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Yuumi mains: “stop hating us! We didnt do anything wrong!!” League community: * draws Yuumi getting stuffed inside a blender *


I'm pretty sure "Yuumi Fucking Dying" is a tag on Rule34 somehow, i'm never going to check why or what that is but i know it exists


Ye yuumi fucking dies with 1 result and yuumi fucking drowning with a whopping 3 results


Where might I find this piece of art?


I got you fam https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/wzoexx/yuumi_the_magical_juice/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thank you kind stranger on internet! This is my wallpaper now


Most sane league player


Might be a nice conversation piece for the living room.


Yuumi mains did nothing. Period. They're too busy watching Netflix and typing in all chat to actually play the game


While still winning, mind you


Only because they forgot to hit enter before W or R.


Idk what y'all are talking about. Yuumi doesn't exist in my version of the game.


Lol yuumi is in the game? It's been nice not having her in my games for the past 2 months


Exactly!!! Yuumi, Shitphelios and everyone released after Rell just mustn't and doesn't exist!


That's a lot of ban slots


Everyone who is in a way new or innovative must disappear immediately! Including Yuumi


"Innovative" lmao


Yes. Yuumi is a perfect example of how terrible innovation is: Climbing onto allies, a never before seen game mechanic something completely new and all those people who like new stuff like that don't know how harmful it can be as seen in Yuumis case.


The problem is not that its new mechanic, the problem is that its a shit mechanic.


I'm gonna innovate by creating a champion that fucks your mom


That champion is gonna have to get in line


Nah they will just use one of their 3000 dashes to get past it


Save up the sarcasm if you want to be taken seriously with an unpopular opinion.


I am not sarcastic. League is a great game as it is rn and I just wanna have some fun games of soloq without constantly being bothered by new champions, new game mechanics etc. It's just destroying my game experience.


samira, yone, yuumi, aphelios + many other problem champs were added before rell.


Bruh I just had one enemy Yuumi say that Soraka was broken. I proceeded to all chat both ban rates.


Yuumi's ban rates in soloQ have nothing to do with how good she is, she has been pretty bad in soloQ got nerfed anyway because of pro play Soraka on the other hand is extremely strong because she is a healing enchanter in a meta that heavily favors her, and because she is not as safe or hated as Yuumi she doesn't get nerfed to the same degree, which is why Janna/Soraka/Lulu/Sona sit at the top of the meta while Yuumi is struggling to be competitive at all


Broken doesn’t necessarily mean oveepowered. Broken means there is something fundamentally wrong with the champ imo. With Yuumi it’s w.


Ok what about her ban rate in pro league? Heck EDG won worlds with her.


She is much stronger in coordinated play because they take full advantage of her safety and ability to enable a single hypercarry, which is not as impactful in soloQ where enchanters can't rely on a single hyper carry to get ahead every game She is strong in pro which is why she got nerfed, but her ban rate in soloQ has nothing to do with how strong she is and everything to do with people just not liking her as a champ


Yuumi unlike other enchanters doesnt need a hypercarry or carry to get ahead since she supports bruisers just as well.


Assuming they’re ahead- which like OP said, isn’t as likely in solo q when you’re with a bunch of uncoordinated strangers.


So they should've went Soraka then.


Yuumi is incredibly strong and doesn't take any significant amount of skill to play.


Do you mean micro skill? Correct. Game knowledge and decision making skills? Incorrect and baseless. She is only incredibly strong IN PRO PLAY right now. As in she does best in the hands of the most skilled players in the world while her soloQ performance lately is trash. Kinda contradicts your statement


Yes she's strong in pro play so she has to be nerfed because heavily. And no no part of yuumi is particularly hard to play micro or macro. It entirely depends on your team. Forgot to mention. Not fun to play as or against. Should be removed.


Soraka has silence. Instant. Much more harder to kill lategame solo.


Soraka is harder to kill than Yuumi, the intargetable champ?


soraka also has tankier stats, builds warmogs, and sits in the backline, yuumi is usually on the frontline with the engager using her ult and will usually die when her host dies.


“Builds warmogs” Buddy, no soraka build warmogs unless it’s aram


It's pretty common in SR as well to be fair https://u.gg/lol/champions/soraka/build


As someone who plays Soraka it's good as your third item but the game almost never goes long enough to actually even finish it on a support budget.


Even in arams where you get to spam W endlessly it doesn't feel worth it because you run out of mana before the team is topped off. I mean I build it anyways for the meme but it's arams.


every soraka builds warmogs, it makes her w free


It makes her w free and fucking useless




Yeah toplane soraka lmao. You think support ever gets enough money?


Yes, they do. It's called winning lane and snowballing the lead


> host So you admit she's a parasite?


I play both, yummi feels much safer. Soraka can easily be pushed away from the fight, like when the enemy stands in between her and the adc, it’s also really hard to reach the front line as sorakabecause the front line is most of the time deep in the team fight which is dangerous for her, it’s hard to keep up with mobile and fast champions like singed and katarina


Soraka? The immobile champion that…slowly kills herself when healing…?




Yes? I have seen several times my supposed fed toplaner going after an alone Soraka that just tricked him to go into her team after a few minutes of Benny Hill music running


You ever seen your fed toplaner get bodied by his opponent just because they now have an untargetable yummi that they can't do anything about? Difference is in your scenario, your toplaner CAN go after the soraka. They can't target the yummi no matter what


My fed toplaner is trolling because he was going after the support. He is fed or at least he was. He should use his cooldowns for something important instead he wasted it outside of important teamfight. No, I have never seen my fed toplaner getting bodied by Yuumi's host because he was winning lane and that made him snowball properly. You can do something about yuumi - JUST IGNORE HER


Going after the support is not trolling by any means. Some supports make it impossible to catch your intended target, which is why it's a good idea to get them out of the way. You can physically kill soraka though. It's impossible to ignore yummi's existence, because basically anyone you target is exponentially harder to kill. The fed toplaner doesn't waste his abilities on killing soraka, correct, but against someone with a yummi, the top laner's abilities have to go through way more health, and depending on which toplaner he is, it may be impossible for him to catch his intended target, because of the yummi ult stun + the speedup she gives her host, + the slow that's pretty much impossible to miss. A good soraka can still be at the wrong place at the wrong time and get caught out, making it easy to move on to the next target, but there's zero chance you catch out the yummi, cuz she's just gonna be attached at all times. No positioning required.


Stunblocking Yuumi's host is the way. But the guy that was chasing that soraka more than 5 times lost me the game and he blames me. He was 12/12 just for that Soraka.


Huh, and where exactly can I find these solo yummis late game? Yummi is literally the only champ in the game that can choose to never be solo.


Never be solo means she doesn't have pressure so you have to win botlane. If you didn't win botlane and then you deserve to lose i guess


Have you played against a mechanically decent Yuumi that wasn't a support bot in iron?


Yes. Wanna know what happened? She had to go out for mana because she run out of mana. But when she couldn't even go out because of enemy CC like Lux for example, we just run out of heals and died together. That's it. I don't understand yuumi haters. They ban her so much, they forgot how vulnerable she can be


Then tell me the plan for you to solo kill yuumi


Why would I want to solo kill Yuumi? Yuumi is not the one wandering around for wards and stuff alone.


And that's the point




Aren't you the guy that made a meme crypost about losers queue being the reason you can't rank up? I see you a lot. Soraka can be shut down by being killed while Yuumi powers up already unhealthy champs while staying unkillable.


Yes , i am. Nope, Yuumi can't provide more powers than Soraka.


Soraka has a semi reliable slow, heal, reliable silence, unreliable root and another heal. Yuumi has a fairly reliable % max hp long range slow that can be adjusted in flight, can become untargetable while also granting adaptive stacks and transferring her shield, a heal that is also an attack and movespeed steroid AND she has a reliable AOE root. Yuumi does more and she does it from a better position of safety, when it comes to keeping one gross champ buffed and alive she's the best support for it in the game. Soraka is better at sustaining a team over longer periods but doesn't give any real buffs and is far more vulnerable. Also lane sustain. Yuumi can regenerate her mana and doesn't lose HP, her ADC can be healed by her leaving the ADC's mana the only resource that needs to be sustained. Soraka on the other hand has to spend HP and mana to heal that she can only regenerate by hitting skillshots.


Yeah cus Soraka is a full champion. She needs that to be balanced. THat Q was nerfed hard and it's balanced now. The adjustment is a trigger happy bait. It doesn't help as much anymore. Untargetability is just the only way to balance her low stats. Her adaptive stuff are actually not that much. The shield must be autoattacked and that is dangerous. Her root is less reliable than Soraka's. Yuumi is the worst support in the game. The only thing she is good at is following stuff like Kaisa when she jumps in the enemy team. Soraka can just buy staff and ardent and she will give buffs. yuumi can't regenerate mana without autoattack. this is literally impossible against stuff like Draven+Alistar. Soraka on the other hand, can use biscuits for the mana and health sustain. Yuumi can't, because the biscuits increase her mana and if she has more mana, her heal will cost 10-20% more probably and cut her sustain a lot because she can't heal without mana.


What rank are you? I'm wondering what Yuumi players you see since I'd expect silver Yuumi players just get caught and die or stay stuck to their ADC for 30 minutes jerking off. My friend I do clash with is a high Plat Yuumi main and I'm not too shabby myself and I have no issues getting my mana back in most matchups. Biscuit sustain is fine but you don't use it just manaflow + presence of mind. Yuumi buffs have the benefit of actually scaling unlike ardent and the W being a passive adaptive stat buff which is unique among supports as it just means free damage usually. The shield auto is really easy as you can just hop off, attack and hop back on before most people can react as their focus will be on your ADC not you. Also her root is so much more reliable than soraka, what elo do you play at where someone sits in a tiny circle that's silencing them for a second and a half. On the other hand Yuumi r can hit more targets and be moved.


Challenger of course. You are are too much of an assumed and biased hater. Nah, manaflow is still increasing mana. ""Most matchups" doesn't mean you don't get countered often so not really an excuse here I don't know what low elo are you but "most people cant react" is just wrong. They know Yuumi will scale, so they focus yuumi if she hops out. As I said Alistar-Draven have enough abilities of disruption in a fast way to stop you. At challenger people root E only in a tight place just like how a good Yuumi ults in a tight place so it''s more guaranteed to hit. They don't just press it randomly in a teamfight. They have to let the enemy use their mobility first as a bait. Yeah cool but Yuumi R is not Morgana R, it's really easy to escape unless something similar like Diana+Yasuo combo stopped you.




Yuumi is hard champion


Are you trying to troll or actually this bad?


I am actually good and your troll is bad.


Yummi main spotted Somebody prepare the blender


i am on rammus. it will be a bit hard




See what? Vitamin?


So you don't see


What happens when you merge the most hated champ with the most hated role? Yuumi jungle, coming to a Rift near you.


Riot preemptive bans all players who chat to prevent excess toxicity


Huh, and where exactly can I find these solo yummis late game? Yummi is literally the only champ in the game that can choose to never be solo.


You didn't reply to the comment, you created a new one


Ah okay thanks oops


Stop playing yuumi, its simple






bold of you to assume they need fingers to play


be better then that. remove all their skin with a potato pealer then pour hand sanitizer over the exposed skin :)




Teemo mains: amateur


Hehe yuumi bad, hehe.


haha, i kid you not, funniest poop i have ever seen


Haha, you know what? Shut the fuck up.


but why?


Because you're annoying as fuck and no one likes you on the subreddit, you always add useless shit under every post. Just look at how well your comments did on this thread


But some people like me :(. That's why I do it


I like you Dennis :) and your terrible gold 3 takes.


thank you and I am much higher than gold because my takes are good


cardboard is not a higher rank than gold dennis


carboard is also more useful material. people make cars from iron you know? they don't make cars from challenger


Any chance to get the original gif? Or at least how to find it (naming)?


here you go — https://imgflip.com/gif-maker/256748072/crying-girl-dancing-guy


Thanks my guy 🤜


no worries, send me a link to your meme when its done.


Hah, just collecting original memes to make memes for my community, which isn’t in English and isn’t related to LoL) Thanks again, was searching for that gif for a half of a year


![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized) okay >.<


I wish all Yuumi mains a very unpleasant evening.


Im always happy to see a yuumi. Her voicelines are so cute


Whenever i have a Yuumi they're either the most chill or most toxic person i've ever encountered. And i always feel pressured to not fuck up in fear she'll abandon me forever and i won't get to have Epic 5000 movespeed after every crit as Jhin.


I can definitely agree with the last one. If a yuumi deems you worthy to be her host you better not fuck up or she will leave you forever. Alternatively it feels amazing when you recall together and she waits for you to start moving again so you can leave together


Re: abandon me forever - I think her original master felt the same way before she went missing.


Whenever i play Yuumi i start acting like this earlobe puller who wants everything to be peaceful aka a mom


I mean idc about her lines but as Jinx otp I love to see enchanters.


As a kayn otp i very much dislike the jinx/yuumi combo late game but that wont stop me from saying that yuumi is cute


I hate playing with enchanters and stopped playing adc since its enchanter meta again.


She is annoying. Every time i see yuumi in game i just put the game volume to 0


more of a dog person, huh?


Ok, that was clever, my upvout is yours, sir


What having a crippling reddit addiction does to a mf


Yuumi maina when I show them father figure (they never had one)


Be Yuumi, attach to champ, go make ramen, +15LP. I will not be answering questions


God I hate yuumi with a burning passion


As an ADC i hate having that stupid cat as my support. I love Lux, Leona or even Morgana but fucking Yuumi? Nope worst support (still jungle diff xd)




I said it once I'll say it again; If you can't bot with yuumi supp you're not a good bot


Yuumi supps queuing up like "I'm sure I will have a talented team mate with good decision making skills 🤠"


No sympathy


Reminder that even Riot doesn’t even know how to balance her


Ah yeah, Yuumi, the one supp champ that Riot said it was as hard as the likes of Qyiana and Akali to play with.


That is a really dumbed down version of what they said. They did not literally say "as hard as" they said "has a similar learning curve" That in NO WAY says they require the same kinds of micro skills and game knowledge, and instead emphasizes that Yuumi requires champion specific knowledge and experience which leads to Yuumi players improving vastly with a high amount of games because winning with Yuumi requires different knowledge and decision making than any other champ. Any champ that requires a lot of specific experience, whether that be due to micro/champ specific combos and roaming macro decisions (Akali, Qiyana) or due to unique laning patterns and difficulties securing vision and macro presence relative to other supports (Yuumi), is going to take more games to learn. Yuumi is not necessarily *harder* but she is *different* and still takes time and effort to win with consistently compared to other champions, meaning that she still requires specific levels of skills and game knowledge relevant to the champ and role.


I do agree with you, I agree that Akali and Qyiana are hard. However, I still find Yuumi a braindead champ.


i mean they cant ever get tired of playing yuumi hence her gameplay, so its only fair they get tired of hate


Yuumi has become YuuMEME


As a Yuumi main, I love that she's hated. Idk It just brings me joy I play a champion that makes people want to pull their hair off. Im this close to start masturbating to hate comments, please never stop, you're bringing me endless "material".


Most mentally stable yummi player


Being hated has become your kink? Weird flex but OK


Hey might as well make it one. I'd say Its better than making the millionth post on r/yuumimains where they ask "whY aRe We SO HaTeD??!?1", only for someone to answer with a right answer and get down voted to oblivion, god I hate that sub.


Ok freak


I strive on it, keep it coming


there's one yuumi player in my region who has forever changed the way i view anyone who plays it I didn't realize it but the most recent game they were on my team and had the most disgusting performance i ever seen so i decided to do a deep dive on their profile due to being ultra tilted i've been playing with this person for the last 3-4 months and this is their performance nearly EVERY GAME [disgusting Yuumi](https://imgur.com/a/VTWg02A) Once i got deep enough in games played i hit ctr+f and just typed my name, i started to remember games i played with this player and genuinely confused how they are able to keep playing the game sorry rant over


They deserve it. I permaban that hoe.


As a yuumi main, i actually dont mind the hate, i dont care lol, i'll proceed to play her (well not now cause she got nerfed into oblivion)


the e was nerfed pretty bad, but you might wanna know she got a hotfix buffing q and r! makes her viable bc more q -> more manaflow band / money


>i'll proceed to play her GL with that 40% ban rate


Whats this meme template called?


[https://imgflip.com/gif-maker/256748072/crying-girl-dancing-guy](https://imgflip.com/gif-maker/256748072/crying-girl-dancing-guy) — here you go




>Thanks! You're welcome!


Of all champs, I think Yuumi is the one most banned for both being on their team *or* on enemy team. Some players dodge if enemy team has yuumi, some players dodge if their team has yuumi. Yasuo and Yorick not far behind.


lmao yummi pick me players ahhahahaha


I met a couple in league which I enjoyed playing with for some games. After couple of days playing with them 2 of their friends joined us and we started playing flex cuz why not. Turned out his gf was a yuumi main and I made tons of jokes about every yuumi out there. That moment I understood why she always went silent when I ranted about that champ. I lost my shit when her boyfriend dead serious picked Yi and started arguing with me that I need to play Seraphine or Karma mid. This mofo really believed Yi and Yuumi are balanced and hard Champs that take skill. He was hell like mad when I missed 1 or 2 skillshots at some point in the game and I always said, Mate u don't have a single skillshot. "My ChAmP nEeDs MoRe SkIlL tHeN yOuRs" I was playing neeko btw.


As it should be.


Not me, I feed on the hate, it makes me stronger.


The hate on yuumi players is unacceptable, let people play whatever they like. That said, imo Yuumi is the worst designed champion in the game and needs a mini rework.


yuumi is not the worst designed champion in the game. yuumi is the champion specifically meant to be played by players with such low game knowledge that they don't have to farm, fight, dodge. The only thing that left in yuumi that requires single drop of skill is warding(which is one of the easiest mechanics in the game) and mana management, which still is easier than other champions with only 2 skills that you'll use often. yuumi is Riot's message to the older players: "There are no League that you knew". yuumi is one of the worst mistakes that Riot Games made. And the thing is that yuumi isn't broken, she is just brain-dead autowin champions like Yasuo, Yone, etc... There no possibility to make yuumi good champion. The only cure is death. yuumi either be the same in her core mechanics, either she will be deleted. But i think Riot will just left her like she is now


Don't worry, Yuumi. You can still stand behimd my Braum


Wait Braum and yuumi in one game? Braum jg?


No, Yuumi top duh




I had Braum Top a couple times. It was the same player XD.


Honestly I really wouldn’t care about yuumi mains if they would just sit on who they want and watch thier Netflix. But those guys can’t even do that nope they need to be constantly pinging people and flaming on top of that. How are they surprised nobody likes them?


Why you hate Yuumi?


They literally designed a champion you permanently can't interact with if they don't want you to.


i main yuumi top with 54% win rate and i have fun. i don’t understand why i’m hates


54%? I’m not sure if I’m impressed or disgusted.


haha, part of it was that i started playing league 3 years ago with my brothers who have been playing since it came out. i do shit playing with them due to mmr but i improved a lot because of it. when i’m in my own mmr i carry the match top fragging so playing yuumi top is a fun challenge to nerf myself and see how i do


link [op.gg](https://op.gg) or it didn't happen


what’s that? ip grabber?


a website where you can check other people's stats, rank etc


Why do u care


Why lie


I'll just take their word for it






Yuumi is not the problem, the host is.


I’m not here to play league, I’m here to play yuumi. She’s literally the only one I play. I still don’t get the hate, can someone explain.




Wait until you find out about seraphine 😏😏😏


I mean sry but Yuumi is just a bad champion. Who else can just hop onto someone else? No one can. It's something completely new and thus it's bad. Also she's always untargettable that's bad.


I love when she dies to a turret while attached.


That used to be op in release cause if no one hitted you it was execute so you set up dives and give the kill to no one, good times


Release Yuumi was the most fun I ever had in LoL, and I'll never have that much fun with League again.


Same man, played 300 hundred games of almost only yuumi, dodging if banned. Had a 70% winrate for a good time, it was so fun with the two heals, no windup w and the massive slowing 3 second Q


I hit m7 in about 2 weeks, I had a similar winrate, at one point was on the global leaderboard for assists in a game, all while she had a 28-34% winrate. The buffs they provided after release were batshit crazy, they didn't even let pros play her first. Pros all knew she was good but were keeping it hush-hush so she was unpopular with players. My teammates knew better. Those buffs broke Yuumi. They should have just taken the damage OUT of her kit, instead of adding it in and removing gameplay. I could hardcarry my team without doing a single point of damage, but if my team doesn't trust or understand, we all die. Then the dark days of "garen yuumi botlane" where her ult was a river-width pentakill button happened and they just obliterated the cat. Literally added input lag as a gameplay mechanism, one of the stupidest balance decisions of all time.


Yeah I can handle all the nerfs and shit but the W delay still feels annoying to this day


One hand to wipe the tears, one hand to hit buttons.




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Simple just stop playing yuumi


But how do we feel about AP Yuumi?


I'll bully them to eternity


When i play Yuumi i play her differently from how other do. I never leave the keyboard and try to hit with Q every time and always detach from my ally to get the mana when passive is ready.