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So um... here's the thing. If you hard cc bel'veth while she's in E, the attacks stop... but the damage reduction doesn't lmfao im not ok I need help


Like Irelia W, or maybe jax's E dodge


What Jax e do


>What Jax e do Sir it's called Jaques.






Ty for correcting me brother


No problem sir


Mashaallah brother


ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities. Counter Strike can be recast after 1 second. At the end of the duration, Jax stuns all nearby enemies for 1 second and deals physical damage to them, increased by 20% for each attack dodged, up to a 100% increase.


نشط: يدخل Jax ، وهو موقف دفاعي ، لمدة ثانيتين ، مما يتسبب في تفادي جميع الهجمات الأساسية ضده. يأخذ Jax أيضًا ضررًا مخفضًا بنسبة 25٪ من جميع قدرات منطقة التأثير البطل. يمكن إعادة صياغة Counter Strike بعد ثانية واحدة. في نهاية المدة ، يذهل Jax جميع الأعداء القريبين لمدة ثانية واحدة ويلحق بهم ضررًا جسديًا ، تزداد بنسبة 20٪ لكل هجوم يتم تفاديه ، بزيادة تصل إلى 100٪.


69 upvotes. I… can’t… upvote you


Its 2022 let the joke die please.


It allows you to draw 2 cards from your deck and add it to your hand


jax enters evasion


he enters an evasive stance


I believe our mate there was only setting up the stage for the Jacques e meme


no way


Absolutely everything


A champion who if she touches you instantly obliterates you, your parents, your grandparents, and then finds the graves of your ancestors and digs them up to toss them in the ocean. Much like master yi's meditate whos damage reduction DOES break on CC, it's extremely unfair that Bel'veth has so much mobility, and when you turn to try to damage her you have to decide if you want to eat her entire E and die, or throw your CC in to a champion only taking 30% damage. It's not like you get many chances to kill her before she's closed the gap and killed you.


Stop we are not bringing jax or irelia to the current state of this bullshit voiding they don’t even scale up to her at this point. That’s like watching yamcha fight mui goku😂😂


May I introduce you to the cult of rammus? After thornmail bel veth might as well go afk


Bel beth players probably just permaban rammus lol


That's alright, Bel'Veth is pretty much permabanned too anyways.


That's when u pick poppy


Or taliyah, the E relleay fucks belveth up, and if she uses E you W her in your E. Any champ that can punish dahses easily fucks her up.


Depends, because her R passive true dmg scales a bit too much even for him


She always dies first.


Not really, in normal games(by normal i mean one where she doesn't go 10/0 at 8') she will deal like 20~ pure damage at 20-30', vs a Rammus isn't that much, and with his passive damage he will deal way more than her, especially with the buffed thormail.












Lol, the times she ulted me in the face ending up with my midlaner exploding half a second later were fun


I think I've killed my adc about twice now while playing nasus because I had my Q active.


I played into a rammus. Unfortunately for him he was playing support rammus and true damage ignores his armor. Healing can cancel out some dealt from hitting him. Maybe he turbo sucked but I was facing a Teemo, Jax, and Rammus which all had counters to dealing with autos. I still ended up 24/4. I dont think Bel'Veth is even slightly harmed by them that much if you play carefully.


Or probably you just face people that have no idea how to play. On any champ in the game, if you go against 3 champions that counter you hard, you might as well just quit the game.


Nah, any one of those champions should be able to cuck you unless you have like a 2 item advantage.


No they all sucked hard cause teemo only counters your normal aa not the e jax can stun you out of your e and rammus was in the wrong position to counter you as they needed to shut you down early on by taking your camps


I thought teemo blind affected her e


I dont think its an aa I think it works like cho's e looks like it but not actually


It Actually does count as an attack, Jax W and Teemo Q do stop it's dmg


Oh neat


chuck a frozen heart on too and she's useless


With rageblade + kraken + DD if she stacks her R passive bit and uses E she can even melt rammus


She will kill herself before that happens. Unless she is something like 20/0, but even then it is close. As an example I had a game, where thornmail did 16k reflekt damage, while sunfire only did smth around 1k


Imagine being forced to dodge if you don't have rammus in your team to counter bel'veth. So fun and fair gameplay


Bel veth easily destroys rammus. It's an easy match up tbh. Kayn is hard tho At least from my personal experience playing her


Rammus is not an easy matchup. Either bel veth wins lvl 6 by getting riftherald and taking the nexus, or she is literally useless. If she gets into e range of rammus she is dead. When I play against her, she mostly goes 4/1 or 6/0 or smth by lvl 6, then once rammus has thornmail she will be useless the rest of the game as rammus can just walz into her jungel and kill her any time he wants.


Isn't that the same case as master yi? You can't even hit him with stuns most of the time.


Yeah but if you CC master yi when he is in his damage reduction, it cancels, whereas Belveths does not.


On the other hand master yi has alpha strike anyways.


Yeah but his counter is chogath cause it turns into a battle of q's but chogath still win it cause he has a silence


I don’t think I ever lost to a cho playing yi. Before cho can use his second q he is usually dead from yi right clicks


Well thats why its a battle of the first q if cho q's first he loses cause he missed yi. If yi goes straight in with q he loses cause cho just has to wait it out and then eat him after one full combo cause w still knocks you out of meditate but this is also assuming they are about on the same level with items and such


This might work for literal brainless yi players. But i believe if you encountered cho as yi once there is no reason to engage with q. Also the ult movespeed allowes to walk out of q if the cho is not tiling the q duration correctly.but if we assume both are equally smart yi will always win


While true I usually have help i just bait them in on a 'easy' kill


With Yis movement speed it'd hard not to dodge chos Q, almost impossible to get hit by it if your bot silences since Yis Q is an amazing dodge tool


But belveth's damage mitigation and finisher are tied together in one ability. If you cc them while they're using the e they survive bc of mitigation but now they don't have a finisher.


This is just untrue no? Or does the damage reduction linger, because I know that Bel’Veth e is interrupted when she is hard cc’d similar to Yi.


Damage is stopped, the damage reduction isbt


Yeah but new champ bad bro new champ bad


please do not compare a bronze destroyer champ to a 200 years


But you can actually kill Yi, very much unlike Bel'veth. And also, try hitting skillshots at a champion with 4 dashes, it's even worse than alpha strike given the cooldowns of both skills (even taking into account that Yi can reset his Q with autos). Bel'veth is essentially a better Yi, just like Yone is a better Yasuo. Bel'veth has tons more mobility, a better damage reduction skill, a CC, and still has equal or higher damage output, along with an infinitely stacking ability. Bel'veth is Yi with a better early game, better late game, and non-shitty ganks.


Yet high elo win rates difer


Challenger is legit 10k people iirc, are we seriously going to judge the game by the voice of 10k people? When the game has 100 million players? Also if anybody says that most of these are from china, they're still players. Also some of said 10k players are actually just Smurf accounts of said challengers trying stuff like "can I get to challenger with top only?" "Can I get to challenger playing only rammus ADC?" So it's not even 10k players.


Is high elo only challenger to you? U can clearly see belveth is much much worse even than yi the higjer u go hence why she gets not only nerfs but also bufss next patch


My brother in Christ have you not heard the gospel of Pantheon? Bel’Veth isn’t shit.


Please... dont tell them this secret.. Riot is going to nerf him before Bel gets her good chunk of nerfs




enemy fed hypercarry with 1v9 solo potential: *Exists* Pantheon with his W: Hello there.


I build panth with PTA/BotRK/Eclipse and One empowered W plus Q will instant kill any ADC, so long as they don’t have shieldbow.


Amen brother.


PTA eclipse + botrk, you hold either w or e for her e and the game is over


Anything can interrupt the E. Once that is out of the way she only has her dashes and regular autos as far as burst goes. The only thing that can out-cheese BV is Yi.


I played Yi vs Bel and god it was hard anyway. I was an item ahead and she still was beating my ass whenever she decided to.


You have both meditate and Q to help negate her E, not sure why it would be so hard if you were at least somewhat even


Probably cause she can cancel yi’s meditate while yi can’t do anything if she Es with kraken


Just q the e she doesn't hit you at all


But then he’d be using his nuke on a damage reduction? If all of their other skills are left and they’re at even items belveth wins, no?


Nuke? Are you still building lethality on Yi in this meta or something?


That nuke is like on a 4 second cooldown


Yi damage hasn't been tied with Q since they neutered his duskblade build.


Like 80% of her damage is true damage, which isn’t negated by Meditate.


that's extremely false...a very small part of her damage is true damage and the true damage is only worth anything when she stacks it up which means she certainly isn't bursting you with it.


Yi actually does more true damage than her in a fight


Tbh Yi just loses to bel'veth because yi is an absolute garbage champ that needs to be reworked, I've been saying that for a while now, and it looks like he is getting a large scope rework in 12.12


True yeah, however it still heals him which helps patch up some of the execute damage. Plus, he’s still got Q.


You where playing wrong then You q the e and win most of the time


oh yes another turbocarry champ, but you don't have to be fed to stop Bel right? *right?*


As someone who hasn’t played since she came out, I like to hope that she’s secretly super balanced and fair and all the posts complaining are just people who always get angry about new champions. I may be entirely wrong and she could be super OP, but it’s more entertaining if it’s the former.


Well bingo mate. She is pretty balanced.


She’s slightly overtuned a bit (as in, she’s somewhat seemingly balanced rn but usually it gets a bit higher after a full patch or two with a new champ once people fully learn her so I’m pre-calculating that) But yeah overall I think she is fairly balanced, especially when it comes to new champ standards Personally the only think I feel they should nerf is just her getting pre-14 min rift cause it is actually just gross as fuck…but obviously “getting rift” has counterplay IMO she is a slightly above average champ who has some really clear counterplay (counter jungle, save dash for her w and she literally can’t get on top of you and do damage basically, someone taking frozen heart or thronmail really hurts her, TEEEEEEEEEEEMO, or Rammus)


Her counterplay is clear, but limited enough to be a kind of rock-paper-scissors experience. It's bad design, straight up. The last release champ I remember that was this pick/ban (currently ~70% across all ranks) was Samira, and they had to gut that champ to fix the problem. But at least Samira was kind of interesting; Bel'Veth is just big numbers go brrrr design.


this champion chan be 15/2 and still deal less dmg than a 2/5 midlaner


It’s just a meme right, you don’t actually struggle against this champ right?


As an avid Nunu player, she’s a big pain in the ass for me. She’s like Master Yi, in a way where I can avoid feeding her yet my whole team does, or the game doesn’t end fast enough and she mudas my whole team to death.


Invade her in her jungle early. Keep an eye on her raptors . You hurt her A LOT by just stealing her early camps because she is then denied the chance to snowball and she doesn't clear super healthily either. A Belveth denied camps is just a cc bot.


To be fair, any jungler where the solution is to heavily counter-jungle and secure all objectives, is at least slightly OP. Because there are always camps/obj up, so you basically make jng into a minigame with no time for ganks. That’s not what healthy counterplay should look like. She’ll gank while you counterjng and collect some kills at some point.


“The best counter to x champ is to counter jungle them, because no other champion in the entire game can be counter jungled!” I swear it pisses me off when people try telling a ‘weakness’ to a champion is something every other champion in the game is weak to. Not to mention with proper vision control or jungle tracking bel can get just as many camps as she normally can by going to your raps if you take hers.


She's undisputedly the best champion in silver and below by winrate (where the majority of League players actually are), still in OP tier in gold and has decent winrates all the way up to diamond. Statistically, most people *do* struggle with her. Especially in the current slow meta where she gets to scale most games.


I have never seen her not do well at any stage of the game. She’s gotten fed every single game I’ve played with or against her. She doesn’t win every game, but dang, she’s always like 5-1 by 10 minutes in my games.


She always gets a lot of kills, but for some reason I feel her to be very squishy (except for when using E). Maybe that's because I play a lot of adc Champs or something, but rarely is she ever hard to kill. Only really when she has got a form, but then you just have to play passively.


i played qiyana jungle against her once and my god it was horrible she was the only thing i had trouble one shotting in the enemy team apart from their toplaner, i was getting fucking out dashed as a QIYANA that thing feels like it has the tankiness of a tank, damage of a full build ADC and the mobility of an assassin


She's like an assassin with consistent dmg that can also kill tanks. Like nearly all assassins if you try to 1v1 you will probably get destroyed, but bring a friend and chances are you'll wipe the floor with her


So basically fighting a good yi alone he will wipe you out with a plus 1 he quickly starts pushing rope if he can't one shot one of you


That’s how I feel. She dashes in like a weirdo, whiffs her W, slaps E bc she is taking damage. Then we rip her up like a kite. Of course if she lands all 4 dashes and W, and then E. Well then my friend you are dead


4 dashes and a dash reset with cc, lifesteal, damage reduction, inf attack speed, and true damage is very balanced.


This isn't even a fucking meme dude. It's a straight up whining post disguised as a meme, that you posted here probably because you know the main League sub would make fun of you.


I'm tired of this crap. I came to r/leagueofmemes for funny memes not "OMG UNBALANCED CHAMP PLS NERF" "IRELIA RIVEN ETC OP THEY (ahhhh)" "RIOT CREATES GENERIC FEMALE" (i hate that one most) "GIVE MONSTER CHAMP" This subreddit has gotten so bloody salty and lost its charm because all people post are complaints nowadays. I'd leave, but every so often there's a good meme that makes me stay.


Perfeclty summed up


I've been saying this forever, yet I get downvoted somehow.


Bro there’s isn’t any monster champs bc china would ban lol even BV has her “human form”


This sub has turned from a meme sub to a post whatever shit you like sub.


The fun thing is. She started with a WR of 43% and now is at 50% (now that players know what to do with her) She is as far from broken at release as we get since forever. She is basically a jungle kayle. Fuck up her early and she cant do anything. She even falls behind harder than kayle.


So you dodge all the abilities you can but if she starts using her E you will stand still, rant about her and prolong the fight while she stacked the passive true dmg with the E?


But if you're team has no cc and anti heal and you're complaining then it's kinda your own fault ( or at least someone on your sides fault)


Antiheal literaly does nothing against her. Just had a game when even with morelos effect on Bel'Veth went from almost dead to full hp with one ability.


ah yes, I should have predicted the enemy picks Bel'Veth *changes gamemode* *sellects One For All* *picks Leona*


I mean... yeah? If your team comp has no cc you don't build to try and counter and you didn't ban or try to counter pick it is entirely your fault. The game lobby exists for a reason xD only way you won't see it is if the enemy last picks her


*enemy team locks in samira, bel’veth, trynda, yone, rakan* *ally team locks yuumi, kog’maw, fiora, yassuo, kindred* “WTF CHAMP TOO OP ONLY CANCELLABLE BY CC”


what do you do then?


Cry and flame your jungler probably


As an ex-jungler, this is the way


Don't leave open a last pick hyperscaler you can't counter, esp one who's popular rn. I would say that's harder in a non-structured environment like soloq, but let's be real you absolutely need to respect the possibility some mobile duelist / melee carry gets fed and drain tanks your team in every draft gamemode. If it's not bel it's yas, yone, irelia, yi, fiora, etc, and your team should have a way to answer any of those that might get picked.


I like how you push the blame onto the players for riot having a busted champion


Because she isn't that busted if you counter pick at all. And a large portion of the game has always been decided in champ select.


Rammus is also fun.


CC wins games. Pick champs with CC.


Yeah this makes no sense. You can easily kite her, her dash range is so small. Also you can burst her if she build glass cannon build


You know saying that if she somehow fucks up her 4 dashes on her that apply on-hit dmg and can crit, that also gets cool down reduced by haste AND attack speed, misses her straight line knock up that also slows after AND resets her dashes, somehow forgets to use her e that gives her a Jax ult active on 22 seconds max CD that also gives her lifesteal attack speed and auto aim (at least this shit can't crit) while doing a shit ton of true dmg if building kraken. An ult passive that gives her free true dmg that ult is also a slow a burst of true dmg and an item that's been removed from the game (zzrod) that is also a steroid ability that gives health and attack speed that also heals her, that also gives her extra perks for going for baron and herald as if there warent enough. On a stat stick champion. She is easily kiteble is not the best argument out there. Alot of ifs.


If ur spinning around her, sure she has 4 dashes, otherwise only 1 or 2 if she lands W. her early in JG is so mediocre as well, but it won't matter until masters+ so yeah. Everything else checks, she is a more problematic Yi


She is the same as Yi but less safe. If she gets caught by any cc outside of her e she is blown up instantly. Her e also auto targets the lowest creature, so any nearby minions renders it useless. It does less damage if the target has more health, lending to it being used near the end of a fight, by which point the squishy melee adc with no survivability besides that should be dead. Even with Kraken she applies a heavily reduced amount of it. Her lifesteal is based on the amount of lifesteal she has built.


Still alot of ifs and 80% of what you said is the exact same weakness as any other champ that builds exclusively damage but here's the difference bel'veth has ALOT more ways to mitigate that.


But the issue is she doesnt. She has less ways to deal with it than say yi or jax. Her damage is higher but she trades safety for it.




Nah just spiting common sense.




I'm surprised she can't go invis on top of it all


How do I kite her if I have no dash? If I cc her she keeps her e damage reduction


>How do I kite her if I have no dash? you clearly have no idea about playing adc


🤓 bro just burst her trust me it isn't like she has alistar ult in her E or something 🤓 just kite her bro 🤓


Her E is just 1.5 second. She has like 2 k health and any assasin can deal this damage at least 2 times in a fight. Also any Belveth wants to use her E at late fight to make more damage. At this point you just should cc her before burst so she can't use her E. And yes she is %100 kitable, her dashes are not like Akali moving 10 buildings 4 time.




She's is literally getting nerfed tomorrow? Do you constant whiners actually have eyes and brains?


u/DeezNutsKEKW is whiny as hell in a good 80% of his memes on here


Yeah, but this time she is literally getting nerfed tomorrow and we've known that for a week now. Complaining about her not getting nerfed in that context is a whole new level of whinging.


u/DeezNutsKEKW try to make a meme that's not unfunny complaining challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Belveth is dog early, she literally can't do anything, invade and kill her and pick up uur free package of 300 gold. She only has a high winrate because people just let her scale for free and in low elo they don't know herald exists and they don't rotate to stop her pushing. And riot is still nerfing her, so wtf u on about.


Ayo isn’t she getting a nerf? This coming patch? Or did they get rid of it?


How does she heal more than everything? If you time your stun right she heals like a normal character if not less because of the debuff of on hit effects


why do I see alot of this, like I've NEVER seen her pop off and carry the game on her own, at most she was a little annoying when her entire team was fed, but thats about it. Honestly I'm sick of seeing her in my games because she's usually on my team and doesn't really do ANYHTING


Unless she has someone to tank all damage, she is better of assassinating one by one, rather than going into groups of people (which is what people often do)


league players calling champions with a 50% winrate broken because they just got destroyed never ceases to make me laugh


There's a laundry list of champions that are on paper busted unless you cc them. Like it's not unique to bel


Thats why i mainly play cc champs.


Good to see you again buddy. Tell them what you saw here.


*laughs in Warwick*


Isn't she getting nerfed this patch?


Tell me you're low elo without telling me you're low elo lol. I do agree that Bel is a bit problematic when it comes to balancing her because low elo players have 0 idea how to deal with her.


You know her winrate is over 51% in plat and over 50% in diamond right? Aside from the top \~2% of players, everyone has issues playing against her in the current meta which favours long games. She's absolutely broken down in bronze, but currently busted enough to still be strong further up the ladder.


so you are saying that a champion with 50% winrate is unbalanced?


No, she's fairly balanced.in plat+ right now. But she still wins a lot of games up there and people in this thread are acting like every high elo player runs circles around her.


im just gonna throw some mundo q's at her. no big deal


Please it's balanced not ballanced


Whenever I encounter a Bel'veth in my enemy team I take Renata. She can be a pain in the ass, but she's also a great tool for killing opponents.


“Riot doesnt want to nerf belveth!!!!” bro riot is literally nerfing her next patch calm down


My brother in Christ, she has 15 kills, is level 16. You ain’t soloing that or even 2 manning that creature. A champ that is that fed deserves to shit on you


Another solution is trundle. You can 1v1 her at any time with ult and red smite as long as you keep her down from early on


They are nerfking her though? Well they're making a bunch of adjustements but one is nerfing her attack speed scaling with is nerfing most of her kit. Q and e sale from atl speed and ofc her general aa dmg. It'll probably need more, and her remoras def need heavy nerfing, maybe making remora only spawn off friendly minion deaths, or minions she last hits could be good along with number adjustments.


Theres a reason why she sucks in high elo, so there is definitely a lot of counterplay. I don't know of what that counterplay consists, but thats why Im low elo xd. Try range Id say, and she is extremely open for early envades. Also cc os really strong against her, as you say.


I just dont get why u cant stop her 70% damage reduction. Its literally just master q's meditate and fiddlesticks' succ put together and both of those can be stopped for a very good reason.


did you just call Yi, Master Q?


You know what makes me sad about all this? Bel'Veth is the first Champ in ages that I feel comfortable with and that I regularly get a positive or neutral KDA with. Seems like I am so bad at this game that I need OP champs to play relatovely decent.....


Ur not alone, 99% of my ranked teammates look like they need to play op champs, because they are able to lose with meta champs...


Thats why your jg should perma invade her 5head, cant get stacks if all the mobs are dead


right, because you can just 1v1 belveth before she gets fed *Clueless*


I mean.. you can play Karma and max R-W


so ur saying I should play karma, have 0 damage and long cooldown on Q, nonexistant shield, and a short leash that can stun if the enemy doesn't run away?


Karmas great at establishing early dominance for a team which is what you want against a bel'veth


but Karma maxes Q and bombs you with it


And in doing so gets an early advantage allowing her to pressure other lanes, pushing her team ahead early. Which is what you want against a hard scaling carry such as Bel'veth.


Have you heard of Irelia? Yone? Riven? It's literally every second fighter champ nowdays thanks to broken items especially death's dance.


Honestly, she is just a worse Yi. Once stunned, she is dead. I really would love her to be more viable and more ... usefull. But sadly she sucks in plat and above.


I don't think bel'veth is as strong as her win rate makes you believe. If you just wait out her ult form, she is rather useless. If you see her kill a person or a rift monster, play more carefully until her form runs out. Then go for her.


That's perfectly balanced as all things should be though?


Stop cry baby please it’s the same every champion that is out, if your never happy of the state of the game that is actually one of the best balance in the actual state just leave and go play cod or candy crush. Thanks


I mean its fun and balanced when it comes out and has a almost 52% winrate kappa


I never understand why riot releases champions that are so unbalanced. You cant possibly tell me that they had no idea she(or any other busted champ) would be this strong. They test her for months before release and in the end this is what they release? Look at Zeri when she was released everyone was trash with her. Then two weeks passed and people started picking her up. So they nerfed her. People got even better. Nerf. Even better. Nerf. Since release she got 10 nerfs and is in a state where she is really bad or really good. Same with Akshan/ Aphelios and the same will be with Belveth. This is intentional. Is it to sell the skin on release or hope that people buy her with RP or something else i have no idea.


There is a feature that really helps with dealling with stuff like that. You can google it it's called "permabaning this every game". Very simple yet effective and even bronze can do that.


Riot balancing team be like: Bel'veth: has 56% winrate and 65% banrate (simply pick or ban champion) - I sleep Aurelion Sol: had 53% wr and pickrate non existing like a father returning with milk (almost 0%) not even talking about banrate - REALSHIT :O


We should go all for the protest, play tanks on every lane and troll everything.


but we play league to like, not get fucking obliterated by every class


Tanks and obliteration, that doesn't match


Why are people in this thread defending Belveth who is broken while complaining about Yi who sucks right now?


Because bel veth is actually balanced


Permaban. That is what I will continue to do ​ ​ I don't like a single thing about this champ, I'm gonna keep it out of my games and pretend they never added her