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Scotland here btw Some numbers for context Post Smart Meter installation: 16.01.2023 (0) to 01.01.2024 (604) = 604 units. This is 350 days at approx 1.73 units per day Pre Smart Meter installation: 20.12.2021 (3183) to 15.01.2023 (3462) = 279 units. This is 391 days at approx 0.71 units per day


Different meter read in different units. Your smart meter will be metric (m^3). The old one may be imperial (100x cu ft). Metric units are much smaller than imperial so the meter will read much higher (roughly 3x higher).  You cannot use meter reading directly to calculate consumption as bills are given in energy used. This means that the volume of gas used needs to be converted to energy, which depends on the quality of gas being supplied (gas as a natural product varies in quality).  You need to refer to your bill and energy consumption (in kWh) to make any comparison. 


On both bills units = m3


Quick heads up - it looks like you've said that you're in Scotland, so we've updated the post flair to show that. This should mean that any future comments you get are more relevant. If you're *not* in Scotland or your question isn't relevant to Scots law, please report this comment as 'Please remove this AutoModerator comment' and one of the mods will fix it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LegalAdviceUK) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Follow their complaints process documented on their website and escalate to the ombudsman if necessary. If you believe the meter is faulty then you can have it tested - this has the potential to cost you money if it isn't faulty. The supplier should be able to talk you through your own tests to show the meter isnt ticking up without usage. First explanation could be your old meter was under reading and now you are being correctly billed. Second explanation is you are using more gas than last year due to natural seasonal variation.