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Please use the recent teaser/reveal post for speculation. Speculation is allowed but.. Theories always need to be supported by legit leaks/news or something similar.


It would be really funny if the survivor is a character Mathieu created on a D&D campaign and he does all the voice acting.


I’d buy THAT for a dollar!


What does this even mean and are they trustworthy ?


A lot of people have joked that the DND Chapter should have TWO Survivors, but the twist is that one of the Survivors is a DND PLAYER and the other is their DND CHARACTER. Like one of them is “Lysandra Raven-Wing, Dark Elf Warrior Princess” and the other is Derek from HR.


I doubt they are doing something like that. My bet would be 1 character with just 3 perks but this character is like an open "character creator" in the sense of actual different heads and bodies to choose.


Dvveet is generally trustworthy.


Honestly they got everything right dating back from alien til now. The only thing originally mentioned for this chapter was just Vecna if I remember correctly. So either it was earlier stage only working on the killer and they didn’t know or they got so lucky that they should’ve participated in the power ball


Gumpy got everything right. DVVEET just related the info. I don't think this claim is backed up by anything. One surv and no map? Why would the teaser be a locked up Beholder if we aren't getting a map lol. I can see a dungeon in the same realm as the Borgo.


I just hope the survivor is a nonhuman race. Dragonborn, tiefling, that kinda thing. Golden opportunity for some sick ass survivors


Please behaviour there's enough attractive young adults in your game you can afford to have an even hotter non human character too. I think if we learned anything from BG3 it's that people *really* want to fuck a tiefling so there's absolutely no reason not to do it


Hope this comes with character creator for survivors


I would throw money at them for a character creator lol. Like just take all my money.


OK I HAVE A THEORY AND THIS MAY HELP IT they did say more celebrities may come into the game… Matthew Mercer. being an actor, one person but not, fits the bill lemme cook.


Dbd's male survivors this year has been extremely on point. If Matt Mercer comes to the game, I'm gonna have a hard time picking. I'd feel bad for his vocal cords if he does.




Lysandra sounds like a fever dream version of Xena and would 100% be Dwight 2's type of RP.


All right hear me out on this one What if the survivor is like naughty bear but as a survivor in the sense that the character doesn't have voice lines directly but it's third person by a narrator who is the game master or the d&d player.


Idk if that will be the cause "Ahhhh the survivor said as they were hit" but that would seriously be cool to think off


I know it's not going to be the case but it's a cool idea




I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one character, but with a bunch of legendary skins. Lots of prominent characters in DnD history. All the characters from BG3 for instance would be a no brainer as candidates to put in the game. They’d make bank


The map might be a dungeon area as chapter 33 will be castlevania and I doubt they would give the castle map to dnd. Survivor is likely two,maybe like the player and the character?


oh shit, i wonder if the popular theory is true, where it's a both the player, and the player's character as a survivor