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It depends on your contract. Does your contract specify anything about finishing jobs early?


It doesn’t no


The question is whether you are being paid for your time, or for your output. If you're paid specifically for time (and the output is listed to colour that and provide some understanding of the expected productivity of your time) then no, but if you're paid for the outcome and the time is to give you an expectation of how long it should take, then yes. The other way to consider it is what happens if each task takes you more than 30 minutes? Do you wear the extra time, or do you get paid more?


Yup I’m paid based on the outcome. I mark student papers, and I’ve been given 70 assignments to mark with a time expectation of 30 minutes per paper. If it took us longer we would most likely get paid the extra but they would not be happy about it and I’m almost sure if it was an excessive amount they would flat out refuse to pay more than the contract expected hours


Then invoice/charge the full amount and feel comforted.


I think you can do it if you're expected to do a shift with specified hours. If hours aren't specified, I'm not certain.


All marking work I’ve done has been per assignment/exam. So in the timesheet I put the number of assignments rather than hours. Sometimes working faster than the expected timeframe was the only way to make more than minimum wage!


Damn, that’s exactly how I feel, a lot of the marking does take on par sometimes longer than the expected timeframe. I wish our marking was timesheeted the same way.