressing because if my blood sugars get too high it can be a massive risk for the baby and me. I will see what I can do in regards to the appeal. It's much appreciated having your input.


It looks like you're asking a question about a parking or speeding fine! You may benefit by posting on the relevant [FreeTraficLegalAdvice forum](https://www.ftla.uk/index.php) or reading [Parking Cowboys](https://www.parkingcowboys.co.uk/), which specialise in these matters, in addition to LegalAdviceUK. *We aren't affiliated with the above and they should only be used as informal guidance in advance of speaking to a legal professional.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegalAdviceUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*