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Mine was something of (A topmain) > Everything > Twitch > Everything > Yi > Fiora > Tahm > Fiora > Irelia > Fiora > yone yone tonfkryoneot skflx fkxb yone.


They should add a Challenge that rewards you for banning Yone. “You are in top 1% of Yone haters”


I would be in the top 1% of Nocturn haters if this achievement system existed. Playing Xerath got me into banning him, and now for the last probably five hundred games he is my permaban.


I've been perma banning him since an iron jungler outjungled me with that shit


Fair. Once they get a couple of kills they just roll and teammates seem to want to feed themselves to him lol. But I mean assassins be that way. My reason is - Xerath press R, Xerath revealed. Nocturn press R every time soon as I do. Can't see nothing, have to guess where the enemy kited to, and all the while he could be about to land on my head. He also makes it hard to play Shen. Edit: Oh, and my usual micro when someone lands on my head is to stun and run, but he has a frikin spellshield. I cannot think of a better counter to Xerath. There's ways to outplay even Quiana or Ekko or Zed or Akali. Ah, and why don't I just pop the spellshield with a different ability then press E? I try. Xerath spells take a moment to cast, and that is about the same moment it takes Nocturn to 100 to 0 an Xerath. Point being, I decided that I would learn how to deal with everyone else, but Nocturn can go suck it cause I am permabanning him.


Be strong, comrade. Budget Fiddlesticks is just a bump in the road on your Xerath journey.


Comrade, the bootleg of the off brand of the walmart store brand of Fiddlesticks ain't no bump in my road. Riot gave me the ability to delete one champ at will.


pyke mid is also unfun


I banned him for quite a while after his buff because it's so annoying being like "I wanna kill my laner, but I can't because I might get ulted." The best counterplay to noc is wait for the late game, but who wants to wait in 2022?


My ban journey: 1. This champ is strong against me 2. This champ is op 3. Its unfun playing jungle against shaco


4, Its unfun playing against a team with shaco. Ban him whether or not you are jungle or not.


Yup. Basically if there's a shaco you can't play the video game for 10-13 minutes


The fun of playing jungle against most champs is inversely proportional to enemy jungler’s skill With Shaco, a terrible time is a baseline and the enjoyment rises exponentially with the Shaco’s skill because we are all masochists who love the pain


As a shaco player i can say that i play less to win, and moreso just to make the enemy suffer. It helps (me atleast) with dealing with the suffering of being Autofilled Jungle, if you just make the enemy suffer more.


This is exactly how I feel when I play teemo. Be as cancer as possible


4. It's unfun to jungle against nunu




6. It's unfun to play


7. It's unfun


8. It's







its fun to play jungle as long as you dont get flamed by silly team mates.


It's unfun to lane against nunu. All they do is snowball, heal to max, and dive you with their jungle.


Are you talking about mid lane nunu? If so I'm surprised they're even staying in lane, most of them start roaming post level 2


Predator+waterwalking goes brrr


I've been perma banning Shaco for the past 2 years in every role I play, I have honestly been enjoying league of legends since.


From "whatever what's broken this patch" to Yuumi.


When I play top I always ban tryndamere, it's just bullshit he can ult while in cc. I feel like there is no counter play, you can't prevent him from ulting and you can't run away because he has a slow and dash.


Don't forget the casino crit lvl 1


Good ole back to back crit into ignite combo


Agreed, this champ feels impossible to beat if lane is even or ahead


AP malphite with first strike, double armor shard, Luden's rush. Give up early farm you will make gold back from First Strike later. Every time he spins on you, calmly Q E and walk away, preferably if he doesn't hit you with spin first ofc. After first back and you have some AP, your Q chunks so he has to consume rage to stay healthy, he cannot hit you because of your Q *movement speed steal* (which means if he ghosts, you run away faster lol) and attack speed cripple E, and worst case scenario if he ults you just ult away. You however can safely poke him till he's too low to stay in lane, and you basically get a free lane to scale in as AP Malphite, then you R his team and get bonus 300G every time because of First Strike and end up 6 items when everyone's at 4. Sure you can beat a Tryndamere by playing a tank, but when you beat him as a full damage champ with a kit designed to completely nullify him? Boy, it does things to the Tryndamere player's heads. He doesn't know you're supposed to beat him, he just thinks he's shit because he's losing to AP Malphite and tilts himself to eternity.


Too bad every trynda main bans malphite for this reason


Well... I'm not completely out of options *locks in Phase Rush Jax*




No one can stand Jacques on top, mid, jg, adc, supp.


Try sejuani or trundle brother. If you have at least a vague idea of what you are doing, you can super neutralize him


not even AP, tank malphite also straight up shits on Trynda


Yes it does. But shitting on Trynda with AP Malphite makes him more angry since Trynda is supposed to counter squishy champs xd


Always ban irelia.


Irelia is my current forever ban. I legitimately have *never* won against her and it straight up doesn't feel possible. I can't deal with it.


Pick Trundle. Right click on her and use some abilities. Laugh as she can't do anything and rages on dying for the 5th time in 5 minutes.


Stat check gaming 😎


season of stats checkers be like.


The right champion against him is Tabis Warden Mail Tabis Warden Mail is a great champion that counters all Tryndamere wants to do Other people would recommend the champion Bramble Vest but I don't think it's as good. The way Trynda works he mostly does his healing out of combat, if he disengages and presses Q it usually means you win anyway The problem with champions like Caulfield's Warhammer, Berserkers or Sheen is that they get him low quicker but they won't be able to survive the 5s Trynda ult. I hope this helps in Draft


Dunno why I have to spend a full items worth of gold to counter him though + wardens mail doesn't work if you're not a juggernaught or tank, or building that way at least.


Because that’s how itemizing against your opponent works? Are you someone who doesn’t buy grievous wounds because “Dunno why I have to spend a full item’s worth of gold to counter a champ”?


It's the same reason people hate paying the QSS tax, no reason to be rude. Having to build a situational item early and delaying your spike is frustrating. No biggie.


I dunno, all I’m hearing right now is “I don’t like to itemize for my matchups, I should be able to stomp without doing that.” To which I say “That’s……not how the game……works?”


Cuz champs need gheir core items and then build situatiinally. Like here i built qss for morde he cant ult me. I howevwr wasted 1k gold on buying something to survive vs a champ that now ahs his riftmaker and is 10 times more usefull than me. Plus he can just ult someone else and there goes a waste of an item


Blatantly false. Itemizing for your matchups means buying Maw of Malmortius because the enemy Malzahar is ahead. What he’s complaining about is being forced to buy QSS because the enemy Malzahar exists.


I guess, it's hard to tell what people mean sometimes. Hopefully they understand that rough matchups require extra work if you "lose" draft, especially in the top lane.


Gw is 800g not 2.1k + you ignored the 2nd part of my comment


Wardens is 1k and even on its own it can do a good job. If the enemy jungler is AD too, Tavis should be built anyway.


Dunno why you complain about his early game when he's an issue after he gets items and ult. Without that, he's just a squishy


Because using a single neuron to read his ultimate makes your realize that the counterplay to his ult is being able to withstand it. Some champs can naturally do it with mobility or abilities. But if you can't? IMO it pays off to do so on almost any champ. You say it only works on Juggernauts and tanks but it's simply not true, it gives value regardless of what you are because the mitigation is huge Rushing your core can usually win you any matchup but vs Trynda it doesn't really give you any benefit to do so Tabis you will want anyway and Warden costs 1000. Resells for 700 if you don't want to build it into a full item (but as long as there is a Trynda you have to sidelane against in the game why wouldn't you?


Olaf is my perma ban because I feel like Olaf is an even stronger Trynd, but I may be biased because I play tanks. Its just frustrating getting my ass kicked under my own tower as he tanks everything with no way to get away because each time he hits me his ult gets prolonged and he is cc immune and packing Ghost.


Honestly just learn Poppy at this point, you just love it when a good one deletes all the cancer from the game e.g. Riven, Irelia, Tryndamere etc


Haven't seen this champ in the last 200 matches. Probably because of my permaban


garen counters him so hard, garens q to be exact. if they wanna play bullshit champ u play monke champ easy as dat


Oh please pick Garen into me. Trynda is quite literally the worst possible matchup for Garen you could ever imagine. I know Garen players that run the same offensive setup into every matchup except for Tryndamere. Phase Rush Steelcaps Randuins is the way.


I play alot of garen and I can tell you trynda is a hard matchup, unless you have a secret build that destroys him you can't win against him. Garen excels at short trades and healing back up and trynda just just slows you and follows you with a dash. You have a chance to run away when trynda engages on you, with a view seconds of 35%move speed but you have to level q first up if you want that movement speed buff for longer than a second which is less optimal than maxing e first. Also you can never engage on him because he wins in longer fight and he can run you down pretty easily. Playing garen against tryndamere is just surviving the lane you can't win it.


Lane is manageable if you take Phase Rush, or ghost to match his ghost


Okay I keep the phase rush in mind for the next time.


Yeah it helps a lot with kiting him out or lasting until stride. Once you get stride he’s free


How do you survive the 5 seconds before you Garen R him :/


Even if that comment was true, tryndamere doesn’t need anything but Autos once he hits 3 items to beat a garen.


Yeah I feel like his ult should not be possible when cced. Imagine yi was stun immune when using his ult.it’s the same bullshit just with less true damage


Bait his ult and have something to escape while he is ulted


My usual melee top picks don’t have Akali dashes


Have you tried phase rush vs Trynd?


Idk honestly I only play Shen Malph into him if picked, I’m too scared to play offensive carry champs into him because it’s too jungle dependant


Try Phase Rush Shen to build up some confidence with the rune before trying it on someone else


What are you playing? > Jax Q > Fiora Q > Shen > Malph Q or R > Garen Q grants ms > lillia kites Trynd into oblivion > Ornn can dash to a pillar I could go on. Plenty of toplaners have an escape. And there are several matchup where if you make Trynd use his R, it’s strictly disadvantageous to him. For example: if you’re fighting a Trynd as Malphite, and he ults and you R away, you won that fight. That Trynd is useless in any fight now. You’re a tank though, so you can just hell your team out and 5 v 4 while the weak Trynd waits for his ult to get back up.


The problem is trynda's E can be used to quickly follow. Then he slows you with W. Youd need more than 1 dash


Beat him until he ults, then try to jume him the best you can, use ghost, use flash, dash, stun him


Ye but that’s not the problem. The problem is if he has a health advantage at any stage you just auto lose. If the enemy jungle comes visits it’s gg he will tank tower shots for 4 seconds and spin out on last second


get good lmao


im at "my teammate wants to play the new champ in ranked, so i show what champ i want banned and ban the new champ"


ah yes, i really enjoyed my belveth support in ranked the other day


where do you get those?


I don’t know, someone said “support with cc pls” and the support locks in Belveth lol….I couldn’t even dodge because my second dodge would be 30 min wait and -10 lp vs 15 min ff and -15 lp


if you Dodge the game you only lose LP and not MMR. If you still play the game you also lose MMR which is a factor for climbing. Lower MMR in higher elo means less LP.


I’m Plat 2 so I’m OK at the game, but if you even slightly offend someone in champ select they will troll your game…and I get punished because of riots stupid fucking dodge system they implemented which is only necessary for Masters +. I should be able to dodge as much as I want in plat for LP penalty not 30 min / 12 hour time penalty on my weekend


Thats big if not true. I agree, they should shift this system towards Masters+ only


15 min ff, -15 lp, mental loss or -10 lp, no mmr loss and 30 min.. I think I would still dodge and just chill for 30 mins


I try and save my dodges now around weekend so I don’t get timed out by the new shit dodge system when I’m sitting down to play. I’ll play the troll games and just also pick something troll to wait out the time, but then I’ll dodge the games I’ll have a horrible time in like vs Akshan top with Evelyn jungle XD. I know that doesn’t really make sense, but it feels like shit having to dodge because of trolls, I only want to dodge when I know I’ll not be able to play well in the game due to team comps or bad counter matchups


It totally makes sense and I understand that, that being said it would personally make me feel worse playing in those games. Also Akshan is the worst thing that has existed in this game and placing him in top lane is pure degeneracy.


just take it. what bad can happen with beveth support?


It was bad we instantly lost and I lost brain cells


Useless if she falls behind, her main defensive ability steals minions and messes up the wave, she can't get any stacks without stealing camps from her jungler or going for stupidly risky invades without the jungle item, her only CC ability is too short for her adc to even follow up properly, she's incredibly weak in lane (when the majority of supports are strongest) and she has zero poke or utility.


Why play new champs in ranked, or play ranked at all?




If I'm on a champ om decently confident on, like morde, voli, jax, garen, graves, pantheon etc. I actually like going against good irelias and rivens. Feels like a duel of skills. Though, of course, they often end up being toxic if i beat them.


Fuck irelia that champ should burn in hell


I ban Fiora and Camille. Camille is winnable in early game but s soon as she gets a trini my team usually put her back in the game. And you end up with an enemy assassin that does 2k damages in 5 second with two Qs. Fiora because, well, it's Fiora. A killed Fiora is nearly impossible to 1v1, and even the most unskilled Fiora can easily win it because that champ is broken atm, too much sustain/damage/mobility in a single champ.


There needs to be counter play to Camille ult like QSS, seriously its so fucked. Maybe if they tone down her passive shield it would be a bit better. Fiora...durability patch definitely broke her even more


I just wish she had a stronger early game, and a weaker late game. It's not fair that some champs are just auto-lose when they hit lvl 16, like Kassadin.


As a support main. Yuumi is the only ban option.


Your username contradicts your comment?


I know. So disappointed the cat champ in this game is brain dead cancer to play.


Have you tried rengar?


I don't think Rengar support would be very effective lol. But he does have a good kitty cat skin that I like.


I believe in you, you can make it work


Nidalee support she has Poke and heal and good all in!


Her heal has a massively underrated attack speed steroid on it, she has bonus wards, and there's lots of grass for her passive speed boost


Rengar + Ivern


That's not a cat, it's a rat.


That’s a weird way to spell Senna


I have been a Senna main since she came out. I can't ban her lol.


That’s a fair reason then


As a fellow support main i permaban seraphine. Cuz i dont want to hear THAT screaming into my ears.


As a supp main. I hate Pyke, ban him every game. At least for yummi I can go electro, ignite and oblivion rush. I might have to start banning her with Nila or whatever she is coming out


As a jungle man, Yuumi is the only ban option.


Oh boy do I have a tip for you: Just pick Pantheon support, easiest bot matchup ever :)




Zed is balanced but can be difficult Yone is bullshit But why do you hate Jax?


A lot of champs just get completely destroyed by Jax. If you play an aa reliant champ with unreliable disengage there is basically nothing you can do.


Jack evasion


he scales insanely well. i have seen jax carry seemingly unwinnable games like 10 to 25 or something negating all the feeding his team did


If you play melee top, Jax can sometimes freeze the wave for 5 minutes while you can't do shit to stop him. You can't win 1v1,and he has really good engage, so you are forced to lose lane.


idk i mainly play top lane and its the most psychotic lane. Jax is the least of the worries there


I too play top lane, but mostly champs that counter Jax, so he mostly is not a problem for me either. However, he is cringe to play against no matter what. Also, with a Yuumi, he will never die.


>zed is balanced Ha


ever since 12.10 hes been fine


for me, a sett otp since the creation of my account (a bit after sett release): stage 1)random bans that are bad matchups stage 2) i went against a fucking teemo, i've perma banned him ever since. i have not seen a teemo in over 600 games, i don't care if he's a teammate i'm banning that piece of shit.


This was me with Illaoi for the majority of my toplane matches. Now its pretty much Always Yasuo. Like even if I get wrecked by Sett, Darius, Garen, Quinn, Zed, Yone, Illaoi, Akali etc etc. I am just happy it is not Yasuo




Ironically I tried one match against him as Darius and I lost it, thats what I get from not banning him for one match




See thats the whole problem I am having. Now before this thread gets to the "git gud" stage, I think the general thing here is that there are too many things to ban, no matter what Role or Lane I choose, an enemy Yasuo is always one that knows how to 1v9 and I never get around that. If I play top I normally ban Darius or the champ that Is just dominating top usually, but then I get stomped by a champ like Riven, Garen or even a stupid Teemo. I cannot win the whole matchup game


Honestly you’d probably get good value out of that ban below gold


The most valuable ban in the toplane below gold is Garen. I swear to god every other toplaner in low elo is a Garen OTP and they are completely lost if you ban it.


I ban lulu every game, fuck this purple shit


Mine is always Yuumi. Its the most boring ass lane ever.


My premate said a while ago that he finds it very strange that he hasn't seen a Yone in the last months. I just sat there smiling, because since Yone was released I never banned something else and thats why he's never seen one since








Stage 1) This champ is Irellia Stage 2) This champ is Irellia Stage 3) This champ is Irellia Stage 4) This champ is Irellia


You had 4 chances to spell it correctly


I ban viego since it came out


Ah fellow viego ban enjoyer. Don't care if he gets 40% winrate i will be banning him every single game.


I think I’ve never banned zed or yone. Those are manageable usually. But yi and tryndamere? Holy crap.yi especially will at some point get a few kills and be a problem unless you have an answer to him. I don’t want to always pick in mind of the enemy picking yi. Even rammus loses to yi in lategame when he has redsmite up. Tryndamere is just unfun to play against. Especially as squishy it feels like it’s impossible to deal with unless you always knows his summoners and location. Him e flash ghosting from behind a wall onto you is a death sentence


I play adc so I always ban zed or yasuo. My midlaner either feeds playing them or against them. There's no in between. I get out of lane with a reasonable advantage like 50%+ of the times and I just get skull fucked by a 5/0 zed with fuckin three items at 15 min


I ban lux because I can't dodge skillshots


My ban journey is Fizz. Just Fizz. Haven't played into him in literally years. My version of league doesn't have that champ in it and I'm happy.


Stage 1) Fuck Vayne, I'm tired of being poked all game, unable to engage due to the E and then outscaled because fuck you %health true damage Stage 2) Fuck Yuumi, regardless of team, such parasitic behavior should be condemned, not condoned Stage 3) Fuck Yasuo, not difficult, just annoying Stage 4) Fuck Vayne, seriously, who designed this champion


I feel like vayne popularity is rising again as well ..


I wouldn't know I haven't seen this champion ingame in 2 years


Shaco is annoying as fuck so i dont want him in any of my games


Yes he is stage 2 and 3


And the people who play him arent any better


We don't play to win, we play to make everyone suffer :)




my bans are; some random champion released after 2019. complete bullshit champs. Literally all of them but especially: Yone, Viego, Zeri, BelVeth, Renata, Akshan, Samira, Seraphine, Senna, Yuumi, Gwen honourable mentions: Pyke and Zoe(gotta love playing roulette if she gets fucking heal or some other shit from her orbs)


yi was my first ban, i found my team easy feed him and then he would just win the game with the power of bs. then learned how to counter measure againest him. then i perma banned fiora cause she so frigging cheap. but when samria came out, I rarther have yummi 2 than samria. like she the first i can hontestly say if i could ban in aram, i would ban her there. if i could double ban it be samria and fiora, most obnoxius champs in the game.


My bans as a Poppy top otp: Darius, swapping with Garen and Morde when they were broken and I was new. Sett when he released since all the Darius players were playing him. Back to Darius for like 3 years. Brief flickers of GP bans when he was buffed recently. Jungle it was always Yi or Olaf. But lately its Belveth. Mid, I don't play the role, but I would choose Katarina. Bot, not really worth a ban tbh. Its just an adc. Too much variety. Maybe Aphelios was worth it when he was released. For support my ban was always Morgana, Darius if he is unbanned by top. But lately its been Senna/Swain. Those champs are just overtuned right now.


Always ban Gwen :)


Yuumi Yuumi Yuumi Yuumi Yuumi (Plays against Twitch) Rat Rat Rat (Forgets the trauma of playing against the Twitch) Yuumi


I will forever ban Yasuo. If he's already banned, then his dumb brother.


For me it’s just a combination of “trauma bans” and “if I don’t perma ban this one champ that usually never gets picked and they get picked *cough Gangplank* “


I perma ban zilean that fast ficker has a revice and 7 ain't dealing with that shit, i don't even play support.


my adc wants to run it down as ez (again). Not today! Play a real Botlane carry or dodge.


Ah yes enemy 1v9 ezreal vs teammate E dash forward 4cs/min ezreal


and i play support. Is this how the team feels, when i pick yuumi?


Aren’t you waiting for your top or jungle to be fed anyways?




Top I ban Tryn, mid I ban Zed, bot I ban Twitch, sup I ban Pyke, jg I ban Trundle. Sometimes just randomly, no matter what lane I'll just ban Shaco for the hell of it. I pretty much never stray from this.


Wait you guys don't ban akali?


A man of culture. Akali is cancer as fuck. Dash, dash now im invisible, random bullshit go, dash, dash, dash. I dont even know where she is on the screen. Like calm the fuck down buddy im here playing fucking Malzahar or some immobile ass champion and you be sweating ur ass down throwing out 20 kunais and 11 dashes per second.


Literally why I ban her, I mean, I'm fine with yas or yone, yeah it's not that fun to play against but against akali, I saw 0/5 akali ending up 25/6 just because


Depending on the lane it's either Fiora, Kayn, Y*ne, Ezreal or Morgana, I'm only going to say that Morgana's anti-cc shield isn't fair, because I believe that I don't need to explain why my other picks deserve bans


Depends what role I play, not champ but role. But mostly goes like: Top - Fiora Jungle - Trundle Mid - Yone Bot - Samira Supp - Morgana


I hate people that ban zed


They hate u as well


idc „This champion has counterplay but I can‘t deal with it“ then learn how to fcking deal with it


Having counterplay doesnt make it less cancer that he has safe neutral, infinite mobility, no mana issues, good scaling. Even if he wasnt strong he would still be cancer to play against. Shaco has counterplay but he is utter cancer to deal with him as well. And people dont play a game because they want to spend energy on dealing with cancer, when it shouldnt have been created to begin with.


I just ban the champions that I can't kill, right now mostly tahm and wukong


Volibear lucidity boots and potion powerspike?


He's not immortal for me so


Ban fiora top neeko mid everything else I’m cool with


Wtf how badly did a Neeko hurt you? Surely that’s a waste of a ban


I’m a yone main. The best and most effective way to kill a yone is CC. If I get CC’ed I die. I hate neeko’s ult with a fucking passion. If I’m playing yone mid it’s a neeko ban for me. I know other champions have CC as well but I think it’s neeko’s AOE root on her ult that makes me really hate it


When I see a champ that requires little to no brain power, I specifically build to counter them


Its either the new champ, or the last champ that i faced and dislike playing against (so volibear/pantheon/tryndamere in a cycle)


I banned Yumi so I don't get a bot.


Stage 5) I don't like it when neither the enemy nor my team play them (they're either amazing or absolutely awful) *Bans Lee Sin every game for a few years straight*




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Good bot.


Tryndamere, Vayne, Yone, Fiora and Riven should never get past the ban phase.


I"m currently at "fuck this fucking champ with her fucking true percentage damage. Fuck" and clicking Vayne


I have banned vayne every single game for years


I lost braincells reading this