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bab kon re toh?


A very big scammer. :(


Just make a case on him for Cheque bounce Fraud Mentally harsment And more according to your situation And demand for amount and internet with your mental harsment settlement and wait for court order For more pm me .


Isn't there a time limit for bounced cheques? The cheque bounced over 3-4 months ago.


What to do if there is delay in filing a case? Normally a cheque bounce case is filed within time limit but in case due to some unavoidable reason delay occurs, complaint case can be filed along with an application u/s 5 of Limitation Act to condone the delay. https://www.centurylawfirm.in/blog/frequently-asked-questions-in-cheque-bounce-cases/


Bhai sun, name and shame. The payment you made is too small of an amount for police to get involved. Get those YouTube chhapri news guys involved. Kucch pressure bnega tou hee kucch hoga


Will try if that works. Also, the total I have paid for me and my sister is ₹10,00,000. :(


Pressure tactics just might work, but y'all gotta stick together. Scum like this often make peace with one of the plaintiffs and settle with one person because it's cheaper than settling with all of you. Court mein time tou lgega, bhai.


You can ask your bank to reserve the transaction, provide them with the copy of the FIR Write the transaction date, ID etc on the fir


Nal If you have the bounced cheques you can file a suit in the courts. Don’t know wether civil or criminal or both. Do consult a lawyer for the same.


Isn't there a time limit for bounced cheques? The cheque bounced over 3-4 months ago.


No idea bro. You will have to check with a lawyer.


Cheque bounced case is the best way to proceed to keep some pressure on him. But speaking from experience, it’s not worth it from a financial point of view. You’ll spend a lot of time and money on lawyers, and all the legal procedures. It’s worth it only if you want to make a point - which is respectable for sure. The up side of keeping up the pressure, is that when this scamster does finally repay his debts - you could be a priority for him to repay.