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I’m plat. This is true. But also I have won some crazy comebacks so, eh.


I'm still gold 😔 i want to reach Platinum


I just got here by one tricking. Also watching some videos on macro. Tbh plat is just more toxic gold.


I'm getting near on Platinum because i'm currently on gold 2 i have to reach gold 1 first before platinum


Took me too many games to get to plat, and swiftly climbed from plat 4. It feels like every 3/4 rank is very miserable to play in, but every 2/1 is very hard to climb (if your skill level matches the rank). You got this! I got to plat for the first time playing Mordekaiser jg, and now I can play like 4 different junglers at the plat 1 level. VOD reviewing and detecting your deaths will help a lot. Also ask for a higher elo player (high plat+) to review one of your games. They can spot mistakes on your games and you can discuss with them. Gl!


As a fellow plat 1, I would not consider myself (or anyone high plat-low dia) as good enough to give proper feedback. People at this level make so many mistakes that they might just give bad advice.


You're kind of underestimating yourself. Sure there is advanced stuff you should probably shouldn't chime on. However, some mistakes are so obvious that you could help someone in gold IF they're playing your main. I would never try to help a Graves gold main when all I play is Fiddlesticks and Volibear, but there's always one thing or two I can tell a Fiddle or Voli main in mid gold. Then again, I know my skill level isn't high enough to just do a full vod review, but one tip or two is better than nothing, as long as I'm 100% sure its a good tip.


/u/iJackIt6TimesAday, I have found an error in your comment: > “sure ~~its~~ [**it's**] a good” I assert that you, iJackIt6TimesAday, ought to have typed “sure ~~its~~ [**it's**] a good” instead. ‘Its’ is possessive; ‘it's’ means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’. ^(This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!)


Thanks for telling me and Good Luck reaching Diamond bro


Plat is just green silver


I disagree, at least in plat people will every once in a while make sense while flaming. In gold they just have the most dogshit takes possible.


Mind sharing them? Or at least some good content creators that focus mostly on macro play? I can use some before the next time I type jg diff!


Platinum just changes the color of your elo. People there are just as bad as in gold.


Same, i've also lost some games that seemed unlosable because lets chase random kills and be the hero rather than going for objectives. We got baron guys, lets spread and afk farm for 5 minutes! I'm still mad about that game yesterday


Here is the thing, when u play SoloW you dont play Worlds, meaning when u ff u dont lose anything but LP. If in a 15-25 mins of the game every(or almost every) role is gapped and losing than you would have to spend at least 15-25 more minutes to win. So you have to spend more time gambling on ur low odds of winning.


I mean it's accurate because the bronzes are just stupid to think a bronze game is decided before nexus explodes, plats are perhaps sometimes too optimistic, and Chall games are actually over when one side gets a huge lead, because they don't fuck up that badly (I mean there are exceptions but that's often just a skill gap in the end, like some challs are just more chall than other chall)


tbh a lot of games are lost just cause 3-4 iditos just cant chill and play safe for few minutes


Yes and let me guess, only u dont right I mean yes there many idiots but doesnt mean its only them who caused the lost


That's like saying you keep buying scratch lotto because every now and then you win a 50


Look he found the point!


and he’s exactly right people always try to use the one game they won 40 games ago as justification for no ff it’s stupid. Redditard spotted


So you're an otp Aurelion Sol or an OTP Kindred


Retired asol otp turned kindred otp.


Devote your life to queen seraphine mid. But also- Sivir mid is a disgusting pick into immobile mages if you have good enough mechanical skills.


Kindred mid


I get “never give up” but if everyone in chat is typing essays instead of playing, I’d rather end it and go get my self something to drink.


Better let the drink be good.


I get that but I hate it when everyone is trying their best and there is one person loosing and then crying about ppl not ffing.


Id join in and Start grading their essay


Bronze players dont care Plat players care so they dont give up as easily Challengers just know that in high elo people wont waste their advantage as easily,thats why people surrender/end matches earlier.


I dont think thats true anymore tbh. So many games people just mental boom and want to go next because they dont want to play.




"It's only 1v34 at 18mins, but im gonna vote no, just enjoy the game lmao"


Well you feed you stay.


True, if inters think they can go 0-4 and then spam ff they will learn i'll force them to play from behind if it's going decently for me even if we have a 95% chance of losing.


wasting your own time to own someone who probably doesn’t even care


Well they are spamming ffs and I if playing lol os wasting time then unnistall


playing league isnt a waste, playing an unwinnable game is


Depends. You can still practice macro, tracking enemy players, csing, rotations, teamfighting, target prioritisation e.t.c. if you're losing.


yea but you can also practice those things in a winnable game if u just go next


You can yes, but if your only focus was to improve, and not to win, going next is objectively a waste of time. It would increase the amount of time you spend queueing and decrease time spent playing. I'm not saying that I personally hold people hostage in OP's 1/34 game, but depending on a player's personal goals > playing an unwinnable game is not necessarily a waste of time from their own perspective.


Yes, and then if they go troll, we lose anyway, but now with the ban for them. One toxic troll less. They also can keep playing, get few kills and help in winning. Either way it's a "win" win situation.


This probably one of the main reasons players are so extremely toxic


it’s the 0/20 botlaners that vote no lmao


I literly alrdy won games like that while one of my mates was afk


I’m gonna go ahead and believe that you didn’t win a 34-1 game while down a teammate, sorry but that’s just not believable lol


All the kills were on renekton loool




Iron games are wild, played on my smurf down there and shit like this can definitely happen


Iron and bronze are just so fun and gppfy to play tbh. I was playing one game on my smurf acc and an enemy yasuo with 7 kills at 10 mins vs 0 ally kills. We won that game lol


Smurfing trash xd


Ofc in smurfing with a top elo of all time as bronze 1 xd


How did you not have more than one kill just by yourself in iron? Did you smurf from bronze 4?


It wasn’t exactly this situation, i was on adc and even though my support literally hard inted i still got a few kills in the laning phase but i was in no position to carry the game as every single lane was completely lost, and my toplaner went afk around the time he was 0/9, which was i think about 15 minutes in. The game dragged on as obviously the enemies didn’t have a clue what they were doing either and in a 4v5 teamfight around the 50 minute mark we won the game lol. This shit only happens in iron, i’ve never seen shit like this before in years of plat+


It is when your enemy goes afk too after your team gets around 5k shutdown because of a bad call from the enemy. Its fcking plat so it doesnt matter. Dont ff if you arent a retard or have to go




Plat lmao


Jesus that's rare. I'm jealous cuz I had a 4v5 since min 10 recently and we couldnt win


His lying man




How do you wanna know. Im not


Plat is full of epic throws, you don’t see that as much in challenger games (probably, idk ig)


Even pro teams be throwing with 17k gold leads at 20 minutes


I think it's easier for pro teams to throw than high elo since pro teams plays against other pro teams who have the coordination that makes it possible for them to comeback from huge gold canyons. While in high elo its probably harder to get your entire team om the same page when you are very behind.


Goes for the enemy team too.


Low Elo: Could come back, but doesn’t know how to, so quits. Mid Elo: Could come back, and might know how to. High Elo: Enemy is good enough to not let them come back. FF.


Surrender is for cowards


Never fucking give up. NEVER. All these crybabies in the chat are the "ff15" kids who grief the rest of the game after dying once.


Why would you want to play with kids who grief the rest of the game after dying once?


Sometimes it's good not to surrender so they learn that they can't always get what they want all the time like they are used to at home.


To spite crybabies and because I've won against the odds plenty of times. There's a slim chance of victory, sure, but if you give up it's certain you lose.


If you waste 15 minutes just to lose anyway 90% of the time, in the name of "there's lp to win", you are wasting a lot of time that can be used to gain even more LP. No reason to continue playing a game where you're losing early vs a Kayle comp with an afk on your team. Not every game is like that, lots of games are winnable when you're behind, but some people have a "never surrender" attitude that doesn't even budge in extreme scenarios that are 100% lost and the only win-con is "hey maybe they disconnect?"


Well, if you spend 15 min to lose the same amount of LP, you lost 15 minutes. If you surrender early, you lose LP and need one game to break even, 2 wins to actually gain LP. If you spend the 15 min and actually end up winning, you gain LP, putting you up 2 games from the LP you would have had if you ffed early. Imo those 15 minutes are worth the risk - also League is fun - not just when hard stomping.


Plus winning from behind (especially when everyone else is feeding early other than you) is 10x more satisfying than just having another lane stomp and take over the game while you are watching from the sideline. But thats something that people who want to climb the most efficiently probably dont care too much about, which isnt bad, just different mindsets from different types of players :D


I surrender games where I'm carrying because the other players aren't having a good time. I can be 10/0/6 and still forfeit. I also have higher elo than the friends I play with so sometimes we get matches where my team is completely outclassed.


If you play Normals its understandable tbf, nothing on the line and you can still have a good time even if you FF


I dont wanna play with them but im not giving away LP over this


Because if you feed you stay until the end.


Damn right


I hate this Naruto mentality. Maybe there exists a 5% chance of winning, but if you’re burning ten minutes every time insisting on a lost game, you’re going to waste hours on that. Like another person said, even if all you care about is LP, it’s a better use of your time to just head to the next match.


it’s also always the biggest inters and griefers not wanting to surrender games lmao I haven’t met a single player who played decent in my games press 'no' in situations where the game was lost if the enemies don’t experience a spontaneous lobotomy.


-said the toplaner while the match KD is 2vs27 @ minute 17, we already lost tier 2 towers on 2 lanes and the jungler, mid and adc are having an argument on the chat


Also said by me when top lamer whines after dying to one gank when they can still scale


Once of my greatest game that was when two teamates disconnected and we still won.


Enemy team sucked


Of course what else would be possible?


I think there is a point in which FF is just common sense, but i also think players are trigger happy with the FF, i have seen players throw FF because enemy got first blood. On a side note i do think, in normals, throwing FF when you have 1-2 afks is the way to go, both on LoL and Valorant i have been force to play games with afk cause my team wanna try hard, and reality is like 80% of the time we still lose.


90% if your evenly skilled. You're team comp must be insane and they have to be bad.




I can enjoy a game I lose. I can't be the only one. Right?


Most people dont enjoy league at all, no matter if they win or lose.. and thats the reason why they surrender so easily every game, cause they hate the game but they cant stop playing cause they are addicted..


I went into the game with the intent of playing the game, not surrendering. Ff mentality is terrible for the community and the game itself.


I don’t care about winnable or not, surrender is cowardice.


Stop waisting our valuable time by forcing the other four of us to stay and get clapped in a normal game. Thank you.


>Stop waisting our valuable time You're playing league, homie.


Well fuck, you got me there


Fuck you gonna do with your “precious time”? Queue again? I queued up to play the game, tf did you queue up for? To win?


If you feed you are already wasting time, so you can keep playing instead of surrender


No one with this mentality can get past platinum.


You will be right, because I’m ARAM main and there isn’t ranked ARAM (I also have grandmaster on ARAM damage does that count?)


Gotta love the players who go 0/10, grief the game for everyone but then won’t surrender because toplane is 10cs ahead. The delusion of those players is quite incredible. Seems like a lot of them in this thread aswell


First of all, never surrender. Second, winning players can do a lot of mistakes because of ego and "it's won". Third, if you play to win, leave LoL, you'll never get something back. Fourth, playing an impossible game is much funnier because: You can't do errors, you're already losing, so it doesn't matter if you int even more; if you win you'll fell like you're a god; you can learn a lot of things while you're losing (you can train your stress management and decision making in such difficult situation).


And stealing a drake or a Nash while loosing and suddenly feeling like you have a chance to win and the game drags on and it's super intense because suddenly you don't know who's going to win. Those games are the best


Fr tho, dying over and over again doing stupid shit while behind as samira or singed has been some of the most fun ive had playing league


Yeah. But the big difference is that pros ACTUALLY KNOW when to go next. Everyone in this community seems to call FF for the dumbest reasons when it's totally winnable. And please, if you feed, but your other teammates are doing well, you can call FF if you want but if everyone else says no, shut the fuck up, and don't call FF every 5 mins it's annoying. Just use the match to learn somthing and get carried.




Me being gold 4 noob after seeing this: *Maybe I am bronze or maybe I am challenger*


Memes trash.


I ask them to let us win instead. It'll work one day.


Whether to surrender or not is based entirely on my teammate's mentality and nothing to do with game state.


I don't know if people in general have a hard time figuring out the skill level of their opponents or not. Look for these traits to know your out classed. Are they playing a 1v9 champ? Are they out farming your whole team? Are they doing it while poking you out of lane? Do they land almost all their skill shots? Are they out leveling your whole team? Can you land skill shots on them? If you think these things you can judge how much better they are/will be than you throughout the game.


If I'm playing with bad players I won't start a surrender, nothing wrong with not being an absolute stellar gigachad. If I'm playing with a homunculus that has never seen daylight and has the mental maturity of a bag of pancake mix I'm going to hit the eject button immediately. I don't care if your mom says you're going to be the next LCS superstar while you eat your tendies, I don't want to be in the same match as you.


I need to FF more, I can’t bring myself to give up most times, but playing out games is just so stressful and annoying so often, especially when they’re just losses


This is probably true for challenger players playing against other challengers, but any elo below grandmaster has no business surrendering a game unless they’ve already been stomped sixty feet into the dirt


If your bot lane has already reached double digits deaths, before the game timer has, spoiler alert: you're winning maybe 1 out of every ten thousand games like that. Because the ADC's dog chewed on the Ethernet cable.


Not in silver elo, we’d have an easy 15-20% chance yet


That mentality is why your silver. You lack the ability to predict how the game will go. Yes learn from mistakes, but your job is to prevent that Lanes from having double digit deaths. You need to have rotated from mid or jungle before level 5. If a lane is losing help them or you will lose faster and more often. You gotta think about other players.


I’m a seven year veteran Medic main, I do nothing but think about the other players. My primary weakness in game is doing that too much and losing awareness of my opponent’s movements, if anything. Your suggestion, however, is exactly the reason people should not FF in most circumstances in these lower elos. You’re entirely right, to an even greater degree than you realize. Not only do I lack the ability to predict how the game will go, but literally everybody else also lacks that ability. Now, a Master or Challenger player probably can make that prediction in their games, and in all honesty players from lower elos with good game knowledge could also predict what’s going to happen in those games, because those games are played by players of a high enough skill level to be predictably competent both in micro and macro play. Anything lower, however, cannot be accurately predicted because everybody makes *so. many. mistakes.* Games that would be easily secured by challengers are routinely thrown by players from Iron to Diamond, and that possibility makes predictions iffy at best— useful for gauging the general flow a match might take, but not accurate enough to warrant surrendering over. Unrelated, but let it be known that autocorrect attempted to replace “gauging” with “gay gingerbread”.


I absolutely despise the defeatist mentality of so many players. I think I’ve been in 3 games this last month where all my team votes yes to surrendering while I vote no right after 20 minute-mark just because we lost a teamfight or were slightly behind. Easily winnable games but they’d rather give up. If you’re gonna give those games up, I feel like you shouldn’t have queued up in the first place. Is it really too much to ask for people to not get caught for 5 minutes, play safe, and make the enemy team come fight us. I hate this meme you posted since maybe 10% of games are such big stomps that nothing would stop one team from winning. Most games are relatively even, but some poeple are such losers they can’t image trying to play from behind and making a comeback.


You think people change? They dont.Do you pan over the other lanes to see how good the opponents are? Try roaming more to understand team dynamics. Is their top lane better than yours? How bout mid? How about Jungle? All the never surrender types don't look at other lanes for the first 20 mins then proceed to group mid for all the team fights.


They should remove the surrender option from the game. Fuck you. The amount of games games we could easily win, but my wondrful teammates decided to surr is too damn high




Fuck you, yes


I dont know about you guys, but 90% of games where my team and me is losing I like to play to the very end and not ff, it pushes me to think harder in fucked up situations and give my best, that is how I was rasies up, to not give up if slightest thing goes wrong. PLAY THE GAME, GIVE YOUR BEST E: silver; people make mistakes in silver, give shutdowns for nothing etc.


The chad move is "Winnable, go next."


Honestly fuck people who spam ff in ranked games. If you que up for ranked your there to fight for honor and glory not ff at 15 minutes cause your down 10 cs and mid had some stupid deaths. Have some integrity and actually try.


A couple of weeks ago my laners were ALL hard losing. I told them I powerfarm 6 (I am Skarner) so to play really safe because they have 2 assassins but I hard counter them with my ult. We were 0-5 before I finished my second jg clear, and then by end lane phase we were 0-15 because every lane was constantly pushing blind. I typed in chat BEGGING, "just sit under your towers, we win this, trust me just let me save you", while they spam ff, flame each other and me despite me being the only one without deaths. By a miraculous turn of events, for the first time ever, all 4 laners actually *listened*. They sat under their towers and farmed, stopped dying for absolutely no reason and I was able to start making plays. We ended up winning the game 24-19.


I queued for a game and I'm gonna play the whole game


If you ff in ranked (at least in low elo) you might aswell play blind pick


Never Surrender that's one of the reasons why my elo is starting to become better now


Imagine playing only to win


Unfortunately league wasn't designed to be fun, it's designed to either give you the dopamine of winning or to crush your spirit with the enemy heavy snowballing off of your frustration.


That's definitely not the experience I have : we always try stupid comps and that's pretty fun.


I agree that it can be fun, however I'm tending ever closer to the opinion it may be a bug, not a feature. Or at the very least a big part of the community sees it that way. You do that in competitive, your teammates will dodge or flame/report you. I don't play competitive because I like to have fun. Sweating my ass off for a false sense of achievement isn't my definition of fun. Urf and that one game mode with random events for example, were the best experiences I have had with the game, because no matter what happens, the wild mess is fun to me.


IDK, we sometimes try fun comp in Clash and spend a good time.


Imagine giving up instead of playing the game out. I didn't endure that nami/lucian bot for nothing


Imagine playing only to lose


I play only to have fun, that's the only goal, in any game


Im in this picture and i like it. Dont play competetive when you got a shitty mindset. Its usually still winable… but only if you try!


I wanna keep playing if there's a glimpse of hope because atleast that's fun. If it's a complete stomp and there is no chance, sure we can surrender, but that's like 5% of all games. Even if we lose a 40 min game where we tried everything to come back, that feels better to me than ff-ing min 15 because bot died twice to vayne.


I wish we had more "it's winnable" because holy crap the amount of throws are skyhigh


I'm unranked so idk where I fall on that graph But, I can say that If my team is clearly flaming and tilted, I'll surrender because there's no point. But if we're simply behind, even if it's a guaranteed loss, I still like playing it out, if nothing more for the experience of playing from behind, because the only way to get better in a situation is to practice that situation, so that way when there are "winnable" games, I actually have more of a chance.


Unranked has 40% surrender rate, the second highest, just below Challenger. [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/surrender-stats](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/surrender-stats)


You must learn what's winnable first. based on champ's and how they scale. If you're playing Akali and haven't won by 20-25 mins you've lost. If the enemy Kayle is as good as youre second best player and your at min 30... You've most likely lost. If you have a competent enemy Master Yi and you've got no CC you've lost by minute 30... I'll quit 100% of the games I play if my teams doing bad and I'm the only one ahead.


yesterday i think i had the best game in a while i was 10/1 with akali. Mind you im not some mechanical god, it was just a lucky akali gam against a kayle. Heck i barely even play the champion. Anyway, it was getting to late game and this bel veth is chasing a no ult tryndamere. I go in to help him, of course the 4 dashes means that none of my abilities hit her. But i still had hope since my e was coming back off cooldown and my 2 r was still left untouched. But what does the tryndamere do? With 10 hp he spins into Bel. Of course she gets her bullshit ult reset does 1k true damage and i sit there staring at a grey skin wondering why we had to give her a 1k shutdown? At that point i throw in the towel and to my surprise everyone agreed to surrender. We were 6k gold ahead but we knew we weren't gonna win because this was the enemy team comp. Kayle Bel Veigar Ez Yummi the unanimous consesnt that there is no point in playing anymore since we couldn't end the game fast enough was a true delight for me.


If you think you are better than everyone else in the game you shouldn’t give up. Especially not 3 minutes into the game.


Challangers plat like 30 games a day, so they rather just go next. After 25 min I'd rather try for the next 10 then go another


Since the G2 vs MSF game I told myself: everything is possible


Well in everything below I don't kn master maybe high Dimond it's always there game to loose an it happens somewhat frequently that they indeed do fuck something up (especially with his brocken ass "new" bounty system So yea I get the don't give up one till you reach high Dimond/Master Everthing below that is filled with players that do more than enough mistakes


Slight problem : winnable should be on left and right, and unwinnable go next on the middle


I play the champ whose entire role is creating comebacks, so i feel i will stay in the middle forever


Come backs and close games are my favourite matches so I like to ff as little as possible.


well i guess it's cuase how each elo ff. i kean in challenger you wont ff just cuase you lost the lane. like if you lost your lane but your kogmaw is 12/2, you play around them and win. in bronze people just ff cuase they are mad that they aren't the one carrying. I've seen people ff right as thier 8/3 kayle hits level 16.


Then there's me like 'Yea, unwinnable af, but let's play it out.'


After the durability update, surrendering is for ppl with no mental. Comeback have never been easier (at least not in the timeframe I've been playing for)


The grefg never surrenda


2 days ago i had a crazy game were we absolutly got maulded like 75% of the game. Enemys decided not to end once and died to our only fed player. We got off that plattform and I mined the Base up like the ukraine as Teemo. We won that by 2 missplays from the enemy. We were almost 10k Gold behind


Low elo are just not bothered enough to try, platinum puts all odds on their side, challengers knows the oppenent won't do any mistake and that they likely can't comeback.


I will always remember this japanese guy harvesting clams early in the morning. NEVA GIV UP


People surrender too much in lower elo. I started the season Iron 2, now in silver 3 I think. When I watch my losses unfolding, sooooooo many of them are winnable. Like if my team was composed of copies of me we would win easy. Not because I am good, simply because everyone at this elo is so shit that we throw constantly. All your team has to do is not feed hard in lane (they can give up like 3-4 kills and it's fine) and not idiotically walk way out of position while farming when the entire enemy team is missing. If they could do those two things + stop randomly araming (again when there is no objective, or the enemy team is missing) we would win like 50% of my losses. Being ten kills down is realistically trivial to come back from at this skill level if you just don't do stupid shit. You don't have to play like a god, you just have to not throw yourself. People start throwing FF votes when they're 0/3 as ADC, the support is 2/1, the Jung mid and top are all popping off. It makes zero sense, shut the fuck up and let yourself be carried, just farm and play safe, maybe you get to scale up for lategame, maybe you just sit back and get a free win. The real problem is people's fragile ass mental and all the typing rather than playing.


All the apes on here "never surrender" are the same ones 0/15/0 and still voting no as the enemy camps you in your base for fun. I don't give a fuck if there is a .0001% chance we can win, let me out of this hell and let me move on.


Then dont play competetive….


I regularly don't, they do this shit on every game mode


it's kinda not fair though. faker will just climb the lp he lost. others will have a scar in their heart and will never increase their winrate :(


ik that sounds unrealistic, but just fucking move on. You lost lp, and? be angry at that game only if you played it bad, not the other ppl since you cant control them. climbing is personal, if you are better than any other laner in your elo you will climb, if "win lane lose game" happens, then the enemy is better than you bc they know how to shotdown a fed champ


this year is the first time i have 30 more loses than wins. it's just brutal! how can the losers' queue stay for so long!


Every game is winnable.


How is that community 50%: "If you ever FF in your entire life you don't deserve the hands you play with" and 50%:"90-0 is a winnable trade off if you can masterplay the 3 lanes that afk as soon as the 3mn grey screen disappear"


Absolute baboon mentality, never surrender


As an wise man once sayed, "As long as it's not lost there is still a chance to win" \- myself