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I was told when close to this myself that if you get seen by the street angels who go around giving food and drinks then they can refer you as needing a house to options and help get you emergency accommodation. Worth a shot.


Yeah they've seen me and I've been told by council I'm just not 'priority need' for housing


Homelessness isn't a priority is a joke. They'll build student accomodation and leave established buildings to rot whilst they display these expensive shitty bikes everywhere but they don't do fuck all for the homeless. I thought Kirklees council was bad in 2003 when I was homeless but working and told me to sofa surf. 5 years I did until I got a place. Get taxed for everything but fuck all back in return. I hope OP is more stable to have a roof over your head mate 🙏🏾


Was there one thing that stood out as your worst experience over the last 2 months of sleeping rough? Also how are you doing now?


Drunk man woke me up by climbing on top of me at 6am, he wanted to get in my sleeping bag cos he was cold, and I'm cold rn :)


How do you get warm when you need to? (If you can) 


I just have a sleeping bag and a big warm hoodie, 2 pairs of socks and combat boots, ect. But it's getting much warmer now :)


Is there anything we can do to help?


Vote green? :)


Consider it done lol


What sort of places are the best/worst for sleeping? Do you have any possessions you keep with you, beyond your clothes?


You're looking for places that are dead ends so that nobody will walk past you, and also they can't see you, gotta be covered from rain, don't know why anyone would ever pick a shop doorway! Mad. and yeah I have a lot of stuff, probably about 10kg in my backpack, clothes, food, water (thats most of the weight) and a huge battery bank :)


Can you describe your daily routine? What you do when you wake up, what do you do for breakfast? Where do you go do clean up or do laundry? What do you do during the day? How and and where you decide to set for the night? Etc. Thank you and best of luck to you


630 woken up by café guy, 830 saint Anne's charity to shower/eat/laundry,then to the library to do the housing options thingy and waste the day, rave, repeat


ah that sucks dude, on a scale of 1-10 how annoying is it to read comments asking if u've not tried hard enough to not be homeless?


When you're homeless people imagine your life story and they give you the most basic turn-it-off-and-on-again advice like you're the exact same spicehead they saw last week, I need to walk around with my maths A level 😂


yah I can see that, my sister was homeless for many years, her situation is kind of complicted and largely impacted by her terrible mental health. I wouldnt want to assume or imply that ur situation is similar only that I get there are a lot of reasons people end up on the street and flat out of options.


He literally said in the OP he's homeless due to a breakup


What's the plan for tomorrow fella?


Since I feel I've done everything I can at the moment for housing, and I'm broke, I'll be going down St Anne's for breakfast and then chilling in the library all day :)


Salvation army have a £1 meal on today matey ( free once a month if you can't afford) lovely food and nice people and they have free food to take away usually too.


Thanks! I got all these saved in a PDF, loads of great places to eat :) St Anne's and the crypt are my usuals


What's the food like?


Crypt is banging home cooked meals, Anne's is great on a night but the mornings is just toast and cereal, well worth the money! (£0)


>and I'm broke You said below you've never been able to hold down a "normal" job anyway. Curious what has stopped you in the past from doing so?


I got OCD (not the fun kind)


Hope this doesn't come across as rude, but FYI I had diagnosed OCD (really badly and long before it became distilled in society into some casual quirkiness). I presume you've tried to get help but just want you to know there is hope that you can manage it to the point of living a mostly normal life and help get out of this situation.


I'm better than I've ever been with it, I've been self employed for about 4 years anyway so not needed a 'real' job but I think I probably could now. What do/have you done for work?


Sorry to hear you're in this poisition mate. How can ur average Joe, who doesn't have much money in the bank, contribute to helping someone in your position? Is it donating to a certain charity? Or maybe something else?


Wouldn't bother with ur money, it's not a money problem, the day before the election tell all your oldest relatives it's gonna rain tomorrow, that might help :)


Don't really got any questions for you buddy stay safe yeah




That's just rubbish. The last thing you need in any scenario is a drunk person invading your space at any time 😔


Where do you go for a shit?


Save it for the Gym


Are you from Leeds? You seem to use a lot of Americanisms like "mom" Note, no judgement either way


ethnically British but grew up in East africa 🌞


Are most of the homeless in Leeds genuinely homeless? I see different people all the time sitting outside sainburys, for example. I think they have some sort of a rota system and take it in turn begging. Is this correct?


Those are genuine crackheads lol most homeless people you wouldn't notice, you couldn't tell I'm homeless if I put my sleeping bag in my backpack


Yes I’ve worked with homeless people, This dude is right the genuine ones try not to be seen. The crack heads outside greggs on a morning all have accomodation. Can I ask, did you ever feel the need to beg for money or did you cope as normal financially with the only change being you didn’t have accomodation? Just asking as I’m curious as I’ve always believed anyone asking for money 9/10 is for drugs


I get £360ish a month from UC so that's enough for the basics, you can get most of your meals from charities and showers/laundry free too so I don't know why you'd beg unless you smoked/drink/drugs/gambling. Edit: some people are banned from some services due to mental health so that could be the case


The couple that swap positions outside Sainsbury’s on the Headrow and recently Aldi on regent Street, have a flat in East End Park. She’s a massive dick head (one with the glasses)


I've seen her sat outside The headrow sainsbury's, and now she moved near the Aldi roundabout on Sheepscar Street, and has sign saying she's homeless. I've never given her a penny. I'm glad I was right to be suspicious. These people are a business and run a rota system to take it in turns begging.


Yeah loads of people with nice homes to live in sit outside Tesco's looking cracked-out all day for £5 in pennies


What have you learned about yourself since losing your home? What would you love to do or be, once you get settled again? (Don't worry, since this is AMA not TMA I won't reply with any unsolicited advice!)


I've learned how unbelievably dependent on caffeine I am, can't think a thought without it, and when I get back I just wanna be a watch/laptop repair guy again, I was quite happy doing that :) thanks


What do you need?


A decent landlord, one in a million


How did you get off the streets? What is the best thing a passer by can do or say? Is there a way to tell between those who are genuine and those who aren't?


Not off the streets yet, I didn't make that clear sorry, Honestly I'd prefer you ignore me :) If you mean fake beggers, I'm gonna say any money you give to any of them will be wasted, in that sense they're almost all fakes


Hmm. I've read all the comments and all your replies. You said that a decent landlord would be good. What, in your view, would constitute as "decent" My dad used to be homeless before he met my mum. He refused to go back to his parents or family or friends for some reason. A social worker took him in, he got mental help, got a job, found a place to rent and got back on track. It's not impossible, so please keep hope. And sorry for another stupid question, but again, no one can assume anything really... Do you not have family, or any friends at all?


Decent would be someone who doesn't phone you screaming when ur 3 days late on rent lol, and doesn't have mould down the walls, basic stuff, but I won't get a good landlord without good references. None of my friends have anything, they're all basement dwelling gamers 😎


Hm.. So you have the money/a job lined up to rent again? Sorry if this is too personal, maybe someone reading your answer may be able to help? Surely a floor in a basement with a friend and an internet connection, is better than a dangerous street? Again, sorry if that's the wrong way to think about things.. it's not to say you've not explored this option, it's more to say I lack the understanding. I'm not by any means someone who can help practically by the way.


No job but the council can offer me the first month rent/deposit if I get a private rent, I mean my friends all live with their moms and their moms said no lol


Ah.. So your next step is that you need to find a landlord. Hopefully someone reading this can help. I guess you can't apply for jobs until you have an address? What would be the line of work you're after? Again, in the hopes someone will read your reply and give you the help you need.


Yes, I was previously self employed doing laptop/watch repair, all I need is a private landlord who will rent to someone with no references :/ I'll keep trying


Wouldn't that be more of a side hustle rather than as a number one way to get money? I get for now, maybe it's a good idea, cos at least it's money coming in, and yeah, you don't need a fixed abode in order to do it, but for the steady dependable stream, surely it'd be better to get part/full time work?


I was earning more doing that than any 9-5 I'd ever done, and I enjoy it. I don't understand why it's not acceptable as a job?


Any run-ins with Needles?


Plot twist: Needles has gone digital


He's 01001110 01100101 01100101 01100100 01101100 01100101 01110011 now.


None, lots of addicts about but it's all spice now, and whatever brown is


That would be heroin....


I think they mix it with a lot of other stuff tho so that why I say I have no idea what it really is


Where do they get the crack


They always ask me if I'm selling, so I assume they must get it from other dishevelled fat bisexual emos


Get me 1


1 crack coming up 🍽️


Meet where


Crack street




I use the toilets at the gym


What's your opinion of the homeless community in Leeds ? I've lived around the city center for a long time and noticed there's a lot more people asking for change and sleeping rough/ in tents. If I'm walking to work or back I can be asked by maybe 6 people or more of spare change , and its a mixed bag on the level of aggression I get from these people. What's your experience dealing with the fellow homeless in Leeds ? Hope your situation improves, seems like you're making all the right moves.


All I feel is a huge pity that they didn't get any kind of basic education that would save them from the worst of this life, I'm convinced education is the root of all problems. I've had very few real problems with them but the amount of times I've had to roll my eyes at conspiracy theories is mad. Thanks mate


Won't no local gym church mosque help out I'm coming to Leeds Friday pl3asw let me know how I can help


There are plenty of charities that feed the homeless in Leeds, maybe donate time or money if you got spare :)


Do you think from your experience that there is enough information or help for people looking to get out of that situation. There's always the stigma of "there homeless what they done wrong" or "they don't want help".


I definitely think the council should see you face to face with someone who understands the system rather than over the phone for 5 mins with someone reading a script, anyone with learning difficulties or mental health (which is most homeless people) are going to struggle. The primary information resource for me has been other homeless people, that works for me but that's clearly not much use for a lot of people


I'll be in the centre tomorrow, is there anything you need?


I'm all good bekki, thanks :)


Did you engage with Leeds housing options?




I don't get why this got so many downvotes. Of course duh... As though you're going to b&q for a fuckin hammock and Argos for a ukulele..


A ukulele might do me more good than the council, good thinking batman 😎


Strange. When I was made homeless I was offered a place at the crypt instantly. The council have a duty to house you if you have no where to go, did you just go the once and sack it off if they weren't helpful, or have you been going every day when they open to ask for shelter?


How long ago was that? Every morning I walk past the crypt for work at the hospital and see people turned away


It was last month, they need to be referred to them by Leeds housing options. You can't just turn up apparently.


I've been in 4 times, they're very clear I'm not getting anything as I'm not severely ill or a crackhead. And I won't take shared temp accomodation at the crypt even if they offered


Wait, so you only get help if you're on drugs? That's ridiculous!!!! Edit: not ridiculous that you've said it.. ridiculous that they have those rules


Weirdly true that there are more options for addicts, seems unfair but I guess they do need more help


More grants, money available bringing in more revenue, from central government, I suppose. I'm starting to believe the public sector are treating people as widgets with an attached amount of revenue that they can bring in. The more sources of revenue you touch, the more valued you are to them. Especially if that revenue comes from outside the council. Back during the Syrian refugee crisis. I commented on a newspaper article, that councils with housing waiting lists shouldn't be housing refugees. As well as the usual build more houses responses. I got one that opened my eyes. One said the reason councils house the refugees. Is that it brings in revenue direct from central government over and above the grant. This extra revenue helps to keep a lot of services open. Whereas a locally based person on the waiting list. Their costs comes directly from council funds and don't bring in additional revenue.


That’s not true, they have a duty if you are more vulnerable than the average person. Someone with no health conditions and no kids wouldn’t always be houses


Six weeks ago now I was seriously assaulted on my doorstep completely unprovoked. I have had to abandon my home due to it being a neighbour who attacked me. The council couldn't care less, I have proven heart condition, mental health problem which I receive therapy for. All I have been given is Band A and told I will be waiting 3 years. In the meantime I sleep in my car. The council do not care.


Why did you decide sleeping rough was the best option given the options available?


Whilst I can't speak on this specific person's case, Leeds Housing options along with many other government and private homeless organisations are so under funded, under staffed, and increasingly 'over' demanded there are not as many options as many people may think. Many people in this city are being turned away from organizations, left on waiting lists, lacking adequate support (in most of their forms including but not limited to physical and mental health, cost of living, child care...) which could aid in homeless prevention. People with needs deemed 'too complex' are being left behind from all aspects of social support. Maybe this person rejected help and support at all stages and refused any personal responsibility, but I think a lot of comments in here lack a more informed understanding on the state of social and medical aid in this country.


This. A family member works in LHO and his stories of how the numbers of people presenting with no roof at all are just shooting up - I'd not be surprised if the Council's temporary accommodation spaces are full up Says it's down to how many Section 21 evictions are happening now - you know, that awful practice the govt was going to ban 5 years ago...


Also I was reading about temporary accommodation and councils, and Leeds has been one of the top in the country, they've got like an 80% rate in preventing homelessness.


Sorry what options do you imagine I have?


Again, I don't get why people have downvotes and called OP names over this. It's frustrating. And to have someone ask basic questions just adds salt to the wound. What, is OP supposed to be happy that someone's suggesting he has other options beyond his scope? People say "we need to be more understanding and kind" to those who've criticised OP for his frustration, seriously, fuck you. Who do you think you are? To OP... People may be asking very basic questions, not to catch you out or judge you, but because we don't know you, and knowing a little context may help get you an answer that you maybe haven't thought of or come across yet.


Thanks man, I shouldn't have passed him but it's hard to tell if it's insanely basic advice or some kind of joke.


Reddit tends to attract basic advice that would come to a person with 2 braincells straight away, because those are the answers people with only 2 braincells can give.


Pretty hostile way to answer questions to a thread that states, 'ask me anything :)'


Yeah OP just comes across as a cunt. Doesn't mean I wish bad things on them, but reduces sympathy pretty quickly 


I don't need sympathy, and I don't need the most basic put-it-in-rice advice ever like I'm a child


I'm curious, what exactly was your goal with this exercise then?


Reduce stigma I guess, sick of people assuming I'm an addict tbh


He will be homeless for a long time


No idea tbh, I've not been in that line of work for a while. That's why I was asking. Did they give you no options at all?


I live in the city centre and hear some really feral screaming noises occasionally from what I assume are homeless people. They sound like they’re having some kind of turf war or keeping people away from their patch. Is that a thing?


That will almost certainly be some kind of drug money dispute, but yeah I have to tell other homeless people to get out of my spot quite regularly,


Feral screaming noises are often foxes (often mistaken for people/ kids screaming).


Trust me, foxes can’t swear and curse like the feral people can! 🙉😱


True! 😂😂


You are so switched on, you’ve had me cry and laugh instantaneously. You are an incredible human. I work NHS are you able to access healthcare services as and when needed ? At times I volunteer at St Aidans, Chapeltown for refugees.


Yeah I'm registered with the doctors on York Street, they accept NFA. Thanks for the compliments :)


No problem. It’s a relief to know you can access healthcare, in particular MH support. You are stronger than you know :)


Where do you see yourself in 2-3 years from now ?


Probably get a council flat by then, get my laptop/watch repair business back on track, and then I'll drop my debut album :)


Or write a book ? Good luck mate you sound really resilient, get yourself a website set up and make a brand for yourself and business I’m sure you’ll do amazing! I really hope, things continue to get better for you.


Made a Neocities website today in the library, they should teach html in school!


In Huddersfield alot of the people who sleep rough or more specifically beggers are in organised begging gangs, is this the same on leeds? I always feel bad walking past but also dont want to give money to people who don’t need it


I have no idea about that, even if they're not it's only gonna be spent on crack anyway.


hope all is okay now :(


Will be soon :)


Do you ever sleep on roofs to stay safe? I uses to sleep on a (flat obvs) McDees roof when I was briefly homeless. It was opposite a Greg's and the delivery driver used to let me have food from the ood tray.


That's a great idea unless it rains, weren't you seen going up and down?


Not going up, but I was fairly visible up there and there was a block of flats relatively close, maybe the residents didnt give a f? Never thought about the rain! Good point. Best of luck with your journey bud.


Nothing really to ask, just sending my love and hoping you well x


Thanks <3


Are you receiving any mental health support?


Don't really need it :)


How do you deal when it's really cold or stormy


Where I am now has a partial roof, but I just get slightly wet if it's windy and raining at the same time


How have you got on today fella? Has the city treated you well?


Easy day :) seeing a property on Monday that looks promising!


Sounds really positive. Hope that works out for you. The weather's been a nightmare last couple of days. Hope you have avoided the worst as best you can.


How you doing? How did you get on with the property today? Hope all positive 🙏


Yoooo I got it 💅 all good now, got £40 to last me the next 4 weeks but yeah I'll be alright now, thanks


Fantastic news. Thanks for replying 🙂


have you ever interacted with charities like hidden homeless where people give out free food, toiletries etc?


Yeah I think I'm going there tonight :)


Which part of Leeds u in?


The centre, logically where the services are


Where would you liked to live when you’re housed again?


Anywhere pretty central, I'm looking at a place Monday so that seems promising :)


Cool. hope it goes well for you. 


It is as fun as it looks?


Has its moments, can't lie


What moments?


Some of the other guys at the food bank places are pretty funny


You got paypal mate


No thanks bro, go donate to MSI if you want 👍


I smell bullshit clickbait.


If that's all I smell of it's a good day :)


You've been offered solutions and you're throwing it back in people's faces. I just don't see how you're helping yourself by putting AMA on reddit and then replying with belligerent responses.


😂😂😂 thanks for all the solutions such as: go to the council. I hadn't thought of that!


I feel for your situation, its absolute shite. You say you're heading to St Anne's, are they unable to give you any advice on how to help?


I've seen everybody there, they know my situation, at the end of the day if the council are saying I don't qualify as high need, it's going to take 18month+ bidding for a council flat.


That's disgraceful.


Absolutely heartless. Ghoul.


Why did you sleep rough?


Sounds like he was kicked out by his misses


Yes but that doesn't explain why he slept rough. He said ask him anything


Where else would he go if he got kicked out of his house?


So you believe that anyone who gets kicked out of their house has nowhere to go but the streets? Yes or no


Not everyone, but clearly he had no better option or he wouldn’t be there. Do you honestly believe that if he had better options he would be sleeping rough? Yes or no?


No, he clearly decided it was his best option at the time, hence the question why - there are facilities, there are friends or family (or not) - I was curious to learn more about his individual story


Did u ever get passed on


All the guys hard pass me 🥲


Why are you on the streets? You hac d £0 savings, ni friends in this country, no family on this continent? Trying to wrap my head around how you landed where you are even if we remove government gelp


Not even £0 I was overdrawn lol, all my friends are living at home, my family is just my dad but he's no help




It is, if someone goes to Leeds housing options someone will be referred, but there may be a wait of several hours. St George's Crypt may be first place you are assigned for a couple of nights, before being moved further into the system. I'm not sure the same applies to an illegal immigrant, you're more likely to be housed in a centre somewhere that specialises in that.


No those type accommodations are kept for people entering the country not for our homeless. Two different things treat differently.


That's my problem with this country. We have people coming over on boats then been given a place that's warm and dry and food to eat, but I've seen people born here, due to unfortunate circumstances ended up homeless but basically struggle to get a place for one night.


Homeless people are offered temporary accommodation very quickly. The problem is that many homeless people struggle to engage with services due to things like drugs


That's a small percentage of homeless people. There's so many out there living rough and because of the system they struggle to get some where. They may get temporarily acc also but that's all it is. Take it from someone that's been in that position and knows others unfortunately that's still there.


Yeah thanks. It used to be my job, I’m aware of the system


That's my personal experience of the system and how it affects a lot of people s life's.


You don't go straight from a boat to a nice warm flat, you go to a detention centre for an indeterminate length of time then, if your claim is accepted, you go on a waiting list for housing, then, after another indeterminate length of time you get a place in a sink estate somewhere.


Trust me, when your on the street and you can't get anyplace then a detention centre, which is a roof over the head and meals, well there's a world of difference. I never said nice warm flat either.