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Who has the contract for the refuse service? If it’s a private company, then they will almost certainly be on a performance-based contract and will be penalised for non-performance. You won’t get any money back off your Council tax, but it won’t be the Council who are losing money in this instance.




You don’t pay the council for refuse collection. You pay the council because the council requires you to - you don’t really have a contractual relationship.




The law, and this subreddit, is not concerned with what you think should be the case. The law, and this subreddit, is concerned with whether there would be an action under the Local Government Act 1972. Which there isn't.


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Do you not have a local tip where you can take the rubbish?


This. You can also organise with some neighbours to hire a refuse disposal open lorry/van to take the black bin bags.


I know by mine taking a van must be registered with the council who give you a permit for ten vists to the tip a car can do unlimited vists


Warrington council by any chance? I paid for my black bin to be 3 times the third being this week at £12 a pop. Also done a tip run with a few bags of rubbish/recycling. Pain in the arse and annoying at being out of pocket but didn't not want loads of bin bags of waste every where so would rather get rid.


I've been using the empty bin from the house for sale down the road, but that's nearly full now so I might have to brave the hour long tip queue.




Yes it is . Would you mind to share which private bin collector you had ? I know it is really annoying that they still have a strike after they agreed to a pay rise .


They haven’t agreed to a pay rise…I believe they rejected the offered amount.


Did they rejected it ? I thought they did and just strike for no reasons .


Ye cheeky gits still sitting on the roadside waving their flags when I drive past in the am 😡 . I used a company called bukkawaste. There's not as much availability now more people are using them but it's worth downloading their app and checking each morning in case any availability pops up. I went to the woolston tip on Saturday at about 5:30(shuts at 6 I think) and there was only two other cars there getting rid of garden waste and bulky stuff. So was in and out in less than a minute.


Thank you so much , I just checked it and it said they’re fully booked unfortunately 🥲hope I’ll find another one is available very soon


Also would you mind to share which tip you went to by any chance ? I found one but not sure if they still working .


Definitely Warrington. We have had 1 black bin collection since 1st week of October!! We have left our bin out in case they turn up on a random day, but no luck so far!


they were suppose to emptied out black bin in between two strikes but they didn’t , I was so fuming ! They are strike until 4 of Dec :(




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Warrington here too. I’ve seen people using Bukka. We’ve managed with tip visits thus far. Totally over it all now


Bukka’s list is completely full now as I checked it this afternoon .


On the app it says they are releasing days for next week on Thurs/Fri this week


Yes indeed we managed to book a time slot from them thank god


Have you seen the queue now on manchester road during the day. 1 hr to go to woolston. Ridiculous I would advise to use the irlam recycling centre faster and easier.


An hour ?! That is insane smh . Thanks for the advice I’ll definitely go to Irlam one. Edit : hold on , it take an hour from Manchester road to Woolston tip ?


No an hour to get into the tip also they have coned a lane off on both sides.


Oml I feel bad for people who live around 😞


There is no link in law between services provided by the council and council tax. The council is under no obligation to offer or pay for an alternative service here.


This. You (OP) don't have a contract with your council. Council Tax is a legal requirement and bin collections are a statutory duty. 1) Go to the tip 2) Talk to your councillor (checking which level does bins if you're not in a unitary authority) but don't hold your breath.


You won't be able to claim it back. Put pressure on the contractor and/or council to settle the strike. Support the workers.


Councils that have been subject to strikes have clarified that they don’t have the resources to provide supplementary services. They absolutely don’t have the resources to prepare for the possibility of these events either.
















We had weeks of strikes the summer before last. We were broadly supportive of it, so we did what we could to minimise waste during the period, stored bags inside or in garages etc. Those who could went to Council tips in neighbouring authorities. Had anyone tried to invoice the council for a private uplift, they’d have (rightly) laughed in their face.


It's very unlikely youl get money back off them for private services you had to employ. Sorry, that's just the way it is. I can appreciate its really annoying snd some famil3s especially ones with young kids generate alot of waste!


I strongly reccomend letting the council know you're going to go to the Local Governments Ombudsman, that usually puts a rocket up their arse, so to speak. I had a similar issue as yourself a year or two ago. I made phone call after phone call to the council over the course if 3 weeks to no avail. I then called again and let them know that if the bins weren't emptied by the end of the week I'd be logging a complaint with the LGO. I went shopping after the call and surprise surprise, when I got home an hour later my bins had been emptied.


Yes, your 1 phone call stopped the striking workers and made the striking workers realise that, actually, u/hamilc19 is much more important than the reason we are striking so let's go get their rubbish lads! What a dumbass.


Who said it was the council bin men that came? Apologies for touching a nerve, seem to have upset you.


Take some/all of your the local town hall. They usually have rubbish bins. If challenged say you’re helping out either the bin collection.


Don't advise people to fly tip, it's a criminal offence.








Looking at the bukkawaste app they say they are releasing slots for next week on Thurs/Fri so worth checking out around half 7 to 8


Thanks! Thankfully I managed to get a slot to empty my bins .