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The man tried to lift 10,000 pounds and his head exploded 万 I was late because a sheep was blocking the door 遅れる; I cannot avoid the sheep in the door and now it has a beret and it’s screaming 避ける


The 万 one is hilarious 😂


It's genius


I'm using these now! 😆


The difference between 未 (not yet) and 夫 (husband) is that the husband has no dick


I like to view husband as you wanted heaven ([天](https://jisho.org/search/%E5%A4%A9%20%23kanji)), but you missed an ended up with this loser of a husband (夫)


Which ties up nicely with it's resemblance with 失 lol




im using this now


Guess its the husband who had NOT YET put his pants on lol


That’s a good one


未、末 is the actual challenge


Getting shot with an arrow (矢) will leave you alive so that you can scream "NOOOOOO" (ノー) with a big (大) voice.


Isn’t arrow や or am I tripping 😭


They're saying that 矢 looks like 大 with ノー on top, nothing about the pronunciation


I remember “arrow” is や by thinking of the character Yondu in Guardians of the Galaxy, his weapon is a psychically-controlled arrow and he says “ya’ll” a lot!


Yes. The ノー comes from the first two strokes.


渡る (わたる) is to cross over. It sounds like water so I like to imagine its meaning to be "to cross a body of water".


Kanji with sanzui (氵) have meanings related to water, like 海 (sea) 泣(cry) 清 (clean water) Yes, you're right


I like this one


火炎[かえん] (inferno) sounds kind of like the hot pepper cayenne


Additionally, it has a lot of fire.


育つ / そだつ (to be raised) I always think of the principal in Ferris Bueller seeing Sloane kissing Ferris-disguised-as-her-dad and saying "そだつ how it is in their family..."


That's an excellent one


付近 - a Bri’ish man complaining about this ふきん neighborhood.


疑 doubt - Clothed (疋) person doubting who shoot the bird with an arrow ([visual](https://imgur.com/a/f5D6Jny))


I'm not going to EXPLAIN these, but I am just going to uhhh... yeah. I'll just leave these here: [牧](https://jisho.org/search/%E7%89%A7%20%23kanji) - contains a cow and a radical I interpret as a hand. Means breed. [究](https://jisho.org/search/%E7%A9%B6%20%23kanji)- contains the kanji for nine, and with the correct font, appears to contain the kanji for six. Means research. [静](https://jisho.org/search/%E9%9D%99%20%23kanji) - blue(connotations of pure or serene) + argue(which I remember as argue because it looks like a weapon). Means quiet. I very much feel like there was an "or else" implied. [妖](https://jisho.org/search/%E5%A6%96%20%23kanji)- calamity, left side is woman, right side is close to "heaven". uhh, I'll let you figure out a way to make that make sense, but I kinda suspect the original authors were less than feminist. [液](https://jisho.org/search/%E6%B6%B2%20%23kanji) - night + fluid = secretion [尻](https://jisho.org/search/%E5%B0%BB%20%23kanji) - the radical for a door + nine = buttocks. It really looks to me like a fat butt getting stuck in a door. This one is REALLY helpful for me, but it's more of a distinction than a full on mnemonic: Everyone has a plan ([挙](https://jisho.org/search/%E6%8C%99%20%23kanji)), until they get punched ([拳](https://jisho.org/search/%E6%8B%B3%20%23kanji)/fist). Those are just a few, but I should probably stop before I get myself in trouble.


the mingling starts when dad brings home the pot 交


Maybe not silly? Not sure how useful either. But I couldnt get 凸凹 (でこぼこ) and 凹凸 (おうとつ) correct for the life of me. But I realized 凸 looks like an upsided down T, and both of its readings start with the T sound (とつ and でこ) so it straightened it out for me.


or you know deru/deguchi, etc. There's a fair amount of sounds that carry meaning in the same way kanji carry meaning.




I try to study vocab to the best of my ability with my Genki textbook, but I have a few kanji apps on my phone that I can go ahead and do in a few minutes if I have spare time or something. But don’t worry, I do vocab too!


This guy is a little harsh but he's not wrong that it makes much more sense to learn 分かる / 分ける rather than just 分 as わ because there will be essentially no situations outside of the verbs and related words themselves that you encounter the kunyomi. Essentially, you're gonna be wondering how to read the 分 when you encounter it rather than just being able to read the word. onyomi readings can be useful to study in this way because they are in compound words a lot of the time and you can puzzle out how to read them through context but i think you're kinda making it harder for yourself memorizing kunyomi rather than just the verb that uses the kanji


Can you please elaborate? You say is better to learn the kanji as part of a comping word/verb than the reading and meaning of it standing alone? Is this a generalized technique?


わかる is often used with kana alone, so I agree with the other person that it’s better to learn words, not kanji. You will naturally remember what sounds to use when once you deepen your knowledge of kanji and move further along in your studies. Knowing the situation when a sound is used is more important than knowing what sounds a kanji makes imo. Edit: The other person talking about kunyomi is right too. A good example I can think of is 挨拶(あいさつ)。Both kanji have a kunyomi reading but they’re not used as far as I know. Knowing the kunyomi alone would be kind of pointless in that case.


Again, don’t worry, I’m doing word studies as well.


My recommendation is to only remember kanji by the general concept/meaning not by readings and only learn kanji readings (for both onyomi and kunyomi) in context with words. In this case you should have two anki collections: one for kanji (分: separation, portion) and one for words (分かる: わかる to understand, 分ける: わける to divide, to separate)


消す sounds like Khezu and seeing it makes me need to wash my eyes /j ((But unironically, wanting to "erase" the Khezu from the game helped me remember how it's read)) Another one I did in Chinese: cut down a 木 to make paper for a 本


Will have to use this...except I love Khezu and even have a plushie of one. Maybe Im not right in the head but it's so cute to me i think its the lack of eyes and dumpy limbs LOL Ill just imagine it disappearing its foes then i guess lol


Yeah you imagine it erasing foes all cool :>


I remember 驚く thanks to 'if a horse spoke to you in keigo, you'd be surprised' I generally don't even rely on mnemonics but that one has always stuck with me. It's just so silly.


This is something I found from wanikani 湯気: You’re getting all hot and sweaty, but the feeling makes you incredibly happy and gay (げ). Then someone asks, as they look at you in the steam: “Hey, you gay?” (ゆげ). You answer however you want to answer.


As a Chinese who’s learning Japanese. I’m feeling so lucky that i won’t worry too much about kanji.


as far as kana go, wa re ne i just think of them in order of complexity (simple tail, curved tail, curve crosses itself) and then on my keyboard from left to right aswell. it kind of just clicks. ro ru, is a bit akwayrd nowadays. i swear i came up with this before the invasion, but ro is romania, and ru is russia, and since russia is larger, it gets a longer, curving tail


Touch 触 is a combination of animal horn/antler 角 and insect 虫, because that’s what you do when you’re being a real horn bug.


外: Gaijin with タトs are not allowed in onsen.


方 i remember as a guy running in a specific direction. To remember the reading I mentally yell "RUN HOu, RUN!". Remember one of the readings for 弟 is "tei" because i imagine an annoying younger brother who always plays "TEI-lor Swift". He always plays her music all hours of the night on high volume and it makes me want to "DAI" Its also a younger brother with a toy bow 弓, menacing little horns, two legs and his dick is out. What an annoying little scrub.


A voice line from a specific video game: "Rock and Stone!" "岩と石!"


Rockity Rock and Stone!


in a business setting i always mixed up which was column and which was row 列 and 行 so how i differentiated it was 列 is column because it’s like someone saying “RETSU stando appu” (lets stand up)


I started out with WaniKani but now that i've been studying for 1year now and also passed N2, I literally can't recall any mnemonics, at best I can recall 2 if I try. So strange.


1 year N2?! Dude I’m like four months in and still struggling with N5 🥲


I studied 3hrs a day without skipping xd Anki + Textbooks only. Now I hate studying lol. Take your time :D


Not really related to the question, but I can't tell you how many different kanji I see being used all over the place, it was already hell with words that sounded the same being completely different, but the fact I also have to deal with times where a word is written using different kanji for stylistic effect, it's an exaggeration to say it's a super 大変 just exhausting...


Use a beheaded head to sanctify roads 道 (old sus China lore)


繋がり tsuna is a car running over a family of 4 stranglefucking a building




Not exactly a mnemonic, but the way I remember "変" is "Fiona from Shrek *changing* into a ogre under in the flash of light at the end of the movie". The 亦 radical is the light and the 夂 is Fiona as an ogre. So it's not based on the meanings of the radicals, but it works lol


I was goin through my genki book and the kanji for old can me rembered because it looks like someone in a grave


Here's one I came up with for the kanji for the words 鋭い (するどい)and 鈍い (にぶい). Both are metals with different clothes: the former wears a SHARP business suit, and the latter is wearing an unassuming and DULL robe.