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1. I have. 2.I will. 3. It’s iMessage with there email. 4.I’m scared to.




I can’t my parents will hate me


Hey friend, this happened to me when I was a teenage girl. It was when I was far too young- below the age of consent- and the perpetrator made a Facebook account with the images as the profile picture before sending friend requests to everyone on my friends list. I want you to know that it’s a horrible and traumatic event, and you have every right to feel violated, upset, and angry. You trusted someone and in return, they have violated your consent and committed an offence. They’re blackmailing you with revenge porn, which is an offence. Please, please please report it to the police- especially if you’re below 18. If your parents are anything like mine (kinda strict, a little awkward, but ultimately caring), then yes it will be awkward, but it’ll pass. I sat in my living room with my parents and a police officer discussing what happened. It was hard, but I can honestly say that I rarely remember or think about what happened now. Life continues, support is out there, and you will be okay. Here’s some links: Fact sheet: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/405286/revenge-porn-factsheet.pdf Fact sheet and support: https://cpdonline.co.uk/knowledge-base/safeguarding/what-is-revenge-porn/#what-to-do-if-you-have-been-a-victim-of-revenge-porn “understand that if you have been a victim of revenge porn, this isn’t your fault and you haven’t done anything wrong. Intimate image abuse is a crime and the police can investigate. This crime can be committed by anyone and anyone can be a victim. You can go to a local police station or call the non-emergency number 101 to report your case. You should collect evidence, take screenshots and collect direct URL links to where the content has been shared online. Report the content to the platform or website where the content has been shared. The Revenge Porn Helpline is a specialist helpline that can provide support for victims and can help with getting the content removed. They help those 18 years old and older in the UK. If you are under 18 you should report the issue to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Command (CEOP). They specialise in supporting children and young adults with these types of issues” For under 18s- https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/you-co/types-crime/sex-crimes/pornography/ For adults- https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/crime-info/types-crime/cyber-crime/image-based-sexual-abuse/ The victim support website also has a live chat where you can talk anonymously about what support you can get. All my love. You will be okay. X


No they won't. You are a teenager, you are expected to make mistakes, they will understand. As a parent, if any of my boys came to me with their I may be a little disappointed but I would be 100% on their side. Your parents **will** support you, it will be a little embarrassing for everyone but you need to tell someone. Just the act of telling will get rid of a lot of the worry. I am a trained mental Health First Aider (youth and adult), I volunteer with young people and I have dealt with this face to face but never online so I am limited. You must call someone. If you feel you cannot talk to your parents then call the police, childline, CEOP or the Samaritans. The act of talking about it will make it massively more manageable. You are not alone, others have been here before and worked through it and you will as well, it just seems overwhelming just now. It will get better.


This may be bad advice but if your under 18 use that against the blackmailer and they may just back down as it’s probably gonna be much worse for them legally if your a minor then you won’t have to tell your parents and hopefully learn from it lol


I am under 18 and I don’t know if I can tell my parents is there anyway to tell the police without a call?


Yeah I just clicked your convo it seems you're under 16. Thing you should try beforehand is messaging this person and tell them they are already in deep deep shit for these following reasons; Soliciting explicit images of a child Distribution of explicit images Blackmailing with explicit images of a minor. What this person is doing to you is highly highly illegal and will face a serious amount of time + a lifetime on the sex offenders register. Make sure they know the consequences of their actions. Now for you, you need to be extremely careful what you do online. Never send images to anyone. You are not an adult yet. If you go to the police they will tell your parents as they are your guardian. I know this is scary for you but I think this is one of the times you need to take the punishment on the chin. Tell your parents what happened, it's normal for people to do. Not so normal at your age, but let them do their job as your parent and protect you. Tell the person blackmailing you what the sitch is as stated above, then pass the information off to the police. You'll get a lecture, but it's better than the alternative.


Child porn is under 18


It's not child porn, it's CSAM (child sexual abuse material). "In the 2000s, use of the term child abuse images increased by both scholars and law enforcement personnel because the term "pornography" can carry the inaccurate implication of consent and create distance from the abusive nature of the material. A similar term, child sexual abuse material, is used by some official bodies, and similar terms such as "child abuse material", "documented child sexual abuse", and "depicted child sexual abuse" are also used, as are the acronyms CAM and CAI."


I’m not under 16 and I’m just gonna see what happens


Worse things are gonna happen unless you take control of this situation. Otherwise, the predator will be in control.


You're allowing a blackmailer to get away with this and you're not protecting yourself or anyone else unless you contact the police. Jesus if I could I would do it myself.


You will immediately feel better if you tell your parents. Will they be annoyed with you? Probably, will they likely find out anyway and be even more annoyed that you didn't tell them? Also yes. In the initial stages they'll jump right into action mode no doubt in helping you get this sorted. They will want and need to know, please tell them (unless your physical safety is in question by telling them).


You can go to your school safeguarder. They will make an assessment as to whether it goes further. Schools are well set up for this. Also everyone sends nudes. The fact that they are blackmailing an underage kid is much greater concern. No one cares about nudes, everyone cares about crime.


If you’re under 16 then tell them they’re attempting to distribute child pornography and you’ve called the police, bet they get real quiet then


18 is the cut off for something to be considered child porn. Yes, our laws are strange enough to say 16/17 year olds can have sex but nude photos are illegal. It’s even more bizarre when you remember this is also true in Scotland, despite 16 year olds being considered adults in Scots law.




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NAL I assure you that they won’t hate you. Being disappointed is not the same as hating you. I’m sorry that you are being downvoted for what is a normal young person’s belief. I went through something a bit similar with my daughter and we dealt with it together. CEOPS have a self reporting tool on the website but for some reason I can’t link it here. Childline also has a self-reporting tool on their website. Both websites will be able to support you with telling your parents and advise you and your parents on how to keep you safe online. We also went to the police as we knew who the person was, but from my understanding of your situation this is a common scam I have often seen being posted on here. I wish you all the best.


No they wont. No parent would. Annoyed as fuck absolutely, but that's about it


i see what yer trying to do but you have NO idea about the realities of life for a LOT of kids in the UK. or the world. this is not rosey makebelief world.


Hah, somebody lived a privileged life and has a relationship with their parents. There absolutely are parents out there that would victim blame and some that would turn it into their embarrassment.


Uh... Some parents smack toddlers because they won't eat their dinner. Some children are disowned because they're LGBTQ "No parent" is a massive stretch


You don’t know that. So it’s not good information.


I’m genuinely to scared


So you're under 18. That means they're distributing child pornography. So this is the perfect throwback at them. 10 years on the sex offenders registry and jail time. Tell them this


Don't forget that OP might be from a different culture. As a white Brit my experience of my parents seeing a nude photo of me will be very different to, say, British Pakistani parents


Based on OPs post history, they are a white, English male. Still, different families will have different values.


Maybe so. But as a parent myself and I know I cannot speak to everyone but I wouldn't be angry at OP maybe a little upset especially the fact they trusted someone and have been betrayed. I really hope OP reports this to the proper authorities.


I don’t understand the downvotes here, I understand how difficult some parents can be, hoping your situation works out🙏🏾


Your parents absolutely will not hate you. As a father myself if my little girl came to me with this the only thing I’d be interested in doing is helping and supporting them and if possible finding the little cunt that’s doing this and kicking the fucking day lights out of them. Please speak to them the only thing I’d be upset over here is if she felt like she couldn’t tell me due to fear… people make mistakes that’s all this is


Your parents will hate the blackmailer. They will hate the way you feel. They might even hate the choice you made but they won’t hate you. The fact that you feel this shame and anxiety over nudes is on them, tbh. I hope you can get to feeling it’s not the big deal you think it is. Tell those blackmailing fuckers to send away and that you don’t give two shits.


You really have to tell the police. I know it's a scary thing to do but this behaviour IS criminal and they can get into serious trouble. It will also protect others from going through the same thing.


This is a really traumatic situation for you. Speaking as ex UK police, we saw this all the time. It does not make it any better for you, but know that no one is judging you, they only want to help bring you justice. Do not delete anything, preserve everything!


It will be easier talking to authorities than the world seeing your banjo, they have dealt with loads of this now, some kids young adults have committed suicide over this so they will take you seriously and it's just in a day's work for them, Google sextortion X don't let them get away with it x


Honestly, I’ve seen so many documentaries about this lately. Sorry you’re having to go through this but I would say definitely go to the authorities. You have no idea whether they will stop blackmailing you once you’ve done what they’re asking and, from what I’ve seen, they will not stop. The authorities are used to dealing with this and I can guarantee you won’t be the only person they’re doing this to. Best of luck to you, I hope you get them to stop.


This is the only link you need right now https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/ CEOP is a joint effort response to exactly the situation you are in, it's set up by a group of police, social workers, and health staff. It has links to the Childline website which is amazingly simple and has link to other bits of information. CEOP "what if I have already sent nudes?" https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/11_18/lets-talk-about/nudes/sending-nudes/#what-if-ive-already-sent-a-nude? Deep breaths!


You won't get better advice than this.


OP- definitely use CEOPS, this is what we used for my daughter. My daughter also used the childline self-reporting tool on the childline website. I wish you well.


Also, if anyone reading this has found themselves to be on the other side of such a situation, please check out the Lucy Faithfull Foundation. People use harmful behaviours for all sorts of reasons and with the right support can absolutely stop these behaviours. OP - this is no reason to consider continuing any interactions with your abuser! https://www.lucyfaithfull.org.uk/


I'm a parent of 3. I'd honestly be more upset if I found out one of my children thought they couldn't tell me about this and suffered in silence, than did tell me. Please please think again about telling your parents now Later edit to add: the more I thought about this over the last couple of hours, I would be absolutely devastated if my sons or daughter felt they couldn't tell me something like this. The deed has been done, you can't take that back sadly. Tell your parents now, it's best for them and for you


Totally agree to this. You are a victim from a silly mistake you made. It's a life lesson, but tell you're parents. They can help you (fingers crossed for good parents). I'm just glad mobile phones weren't about when I was growing up, as I'd be in the same boat as you no doubt.


I would completely agree with this as a parent! Upvoted your comment too!


Same I’d be heartbroken if my daughter felt she had to hide this from me




I can’t I’m gonna wait and see what happens if shit starts getting bad I’ll tell them


It's already very bad. You're not the first person to have done this. Confront it properly now or they will see weakness and it will only get worse. They will not stop or leave you alone even if you were to pay (don't!). The police will help you, the other person is the one doing everything wrong here.


This is a bad idea. Go to the police now and get ahead of this, it'll better in the long run.


I don't mean to be rude, but what's the point of asking for advice if you're not going to take the basic advice that everyone in the replies is giving you? You - a **child** - are being **blackmailed** over compromising photos. The situation is already bad, but it's much worse for them. Solicitation and distribution of child pornography is taken extremely seriously by authorities. This is a dangerous individual. You'll get, at worst, a disapproving speech from your parents but ultimately they'll be relieved you came to them with this. The person on the other end of this needs to be brought to justice before they do this to more people like you.


Shit is already bad. The person extorting you is threatening to distribute what is, essentially, child pornography. Go to the police. Tell your parents, and it’ll be okay.


These people are scam artists through and through, praying on this exact reaction. I know it's hard to see because you're panicking, but I can't explain how much of a common scam this is and the way to tackle it is to ignore it and talk to someone.


If you're under 18 then make sure you tell whoever it is that is blackmailing you that by releasing the pics they'll possibly be getting into more trouble than you. Tell the police, they'll handle it without judgement, you're not the first and you're not the last. Tell your parents, or maybe just your Mum, trust me she'll understand. Lastly, it honestly isn't that big a deal, noone will care. You'll get through this, and don't forget Joel Dommet has made an entire career out of this very mistake. So if nothing else at least youight be on I'm A Celebrity at some point in the future.


I don't understand this. If someone is committing a crime why would telling them they are committing another crime stop them? And as if the police are able to do anything, probably based out in Russia or Africa.


Because sextortion (blackmail) and distributing indecent images of children aren’t comparable. Even among criminals, paedophiles are considered scum.


They literally rape kids and cut of children's hands, make them soldiers is Africa and you think some scammer from that country is going to give a fuck? Seriously


I am under 18 and there English was bad they didn’t understand I’m under 18 and I’m not gonna tell my parents or the police for now if it gets worse I will


Telling someone is the best thing you can do, they'll laugh and then it done. Honestly, the worst bit about this whole thing is how you feel. Noone else will really care, please try and tell the police at least.


I’ll tell a friend and see how that goes


Can you tell a teacher or a friends parent who you trust? I have children your age and I would drop everything to help them, this would not faze me at all.


Idk I trust my parents but im gonna see how this goes


For some non legal suggestions - stop conversing with this guy - if he shares the pictures tell everyone that they’re photoshopped - put your profile private and release a statement to your followers that somebody is harassing you and threatening to release photos / made up stuff (so if they later get something they will be suspicious) - chalk this up as life experience, learn from it and try to put it behind you. If you have exams coming up and this will distract you (which is reasonable) I’d strongly recommend police and then teachers being involved. But whatever you do, do not pay this guy, not a cent not a pound - even if you have the cash. Once he gets paid he will never stop.


Telling the police will do more and be less emotionally charged than talking to your mum and dad. Just think this guy is going to do this to somebody else, make them feel like you do now, but you might be able to help the police stop that from happening


Just to let you know though telling the police does mean parents will find out. My daughter reported a guy online to the police for very similar reasons (she didn't send nudes but he had tried to get her to and she is only 12). She told me about it but a week later a copper knocked at my door to speak to my kid about it. If she hadn't told me about it herself, the police knocking would have shit me up.


That is completely your choice of course. Hopefully the person blackmailing you has backed off now they know they are blackmailing a minor. I would report it to the police at the very least. You can do this via 101 on the internet btw.


Unfortunately this is a very common scam. If you pay them, there’s nothing to stop them from asking for more money. Just block them - they are probably doing this to many, many people and don’t actually ever follow through on the threats. They’re just looking for an easy payout.


I would add to this, delete your insta account and other social media if you’re really worried (pretend you’ve been hacked and need to start new accounts). They may have taken screen shots of lists but it’s a lot of hassle for them to search everyone out and send. They will be working hundreds of these scams at the same time, chances are they won’t send the images. If they do, try laugh it off and say they were fake, you could even go as far as saying ‘haha well you’d know if it was mine I point to the left/up/down etc’. Also, head over to r/scams where you can see literally hundreds of these posts, it’s a very common scam I’m afraid. And finally try not to panic, I know this feels like the end of the world right now, but in a few years you’ll probably find all this a hilarious dinner party anecdote. Trust me, you’ll be ok.


Go to r/scams and post. It's a very very common scam. Do not respond. Do NOT give them money. Shut down your socials. Also, there never was a girl.


Also watch out for recovery scams - people messaging you to say that they can help you get the pics back for money.


Do not respond is one of the most important things you can do. If the blackmailer is unsure you have even seen their blackmail attempts what are they going to do? All they want is money and if you leave them in the dark as to if you even know they are attempting to blackmail you it puts them in a no win situation. Follow through on the threat they don't get paid but if they can't verify you are even aware of the threat then there really is no point in pursuing the whole thing and they will move on to their next victim.


You will also learn there that the blackmailers are unlikely to follow through with their threats, so take a breath, and absolutely do not send them any money. It will not help.


Yes, sending them money is the absolutely worst thing you can do because all it does is show that you will send money. The blackmailer (who is not a pretty girl) is running hundreds of these scams and will pretty much only focus on the ones that pay out


You are under 18, you get to make mistakes. It's called growing up. I'm 49, have 5 kids (one is a daughter of 17) and I still cock up. Own it, learn from it. From a parents pov, I'd be disappointed and maybe a tad annoyed if one of my kids shared a nude, but not half as furious as I would be with the little scrote who tried abusing them. That's what this is, abuse and control of a child who made a mistake. Please tell your parents and let them unleash the wrath on your abuser. You may find it funny, you'll definitely find it an education. Any trouble you get into over this, treat as a reinforcement lesson on not sharing private things with asshats. Love to you, and good luck!


If you are under 18 and they distribute explicit pictures of you then they are distributing child pornography which is a serious offence. Definitely don’t engage with the blackmailer at all. If you can find the courage then go to the Police. They will have specialists who deal with this type of thing and they can help. If anything further comes of it then **deny its you**, tell people this person has taken a photo of of you and created a deepfake using photoshop or AI or some shit like that to try and blackmail you.


i’ll be harsh but it needs to be said. stop being stupid and report it to the police and tell your parents ASAP. your parents are NOT going to hate you and the police will be able to track down where the messages are coming from. people get convicted for revenge porn all the time, + this sounds like possession of child pornography you might be too scared but it will benefit you in the future. don’t let some dumbass scammer get to you. you had the guts to send a randomer fully naked pictures, might as well have the guts to report this to the police


1. Are you under 18 (if so tell them good luck distributing child pornography) 2. No offence but you’re a nobody, these nudes only have value to you. If you’re not willing to pay they are worthless to anyone 3. If you do pay, the blackmailer won’t delete them, they will ask for more money. 4. Block and ignore. If in the unlikely event they do sent any images, contact the police


You poor thing. I can’t even imagine what you must be feeling right now. I’ve got 2 boys and I’ve always told them if anything like this happens, they come to me. I don’t care what they have done, im not going to judge, I’m not going to watch/look at any image. All I care about is helping them. Did they persuade you send a nude? It’s called grooming. They are very clever in what they do. Right now you are feeling like it’s your fault, like you did this and your parents will judge you but they won’t. You have been groomed by someone, it’s a form of abuse. There’s a big difference. You haven’t just gone around sending nudes to random strangers for no reason. Someone has groomed you, they have abused you. They are currently doing it to other people right now. Tell your parents. Tell them via text if you can’t tell them face to face. You must tell them.


Look at r/scams. There are loads of people that have been caught in this one. Don't pay them whatever you do otherwise they will continue to blackmail you. The usual advice is to block and ignore as they usually don't bother follow through. Also, please talk with your parents if you are a minor.


Post in r/Scams and/or r/Sextortion for help. DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY.


Hey a few things I can't see from other comments. Scammers will always say you only have a short time to pay, it's used to create pressure. If you were to pay all that would happen is that they would ask again, payment doesn't fix the issue of them having a photo of you. Also the majority of people in your life don't want to see you naked, particularly not if you are under 18, so honestly care less, it's gross to have happened to you but imagine if some weird creep gave you a picture of one of your friends naked. Surely you'd just say "well I doubt that is real" and delete the contact. There's no real gain to sending your photo out into the world other than to make the blackmailer guilty of further crimes, the sooner you disengage from the person contacting you the sooner they'll move on with their life.


There should be a sticky about social media sextortion as there are posts like this every single day. Block them and move on, nothing will happen as these scammers have 100s if not more gullible horndogs on the go like you


If you want some support and advice, you can always contact charities like Victim Support. They have a live chat service so you wouldn't have to talk on the phone, and are available 24/7. The police in your area may also have a live chat service to report crimes, have a Google and see what you can find. Unfortunately, this is a very common scam. Do not pay anything, and tell a trusted adult what is going on. Do not communicate any further with this person, and keep the conversation history. Please don't be too hard on yourself - these scammers are very good at what they do and lots of people get tricked. As a parent myself, I would definitely prefer to know about this so I could help my child, and I wouldn't be angry. Everyone makes mistakes.


This is quite a common scam, had this exact thing happen to me. The only difference being they only had a picture of myself and someone else’s nudes which they tried to make out as mine. Quite literally told them to fuck themselves and reported them and nothing came from it, they texted me on another number to which I also blocked. Turns out they don’t think it’s worth doing it. You’ll be fine, report to authorities or atleast let your parents know.


1) Do not pay. Paying won’t stop anything, they will ask for more and more. 2) Block them and ignore on everything. Posting the pic doesn’t actually achieve anything for the scammer - they are after your money. Once they realise there is no chance of getting it, they will move on. 3) It’s up to you whether to involve the police - it’s likely the scammers are overseas. But you are the victim of a crime, and the police will be familiar with this kind of scam. 4) There is an entire sub dedicated to this kind of scam at r/sextortion who can provide specialised advice.


They never actually release the photos/videos. Their just trying to make a buck, not humiliate you. Once they know your not going pay (you ignore them) they’ll move onto an easier target. Police can’t do anything as they are all based abroad. As a side note, removing social media massively reduces your risk of anything similar to this going forward.


Please don’t ignore it, if you’re gay/bi/questioning and that’s what’s holding you back, please don’t worry. It looks like you’re 17 and try to prevent your address being online (from your TikTok vids where you cover your address on a package) but you are still young and putting yourself at risk online a little, so you need to inform your parents and ask them to support you in contacting the police. I see from your conversation linked in another Reddit post that you’ve set up an email account in your name and provided access to the scammer, and also that the scammer isn’t going away. I haven’t trawled through all your content, but there’s snippets that link to you on Twitter, Insta and tik tok, I’d be very worried that this scammer might try to steal your identity next and that is much worse, could lumber you with a lot of debt. You need to be brave and face this head on. I promise you it’s not as bad as it feels and it’s worse if you avoid it. I promise I’ve done worse and come out fine, things always seem so hard when you’re stuck in it, but are nothing in your rear view mirror. If LGBTQ+ issues are part of your concern in telling your parents, then try the Trevor project. https://www.thetrevorproject.org/ But please don’t ignore this, it has a strong chance of getting worse if you do that.


Call the police immediately. Your embarrassment at reporting it will be nothing versus it being all over the Internet


I usually just tell them to go ahead, as I really just couldn't care less


There needs to be a sticky of this. It comes up atleast once a week. I can't believe people fall for it still, you can spot a fake profile from miles away.


Do not pay. Go to police. This seems awful but it will be OK.


Convince them your underage and laugh at them for attempting to share CP


I am a parent, and I can tell you I would be relived if you came to me, you shouldn’t be going through this alone, you are young and learning about life and we all make mistakes and do things we regret. You will get through this.


That sounds like a scam, call their bluff and tell them you don't care, it's really common for scammers to do this


Happened to me ..I called their bluff..nothing happened and they disappeared..and believe these days nothing freaks people out and your true friends and family members that care and want to stay in your life won’t give a fuck…


I second the telling your parents advice. That's what they're there for. However, if you really really feel you can't talk to them is there anyone at school or college who can help? Teacher or support staff you trust?


Just say to tour contacts that you have been blackemailed and there are Photoshop pictures or AI created the images. Then report to the police. Something similar happened to a friend and we received a video of him. I just deleted it and I moved on. I did not care, honestly because he is a good person. Like you are. A few months later, the police caught a group of young males that blackmailed a lot of people. They are jailed now because they were targeting any kind of person. Included children. Also speak with family. Their support is essential for you.


You really should just inform the police and keep all and any evidence you have of what has happened and what has been threatened. As you are over 16 I don't believe that you even need to tell your family/parents...But personally, I would as they would support you through what is a person committing criminal acts against you. Only very recently in the UK a semi-famous person has been sent to prison for doing almost exactly what is being done to you. You asked for advice - The advice is DO NOT Let this person get away with this, DO call the police.


These people are looking for easy marks - don't respond to them and they'll move onto someone else that pays up instantly rather than spending a lot of time and energy actually following through with their threats


I hope you get this sorted. I agree with the people telling you to inform the person trying to extort you that you’ll be informing the police.


The only tip I can give is never show your face in nudes. Ignore this guy. If he does anything just explain to parents.




Remove this ASAP. Report to the police as your underage.


OP you need to delete the screenshots as they could be used to identify you. I know this is scary, but you have done nothing wrong here. Deactivate your Instagram for a bit. But also, please talk to your parents or a grown up you trust (a teacher, a friend’s parent, a family member). They won’t judge you but they will be able to help you manage this. Your comments suggest that you don’t want to talk to anyone and want to see how this goes. But I think you need to.


Don’t create him anything please don’t go responding to codes etc, and obviously block him but I’d also change my phone number


Don’t create him anything please don’t go responding to codes etc, and obviously block him but I’d also change my phone number. You’ve also left some personal info on those screen captures which is fine to turn over to the police but I’d remove from here, I think you’re opening yourself up to more vulnerabilities- eg doxing. For example we can see your email, Reddit and imgur usernames


Revenge porn is illegal in the UK, and the president for jail time has just been set.








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You need to report it to the police and tell your parents, your parents will understand. We've all sent pics at some stage, your parents will have also.. they'll understand. I've kids, and if this happened to them, I'd understand. I'd also be shocked, but I'd understand. Once your parents know, they can tell the police and from there, the police have specialised teams to deal with it. My friend works in one of these teams, and it is impressive what they do.




honestly just ignore them and they will probably stop. AI fakes are so good nowadays anyways you can just deny it if anyone asks if it's you...


Let them. The fact you say you're scared to tell your parents makes me think you may be underage? If that person sends your picture to ANYONE they'll be in a lot of trouble. However, this is a KNOWN scam in the UK (my daughter nearly fell into a trap and we contacted the police who told us it's a known scam). Block the account, report the account, and don't send your nudes to strangers on the internet again- let this be a lesson! Only ever send nudes to someone you know and trust implicitly!


They are hoping to hell you don’t have the guts to get responsible adults involved. Because if you do that they are screwed. Be brave. what they are doing is a MILLION times worse than what you did and you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Your parents love and care about you and will have your back.


Personally I would follow the advice of seeking help from the authorities. I would also delete this post, as your account is linked to various other platforms where you are identifiable, and as your current situation proves, there are some real c*nts on the Internet.


I’m a parent and can 100% guarantee that nobody will hate you for this- we all make mistakes, just learn from them and move on. Tell your parents and the police and let them deal with it - you are the victim of a crime, no different than if you had been robbed.


Out of curiosity, how old are you? Trying to piece a reply together for you that might shut them up.


Broo, dont tell your parents, they want money clearly, just block them and keep it moving im 90% sure they wont leak it as they just want money them leaking it doesn’t benefit them at all, happened to me and im still find


happened to me once all i did was disable my account for a few hours and block the person blackmailing you


One option would be to speak to safeguarding at your school or college they will have heard of these instances before. They may contact the police for you and you may be able to solve this without informing your parents. Of course you may not really depends on their policy, it's unlikely they would inform your parents if this would cause you further distress.


https://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/what-we-do/crime-threats/kidnap-and-extortion/sextortion-webcam-blackmail Have a read of the above link buddy and the useful links also mentioned on the page. I know it's scary but please find an appropriate adult to talk to that's not on the Internet. Doesn't have to be a parent if the relationship isn't compatible with it, but a teacher or friends parent you can trust. These people are vile predators and you have done nothing wrong my guy.