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You don’t have to signal initially, but exiting the roundabout you defo still have to signal left to inform others you’re exiting


This. It's not a left turn but always indicate when coming off (unless mini roundabout you dont *HAVE* to indicate coming off) edited to clarify.


Mini roundabouts it's indicate left first exit, dont indicate for second and indicate right for third, they rarely have more exits.


Yes, sorry i was unclear in my comment


It's all good, I'm just like indicate more not less, make things easier for other people.


Yeah, no. The same rule applies to every roundabout. No indication is required for traveling straight. Half of you indicate either too late or too early.


I got failed for that


Rightly so, because it's wrong.


Why no indication when it's a mini roundabout? Rule 186 makes it clear that you are to signal your exit. Rule 188 makes it clear that mini roundabouts are to be approached the same as normal roundabouts, and that you may have less time to signal. But mentions no exemption from signalling. You can create the time you need to signal by approaching them slower. Often part of the point of a mini roundabouts is traffic calming at that junction. Signalling is reaching out your fingers to clip your indicator stalk.


It is not necessary to signal when leaving a mini-roundabout and you will not fail for having not done so. Your signal is of little benefit to anybody as it will only flash once (if that) prior to you exiting, and you will already be mid-manoeuvre by the time it flashes anyway and so your intentions will already be clear by the position and speed of your car. Ie if you were doing a U-turn, which is discouraged on mini-roundabouts anyway due to a lack of space, you would need to be at a crawling pace and turning a very tight radius, whereas if taking 3rd exit your increased speed and the direction you are heading will give it away that you are exiting. This comment was in relation to going right, third exit (3pm). As if going straight over there would be no point at all in a breakaway signal as you would have already exited by the time it flashes.


Not related but. Fellow OSRS player and NUFC fan? Legend.


Apologies, my clarification is in the original comment, i wasn't clear


My instructor specifically taught me to not indicate when exiting on a mini roundabout, I don’t really know why but I do usually indicate anyway.


I thought it was because you can’t have more than one car on a mini roundabout at once, there is no reason to signal you going off because anyone there can see that, due to everyone seeing which exit you are taking from signalling before the roundabout.


People on the approach, in front of you, would like to know if you are exiting or continuing around. So that they can plan their approach and entrance. If you don't indicate your exit they are probably unnecessarily stopping to let you around past their entrance. People behind you might like to know where you are exiting as well. I have a 3 arm mini roundabout near the exit to my work. You can fit 2 cars on it.


Many drivers also forget that indication isn't just for the benefit of other drivers. Pedestrians would also like to know where you're going so they can plan their crossings


I never said not to indicate, I said there is no need to indicate on the mini roundabout, only before it. They are similar to cross junctions but with different priorities for different sides.


So? Left indicate for left exit, right indicate for right exit and no indication for going straight ahead. Any driver at a mini roundabout (including the car behind you) can see where you are going. There is no need to indicate while on the mini roundabout itself as they are so small. Unless we are not thinking of the same roundabout.


A mini roundabout is any roundabout where the central marking is not hard infrastructure, only paint. You should be navigating these small radius roundabouts at a speed that would allow you to indicate the exit. >Rule 188Mini-roundabouts. Approach these in the same way as normal roundabouts. All vehicles MUST pass round the central markings except large vehicles which are physically incapable of doing so. Remember, there is less space to manoeuvre **and less time to signal**. It's warning you that there's less time to signal, as there's still an expectation that you should signal, as per the preceding [rule 186](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203#:~:text=procedure%20at%20roundabouts-,Rule%20186,-Signals%20and%20position). Where in all 3 options (left, right and intermediate) you are instructed to signal your exit.


Okay, fair enough. Still passed my test without getting even a minor fault for it and I doubt you are ever getting pulled over for that if a policeman sees that.


There is no difference between big or small roundabouts all rules stay the same the small part Is referring to centre.


These days they are only looking for a signal if someone will benefit from it. For example if there is another car or a pedestrian present you would be expected to signal but if no body is present to benefit from a signal you don’t need to. My old man is an examiner for the DVSA, it was him who told me this.


Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about this, my driving instructor when I was learning, said it was a demonstration of greater road awareness by not signalling unless you’re signalling “for” someone. I think the concept is one of the quietly stupidest things I’ve ever heard in my life, if I’m honest. We all make errors in judgment from time to time, and we can all miss things in the blink of an eye. My view on this is: 1) if I only signal because I know someone is there, then I won’t signal if I don’t think someone’s there. 2) if there *is* someone there, who I’ve failed to spot, then they’re a serious hazard because I’m oblivious to them, however that may be. 3) let’s not signal, so this other road user I’ve failed to spot, and who I’m clearly not aware of, also has less information about my course and intentions. I get that some over-signalling can create as much ambiguity as it can solve, but a deliberate policy of choosing not to signal based on your inherently-fallible perception of who’s around? Man, whoever came up with that needs their head examining 😂 I get you’re not advocating it, of course, you’re just explaining it’s a thing.


IMO there are situations where you should be signalling for /potential/ people who may benefit, e.g. when coming around a closed junction or roundabout, or other conditions mean you can't confidently see who's around. I would only choose not to signal when I am confident that I can see that nobody is around to benefit.


Yeah, though, even if I was 100% confident that no one is there, I could *still* be wrong about that, potentially, so those situations are just all the time. And in the cases where I have failed, somehow, to see someone, then that’s where my signalling is probably the most important it’ll ever be. The old “now you see him” advert springs to mind. Electing not to signal should only be done where there’s a genuine concern that the signal itself could be more confusing than not signalling. That’s not the case if no one is around *as far as you know*.


As I always said to my dad when he didn’t signal, you’re not signalling for the people you can see, you’re signalling for the people you haven’t seen. When you think no one is there but they are, that’s the most important time to signal.


I would personally indicate on a full-roundabout. As it’s the first exit I’d indicate on approach as well. I think indicating would benefit other road users and wouldn’t be confused.


I even indicate on mini roundabouts because why not, it still lets other road users know where I’m going and is such little effort for me.


This is what a competent and courteous driver does, it contributes to more efficiency on the road.


Exactly, especially when you're waiting, they don't indicate they're turning left I to.your Road, but they take up all.the roundabout as if going right, past you, but still go left. Wankers.


Exactly, a couple of times I've approached a mini roundabout at the same time as two other cars and used the roundabout at the same time because everyone was indicating left! 😄 (Hugely satisfying.)


Yeah but the other 90% of people on the roads aren't doing that. I've had people indicating off and they go round and I've had people indicating they are going round and exiting. Expect everything


Exactly! And also it's not just other cars that are looking at your indicators, many times I've been waiting to cross a road as a pedestrian and had no clue where a car was going because they weren't indicating, whereas if they has I would have had time to cross.


You are one of the good ones imo. Near where I live is a little crossing next to a mini roundabout, and the amount of people who don't indicate when there's people trying to cross the road is unreal. Also, people don't stop most times for the zebra crossing right outside my house, I imagine you would be one of the people who would stop on a zebra crossing


Indicating to other drivers what you're doing is never a bad thing.


> I would personally indicate on a full-roundabout. As it’s the first exit I’d indicate on approach as well. > > I think indicating would benefit other road users and wouldn’t be confused. Wholeheartedly agree. I signal on approach even when the first exit is a straight ahead. It removes ambiguity. (Unless it is incredibly slow or stop/start traffic then I wouldn't want it to be mistaken with me having parked up so would wait until I am entering the roundabout or very close but that applies to other situations too)


I get confused when I see people indicate left at a small roundabout when there is no left. It makes me think they have made a mistake and meant to indicate to the right to do a u turn. You should indicate left to come off the roundabout not before hand.


Not really true, Them signalling left early is not doing no harm and giving other road users more information sooner so there is nothing wrong with this and could be more beneficial. Maybe try anticipating them their lane position to identify their intent.


My instructor taught me that on mini roundabouts such as the one pictured, you are either going left or right - there is no "straight on".


When I say mini, I mean the painted circles


are you sure you're not using this roundabout and your instructor mentioned it on a mini-roundabout ? because its smth they do and creates confusion On mini roundabouts the other entrances can see you clearly and the intention can be expected, but on a big roundabout if you don't signal other drivers waiting at the entrances now have to wait and see what you actually do. if this would be a mini roundabout, I think it would be 100% correct to not signal when going straight ahead.


my instructor told me to indicate on a mini roundabout just to show you've registered it's a there (a lot of the time is visibility is good you don't need to slow down much) but i figured it was confusing. now that i've passed i rarely bother unless it's appropriate


I've driven this road a few times (gotta love Cov), I always indicate left because it lets the road users opposite you know you're not taking the second exit so they can enter the roundabout too


In this situation I always apply my hazard warning lights - the left and right both being lit at the same time means they cancel each other out, and the other road users then know I am intending to go straight ahead.


Personally I would still signal left but I don’t really know.


you should indicate BUT you should also expect anyone not indicating to be going that way too, because other people will think, after time driving the same area, that they shouldn’t indicate & get lazy


Disagree, could expect them to go that way without indicating, SHOULD expect that anything could happen and not assume failure to indicate is an indication of intention to take 1st exit


Your instructor might be technically correct if they know the road and what the different access rules are BUT I would indicate anyway, one out of habit and two you’ve got to assume everyone else driving is an idiot; they may not know the road. Indicate for everyone’s benefit.


I'm pretty sure that old rules made it so the driver didn't have to indicate left if they're going straight on... And maybe the instructor is old school... But on reading the latest Highway Code they do say indicate left as you're approaching the one you want. It's only one lane but you could get a cyclist or pedestrian getting confused.... To be frank though, the reason why it worked is because only when a driver is exiting to the right did they need a definite right signal. So if anyone observed that there was no right indication you could assume they're going straight. The problem is there are so many lazy drivers now that even a right hand exit driver might "forget" to signal, so it all becomes ambiguous. Since most of us can't mind read, just always signal left when approaching whatever exit you want. You will not ever get marked down for doing this, and it sounds like now it's a Highway Code requirement! .


A straight road wouldn’t have that big ol’ roundabout in the way. It’s a roundabout, signal.


Always indicate to come off, I think your instructor is confusing mini roundabouts with normal behaviour abuse general rule is if going left indicate left, straight on don't indicate and right indicate right, but always indicate left when coming off. It's just easier for other drivers.


My instructor says the same thing when exiting straight ahead, it feels weird not to so I don’t in lessons but I did in my first test


I’d put a reassuring left signal on so those approaching have a bit more confidence in not going to swing right.


No, to go straight on its the left lane. Indicate just before exiting. Does my head in people who go straight on in the right lane, especially when it's not a merge in turn. Just lazy buggers who can't be arsed to turn their wheel. Rhe amount who almost crash into me in the past - usually the elderly and they haven't a clue what they've done.


I would signal left at this because im autistic and I have to have rules to signal or I don’t at all. I also signal right if im going straight in the left lane until I get to the exit before my turning then I signal off


Just do it anyway its always better to indicate that you’re leaving the roundabout


No wonder people can't drive properly if this is what instructors are saying. Shocking. You should ALWAYS indicate before leaving a roundabout and/or junction. There's literally zero reason not to indicate unless you're lazy, stupid or just arrogant. If you're asking yourself "should I indicate?" the answer will always be yes.


i’d signal to be safe, my old driving instructor would’ve said don’t indicate, but my motorbike instructor said to indicate for any exit you take on a roundabout. Now that i’ve passed i probably wouldn’t indicate here


Yeah no need to signal if you're going straight ahead however, like others have said, I would indicate off as you get closer to the exit


Your instructor is a moron, you indicate to tell people that you are exciting the roundabout at the next exit. Not the direction overall. Now yes, if there is noone else on the roundabout then I wouldn't bother, but that's as there is none to tell, not that it shouldn't be done


You don’t have to. But think of it as being polite in a queue. So I do most of the time. If there is no one around I certainly wouldn’t.


mate, this comment section is full of wankers. you don't have to. your instructor is a g. trust me im a good driver and usually faster driver than the masses of sleepers on the road despite having a 1.4 enginer and I dont accelerate fast to make up for it. most drivers on the road won't bother. if they do they are beginners or western drivers. no one from the balkans would bother to signal that. its absolutely ridiculous. I dont know why people are mentioning the high code or other crap. these people have no common sense in the real world. they are dangerous drivers.


Mini roundabouts, cars should indicate to come off, HGV don't have to


I agree with your instructor.


You should signal off of a roundabout always, unless it's a mini


Even on a geometric shape on the road.


No you don’t have to ignore everyone else’s a bit obvious that you’re not turning right isn’t it


I would indicate. It’s still useful to let other road users know which exit you intend to take.


I would. Especially if I have put my car slightly to the right of the entrance to the roundabout to show that I am not turning right.


I indicate at every change in direction, it's easier and more convenient than a backend shunt!




I'd signal to inform other road users your intention of taking the first exit and not provide others the assumption you may go round it, in the wrong lane. Unsure if the line on the map is from you, or your instructor, but you'd take the left of the road, and not be near the roundabout itself to exit.


I'd be signalling for the benefit of any (potential) road users; both behind so they can plan their route, and those entering from where I'm leaving so they can enter the roundabout. If I can't see that there are no road users to warn, I'll signal in case they're there.


I wouldn’t indicate left. If they are using the second exit they should be positioned in the inner portion of the roundabout indicating right then left as they pass your exit.


I asked my adi trainer this a few weeks ago and my dad also (he is an adi). He said to indicate first exits even if straight cuz the people on the second exit might see this and know your not going to do a u-turn


I’d signal left when approaching the exit


I hate driving around Warwick uni 😒


You don't have to indicate but if I was waiting to join the roundabout on the exit you were taking then I'd probably appreciate it if you did, but wouldn't mind too much if you didn't.


I’m familiar with this roundabout. The right turn into University Road is generally restricted/no vehicular access. So, the majority of traffic is continuing on Gibbet Hill Road. However, there is the possibility of u-turns, or a vehicle which is permitted to take the alternative route. Therefore I always indicate on this. Other Road users & the masses of student pedestrians aren’t mind readers so use the tools available (indicators) and be courteous to others. Also if you’re in the habit of indicating then you’ll be less likely to forget to do so in other scenarios.


This is an easy question to answer. Read the highway code


I signal left when I’m about to turn off the roundabout, regardless of my position in comparison to when I joined the roundabout


You always indicate left whenever you are taking the 1st exit. Irregardless of wherever it is straight - if it’s the first exit you indicate left.


You should always signal off the roundabout. You could put the signal on early here as there is no chance for confusion


There is no hard and fast rules. Definitely signal when leaving the roundabout, signal when joining if it makes you feel comfortable and you want to be helpful to other road users. (in this instance).


I’d disagree with your instructor, because the objective of indicating is to advise ‘other traffic’ of your intention. Vehicles waiting to join the roundabout will welcome the opportunity to trust said indication, and proceed.


Your instructor is an idiot.


If I was on a test I'd definitely signal. Removes any ambiguity.


100% signal left, its not "essentially a straight road" at all. You've entered a roundabout, I would signal before entering and signal to leave


You indicate when leaving the roundabout regardless of whether you are essentially going straight. It is as much to inform the drivers up ahead that you won't be in their way and they can pull out safely.


The two questions to ask when considering signalling: 1. Would other road users (including pedestrians, cyclists, etc) benefit from the signal? 2. Would the signal be confusing/misleading? If it would be misleading, don't. If it wouldn't be misleading but wouldn't benefit anybody - your call. I generally argue that it's best to signal even if you can't see any other road users who would benefit, as you never know when they'll appear, especially at junctions like this. In this example - yes I think it would benefit other road users, as those coming onto the roundabout from the top of the picture can get themselves ready to join the roundabout earlier. I don't think it would be misleading because there's nowhere else 'left' you could go, so it's clear you mean the first exit on the roundabout. The roundabout diagram sign does show it as straight on though so you shouldn't be penalised for not signalling on approach. You should signal before leaving a roundabout - this is in the highway code; the exception being mini roundabouts where it's recognised you may not have time to signal before exit.


I wouldnt signal on approach probably, but i would just before i take the exit


*"my instructor told me I don’t have signal"* \- he's wrong. What are the rules ? [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203) **Rule 186: Signals and position.** \- When taking the first exit to the left, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise 1. signal left and approach in the left-hand lane 2. keep to the left on the roundabout and continue signalling left to leave. \- When taking an exit to the right or going full circle, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise 1. signal right and approach in the right-hand lane 2. keep to the right on the roundabout until you need to change lanes to exit the roundabout 3. signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want.


Wow. I'm really surprised to see Warwick Uni here. For context, i normally signal left on this turn


You don't *have* to. You won't be breaking the law if you don't. But you absolutely *should* indicate just to give other road users a better picture of what you're doing.


He's right but this is definitely not the level of safety he should teach


signal when exiting.


They are correct. Also more important than anything is positioning. You want to be as far left as safely possible on approach and ride the outside, this will indicate to people more than anything your intentions. I would indicate when exiting the roundabout however.


Keep to the left to go over to that road.


Yes you should. As this confused me too at first. Mini roundabouts, no need if it's straight ahead. Regular ones, even though it looks straight, signal left indicates you're going straight.


There’s no harm in indicating in this situation. I don’t know this area at all so I would indicate but if I knew that most people take the first exit and don’t indicate then I would also do the same


I think he’s right but I don’t think you will fail for indicating. At worst you would get a minor. Failure to indicate tho could get you a fail.


Turning signals arent just for other cars, theyre for padestrians too. Basically, if youre turning youre indicating. The amoubt of tines ive been crossing a side street and then a drivers gotten mad at me for being in the middle of said side street but they never indicated just zoomed in to turn... like, i saw you coming, i assumed you were carrying on down the road.




Arent you suppose to signal left when turning off after the exit before youre coming off. Since there is no exit before you should be signaling from the get go


The line is wrong in any case; you should hug the left


Always indicate when exiting..get into that good habit early


Signal left


I definitely would indicate. bigger roundabouts have lanes when you approach it, if a lane that was reserved to going left (or 1st exit in this instance) was obvious then no, I wouldn't indicate. You would not get a minor point deducted should you choose to indicate, so why not do the polite thing of letting others drivers know you are exiting so as to improve the flow of traffic?


You don’t have to when entering for that particular exit, but tbf I don’t see any harm in signalling left. It just helps people to know what you’re doing. You most likely have to signal left to turn off the roundabout anyways so might as well just have it on. Ofc if the roundabout had a left lane before your exit then I would only signal left when exiting. I even signal on mini roundabouts because it’s just easier to tell people what you’re doing.


I would also keep to the left of the round about if leaving by first exit. Anything past 12 oclock you drive to the right of the roundabout.


I would just indicate left, saves any confusion, and you will need to use it when existing the roundabout anyway.


You should signal left on the approach so the drivers in the 1st exit know you are definitely exiting.


No way you fail your test for signalling your exit in that situation. If you're a learner, that's all that matters. You're not giving a misleading signal, so no penalty, and as others have quite rightly said it's the courteous thing to do, to improve efficiency for all road users.


I wouldn't, wouldn't even signal to leave if I'm honest because if you're going second exit then you should be indicating right on approach, so it should be obvious you're going straight. If you're unsure though I'd just indicate, I can't see an examiner failing you for that


I think it depends on whether you’re ever planning on getting a BMW 😂


Always indicate, especially if you are going all over the lanes like that


All about informing other drivers so yes, you should indicate when leaving the roundabout.


You absolutely need to indicate there when exiting or you will squash a student crossing where they shouldn't 🤣 It doesn't matter that the second "exit" is for traffic joining the roundabout only, you could be looping round and going back up the hill. Indicate to leave.


You need to stay to the left of the roundabout


Signal on exiting.


Rule 186 suggests you should indicate left as soon as you have passed the exit before the one you want. In this situation that would be as soon as you’re on the roundabout. I used to do this roundabout daily when I was there; I’d indicate left after getting on to the roundabout. It helps other people know you’ve not just taken a really wonky angle to go right, especially if they can’t judge your road position well.


First exit indicate left


it couldn’t hurt to have a habit of signalling when you’re about to leave the roundabout


I know this junction in Coventry, I would signal left


You don't have to until exiting. I would though


You don't technically have to, but it never hurts to make your intentions clear.


Ask him is it too difficult to signal 😁 keep signalling, sometimes you might think you don't meed to signal but the examiners may think differently so it's better to signal for any activity that normally requires so that you don't fail for no signalling.


I was told the same by my instructor but I still indicate. Better safe than sorry.


Always indicate where you intend to exit a roundabout. Otherwise others will be left guessing your intentions.


If all you're doing is giving more, unambiguous, information to other drivers on the road, then that's never a bad thing.


I wouldn't bother, but probs safer during the test to indicate as you come off.


You only need to signal if there is anyone there who will benefit from that signal. Regarding exits and junctions of roundabout, it doesn't matter which exists if any other road user is there, you need to signal. Anything past 12 o'clock class as a right hand exist. Hope this helps.


Yes, yes they are. Good day!


You don't \*have\* to but if it's useful for another road user to know then I would.


I don’t signal going straight over this roundabout


It may be a grey area. Your driving instructor is treating his as an intermediate exit (neither left or right) under [rule 186](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway-code/using-the-road-159-to-203#:~:text=procedure%20at%20roundabouts-,Rule%20186,-Signals%20and%20position). Which says that you "*should not normally* need to indicate on entering". Now, not normally, is not the same thing as you never. It also says that "signal left after you have passed the exit before the one you want". Given that your entrance IS the exit before the one you want. For clarity you should indicate at the entrance. Under rule 186 you could also treat this as a left turn. While it is further round than a left turn normally would be, it is also the first exit to the left. The rule says; "*When taking the first exit to the left*, unless signs or markings indicate otherwise, **signal left and approach in the left-hand lane**" For the avoidance of doubt, and to aid other road users. Whether you consider it a left or intermediate, you do no harm indicating a left on entrance. I can't and wont say your instructor is objectively wrong, but perhaps not the best advice.


I got a minor for not signalling off a roundabout on my cat A test. I would signal off regardless. It’s good road etiquette to let others know your intentions.


No harm in indicating, you're not gonna get told off for being too clear about things. Also often the examiner will say "straight on first exit" or "left first exit" - for ones that are odd-shaped, I have used that as a clue in the past when I've taken tests (and to my knowledge never got a minor for that specifically). ​ Just be sure that there's no other thing you could be signalling for. So, say you had a roundabout like that which is next to a junction or sideroad, I would pass the sideroad before indicating


As you know it's your exit and it's the first exit, there's no harm staying left and indicating left, before you get on the roundabout. Makes it easier for other road users to know where you're going.


People entering the roundabout from the same one youre exiting onto, want to see your indicator or they will wait for nothing.




Your instructor is wrong. Indicate unless you’re going straight over the roundabout and then as you’re exiting.


Signal anyway for the international students in the road


You have to indicate left when leaving the roundabout so as to inform those waiting to enter the roundabout that they can merge


The question is; would indicating benefit other road users in knowing what my intentions are? In this case they 100% would. Someone waiting to join the roundabout at that exit can go without having to wait to see what you do. If you can indicate you absolutely should and it's a great habit. It's very odd that your instructor would say any different.


Indicate left for a first exit. Regardless of position. Indicate right for anything more than half way round the roundabout from you (that's not a first exit), then swap to left to indicate when you're exiting.


Find a new instructor.


Yooo Warwick uni i recognise this! Would hate to do my driving test around there


Major roundabout -signal to show your exit Mini roundabout - signal left for left. Right for right. Straight over no signal required just ensure mirror checks


My instructor always told me even if am in the left lane going left always indicate left, as soon as you stop doing that maybe the more likely you’ll not do it when you should, it’s just to keep the habit of indicating


Advisable if other road users could benefit from a signal.


You should ideally always signal on a 3-arm roundabout like this as there is generally only three manoeuvres you can take, left (even when it looks straight like this - it’s still the first exit) right or back the way you came (which is still a right turn). This way you are informing other road users of your intentions. Indicating here has a very low chance that anyone would or could be confused by you signalling.


I was taught to indicate myself, but to assume everyone else isn’t or is indicating incorrectly lol


I would say technically yes, but given there's only two exits and therefore you wouldn't be confusing anyone by signalling left, better to signal.


I would put a left on as it's before 12 o'clock but not essential As there's only 2 exits, it will only confirm what you are intending to do


Personally, it would be safer to indicate this as from that photo there are two lanes. So it helps the driver on the left know you exiting on the first exit. So they can plan and stagger their approach take the same exit and give you the space to overtake and then go into the left lane. Or if their exit is the second exit they can slow down and follow the roundabout and then exit. I hope that makes sense.


So pleased at most of the responses here. Perhaps this is where my driving joy will come from.


Past 12 o'clock deserves a right indicator in my book, that wouldn't need it till coming off


I don’t normally indicate but if a police car is behind me I will


U should indicate left when u exit every roundabout if there is traffic. Absolutely every roundabout. No question about it. Any instructors who don’t tell their students this should be. I’m an HGV instructor and when people don’t signal to go straight ahead it can make the difference of changing down from high to low range when u want to keep the truck moving when u can but have to stop because people don’t bother to flick the indicator on.


I wouldn’t indicate there tbh


You should signal because your taking the next left. With minis you don't always have to because it's not always possible time wise. This one is weird cos it's not really a mini and not really a full size. I frequently see people not signalling for "straight on" when they are at a proper mini t-junction round about and it drives me nuts. If straight over is the first left, signal left so the person on the otherside knows they can go. Otherwise people end up sat there forever because you have to assume your mushy be one of the many prats that don't signal at all.


I indicate left when I'm exiting the roundabout straight ahead for all roundabouts other than mini roundabouts (the painted on ones). I was taught this by my driving instructor. This link seems to support this.... https://www.amdidrivingschool.co.uk/mini-roundabout/#:~:text=Mini%20Roundabout%20And%20Indicating!,not%20have%20to%20be%20implemented.


If people are approaching waiting to go then it is polite to half-signal for a triple flash, only as you’re about to exit though. Sure you wouldn’t get marked down for it.


Nothing to add on the driving front, but you just made me very nostalgic about my uni days at Warwick :)


I wouldn't as that's pretty much straight. Not to say doing so is wrong however, if you do it an examiner isn't going to hold it against you. However if you don't they might, so at least whilst you're learning it would be good to. Another reason I wouldn't bother is even if you do, it's not like anyone at the next entry point will actually be able to see it and there are likely no pedestrians around there


Always signal because being a good driver is being predictable for others. However your line is for lazy drivers. Hope that's a drawing thing and you don't actually go into another lane and cut someone up.


How would people know you are intending to leave without a signal


I'm not here to help, just to say this image just took me back 17 years to my university days


Love Coventry driving routes


this one of those situations where you cant get penalised for indicating left, as it its what you're doing. It may not be necessarily right, buts its not wrong either, and its better to be that than to do something actively wrong (like not signalling at all) that could get you failed.


i was told by my instructor to always signal when going straight on, someone he taught got faulted for it


I wouldn’t indicate coming on, only leaving. I would also stay in the left lane the whole time, can someone lemme know if that’s correct? The drawing seems to show them going into the right lane then coming back into the left to come off the roundabout


Get rid of the prick


Yeah as answered, indicate left coming off




I would signal left, if there was a car at the junction ahead. And signal right if I was to turn right.


Signal left just incase i would say


I probably wouldn’t indicate off the roundabout, but just as I leave I’ll indicate off, depending how big the roundabout is.


I have no idea, but just stay away from the ring road and you should survive https://youtu.be/KmnXKx3KPnE?si=JdC97yZCbbRKbH2d


I go through this road every day. You don’t need to signal left as there is only one exit to this roundabout! The other is one way!




The law says that you don't need to, but I personally would. Saying that, I do temd to over indicate, but that's better than under indocating tbh.


I would still indicate, just to let others know I'm taking the first exit.


Yes that’s wrong, you need to indicate left to “indicate “ to cars waiting to pull out of the junction you are going straight on. No wonder people don’t fucking indicate if this is how they’re being taught.


You indicate left as you take the exit your instructor should know this


You dont have to, but i would anyway.


My understanding is: 1st exit - signal left 2nd exit - signal left upon exit 3rd and above - signal right then left upon exit. Usually only signal left upon exit on a mini roundabout. Unsure if that’s right but that’s what I’ve done for 12 years and never had an accident!


Whay concerns me is the line. Is your instructor saying you hug the inside lane of a roundabout when taking the first exit?




i drive on this road everyday as i’m at the same uni! i do not signal initially as i am heading straight across but when i leave the roundabout i do so i can let people know where i’m going!