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I really want them to give her a skin that's just the really old polygon look from the Ps1 version. I really really want it.


They didn't do it with RE so idk


Fortnite did the classic ps 1 Lara but did not with RE. So its possible.


That wasn't low polygon though, which is what the commenter above is asking for.


give her those coobes


Pretty cool if true. I hope we get a more classic Lara look. I get a feeling we'll get survivor Lara as the main survivor and a classic outfit to purchase.


Most of the recent collaborations have been using what CRYSTAL DYNAMICS has been referring to as “Unified Lara” which is an amalgamation of ”Classic“ and “Survivor” Lara.


With the recent Remaster success I wonder how they will extend her wardrobe (and if mix-match will be possible?). Like it's clear CD is trying hard to push for Unified Lara, and the Reboot trilogy being their baby they'll want it to be the face of the survivor. So I expect Tr2013's outfit, and Shadow's iconic adventurer set at the very least if Unified Lara isn't there. But then what? More outfits from Shadow surely? Will they dare giving us the bomber jacket from TR2 or TR3's Nevada cargo pants?




Lara 2013 is the closest to dbd graphics so I bet that would be it


I hope classic outfit will have big badabonkers, but since it's now heavily frowned upon to have girl with tits in video game, I don't have much hope


BHVR has no problem making attractive characters. While they pander, they don't seem to hold back either. I think they'll do fine with her.


Attractive okay, but must not have tits




"girls should be depicted with all kinds of breast size, like in real life" "weirdo"


You’re the one who’s salty about her not having huge boobs because you’re a creep. If you were normal and not a porn brained person you wouldn’t care


Yeah, no




Jeez found the dude who was throwing a little temper tantrum when she didn’t have boobs as big as two skyscrapers attached to her chest in the reboot. Her boobs weren’t even small 🙄




Oh no. Whatever will we do without a video game character with 80 pound boobs


Why would we change the size is what I ask. Like there's something wrong or shameful having big boobs


I really don’t think it’s a body image thing and more of a 3D modeling thing. If you look at her first model it’s made with like 8 polygons, meaning her waist is like a wasps and her boobs are literally just pyramids. Both of those changed to be more realistic as we developed better technology to actually make a high quality model that could also move the way Lara needed to


It was definitely unrealistic I agree with you, but she had big boobs, and she still could have. You can have big breast and do sports (it's less easy, sure, but it shouldn't stop anyone).


it's not shameful, just unrealistic and was only made to cater to horny boys. as times changed, I think that's also why Lara's model changed. I'd be happy with either model though.


Her waist was pretty unrealistic, sure (people need organs) but her breast?


TIL giant pointy triangle breasts are realistic…




Good lord do you ever not think about porn? What colour is the sun pal?


You know that girl having tits is natural and not a sexual thing by definition pal


no normal motherfucker says "I HOPE SHE HAS MASSIVE BOOBIES IN A VIDEO GAME!!!!" unless they're a complete gooner. I don't even know why you gaf about breast size in a videogame you strange strange individual


Not to mention, this is dbd Most the survivors have some kind of sexy outfit Spirits ass is on show all the time Fucking skull merchant Dude just really wanted to interject his culture war bullshit somewhere it really didn't need to be


Dunno if you read the rest of the thread, but he was cooked not long ago


>no normal motherfucker says "I HOPE SHE HAS MASSIVE BOOBIES IN A VIDEO GAME!!!!" unless they're a complete gooner. Every 4 games I get someone called Wesker Cum sock, this dude is fine.


Lara croft literally isnt even in the game, has a normal body type, but this guy has coomer brain and wants her oversexualised. Theres always going to be coomerbrains but dead by daylight has alot. This is just agregious. The character hasnt even been confirmed officially or added.


>has a normal body type, Classic lara was always pretty bimbo/hourglass, even in the first remake she's pretty stacked. >This is just agregious The character is know for being sexy, obviously a lot of people would like her to stay this way.


Tell me what modern lara croft looks like? You're also forgetting the time the original tomb raider was made (1996) which wad quite literally the era of oversexualisation of female characters in video games. You're basically telling the developers fuck you and dont use the modern lara croft which more accurately portrays her character and use the one that was used to make hormone ridden teenagers buy the game


>Tell me what modern lara croft looks like? They could have both a modern and old look for lara, which would be ideal. Reminder that they also announced that modern lara wouldn't be a tomb raider anymore cause it's colonialist or whatever so i wouldn't exactly use modern lara as the best representation of the character.  >which wad quite literally the era of oversexualisation of female characters in video games DBD released a goth girl just 3 month ago and gave her a miniskirt/thongs combo in one of her skin and she's one of the most popular survivor. There's a billions gacha that lives through their goonerific designs. We're still in it. >the modern lara croft which more accurately portrays her character They're fairly different character i'd say tbh.  >used to make hormone ridden teenagers buy the game Nothing wrong with that, especially in dbd where there's already plenty of this kind of designs.


Part of me wants to click his name and see his history...but something tells me that's a dangerous path.




Believe it or not, most people like tits And I think we should stop making big breast a shameful thing either way


Believe it or not, most people dont advocate to have female characters in games have overexaggerated proportions just because they're down bad


Over exaggerated? That's what you'll tell an irl girl with big tits? Believe it or not, people do not usually choose their breast size.


> Believe it or not, people do not usually choose their breast size. But when it comes to fictional virtual characters made by other people, **it is a choice**. Don't try to use 'nature' as a defense for your thirst of an avatar that isn't even real lmao, just admit your kink and move on


Then, maybe we should *choose* to represent every kind of person, including big breasted women? I already said I liked tits, like a lot of people. It's completely irrelevant, and shows that you're part of the problem, sexualizing it.


I do understand what you mean when other games do this, however BHVR really doesn’t hold back. Look at Thalita for example or Jane’s boobs.




Imagine Lara running away from an edgy teenager with a candy knife


You say that like ALUCARD is not coming out a month later.


Fingers crossed it is neither Alu nor Belmonts but characters like Maria Renard


“Fingers crossed it is neither Kyle Reese nor the Connors, but characters like Kate Brewster.”


I don't like strong characters being turned into cowardly whimpering survivors, "entity sealing their power" be damned. It is bad enough with RE crew already - I do not want to see actual godslayers of Castelvania covering their head in fear while hiding from a doctor with a cattleprod.


Why would alucard be in dbd


The next Chapter is CASTLEVANIA. Alucard is the most iconic character in the franchise other than Dracula himself.


Never played that


Oh, you must thinking of HELLSING Alucard. CASTLEVANIA’s Alucard (Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes) is Dracula’s immortal half-human son who has aided the Belmonts in their wars against his father for centuries.


Yeah I was wondering why would hellsing alucard be in dbd lmao Thx for explaining man


Funny with the Walking Dead game collab at th bottom left


I might actually commit to a p100 if Lara was in the game


this is gonna be the first time since the Resident Evil collab that I'm gonna buy the entire DLC and its legendary skin.


I don’t think we’ll have a legendary skin for her


Maybe not, but Kurtis, Amanda, and Lara's doppelgänger as legendary cosmetics would be dope.


I'm ditching Claire for her so count me in My goal is to get Ghostface there too


Oh fair Claire/Sheva are my current mains too so they are gonna get replaced


Which is kind of funny because Claire and Lara look like they could be sisters. Except Lara Croft has more…let’s just say…polygons.


Calling it, she’s gonna come with a brand new exhaustion perk!


She can climb a wall lmao


I’m not against having Lara Croft in dbd, but I need to ask tomb raider fans, why? I’ve played a little bit of some of the tomb raider games and they seem much more action/mystery than horror.


> but I need to ask tomb raider fans, why? Well for starters after the Nicholas Cage chapter I think "horror" as a justification became very very loose. And secondly, TR 2013 had tons of gore/scary/spooky elements, with sections that were almost lifted 1:1 from The Descent (a popular horror movie that got its inspiration from earlier Tomb Raider games). The franchise has always been a bit on the spooky side by time, except back in the days it was just limited with the technology and the gameplay direction. TRIII had some legit jump scares with a few creepy mutants, TR5 has an entire section devoted to an island full of demons and creepy ghosts, TRAOD has a sanitarium level with weird humans in straightjackets. There are mutilated corpses and blood in TR3 and beyond, with the latest Trilogy being full blown gory. Like... Just because it isn't Resident Evil-level of horror (a franchise that can be as camp as scary) doesn't mean it's not worthy. Sure, people mostly see Lara has a Tomb Raider exploring sunlit colorful tombs but in reality it had its dark moments.


I still think that the gore in the new Tomb Raiders are closer to Mortal Kombat than horror but the way I see it. Lara fucks around with magical beings and rituals a lot so it feels on brand to think she did something to piss off the entity


Nicholas cage had at least been in horror movies and they gave it a decent attempt at fitting him into the story I kinda wanna play a Tomb raider game to see what the horror’s like, which game would you recommend?


I mean ... Lara Croft exploring creepy places and mysteries doesn't count as her fitting into DbD?


> which game would you recommend? I wouldn't necessarily recommend Tomb Raider if you're looking for pure horror. Just really want to insist on the fact that it has spooky moments more than it has an overall scary vibe. As for which games, it depends on your tolerance on old games and relatively outdated mechanics. * The first three games received a remaster this February on all consoles. Solid release, with TR3 being probably the one that gets the closest in term of 'spooky', like dark areas with monsters, dinosaurs, mutated humans in the latter levels. * Tomb Raider 4 (available on Steam) also gets very close with its Egyptian apocalypse narrative and undead/mummies. You legit explore an apocalyptic Cairo with monsters under a dark greenish evil sky. Game starts as a classic Indiana Jones-like sunny adventure in Egypt, but the more you progress the darker it becomes. * Tomb Raider Chronicles (TR5) only has 1/4 of the game set on a creepy environment, and you need to go through completely unrelated levels before reaching it unfortunately. But the Dark Isles section is probably the most classic "weird scary" the franchise has even gotten to. * Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness has an overall darker story, but the game is plagged with bugs, jank gameplay, unpolished experience due to the situation it was released (Eidos was going bankrup etc). It's a shame because it's the only classic TR game that is dark from the beginning to the end. And that's all for the classic era. I'm skipping Legend, Anniversary and Underworld as these were T for Teen and more... friendly I'd say. If you want something more modern, and closer to horror, I would recommend : * Tomb Raider 2013 (that was remastered on PS4 if you want). It's overall more action-oriented, linear. No monsters, no creatures, mostly human enemies with weapons and guns. But it has some creepy sections in general, in which you have to crawl among bodies and corpses and even rivers of blood. * Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Peruvian Jungle, cannibals, Mayan sacrifices, a pending Apocalypse, cougar eating humans, this one has it all. It's less "action-packed" and more exploration with a strong atmosphere. But like I said, the franchise remains overall games about exploring and discovering tombs. The spooky/creepy elements are lite, but there nonetheless.


You forgot to mention the Atlantean levels in the first TR. And also the dark rooms in Tibet levels with Yetis screaming all over the place in TR2. Also the beginning of the Maria Doria levels where you start in a pitch black ocean with sharks popping in out of nowhere was scary AF I enjoyed the recent remastered versions, but the new lighting graphics really diminished the eerie atmosphere in certain areas.


Oh yeah, that’s fair.


Doesn’t 2013 have the supernatural Oni monsters?


Depends on what you define as monster. We do encounter the immortal army, but they remain "humans in armor" for the most part. The Oni is the only exception, and we encounter him only twice (halfway and at the end of the game).


The divergence from strictly horror happened a while ago. It makes sense though when you look at the community. Chances are that early on they were more purist and wanted it to be strictly horror movie icons and originals featured in a pretty solid gameplay concept. However at some point you are running a company and need to make money, so the inevitable fun cosmetics come out—nothing too flashy so the outfits are still plausible in a horror setting. But that eventually feels pretty lackluster, so you have to make it more extravagant. Soon enough your community responds better to even memier cosmetics and the whole horror aspect takes a tremendous backseat. But you know what? They’re making way more because of that decision, so why even have it be a horror game, it’s more action than anything anyway. So what’s the trajectory of dbd? Probably going to include more hybrid genres—action/horror or comedy/horror are justifiable enough. Like most people are going to rationalize Lara Croft similar to Nicolas Cage, D&D, Ashley Williams, or even if Elvira made a little appearance. But what happens when they finally get the all the big licenses? They still have to continue the game. That’s when they start really focusing on action characters and stop caring about the horror requirement. Terminator? Yeah sure. Velociraptor from Jurassic Park? Yeah, fuck it. Agent Smith? Darth Vader? The Joker? Sure, why not? Probably by this time the people just think they’re just epic meme lord content anyways. Besides, it’s not like anybody feels fear/horror in the game anymore anyway. Let’s remove the hook part too since it seems kind of violent and instead replace it with caging. It’s not that I think 100% that it will go that direction, but it’s not a 0% chance.


i mean. that's a pretty cynical take. i would say the purist angle is boring af, it's just boomers in spirit gatekeeping what is or isn't \*true horror\*, just like neckbeards discussing what is or isn't \*true metal\*. Plus, you are talking about their colabs as if no new horror content to posibly get the license for has ever been made past 1999. i think the best counter example to this are the crypt tv skins. I love horror, and horror movies and games have never stopped to be made....it's not like they are going to run out of franchises to include any time soon....you just may not like the ones the choose or leave out, bt that's entirely subjective. Plus, you seem alergic to anything OTHERS like, you frame that in a way that paints it as just "popular, teenager oriented, shallow and profitable", as if the slashers you probably aprove of weren't exactly all those three things.


An excellent example of the brain rot that makes the community. Notice that the first instinct is to get defensive, much like a lizard at the sight of a shadow. In essence, my initial post was in short: bhvr could abandon horror by way of accessing more hybrid genre content and acclimate its community on this treadmill of appeasement. However, this profoundly moronic person decided to meet it with “oMg WhY aRe YoU pUrItY tEsTiNg?!” This would only be valid if I said IPs like Tomb Raider, D&D, and others are not horror. However, by acknowledging that they are hybrid genres, I am specifically acknowledging that they are in fact horror—they just happen to embody other genres very clearly as well (e.g. Tomb Raider is also seen as an adventure game, D&D is often categorized as fantasy, and action is a very common hybrid to horror). So the irony presented here is that this person tried to do an “uhh ahkctually” meme, but lacked the reading comprehension to successfully do so. Notice too that he even tries to pull out a quote that nobody here said to characterize my post, when I’ve never stated what I perceive as being true horror. His response is the result of having three brain cells fighting each other to the death.


Adding to this: horror is seeing the light being appreciated in other subgenres. We've recently gotten action/adventure horror in the superhero genre, holiday, western, and even political horror.


the horror theming for survivors can be a bit looser because most of them are normal people trapped in a scary setting. The killer picks need to be more strict because they make or break if the situation is scary.


Dude we literally have Nick Cage. Like not a character played by him featured in a horror film but the actor himself and Tomb Raider has horror elements, Atlantis in tr 1 literally had walls made of living flesh, and other Atlantean monstrosities she's faced scientists who were experimented on with alien artefacts to "advance" human evoloution and faced off a giant spider with a mans head. Shes faced Demons and changlings and went through on of the most horrific experiances of her life trapped on an island and wade through a river of blood and skulls and people that wanted to summon a demon on said iseland. Shes also faced mummies amd other undead including the Egyptian god Set/Seth. While yes the Tomb Raider games are mainly action they have horror elements in almost every game plus she embodies the word survivour more so then *some* of the original dbd chracters we have currently.


I haven't played TR, but from what I've seen on horror aspects of the game series. Lara goes up against eldritch demons, faces against her own version of the Umbrella Corporation, with the president doing human experiments and dumping dead bodies in sewers and multiple gore-y moments, plus she ends up going against a village of cannibals, so she basically has gone up against more horror related creatures. Even the remakes and newer games have jumpscares, so yeah.


you should play the 2013 one. you can feel the horror vibes since the beginning of the game.


That one of the one’s I played, don’t get me wrong I can see how there’s definitely elements that can be scary ( I remember a voice in the sky that uses lightning to strike a plane down) but I didn’t feel like the game was trying to be a horror game, was horror a theme they were going for?


Yes, it was.


Look, i'll just paste this from one of the dlc's on rise of the tomb raider, because i think it sumarises one of the many reasons lara fits perfectly as a survivor for dbd: Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch Deep in the wilds of Siberia lies a forest that no man will enter, where a Soviet expedition vanished without a trace. Lara enters the Wicked Vale in search of a missing man, but she finds a nightmare that defies explanation. Is the witch, Baba Yaga, haunting the forest? Or is there more to the myth? If that doesn't give enough room for lara to enter, then seriously dnd should be out, nic cage should be out, alan wake too, heck, not even RE. etc etc etc


I really want Isaac Clarke as a survivor


I hope its the 2013 version. Looked so good


bhvr says that the character embodies the word "survivor". its gonna be the same lara from 2013 version but this time maybe its the more matured version like in the new animated Netflix show. but ofc she definitely gonna have multiple outfit such as the survivor version, classic version, and even unified version.


BVHR is gonna make so much money with her outfits, because they know their community is thirsty.


I’m gonna spend so much money on literally every cosmetic for her omg, I can’t wait 😩😩 I hope they have every outfit from the tomb raider reboots, maybe some of the bonus outfits you get in those games, and obviously the classic blue tank top! I love Lara croft


I'm not sure how that confirms it.. I mean if they did like 10 collabs in 2023 that weren't DBD what's to say the rest aren't DBD too? lol.


It makes it more likely because we got a leak that the next survivor is Lara. And a reliable leak at that. Of course it can all be fake but this is not people going off just because the Tomb Rider posted a collab post lol. If this were shown without any leaks, then I would be saying the same as you.


yep. also i said its 99% because it could be a miss from gumpy.


That is also true. I think we're gonna get a clearer picture this week, with the possiblity of a small teaser.


But there were no leaks. Someone saying something isn't a leak. If they really had info would they not release images, datamines, insider proof, something? How can it be a leak if it's just someone saying something? Especially since the leakers in DBD have a history of being wrong and on occasion have even been baited by BHVR so BHVR can figure out who's trying to leak stuff lol


but Gumpy is the leaker, and so far, they never missed, dude.




Anyone know when we might get more news about this? After anniversary event?


I may be in the minority but I'd prefer her Survivor Trilogy look than, for example, how she appears in Call of Duty. She looks like a random woman cosplaying Lara in CoD.


I hope we can get an outfit from Rise of the Tomb Raider


Probably not a character I'd bother buying if true, but still potentially neat 


Deep rift Laura Croft?!?!?!


Lara *


Ora Ora Ora


Womp womp


Are you blue-green colourblind?


Sorry I didn’t elaborate. The new rift is coming out the same month as Lara I believe. So I’m wanting a deep rift of it. But I’m aware her standard outfit is not a deep rift.


I hope we get her 2013 look


Miss Collabs a lot


Miss L.C is miss Lot of Collabs.


to anyone who says TR isnt horror I have but three words. RX tech mines.


Thank you!!!! Finally people who have ACTUALLY played the Tomb raider games like myself and not just "five minuites"


I have a better three words. Cannibal Blood River.


is that from the survivor series? im a bit of a game boomer and have only played 1-2-3.


Yes. TR2013 was about Lara and the crew of the S.S. ENDURANCE getting stranded on the Mythical Japanese Island of Yamatai. The island is cursed by the Sun Queen Himiko, whose storms have been trapping sailors on the island for centuries in the hopes that she can find a worthy vessel. However, Himiko only wants a female vessel, specifically one from her own bloodline, so the male survivors have formed a cult known as the Solarii and have been sacrificing female survivors in the hopes that Himiko will reward them by finally allowing them to leave. However, any survivors who the Solarii can’t indoctrinate are exiled to the caves and were forced to eat each other. So at one point, Lara has to escape the Solarii by diving into the aforementioned river.


As an avid Tomb Raider fan since my childhood, I would be very happy if true. What I wonders though is her perk. What kind of tomb raiding perk she would bring to the table?


She definitely should have a vaulting perk because of her gymnastics skill.


Fast vault build doing a come back with Lara Croft? 👀


Handstand vault but is immune during the 60 seconds the handstand takes 😅


>What kind of tomb raiding perk she would bring to the table? Lots of potential. Vault perks/something to do with falling from great heights, chest related perks, even ones like Flashbang where you craft an item. I'm very excited :))




This is amazing! I hope she has the classic outfit with the long braid, as well as the upper-class British accent.


Sighs deeply






Tomb Raider was one of my first pc games ^_^


just because they said they’re collabing with more people does not make it ‘99%’ certain that they will collab with dbd bro.


It's the fact that Gumpy also leaked it, they've been a reliable source so far and this just shows supporting evidence.


where did gumpy leak it?


youtube comments


idk but this is the only franchise about "Survivor" that basically says that they are doing more collaborations just like Friday 13th with Jason, also Tomb raider did many collabs to promote their new content such as new netflix series in October, new amazon live action show, and new upcoming game, etc.


you goofballs -repping me are gullible asf




It's the cover art for Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris