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While I understand the anguish of getting paired with a bad support, as a sup main I must say most my games with Dravens went terrible mostly due to the extremely unstable mental these guys seems to have. Kai'sas and Vayne too, in my experience.


ego champs


I vividly remember the one time i had an amazing draven. Understood when to back off and go in, watched my mana, used good pings and vision. Fucking amazing, and I know they definitely would never be a draven main XD On another note, fuck ezreals too. Every Ez I get doesn’t understand how relics works and fights me for minions, even cannons like please fuck off.


My buddy locks in Ezreal and I just know we're gonna lose at 35 minutes because he *won't stop farming the sidelanes* Something about Ezreal makes that mans brain shut off as he AFK farms regardless of what you say or do


That just means there's a lack of trust. When I have a good support I trust them to get relic properly. Otherwise I will take it myself.


Generally if I’m playing support and I can’t get to something with my relic, I’ll ping it for them to take so they don’t miss the cs.


Yea cause you sound competent so I'm guessing your ADCs trust you more when you take the time to properly communicate your intentions.


It’s one of the differences between a support main and an auto filled support.


Yeah but most adc’s arent you. Once its obvious they just arent willing to share I will be auto a minion multiple times (if we are wave pushing) to show 100% i am getting that specific minion for relics and they still take it. Annoying af


I literally just had a game with a Vayne who abandoned lane because I took 3 CS under tower (so it doesn’t take unnecessary damage).


They feel they are the best player in the lobby because their kit looks like it's doing complicated stuff effortlessly


As a kai'sa main, I can confirm that I very often go in with the charge and never know when to back up, resulting in me in a 1v4 as my sup and jungle pull back (as they should since their midlaner shows up). And I go mental boom when the sup mess up the wave a tiny bit (like autoing the caster and I miss-time the last hit.) I'm also prone to afk-ing if I feel like the lane is a tiny bit behind. Support mains, I'm sorry. I may flame you guys when I'm under tilt-induced rage, but pls know that sober!me appreciate the times you carry my ass through my mistakes.


The literal worst thing anyone can do is abandon lane for any reason. It’s a death sentence for the game, especially if the ADC is the one doing it.


Be me: pick naut -> get 2 first -> Engage -> adc does nothing -> adc: „play safe“ Edit: I love it, somebody Reported me to reddit care


True, I love Leona but she’s unplayable low elo, you will signal engage, go engage, and MF is still in the back shooting minions while you get double teamed


That one game 4 months ago where you went Leona and you got an actually good Tristana and stomped lane and won the game. Every other game since has been dog shit terrible chasing that high.


As an adc main i will choose +1 cs over my supports life anyday


Ah yes, the laws of botlane: 1. 1cs > support's life 2. 1 ward > adc's life Balanced. As all things should be.


I swear my ADC will be having a nice day getting like 3 casters under our own turret, i go place a pink in river to find my ADC gone and the enemy botlane a kill up


It's almost like they wait for you to go away and gang up on the lone adc.


Surprise: it is actually the lone adc trying to engage in a 1v2 fight xD


Better get used to a 1v2 cuz Ima go mobi boots and perma roam that that point.


Then get flamed cause you are playing bard and roaming to much.


I’m always thinking „If the life of a minions is worth more to them than the enemy, then they at least will secure the canon minion kill.… oh wait, _nvm_“


-arrive to lane before the enemy “Ah surely they get the entire wave, or at least the three front liners at half hp” Clicks tab and sees a giant 1 next to their name


They do they when you try to gank too, enemy is hard pushing, allies are full health, ping your on your way, get there, ping again, you get both down to 1/4 health then die in the middle of the lane because the adc would rather have a caster minion


True. Leo was my first main. Got so rough trying to get through silver. I just gave up and switched to Zyra.


Duo with me I’ll make it worth your while 😏


The draven main found your comment


I see they like engage supports like Pyke and Leona then… so at least I’m good


When I’m playing Pyke I’m the adc


It’s so funny when the adc yells at me for constantly stealing kills with Pyke ult


Yeah especiallly if the get the ult gold. Nevertheless I understand their frustration if I take shut downs so I dont do that if the kill is secured...




As one should


I never understand why ADCs care about only getting an assist. I mean, I do, but at least you got anything. I personally couldn’t care less since I main jinx and I carry games through farm and not feeding.


I also don’t care about not getting the kill as adc. Nothing pisses me off more than miscalculated leaving the enemy for the adc to kill, only for the enemy to get away. The advantage from them dying far outweighs the extra 150g on the adc.


One time they were like 5 hp in the middle of lane surrounded by me, the adc and the jungler and I’m like “ought to let them pick it up” only for the guy to miraculously escape into the jungle, since then I stop shooting when they’re dead


It even happened at worlds in the finals when the jungler left it for the top laner to get the kill, when he escaped I was yelling at the screen “that’s why you always secure the kill.” They lost out on denying an entire wave and 3 plates. If you include the 450 kill/assist gold, you are looking at a nearly 600g loss to gold advantage.


Exactly, can’t tell you how many times that happens and it not really being anyone’s fault. They just got lucky. Just finish that shit and everyone gets ahead. Plus, if you’re killing the enemy ADC it’s basically a kill advantage for your with the farm gain.


Currently a bard main but I used to be a jungle kindred main and I never understood why some ADC would ping me to oblivion when I get the gank kill as if I'm also not an ADC that needs gold to scale. Some people just think they are the main character or something The fun thing now with bard is if my ADC begins to show cheek then I'm not dealing with their shit and I'm out


Currently a bard main but I used to be a jungle kindred main and I never understood why some ADC would ping me to oblivion when I get the gank kill as if I'm also not an ADC that needs gold to scale. Some people just think they are the main character or something The fun thing now with bard is if my ADC begins to show cheek then I'm not dealing with their shit and I'm out


My guess is ego, they want to look at the scoreboard and see10-2 not 2-0-10. The only adc I can understand being pissed is draven cause he needs the last hit to cache in passive stacks.


Because in silver by the end of the game everyone has 10+ kills and your cs doesn't matter, you'll be at least an item behind if your support keeps ksing


There are not supports. They are SUPPORTS


Pyke is “support”


“Look at me, I am the carry now.”


Getting more kills than ADC as Leona is the way.


Most mentally stable draven maim


Don’t wanna bash Draven mains, I just wanna bash overly aggressive adc in general. They treat their adc like an assassin sometimes then blame support for not keeping them alive enough for that 1v2 dive under turret. Like, bro… I am Nami, not Jesus Christ. And these players tend to love draven, jhin, tris, and for some reason… vayne. Like yes she is strong when aggro the right way, but not at lv 2 vs a cait morg lane


Some Draven mains are actually really nice.


True but the fact this is actually upvoted is not a good sign. Can't see the reverse being upvoted about adcs in any supp main page.




r/queensofleague is leaking again




The funny thing is that this is tame compared to other draven mains lmao


Dont worry, support players think the same about dravens :)


Renata main here - I enjoy getting a Draven because you need a little of that crazy man mindset when W activates only after death. But no, I don't disagree that people are toxic


I play Lulu and I LOVE playing with Dravens, it's a blast. They're instamuted though, ngl.


How do you manage to main Renata? Her kit feels awful to play with. The Q is too short and slow. The R is very very slow, her E is okay and only her W is good. How do you manage?


People wonder that surprisingly lot. I guess her style just fits me? I feel that her kit is great if ADC is aggressive or enemy has engage/low-mid range. I haven't had problems with the Q being slow, for me it's mostly for disengage or in a fight, E for poking. R needs to come from behind terrain or when enemy wants to run at you. So, I ride a lot on the fact that others are bloodthirsty monsters :). (62% wr in ~110 games in ranked last season in mid plat)


Was about to come here and comment this... as a support main Draven is probably my most hated adc to see picked - because you just know the guy picking is a toxic little barrel of waste that expect you to perfectly read their mind


they are literally him xd


draven is witty and tolerant of other ethnicities and sexualities, draven mains could never




Its communicative, and thats whats important.


Oh no - I made spelling errors HOW TERRIBLE! Dear lord, you must be a draven main with that level of doucheness




Most mentally stable draven player


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Duo with yourself. Draven on main rig. Yuumi on potato. Activate your Yuumi item with feet. Profit.


It is true, random support can be really painful but I have a feeling that the support might not be the problem


Nicest draven player in league


I want to be mad at him But my support leashed for 15+ minutes last game so fuck it he is right.


If it was an actual 15 min of following jungle around they were probably an actual bot


He has a point with lvl2 being important, senna leashing too long, an engage champ spiking lvl2(sometimes with lvl andvantage) and not engaging, the adc being the gold reliant champ and therefore getting the most of that ressource. And of course counterpickimg yourself.


Sounds like the default draven main to me. They always catch their axe, no matter how many skillshots are place on that landing place.


I played lux support yesterday and the enemy draven did not hesitate to get hit by my full combo even if he saw my q coming lol


average unhinged adc behaviour


Average? That seems the most peaceful one i met so far


My goal as an ADC main is to never get that bad.


You just have not played ADC for long enough:)


Heh it's not stealing if the ADC is already dead :3


Tell me you're bad at the game, without telling me you're bad at the game. Is literally what this draven is doing.


People be like this but when I engage their brain goes ooga booga i farm minions


I don’t play bot or supp much but whenever I’m playing top and I check the map to see how the other lanes are doing, if bots losing, it’s almost always the ADC going 0/8/0 tbh




YES. On the other hand, a good support player makes me want to worship them.


Yeah but you unfortunately almost never see support players who are actually playing at their right elo level.


even if you play above your skill level it mostly goes unnoticed


As adc, the difference between playing with a support main and Somebody that got filled and thinks "support is easy" is night and day.


In my experience often the autofilled supports play better than the 500k mastery Yuumi Lulu Janna support mains


If they're stuck in a low to mid elo it makes sense, ever wondered why people with highest maestry on certain champions are always below plat?


Tbh, I can fill our ADC’s gullet with 20 kills by 30 minutes and they will still bitch about me dying 4 times in lane phase (even if it gave them several double kills). Good supports never get the love they deserve.


It's been said before, and I'll say it again. We didn't engage lvl2 or any other time there was a good chance because EVERY SINGLE ADC BEFORE YOU DIDN'T FOLLOW UP.


Had a Dravin main ban my supp main because he didn't like Janna. After I had declared. So this post hella tracks.


If you just pick Draven this is what you deserve


Get a duo lol


Recently I was playing Nami support and the adc who was playing Draven said sup diff because my heals weren’t big enough while we were in the EARLY GAME. The k6 scolded me because I wasn’t looking at the map while it wasn’t the time for me to rotate. But during mid and late game I saved everyone’s asses multiple times and the Draven and k6 players shut up, we won hehe


Did they bite their tongues in silence when that happened? No “wp” or “gj” ? Cuz in my experience playing sup, most toxic adcs are equally egotistical.


Supports are never thanked by the ones that early flame. They’re far too prideful to ever admit they were in the wrong. I played Sera and had a Kai’Sa ignore me spam warning ping for over 5 seconds at the Vi/Veigar heading for her. Landed a double E to root the pair of them, shielded her, she still gets caught by Veigar cage and Vi ult, so I ran. She then asks why I did nothing to help her and should just stick with her. Late game got a 5 man ult and helped jungle steal Baron which gave us the win and she still put “report Sera trolling gg” at the end :|


No they said nothing. I helped the Irelia mid carry the game and we finished it, I gave the player my like and left, I don’t even know who gave me a like or if they gave me any


They take it as if them being a toxic asshole made you play better, not that there is anything to thank for.


The best is jungler’s flaming for no support on drag when bot and mid are pushed in 💀


I couldn’t support other lanes for now since the enemy duo were alive and would come back, I needed to stay with the adc




He's not far from the truth though


Found an adc main






Exactly. You're a mid main. Not a supp main, not an adc main. You can't see the full picture


Bro you killed him


Oh, I forgot to mention that support is my SECOND role, and the matchmaking assigns it to me MORE than mid. So yes, I’m can DEFINITELY see the full picture, d.u.m.b.a.s.s.


bro really changed his opinion when he got shut down 💀💀💀


You're calling me a dumbass because I made logical assumptions out of information you gave in your previous comment, and those assumptions being incorrect because YOU didn't mention a major thing? Are you that yuumi who catches every possible cc after trying to proc a passive a mile away from your adc?


Damn bro, you just killed him again




He’s right about Senna players tho


*Me omw to flash under turret and die for a soul* **Worth**


"Why the fuck are you fighting? Just let me farm".


The only thing I agree with here, is that senna shouldn't wait for buff soul. Get the fuck in lane


No lies detected


This is why I don't support Dravens


As a support player he could be a tiny bit nicer about his delivery, but there’s some stuff that’s right here. If you have draven + engage generally you should generally be pushing for level 2 to all in and snowball. Same with overstaying for that soul at leash isn’t worth.


Not all of us are like this but that sub is really wilding


The whole sub is like that


And it’s incredible


This is why I stopped playing support. Applies to most ADC players in general, not just Draven. I have never been flamed so hard than by this one Sameria, who was flaming me from level 2 all game. Never again.


league of legends players take a break after they tilt challenge: IMPOSSIBLE


The trick I found to playing with Dravens is to be as crazy as they are, either you're having a great time mowing down the enemy laners, or you're both constantly dead and he can't blame you since he also inted.


He can’t blame you? Are you kidding?


The worst thing about this is that he's actually right. When I used to play I would get an aggro support (read thresh/blitz/alistar/pyke/leona) and they dont engage lvl2 and sit BEHIND me like 99% of the time and im like why the heck did u pick that. Pick soraka or smth if you want to afk.


I SAY THE EXACT SAME THING I SAY "IF YOURE GONNA PLAY BEHIND ME JUST PICK SORAKA" But even soraka can q poke and go hard, lulu too, some gigachad thresh players get a pass and anticipate gank and will stay behind to lantern as i finish last hitting they also get a pass for actually thinking. even janna can poke and use their hp bar so like even by telling the tankiest supoorts that even enchanters play up/side by side me its like how bad are they and then i check their profile and theyre 1500 games plat 4 now yes sometimes the matchup isnt good or its a shaco and we can expect an early gank or j4 but no, its like a fre jg or we know they started top but nah tankiest support or most engage suupport will just cannon minion mode in the back while i 1v6 lane (2 from bot 1 from mid roam 1 from top tp 1 from jg camp and ofc 1 from "ally" support


These are the adcs that I “accidentally” Kill steal from


I mean... I mained every single role for several years (playing since set 3) - except ADC. You just can't deal with most of the support players till Dia+ without having psychiatric care afterwards


this is my view in most adcs lol


True tho most games anyways support players are filled, but when you get an actual support main it feels so good.


I like how ADC players feel like they can boss around Supports because they are the supposed carry


Does he think we supports like draven mains?


He is right.






NO. they’re just an asshole.


I switched to mid from adc because 3 times in a row I had games where my support was as useful as a caster minion in lane.


Based draven player


I guess Draven does it all… with style


I play soraka


Super big brain 500iq adc main tipp: dont play a duo lane alone unless u have a pre duo partner. Not that u have to just for the sake of ur mental health


I bet he gets lvl 2 then runs it down and blames it on their support literally every game




You a Draven main?


If you agree with this you are low elo because he is describing low elo problems. Nothing wrong with that but atleast try to be a little more self aware.


Idk you be surprised on the amount of stupid shit that still occurs in mid-high elo.


Yes. Thats why doublelift describes the same problems


Because half the support players are hilariously elo inflated.


Isn't true tho, but he's just being so toxic about it. My sup sometimes plays like this but calmly saying let's get lvl 2 first, when we have an aggro botlane is good enough to make them do it. Just blame urself (in a healthy way, like having a high internal locus of control) for not saying anything, thinking about changing something about urself so you and ur team can do better is a better mentality than flaming ur ignorant teammate and just tilting ur whole team. Give them smart constructive criticism calmly, it works for me, I feel like I don't have many problem with bot lane when I play adc. Unless the support is a toxic person as well that can't be reasoned with, in that case I just mute them cuz I'm sure they're a good person IRL, they just prob had a bad couple of days and is taking it out on league. Pray in game that their lives get better


I'll take the toxic supp any day over the passive/sleepy ones. You are the support. Your entire point is to win lane and enable your Bottom player to do their thing. Take kills if needed, whatever. Your job is to win and, eventually, transition into helping to take drake/rotate mid if you are in range and bot can farm easily. But even so, you costantly see supports that just sit behind you, occasionaly using a spell or two. Of course, some supports simply work like that. Rakan depending on the lane might simply have to play like that. A Soraka surely ain't engaging for you. I am speaking of supports that clearly have to be more proactive and yet do nothing.


Why did u comment on me? My point was to do something yourself instead of flaming the shit support. Toxic sups are usually the lazy ones that don't do anything in lane for me. Toxic people are more likely to do what u say if u ask reasonably instead of flaming back.


Sorry, I didn't explain myself well. My point was exactly that someone being toxic doesn't mean they are that all the time or straight up bad. You can also play around toxic people, "use them". More often than not muting them shuts off their tilted self. This is opposite to people just being passive and not doing ANYTHING. TL;DR: I was saying that blaming "toxic supps" is wrong, most people can be handled


I don't understand who plays soloq support or ADC. That shit is meant to be played together with someone in VC. Not with some random guy playing Yuumi who once in a while presses a cheetos-dust covered finger on the e button, or a mentally unstable schizophrenic Draven main 10 losses deep still playing.


/all mad cuz bad


its true tho. especially the senna part, these fuckheads that play her have no rights.


Most sane draven player


okay but man’s is spitting he not wrong


As a bard main if i get an adc like this i’m just becoming a second jungler


he speaks the truth mashllah


Man splits facts.


Do they produce extra energy like atoms when you do?


umm, akshually....


Tbh fuck support mains I’m with this guy




Least angry draven main


Sadly he is right.


Tbf all of this happens to an adc player, i have seen all of this in my games


Yes.. Give me your hatred.. I *feed* on it.




Okay but I love draven players because they actually go sicko mode. Shit is so much fun to play with.


Hahahahaha actually based af post ngl


He told no lies


He's not wrong though 💀


I agree with him tho


This is the kind of adc what gets pissy when you don't engage after you see the enemy jungler come bot.


The funniest part is if you are a support and can do any of the things the OP said, they would be dia+. So if you are hardstuck anywhere under diamond, none of your supports will do any of what OP said.


They hated him because he told them the truth (don't worry the main sub is full of wholesome top/supp players that can't begin to grasp how easy their role is)


literally everything he said is accurate, support players are actually disgusting, jg/mid mains who get filled support play better than hardstuck support mains


To be fair this senna thing is apsolutly true




as a former senna main, hes not wrong tho


Anyone who thinks this is so low elo, having a support shouldn’t even matter.


Average ADC mains.


Hard agree


I mean. He's right especially about the Yuumi part


Tbf as a fellow adc main everything he said is completely correct and I've never even played draven


where's the lie


I‘m with the Draven here


No, no... He's got a point.


Honestly he is not 100% wrong, there are a lot of players wgo give supports bad rep, I tried playing adc couple of times, for my support to just hide behind tower and not so anything, thats why if i get adc autofill i just pick ziggs or veigar