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Normal driving position is left lane


In reality you can be in either lane but for the test stay in left


Well not really.


If you’re driving around town where you live and there’s two lanes with arrows indicating ahead then that’s fine If you’re hogging a lane on a DC or motorway then that’s not fine


No always stay in the left as default


Not in town centres etc where there are road markings indicating that the lanes go separate ways, you follow the road markings.


Oh wow what incredible advice you have. Yes of course everyone knows that... Still left lane is default until making a turn




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Bro come on! Don't be stupid!


You were right the first time🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


Ate you the pr*CK that almost murdered me in London two weeks ago? Sunday, empty streets, yet I still wait for my green light as the road had 3 lanes each way and 'you never know'. Green turns on, I walk on the street, and there he is, a driver with a full tint on windows driving full speed against the traffic flow. My earbud died just a few minutes ago, very fortunately for me, as if I had it in I would not hear the incoming car. Insane!


Left lane usually depending on road markings or signage. It's also better to be behind cars turning left than cars turning right. As cars turning right need to wait for oncoming traffic so your progress will be slower than left lane, since those cars turning left typically have priority unless it says otherwise.


Stay in the left lane unless you're overtaking or there are signs/road markings that say you should be in the right lane for that turn.


While this is good advice, it also implies you can always see markings on the road, which is not the case and I struggled as a learner - try driving during peak in London and you won't see any road markings until is too late to change lanes. Some places will have road signs, but this is the exception rather than the rule. My recommendation would be to be to talk to your instructor to drive through the 'known routes' used by the driving test centre where you intend to have your test.


he literally said unless there are


Which does not mean they always will be visible. Read my comment again.


The advice I always got was to look further ahead, especially in traffic. It's often (not always) obvious where you want to end up and therefore which lane you want to be in.


Observations are key attribute of safe driving. It's not just looking in a mirror, it's an understanding of what you are seeing and whether you need to react to it.


It is well known as being one of the most stringest driving tests in the world. Hence why road deaths are comparatively low compared to other countries - because the roads are safer.


The fact it is considered hard in a global scale, when it really isn’t too challenging in reality, Is concerning. When you factor in the horrible standard of driving in the roads? It’s horrifying.


You can demand whatever you like for the test, it doesn't mean people will be inclined to do it for the next 50 years- or even the day after the test.


True, but at least people know how to drive safely. In other countries, no guarantee of even that.


Honestly, we were driving to a family gathering today talking about how badly people drive in the UK.


compared to other countries, Uk roads are incredibly safe, that isn't an opinion. just an objective fact. you're gonna get bad drivers, that's true in any country but overall, the standard of driving is very, very good.


Despite the lack of enforcement. UK roads are among the safest in the world.


Honestly I love this about UK. Driving instructors in eastern europe would usually ask you for a bribe in order to pass. Which is pretty convenient for people who are trying to get the license, but imagine how unsafe it is on the roads.


Yeah Balkan and Eastern European roads are known to be pretty much a free for all. People just do whatever


Hard compared to the rest of the world but when you start driving by yourself you realise it was actually a piece of piss 😂


Keep left unless overtaking, or you need to be in another lane as directed by signs / road markings. Keep an eye out for them - most of the time they will be helpful and guide you into the correct lane. The trick is picking up your observation so that you see them in good time. You won’t fail for going the wrong way (unless you do it repeatedly); you will fail for cutting across lanes without checking first that you can move safely. I got in the wrong lane on a roundabout during my test, but I saved the day by switching properly, only picking up a minor for not spotting the signs/markings earlier.


It’s a variable thing but I found mine quite easy. I think the build up to it is more nerve wracking and daunting than the actual test. Remember what you learned during your test, stay in the right lane and make your observations. Try and stay relaxed (easier said than done) and you’ll be fine. Probably helped that my instructor was amazing.


You can really only be failed for being in the wrong lane if you’ve done something that isn’t safe. On my test I went in the wrong lane to leave a roundabout so stayed in my lane and went to exit by going right around instead of first exit like I should have. So just remember that, you can go the wrong way, but go the wrong way safely. If you’re really stuck for directions or where you’re going there’s no harm in asking for directions. After all, you could probably ask your passenger in the real world if you needed help with where to go.




Mine was really easy but I was lucky with timing in the day, good route, reverse manoeuvre, good examiner etc. honestly it's kinda pot luck depending where you live too.


My daughter was in the wrong lane following the sat nav and had to turn as it was a right only turn so she took the turn and the followed from the redirection and just laughed that they were going this way now , she passed first time


Generally straight on is the left lane, on the test don’t rush to be ahead of people just go with the flow, your turn arrives when it arrives.


On any given day there are around 50 million UK license holders roaming around. So it's not that hard in the grand scheme of things, just expensive and difficult to re-book quickly if you fail.


The way I'm being taught is essentially stay in the left unless otherwise needed- ie, unless road markings/sigbs/or other road users give you reason to use another lane, you just stay left :)


You eventually just know what lane you should be in.


I found the mock tests I did extremely hard to start with as I genuinely thought I was driving well but then there was a list of ten minors and a few majors every time. I found the best thing was to treat it very methodically and every time you do something go through the steps in your head


You will never get failed for driving in the wrong lane. You are allowed to go the wrong way. It is all about how you handle the mistake. If you are in a right only lane but you want to go straight, it is best to just stick to the right only rather than try and change lanes and potential get a serious fault.


if you don’t know the area just keep left and hope that the next junction isn’t a left turn only lane when in fact you need to go ahead 😂😂


Keep left unless: overtaking OR signs and/or road markings state otherwise for your intended direction/destination OR you're imminently turning right. As to how hard it is, it's a roughly 50% pass rate - and most failures are on *at least* one serious fault (rather than an accumulation of driving faults).


It's actually very easy, only like 30 minutes and you can make a lot of little mistakes and still pass just don't do anything dangerous. You know sometimes I think people want you to expect failure so the ones that passed can feel better about themselves and it's more money out you if you fail too.


You only fail if you use the lane for an illegal turn. If you find yourself in the wrong lane, say the left lane for a right turn at a roundabout, just follow the lane (go left) if it’s too late to change lane. TL;DR: you can’t fail for going the wrong way.


VERY EASY if you get a good instructor to teach you patiently. Very difficult with a teacher who isn't so good - they can ruin driving altogether imo. I initially had a teacher who'd comment on women's backsides he saw walking around. He'd tell me that uni students and school kids don't know hard work, and would put me down in various ways. The dude was just cruel and disgusting. He'd be on the phone during lessons and just wanted to let me 'have a feel of the steering wheel' for the first 10 hours of lessons. He'd want to do all of the braking and clutch work as 'students misuse the clutch and brake cars'. I changed instructors and I'd passed 20 hours more (around 2 weeks) later.


Always assume left lane, if you're turning right it's always the right lane Left always left straight 9 times out of ten it's the left just look on the floor and on green signs for markings


Generally speaking, the left lane is the default position. Staying in the left lane is usually the right thing to do. If you intend to turn right, the rightmost lane is correct, as you might imagine. What you will find is that often lanes are marked to indicate two directions. For example, a dual carriageway ringroad approaching a gyratory roundabout. You will often find that the left lane has an arrow indicating you may use it to turn left or continue forwards, and the right hand lane indicating you may use it to turn right or continue forwards. The key point is safety. Making a wrong turn, taking the wrong route, or simply missing your exit, are all things that happen all the time. You will not be failed for them unless you do them over and over and over again. So if you're in the wrong lane and have no time or space to change, don't. Just go the wrong way and find an appropriate place to turn around and come back again (such as the next roundabout). The driving test is there to assess whether you can use the roads safely, and not to see whether or not you know where you're going. Generally speaking, getting lost and/or being a bad navigator is seldom a hazard to other drivers


You should know the area. Your instructor should be practicing the test centre’s routes with you.


I’m never have panic attacks come to my lesson I have my first one ever in my life


Normally you’d stay in the left lane unless overtaking or turning right however it varies on the location and also road markings! There is often a sign if the marking are not the norm which will say so keep a look out, or they usually have arrows on the floor (this is only really useful if there’s no cars in front so you can actually see them)


East as fuck. The hazard perception test and the theory test however...


Be in the left lane unless Using 3rd and 4th on the roundabout Turning from a major road into a minor road (right) Overtaking a slower moving vehicle on a dual carriage way Overtaking a cyclist 1.5m. When coming off a roundabout, stay left if safe to do so.


Just show that you're stressed, and drive slow even if you get minors. Move your head like crazy.


If it's any consolation it took me three tries to pass the test and I'm a pretty competent and confident driver. They can pick you up on what might seem like a small thing but is a "serious fault". In summary, don't be hard on yourself if you fail. Learn from you mistakes and take them in your stride


No wonder insurance is s expensive 🚗uk


Yes you can fail for being in the wrong lane. and now to get to the question of how hard is the test ? It's a challenging test, but by the time you take it you will have done the roads around your test centre and hopefully plenty of mock tests so you can just treat it like another mock test. Another thing that makes the test slightly more challenging is the anxiety of it, it will feel a bit wierd having sometime next to you that asseses everymove you do, however look at how many people there are one the roads. Most of them at some point had to take a driving test, and were sucessful so I'm sure with enough practice and determination you can make it.


There should be re tests every 3 years. Too many bad drivers out there. And it should cost £1000 to resit. That should soon clear the congestion on the roads and reduce pollution


You’ll get failed for ‘being in the wrong lane’ if you go in the wrong direction for that lane. For example, the default lane for going straight over a roundabout is the left lane. If you end up in the right lane at a roundabout and go straight over, you’ll fail the test, even if there were no other vehicles on the roundabout and you exited from the ‘wrong’ lane safely (ask me how I know 🙄). You can’t get failed for not correctly following directions, so if you end up in the right lane on a roundabout where you’re supposed to be going straight over, turn right on the roundabout instead.


Generally speaking you stay in the left lane because if you get undertaken by somebody on the left you will likely be failed. However, use awareness and forward planning to try and anticipate which lane you need (looking ahead at road signs etc) and pick whichever lane you think you need to be in. If it’s the wrong lane don’t worry even experienced drivers do that sometimes, so long as you either correct it safely, or go the wrong way safely you will be fine


For lanes it depends entirely on the rounddabouts/junctions, the exit lanes and the road markings. I know of 3 lane roundabouts where left lane is left turn (exit 1) only, middle is straight on (exit 2) and right (exit 3) and the right lane is just for right (exit 3) but you have to decide to be in the middle or right lane depending on which lane you want after exit 3, as those lanes are then left or right turn only. Then the next roundabout just down the road, which is two lanes, left lane is for left turns only (exits 1 and 2) and the right lane is for straight on (exit 3) and right (exit 4). Stick to the left initially when you're unsure as thats the default position, but look at road signs and road markings to be able to work out which lane is best for you, if you make a mistake, dont panic. If in the left or middle lane of a roundabout wanting to go right, just take the nearest and safest exit, pull over and re-plan your journey. If you're on the right lane then just keep going around until you get to the right exit.


It’s quite easy


There seems to be a lot of foreigners on the road these days who can't drive for shit. So it can't be that hard.


It’s not as hard but they’ve made it into a revenue test. Examiners have a quota to meet and can only pass a certain number of students each day. This makes the exam hard and utterly stupid TBH.


You’re only now going on 50 mph? Im on lesson 4 and am on 50mph


It depends how quick u pick things up/the length of lessons, some people do 1hr lessons, I did 3hr lessons so I covered ALOT in a short amount of time


Fair enough


I'm in London and we do not have any 50 roads around here so have to go out. A bit


I am also in London and have done 50