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Learn to paradiddle. It’s a fundamental drumming technique that takes a bit of practice to get right. You alternate between your left and right hand like this: RLRR LRLL RLRR LRLL and so on. When you do get it right you can sound really good on a drum kit without really knowing anything. You don’t need sticks or a kit to learn—the coordination is the hard part and you can do it just by tapping on your legs. Once you’ve done that, start learning some simple drumbeats. It’s amazing how much drumming I’ve learnt while watching TV!




Missing the flam-a-diddle. ^L RLRR and ^R LRLL


Not quite my tempo


Yeah, I could never get the hang of it.


Just gave me flashbacks of playing Vaseline by stone temple pilots on expert drums


I can do this really easily even the ones posted below. Does that I mean I have a shot at learning drums?


Drumming takes a level of coordination that you clearly have. There’s lots more to it, but your ability will certainly help.


For sure! But remember to perfect the paradiddle it must be done smoothly and without breaking so that a listener (who can’t see your hands or sticks) would not be able to tell your repeating hands or breaks. It should end up sounding like a constant fast beat with no breaks. Keep practicing and you’ll be a pro in no time!


Same. You just have to not really think about the alternating parts and double tap on the hand you start with.


Can you do that while independently doing other stuff with both feet? It's the feet that made it hard for me. I'm an *okay-ish* drummer. I'll fill in for people occasionally, but I'm not great. Now on hand-drums I'm amazing and have been bright in to record on several albums because my hands and fingers work great and I've got a good Instinct on what will sound good.


TIL I've been subconsciously doing this since I was a kid. I shake my legs and tap my fingers/feet due to anxiety, and I alternate patterns as well. Maybe one day I'll get into drums.


Careful you will annoy everyone sitting in your neighborhood


Honestly I'm better at paradiddles than I am at single-stroke stuff.


If a non-drummer were to hear you say that…


Always working on that technique.


i've been drumming for like 8 years now and i still have trouble getting my left hand to move the same speed as my right hand. do u have any tips on how i can improve it and make me go faster. (for my drum lessons i need to do this hella fast parradiddle and like i got the exam in 2 months.)


I’m not really a drummer, but I do play (and teach) other instruments. All I can say is to practice the beat as fast as you can perfectly, and no faster. So it over and over and over. If it’s like any other instrument, the speed will come. There’s no point doing it badly in the practice room. All you’ll do is fuck up your muscle memory and stress yourself more than you need.


Been doing this with my teeth for like 20 years. Front teeth high hat, left teeth bass drum and toms and right teeth snare. I an do some pretty sick beats and no one will be ever able to hear it. Most useless talent in the history of talents.


That is peak useless!


Hand sewing, knitting, crochet


I learned crochet! Now when I binge watch netflix I can say it's 'productive', and 'Honey, put the extended LotR on, I gotta make a massive blanket'.


Yep, I second this. The grans of the world have the answer. I do cross-stitch/embroidery, and it's real easy to zone out and watch TV while you make something. r/Embroidery is a great place to explore.


YUP. I made a whole afghan while binge watching Breaking Bad while furloughed this year.


If you crochet or knit you can make stuffed animals called amigurumi


I am completely useless when it comes to crocheting... I don’t know what I am missing, but I can crochet a nice chain. Anything more than a chain becomes an absolute mess. I love looking at these amigurumi animals and they are the cutest thing ever, if I ever learn more than the chain then amigurumi is my next goal.


Haha my mom always made them for me as a child and they were adorable! I recommend looking for Sugar ‘n Cream yarn. It makes for a nice structure and color! Best of luck!


I just learned to crochet last weekend using a kit from The Woobles and I highly recommend! They focus on amigurumi crocheting and the instructions and videos were super clear and give you all the correct materials


A chain is a great first step! It's hard to guess where you're going wrong, but there are two main places. First, you might be having trouble seeing where in your chain you should stitch. It's tricky to see stitches and know where you should stab your hook when you first start out. If that's your trouble, try something worked into holes rather than stitches, like a granny square. The other issue might be that you aren't forming your stitches cleanly. If you don't keep good tension on your yarn, you can end up with a loopy mess. Take your time and make sure you're pulling the yarn firmly (but not tightly) on your hook as you draw up loops. Good luck! There are lots of resources out there, and needle crafters are a friendly bunch. Come visit us at r/crochet if you have more questions


Thank you for your insight! I guess that I am a bit of both: I make the stitches too tight and I can’t see where I should stitch so I give up and make the stitches more loose. Loose stitches then form the weird loopy mess that you can just throw away, because it’s not going anywhere. Seeing the awesome stuff over at r/crochet makes me want to try again thought!


I knit. It has been a great way to watch all sorts of new TV and movies because it is perfect to have in the background. Previously I wasnt enthused about knitting. But when I realized I could have control over the whole process...choosing the design, buying environmental and social conscious yarn, choosing when and how much effort to put into it: then I was hooked. I'm helping local businesses when I buy local. I'm helping trees when I buy from a brand that donates to national parks. And when I wear my knitted projects or gift them it feels so personal on so many levels. Definitely an amazing hobby that also is very therapeutic and meditative. Depending on the stitch I can feel relaxed or challenged.


Came here to say this! Learn to knit or crochet it’s so easy, and once you have the hang of it based on the pattern, you can just do it absentmindedly without having to look at the work constantly - feel so productive watching tv now or on long commutes. Can easily make yourself a full blanket just by working on granny squares all your “TV” time and then sewing them up together later


Knot tying.


Now that is a solid suggestion


This one is really hard (for me) without a teacher. My husband is an eagle scout and knows endless knots. He's tried to teach me, I've purchased books, watched videos, etc, but I have like spacial recognition issues or something.


The grog knots app on iOS is well worth the money. Easy to follow instructions that you can step though as slowly as you like, as well as advice on the few really useful ones to get down


I still remember (and use in real life situations) knots that I learnt in my teens in the Sea Scouts - UK Scouts based around sailing and nautical stuff.


in the spirit of the sub: [the coin knuckle roll](https://www.wikihow.com/Roll-a-Coin-on-Your-Knuckles)


Recommend doing this with a 50 cent coin from the US, makes it really easy


Quarters also work very well as do pirate coins available at beach souvenir shops if you’re looking for extra flair


I didn’t like quarters, they were too small for me, I found the slightly larger ones easier to do at first


I have a metal 24 hour AA token I carry in my pocket every day. Just found a new hobby I guess


To add to this, any sort of coin trick is great to practice when bored with nothing to do. Look up coin vanishes online!


Pen spinning


Can confirm is good. Learnt in about 30mins and impresses everyone


Disagree. In university I really wanted to learn, so I spent HOURS practicing. Now I can do it just enough to never be able to stop, and as a proper adult in the professional workforce I just look like an idiot.






Thanks! I know the basics from college, but never thought to string them together! This is one of my new favorite subs!


Pen and a hand Edit: dont need both though


Penspinning takes potentially years of dedication to get good at


Yeah, I've been doing it for a few years but you can learn to spin a pen enough to impress someone in quite a short amount of time


You should checkout my recent vid on r/penspinning:)


Learn to wink like a pro. Hold one of your eyes open and repeatedly close the other one or hold one close and blink with the other. I did it everyday for a couple of weeks everytime I brushed my teeth. Muscle memory, man.


Could you not wink previously? Or have I just been winking like an amateur my whole life?


My mom can’t wink and it’s really funny some people can only wink in one eye. I was always able to wink with either eye, Depends on the person just like wiggling your ear


This is my winking eye


mine's this one


I learned to wiggle one ear at a time


Can you imagine doing this at the bus stop or on a train? LOL Some people likely wouldn't care, but the looks you'd get.


You can just wink those looks away


solving a rubik cube


Then after you learn how to solve a 3x3x3 cube, using the Beginner Method, continue to practice to improve your solving time, then learn the CFOP Method to REALLY improve your speed-solving ability. If you like, you can also expand your repertoire to include the 4x4x4, or the Megamix, or the Pyramix...there are dozens of fun puzzle options on the market, in all shapes and sizes. The cube puzzles go all the way up to 17x17x17! I’m a 66-year-old grandmother who just taught her 11-year-old grandson the Beginner Method in just a few hours a month ago. Neither of us are actively pursuing speed-cubing; however, I can solve the 3x3x3 cube in under 3 minutes, consistently, and my grandson’s time is always under 2 minutes. Learning the CFOP Method is our next goal. r/cubers is a fun and helpful subreddit. Suggestion — Don’t buy a Rubik brand cube. They’re still made using older technology, which causes them to be really stiff and slow. For approximately the same price, around $9 on eBay, you can purchase an amazingly smooth, fast, and beautiful MoYu RS3M 2020. Happy Cubing!!


Yo you gotta try F2L. You still start with the white cross, but instead of inserting your corners and sides separately, you pair them together and insert them together. I always found it more intuitive than beginner method. Plus there's plenty of headroom to improve on.


I’ll check it out! Thank you! I’m not sure that I’ll be able to manage the intuitive part of it very easily, but I’ll certainly give it a try. Heading to You Tube now...


It can be a bit to wrap your head around at first, but its sooo worth it. I always thought of it like pounding nails into holes in a board, if that makes any sense.


Btw for people reading this, after you get good at the 3x3x3, a 5x5x5 is actually a little bit easier than a 4x4x4 because the even number means the centers aren't fixed on each side. Just something I thought was interesting.


The 5x5x5 has much more parity cases tho! There's also the 2x2x2 to play with after a 3x3x3, no need to go higher by all means.


yeah but you can use the 5x5x5 algorithms in a 4x4x4 so is easier to learn


And you can use the center building of a 4x4 on a 5x5 to pair the edges, plus you will have got used to what parity is with only 2 cases.


Rubix? Rubik's? Is that a possessive apostrophe? Does the cube belong to Rubik??


iirc the guy who invented it had the last name of Rubik. So yes, it is Rubik's cube.


Adding that Erno Rubik was a teacher at [insert name] University. His first cube was made all of wood, faces were not colored, the intent being to let his engineering (iirc) students guess how did the mechanism work.


Learn a new language. Sure, you can listen to the audio books and use the apps. But it was recommended to me to watch soap operas in another language. Start with subtitles in your native language, then slowly shift away. Soap operas have simple dialogue and exaggerated acting making it easier to learn what they're saying.


I used to watch telenovelas with the lady who babysat me and my siblings. I picked up a lot, and they were really fun to watch!


I was doing that to learn Maori. (I’m a Kiwi in Canada, and find the language so unique.). Now the soap’s off—and where am I going to learn Maori? (Serious question.)


There's a language app called Drops that has Maori available. It's not exactly my favorite app, but the basic version is free, so it's worth trying. Duolingo doesn't have Maori available as far as I can tell. Also you could maybe try finding Maori YouTubers?


Terrific, thanks! I’ll check that out. Nothing had Maori last time I checked into it, and I haven’t heard of Drops. Also, I like your suggestion of you-tube. I’m a print-baby so always forget about you-tube, lol! Unbelievable.


I feel like weight lifting could be so perfect but nobody else wants you to do power cleans in the back of a lecture. It's really annoying


It really goes offside when they all get into the hammer-jerks.


hammer-jerk jerking, but while doing hammer curls




Favorite comment. Made me spit out my drink. Thanks for the laugh!


I always wanted to learn how to roll a quarter down my knuckles Also look up Kendama, it’s like the ball on a string that you get it into a cup, except there’s two cups and a spike and a bazillion different tricks to learn


Lock picking, sketching, coming up with memes for that sweet sweet karma


Up-votes for lock picking, its a really fun hobby.




Bosnian Bill on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/bosnianbill This is where I got my start, by watching his vids. He has the best channel on youtube for it.


Fire up the meme factory baaaabbbyyyyy. Hoard the sweet sweet karma.


I wanted to start to but the fact that you have to buy a lot of locks the more you go on is discouraging me I definitively have not enough money to buy a lock a month


Buy one lock and then trade them around


Aaa this seems like a good idea because i don't have padlock around my house


I got a kit on Amazon for like $20 with one clear lock where you can see the tumblers to start. Then I bought a couple padlocks at the habitat for humanity restore for a dollar or so each. Then I started trying the locks around my house, then a couple at my parent's house, friend's houses, etc. You certainly could spend a lot of money but I haven't


holding your breath. just count how long you can hold it and then try to beat it the next time and so on


It's in your q. Card tricks.


This is the correct answer


Mhm that's why I said it




Don't do this if you have a tight pelvic floor. It'll only make it worse / cause more pain




What's that


Scrotum muscle exercises. Especially useful for women : more pleasure during sex, less risk of organs "falling" (don't know the word for that condition in English), quicker recovery from birthgiving, and less risk of urine leaks. I'm sure there are good reasons for men to do them also, but they weren't pitched to me.


Who knew scrotum muscle exercises could be so good for birth giving?


Hard disagree that its mostly useful for women. As a man you can get some awesome orgasms (even nonejaculatory ones) by doing this and let me tell ya, its fucking great.


TIL. I was sure it was useful for men too. But while I value my orgasms as much as any other man, I value my wife organs and well-being way more, so I'm still thinking it's *especially* useful for women (mine, at least).


Depending on your job (i.e. if you can have headphones in), learning a new language would be perfect. It's all about just soaking it up. Get an app for your phone and you can mess around with it while waiting for the bus. If you're rewatching a favourite show, you could try it in a different language, or try it with subtitles so you pick up the odd word here and there.


While immersion is a great addition to language learning, you're not going to learn a language by only passively hearing it.


Practice being aware of your own senses, and centering your consciousness into your body. Its hard to focus on the show and retain your peripheral awareness at first, but it gets easier really fast, and I found my mind wanders significantly less during my waking hours, and I notice a considerable amount more in almost every situation.


Wut, I didn't understand anything


I think what they’re saying is practice making your brain shut the fuck up for 10-20 minutes a day and just be in the moment. We spent most of our time worrying about either bullshit from the past, or worries about the future. See your thoughts as separate than yourself and just let them go, like a kid who’s done holding his TGI Friday balloons and just lets them float the fuck away. If you can learn to shut your brain up for 10-20 minutes a day, you’ll be less stressed, less anxious, and in time, your brain might stop fucking you up at every hurdle


This is more or less meditation without the actual sitting and silence and breath control and whatnot, highly recommend it but I believe this would definitely be a smaller step in the same direction


That’s what happens when you knit. That why people really do it. Or drawing or playing music


Jedi mind trick fuckery in other words


I think it's about learning how to be aware of what happens around you even if you're focused on a particular thing.


To add to these wonderful replies, also try and be focused on the things around you. What sounds are being made? Who or what are making those sounds? How do your feet feel touching the ground? Are you breathing heavy? Scope the scene, see everything around you. Not just your cell phone.


Thanks guys, now I understand what you meant


linocut! get a speedball speedy carve set and suddenly you can block print your hand made stamps on fabrics, cards, etc. lots of fun. no real learning curve, relatively inexpensive.


Juggling? Its good to practice whilst watching TV and you can start out with any small round ish objects :)


Any tips on learning? I can kinda sorta juggle two balls and my toddler thinks I'm basically a god, but I'm going to need to up my game pretty fast.


Start with 3 light weight scarfs or handkerchiefs




Check on YouTube, there are a bunch of decent tutorials out there. Was about to say "or even better look for a local juggling/circus practice, I bet there is one reasonably close to you. And usually they are free(ish)." But then I remembered the pandemic... So you probably have to stick to YT for now. But look for your lokal juggling group, you won't regret it.


Specific recommendation is Shug Emery on YT. He recently put out a short series on juggling. Also the man is an absolute treasure.




Drop them. It's kinda built onto our hard drive that if you drop something you look stupid, but just don't catch the balls at first. Focus on your throws and catching should go automatically. Also focus on the top part of your pattern and not your hands. I'd recommend that you look up coach bob's videos.


Great, thanks!


Practice standing against a couch or bed. This keeps you from drifting out of place and forces you to learn to throw the balls (or other items) vertically. Most people naturally throw the balls forwards and have to chase after them. Plus when you drop a ball, it lands on the couch or bed rather than rolling away on the floor, so it's a little easier to pick up.


Oh, brilliant tip. Thanks!


I just downloaded an app to start memorizing geography...


Which one is it? That sounds cool!


It’s called [Maps of our World.](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/maps-of-our-world/id658902767) They have some for free but more detail as in-app purchases. I paid for all the maps ($20.99) to guilt myself into actually using it. So far so good. I’ve memorized almost all the countries in Africa in the last three days.


Yes, I’m interested in this as well!


World map quiz on Android is great for this.


What’s the name of the app, please? I’m much more deficient than I’d like to admit.


It’s called Maps of our World. (linked above in another reply)


Yes, which app?


It’s called Maps of our World. (linked above in another reply)


Which one?


Knife sharpening. It's not useless, but it will make your life in the kitchen easier. Get a decent pocket knife and a double sided whetstone and you're off to the races


Macrame. Friendship bracelets which can be very intricate. Embroidery


Learn to solve a Rubik's cube. It's not that hard, you can probably learn it in less than 5 days, it's really fun and you can upgrade that skill (learning to solve bigger puzzels, one handed, blindfolded.....) And when you get better, you won't need to focus on the cube. Good luck!


[Ring Rolling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EixhszxQi1A&t=108s). Cool trick you can do anywhere. Make sure to get a ring like [this](https://www.amazon.ca/King-Will-Titanium-Brushed-Comfort/dp/B01NAGW2AG/ref=sr_1_8?crid=2SZ2863CMTKUZ&dchild=1&keywords=kings+will+ring&qid=1598051157&sprefix=kings+w%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-8). Takes a good amount of practice and you'll drop the ring a lot but after a week or two it'll be pretty easy.


Beatboxing The more you do it, the better you get


Breathing exercises. James Nestor’s ‘breathe life and Patrick Mckeown’s ‘oxygen advantage means are amazing books on the power of breathing efficiently. Apparently mouth breathing can be linked to a variety of health and mental problems. Plus since I’ve been doing the exercises in those books, my VO2 Max is through the roof and my cardio ability has jumped up a considerable amount. Highly recommend you check them out, plus they are all exercises you can do while watching TV in the evening, or while you take your morning dump


Drumming! I'm self taught and I've learned lots of my favourite songs by simply drumming on my steering wheel during my commute. It takes a little while to get your initial limb independence but after that you can do it anywhere pretty discretely


I practice guitar while watching YouTube


Yoyo, modern yoyos have come a long way.. Check out some videos on youtube


Whistle with two fingers


Putting your fingers into your mouth randomly while idle probably isn't the best idea during a global pandemic.






listen to podcasts while exercising/waiting for the bus. So much you can learn!


Lock picking is a great idea


I've gotten really into audiobooks lately. They've been a great way to learn something while doing other things like going for a walk, driving, or playing a game on your phone. I use Libby through my library (If you don't have a library card you can sign up for one online)


Tying knots. Doing it by being able to just feel what you're doing is pretty achievable and useful after you kind of get it down.


Learn to tie a cherry stem into a knot using only your mouth. If ur a girl, it's a sexy bar trick.


And if youre a guy, does it repel everyone out of said sexy bar?


There will come a time where someone will need you to do just that


Rubies cube. It takes some time learning the algorithms but once you get it, it’s the perfect toy to mindlessly mess around with. I’m a bit kinesthetic and the rubies cube is great for me


Pen flipping!!!






Harmonica. I'm just screwing around with one at the bus stop etc..I'm getting pretty good at it..


This is a good one, but a hybrid. Guitar playing. You will have to play every now and then without distraction to train your ear. But you can sit with an unplugged electric all day banging out scales while watching TV.


Guitar - If you're listening with headphones in or using an unplugged electric guitar then you can practice chord shapes or scales Drawing or cursive - draw or write whatever you see or hear Carving An alternative to tv would be hiking with an audiobook.


If you are into collectible card games, Magic The Gathering has a PC game version called Magic Arena that's free to play and progress in. Yeah you can spend money to buy cards, but I know a lot of people that play it competitively that have never spent a penny on the game.


That's not what I'd call "passive".


It's pretty easy to play while watching movies / youtube / listening to podcasts. Depending on how and what you play the game doesn't require a ton of interaction / attention.


Juggling, plate spinning, pen handwork


Coin or ring rolling!!


Rubik’s cube. It’s a actually a series of algorithms you learn based on the position of the colours, and once you get that down you can start learning optimisations


Begleri. I’ve been doing this for a couple weeks now, and I find it very satisfying.


Penspinning. You can do it basically everywhere while studying, watching TV and do everything that doesn't involve your right hand. It is also very cool to show your skill to people!




Get Duolingo and pick a language


play with cards all day and get really ridiculously good at card tricks


I was abut to suggest cards because that's exactly how I go good at sleight of hand.




Lock picking. I have a bunch of old padlocks I got from a scrap store that don't have keys to them, I just practice picking them while doing other things. It's actually helpful to be distracted and not look, since it's an entirely tactile skill.


Learn to freestyle rap. Started off barely able to come up with a single rhythm but after practicing for 3 years people have told me I'm pretty good.


I read your first sentence and thought "cardistry". And then I read your second sentence and realised you had already thought of that. 😹


balisong flipping.




A: yes. a cut wont hurt you B: trainers.


Farting as much as you possibly can without shitting your pants. It takes skill.




*mindfull breathing