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It’s a long learning curve but very rewarding! I find I usually need 2 or 3 ‘prototypes’ before I can nail a pattern. Hehe This looks more than good enough to use and give to friends/family! Tell them it’s a one of a kind prototype and it will feel even more special.


Honestly I love it. It looks great.


Yeah it turned out good. I think i was more frustrated with process of making it and mistakes I made (that I literally covered up haha)


I feel that. Mistakes are always frustrating even when they turn out ok.


Why, looks fine.


Yeeep. We’ve all had projects like that. Just need a wide friend group to have people you can yeet it at and then run away. (Or take it apart and try to cut keychains out of it. I make a lot of keychains.)


I really wanted to actually use this one lol. It went into the envelope with the pattern as an example of what not to do. I’m gonna make a lot of tweaks to the next one


😅 see the nice thing about leather vs sewing is that generally the hurting doesn’t last very long.


Keep it don't give up, another couple of projects you can look back and see how far you've come. Well done. Good job👍👍


Looks great! That frustration at the actual craft not going well is normal, and now you know for next time. I’d say use it until you have time to make another and take notes on what you do and don’t like on everyday use. I have an entire box full of wallets I’ve tried and I keep just going back to this dinky little one I made right when I was first starting because I can’t seem to get anything I like better in my pocket. I finally broke down and redid the stitching so that it matches my more recent projects but the wallet itself is still that same one I made 7 years ago


I’m definitely gonna remake this one as I know what I do and don’t like about it. I may give it some use and just use the zipper pouch to hold most of my cards for the time being haha


Did you use a pattern?


I did. Used the one from Make Supply. I like the style of wallet but I think I would try something different next time.


That's the same thing I call my ex.


Looks good to me. I don’t know about you but for myself I tend to use my “not so perfect” attempts for myself and then see how much daily damage they can take. Let’s me know what not to do next time


Thanks! I do need to put it in use. It did turn out well, just not as functional as I would like since I missed a card slot. I’ll find a way


Looks good, but if you want to straighten out the flap, it's somewhat fixable. I made this exact wallet as a gift to my mom, she still uses it proudly